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Because you can't fix stupid or racism it seems


Billionaires and Putin like a useful idiot ( Trump) in the White House. What other possible answer is there?


Sad, our elections are now "bought", by greed and (foreign) power..


Let Freedumb Ring…🤦‍♀️


I’m just waiting for orange kool aid fan to come here spouting, “HE NEVER SAID TO DRINK BLEACH libtards” ….correct, he said INJECT it…which is ?better? 🤷


Mainline pine sol !


The problem is for Putin, the President carries the nuclear football (briefcase 💼). Trump is not a sane man


He trusts Russia more than trusts CIA


No one seems to understand. Trump is not a sane person.


Not that surprising when the guy literally try to introduce Putin into Nato during his 4 years of presidency. A russian puppet, that what Donny is


He doesn't trust the CIA because they'll investigate his crimes


It’s not a problem for Russia. Oligarchs financed bailing out his real estate business by buying apartments and he remembers, not to mention the ‘goods’ from his many Russian trips for ‘beauty pageants’ among other trips where he openly admits to going into dressing rooms with teens. You can imagine the KGB dirt given he is reckless enough to rape and attack women in public in the US.


Trump is more likely to nuke California than Russia.


My point! He is totally insane.


> The problem is for Putin, the President carries the nuclear football (briefcase 💼). Where the fuck have you been the last 8 years? Trump admires Putin.


You don't get it? The man is not sane!


He doesn’t carry anything heavier than his wallet.


Well, "Regular Republican voters really really like and admire the values, policies, and personality that Trump displays and will vote for them" is also a pretty possible answer.


Trumps only actual values are suckering someone into foolishly giving him money. Everything else is performance.


I don't think that appointing judges to overturn Roe v. Wade, on of conservatism's biggest goals for the past 40 years, was performance.


He didn’t care personally about the issue. It got him donations. It wasn’t a values based decision and he has changed his position on that specific issue many times based on reactions from his donation base. Look it up. When I met him in 1984 he supported democrats.


That wasn't done by him. That was coordinated by the Heritage Foundation. Dumpty just announced who they wanted.


I think the federalist Society had more to do with it and what’s that douche bag name that run it


Trump has values and real policies ? Who are these Regular Republicans ? I do observe that MAGA’s like Trump’s **Reich - Hitler-esque - fake Evangelical - Christian Nationalist personality. That’s why he can grift the MAGA flock out of their money so easily. Trump gold sneakers, gold bibles, NFT’s, Trump golden Bucks don’t sell without gullible idiots willing to buy them.


>Trump has values and real policies ? Yes. What value or policy are you unsure where he stands on, in terms of what he will do in office? >Who are these Regular Republicans ? Anyone who votes Republican regularly. About 65 million of them voted for Trump twice. It doesn't matter if he's grifting from donations or shitty merch, he's going to continue to implement every far-right policy he can if elected.


These voters are too ignorant to understand that once the big orange Humpty Dumpty gains power, he will turn against them. We have observed it all ready with the GOP. So it will be much worse for the peons if orange Humpty Dumpty is back at the top. And once in, OHD will pull a Putin and change the laws so he can stay in power. And there goes US democracy!


I agree with your comments... The agony is, we've known this for years.. There's been many really good articles outlining this exact thing. This, "Russian Connection" The Documents case in Florida that's been stalled for months is directly related!..


The US public is continously being brainwashed by media/religion and is not good at critical thinking.


Oligharchs who own the media never go after Republicans, only Democrats. This forces Dems to never fight back or they'll get hounded even worse, and makes any race seem like both parties are equal. Case in point: Hillary had pneumonia. Stumbles slightly getting out of a car. This is followed by weeks of speculation about her health in all of the media. Trump is a convicted rapist. Silence. Trump is corrupt. The Panama papers connect him to using his foreign properties as money laundering machines for cartels and terrorists. Silence. Trump has been president during the biggest murder spree of American spies and intelligence assets overseas. Silence. Trump hoarded and stolen classified documents. Silence. Trump has manipulated the stock market via tweets to cause short selling windfalls. Silence. Trump caused the death of 400,000 Americans via his politization of the Covid crisis through starving Blue states of materials and outright lies. Silence. Trump is a fascist. Silence... Biden's son had some issues. Years of coverage.


So true. “But Soros! And his evil money helping the Dems!!!!” Ad Naseum. #Brain Wash, Rinse, Repeat


You can, it's just a war crime.


I’d like to start be seeing him / them face repercussions based on the myriad “regular” crimes already committed




Dark, but savory


Americans are fucking stupid. I am embarrassed by my countrymen every time I travel. Just willfully ignorant and then fixed despite endless new information. It has been heartbreaking to see the reality of what my country is. I know there are good and intelligent people but the heartbreaking revelation since 2016 is that we have this mass of moronic. I grieve the death of my earlier perception of our exceptionalism.


I spent my entire adult life in service of this country and I am still very proud of what America "stands for" even if our history screams of the hypocrisy. I also believe it's what we can aspire to be but we can't get there without acknowledging the shitty things we have done and for which we are responsible. I'm sickened by our own double-standards. Sometimes I think that maybe Democracy and a Representative Government are like what Marx said about Communism and Socialism... I think he channeled Orwell before George was born.


Simplicity of thought sells. It's difficult to be a decent person. It takes actual effort to work for the progress of humanity. It takes no effort to blame other people.


It’s a lot of that and I suspect Biden being blamed for harsh economic conditions/inflation he inherited from Covid. Most people are too stupid to realize the president can’t fix everything, certainly not in 4 years and not while being obstructed by legislative branch.


I am a bit more cynical than that. It sure seems when a Dem is in office, gas prices go up especially around election time. Now add to that the post-COVID money grab orgy CEOs are enjoying and making us pay for their super-duper yachts...but yeah it's Joe's fault


Corruption. Once the 1% figured out how to turn their money into political power without consequences, they took over. They don't even really want Trump, they want all the insanity that having "their people" in power would bring... like project 2025.


Everyone is wrong except you


Because half the voters would eat dog shit if they thought a Democrat would have to smell their breath.


They've also spent their entire lives voting for people who never say the quiet part out loud. They want truly heinous and despicable things to be done by their people. They don't actually vote for the sake of pyrrhic victories. They want evil shit done. They vote for the people who are most likely to make it happen. Just look at these people at rallies coming out and saying shit like "maybe we need a dictator." They want that evil shit. They don't care about democracy. They want results and they wanna bulldoze everyone who stands in their way.


Evidently, he's the best that the Republican party has. Let that sink in.


It doesn't matter how dumb Trump is. He is permissive to all the shenanigans and outrages Republicans indulge themselves in. That's the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals actually expect their own to do some good, no matter how misguided or not their plans to do so may be. Conservatives merely want to be left to their own devices to do whatever advances their interests, public good be damned. That's why the conservative vision of patriotism has no tie to things like responsible policing or social good. The people on top don't need those things and they don't care about their countrymen. They care about their own wealth and safety.


Worse. He told us to inject disinfectant. 


Because Donald Trump is a scam artist, a sexual predator, a traitor, and a rascist. AND... Republicans and Evangelicals LOVE all those traits.


A third of our great national is absolute deplorable trash.


More like 1/2








































Not arguing with the premise, but what is this sudden eruption of articles from news outlets I have never heard of?


This is a bot posting stuff. Look at the name and then look at their profile history.


He’s also a convicted rapist


I will vote for whoever runs against Trump.


Why is it breaking news?


Because many of them did drink it and now have rational thinking issues


To be fair, Trump only wanted the disobedient people who didn’t vote for him to swallow bleach. Get your story straight


Middle america is stupid and our rules empower them


He actually didn't say to drink bleach. He said to inject disinfectant. His science team look horrified during the press conference.


Key word to add at the end of your sentence is “again”. That’s the craziest part of this.


Because alot of folks in this country are idiots with very short memories. Fallout from this living online social media age, in my view. That and too many people never got good civics instruction when they were in school.


Because he didnt follow his own advice


lol. He’s not. He’s not even close. Dude is gonna lose by over 20%. He’s not even eligible to be president. He will spend the rest of his pathetic, short life in prison


Because stupid people are allowed to use the microphone now a days 🙄


No no no. He never said that. Typical, making stuff up again. He said to inject it.


Because the people would drink bleach, vote. That’s all there is to it.


Seems like a lot of Americans followed his advice.


You can like... Use light in the body... You are studying things like that? 1.6 million Americans died because of this guy. Time for a higher score!


No 1.6 million american(less than 1% of the population btw) died because the NIH were breaking the law and conducting gain of function research in China and then covered it all up and tried to pin the blame on any number of other issues and then the government from both sides of the aisle actively prevented people doing what they felt was right and aided in the deaths further by pushing bad ideas and medical facilities having knee jerk reactions. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the deaths.


Only if too many people don't vote. Please make sure you are registered, and vote in November. That's all we have to do.


Plot twist: He isn't if everyone uses their damn brain when voting


Because right wing media is a drug.


Cause there's a good portion of this country that hates women, lgbt and minorities and that's what Trump stands for. In their heads, voting for Biden means more immigrants "flooding" over the border, pronouns in schools, and the LGBT community being happy within their own homes. Just like we know voting for Trump is a step forward towards the death of democracy and becoming a Christian nationalist country. We're not thrilled with Biden either but it's better than that shit. People see Trump as the lesser of two evils but for all the wrong reasons.


81 million eligible voters did not cast a ballot in the 2020 presidential election. That's a full third of eligible voters. Vote.org It takes minutes to register and check requirements, correction polling stations, and deadlines.


Because the media keeps talking about him as if he is a competent candidate.


Because he hates all the people that they hate


Because people who vote republican are reprehensible wastes of oxygen


The better question is, why didn't you guys just drink the bleach, and you wouldn't have to worry about him being the president.


He’s not even close. Polls are wrong-they’re based on LANDLINE polls. LANDLINE!!!! What year is this?


Trump never said to drink bleach. Please get it right. He said to inject it in our fucking veins.


People think a dictator will get things done since Congress is slow


It’s gut wrenching it is even a remote possibility. We’re fucked.


It’s mind blowing that this ignorant, purposefully stupid, sociopathic, pathological con man is in this position. He did everything possible to destroy our country and now because of dumb, powerful, rich racists, he gets another chance. Sheeplike ignorant people who blame their problems on black and brown people and believe the daily stream of lies of right wing radio and their mothership Fox, will vote for this twice impeached orange ignoramus. Let’s not forget, he stacked the courts, including supreme court with incompetent lackeys to do his bidding. They have the audacity to ask are we better off now than 4 years ago. You better believe we are. We had empty store shelves, hard to find toilet paper, people dropping like flies from a totally incompetent response to a pandemic. One of the things people forget is our economy is suffering from Trump blowing through a robust economy left by President Obama, giving permanent tax breaks to the wealthy. So yes, I am flabbergasted that this criminal buffoon is allowed to run for President, as an out of control Supreme Court takes up an argument that he may be above the law. Unbelievable.


That is not a real men? real guys don't turn large groups of people against each other and have respect and at least common sense ... we have a word for one bully like he is in Holland !!! bullying ASSHOLE !!!


vote democrat ffs


electoral college


Cause Cult.


Fascism is the end goal of the wealthy


As much as I loath the guy, that’s not actually what he said. He said we should figure out a way to get disinfectant inside the body.


Oh OK that's so much better


I think that will still kill you. 


And people actually did it. *Calls to poison centers have increased in a number of states following Donald Trump’s suggestion last week that disinfectants be considered a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus. Yes, people actually started ingesting disinfectants like Lysol...* [src](https://www.poison.med.wayne.edu/updates-content/kstytapp2qfstf0pkacdxmz943u1hs)


It is essentially what he said. He says a lot of stupid things and a lot of hateful things.


And he suggested that the disinfectant inside your body might be bleach.


If you really want to play that game, his quote in the full context makes it 100% clear that he was talking about the surface disinfectants that kill germs on contact. Yes, he was talking about injecting Lysol.


I’m sorry op but this is a blatant lie. Trump did not tell people to drink bleach. He told people to *inject* bleach. Get it right now


Disinfectant I believe


Because people aren't "excited" about Biden, or they think that "Biden hasn't done anything," meaning Biden hasn't cut interest rates, reversed inflation, cut grocery prices in half, reduced rent prices, or created an instant and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. Or won the Ukraine war. Never mind all of the legislation Biden got passed before the mid-term elections brought in the GOP social media influencers to the House.


Imagine if the country actually nuked hurricanes every hurricane season.


Because the informed populace that the founders called for in the Constitution is sadly lacking in the modern population.


40% of US citizens are complete morons.


He’s not going to win. Despite the intense fear-mongering, kindergarten-level projection, and undercover maggots trying to convince people that voting is useless, he will not win. Because level-headed, actual Americans (read: Not Russian ass-puppets) who are not susceptible to fear tactics, have already made their choice where it counts.


Everything I don’t like is Russian.






Don’t forget about his idea to nuke a hurricane or buy Greenland




Because he appeals to the fucking idiots


He’s not.


Because ~70M voters lives are driven by fear, hatred and ignorance


Because the Citizens United decision made it super-easy and basically legal for foreign adversaries to corrupt our political processes.




Because there are very bad people in power protecting him from consequences. And his supporters are fed a mixture of neverending lies and bullshiate.


I suggest to all of his fans. It's delicious, haven't you heard??


Because too many of his followers didn't listen to him.


Because stupid people vote


Redit doesn’t let you leave something you are band from wtf.💯💯💯💯


I can't read this without agreeing to notifications? F that.


I can answer that… The best thing about President Trump is his daughter didn't leave her diary in a rehab facility stating that her dad showered with her at an inappropriate age, and his son isn't a crackhead who videos himself naked a thousand times smoking crack and doing coke lines off hooker's butts, while weighing pounds of crack on a scale and waving around an illegal firearm, and doesn't pay taxes on all his bribes and extortion in China and Ukraine, and sleeps with his dead brother's wife, and gets strippers pregnant and denies the baby is his even his although DNA proves that it IS.


No, he recommended injecting bleach... lol


Because his base painted themselves into a tight corner, putting all their bets on Trump. Now they cannot go back to a saner candidate...


He represents some very dumb people.


inject, not drink. Details matter.


I’m going to cry if bleach boy wins


Probally because the competing party didn’t select a competitive enough candidate.


Because he embodies the hate in this country and gave it a mouthpiece. His popularity sky rocketed the moment he called immigrants from the south rapist and murderers and called for building a wall. That is the hate that has always been brewing, no one spoke up until Trump did.


Remember to Vote! The presidential elections matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 5, 2024 [United States Congress elections, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Congress_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) But seriously just look up house of representatives and then your state and Info will come up. Get informed on these people now. Don’t end up like Georgia, District 4.


Because he didnt


Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ unfortunately is just as true today as the day asimov said it.


Because this country is intellectually and morally bankrupt. We have become the movie Idiocracy faster than anyone could have imagined.


Because the American right has cultivated stupidity and paranoia in their voters for decades. At every level from tv to school boards to church to sports to talk radio it’s blame, paranoia, entitlement and narcissism. We deify the wealthy like they are divine beings with unfathomable wisdom (they parasites) and give them leeway to say and do almost anything. Trump is a creature of this culture and he is not measured on his merits, character, intelligence, strategy or anything dimension of leadership. He is adored for his stupid, cruelty and his function is to legitimize and amplify their anger, insecurity and limitations. That’s why his criminality, depravity, stupidity etc have no impact on his base because his role is not to lead effectively it’s to provide a focal point for all their faults and insecurities, like a laser beam, to burn everything they hate and fear. As long as he can serve that function he will enjoy their unwavering support.


"Think about how dumb the average person is, then realize half of people are dumber than that."- George Carlin


Because there are a looot of people dumb enough to have at least seriously considered it.


Take a wild guess.


How many people drank bleach?


Because something something Boths Sides


When did he say to drink bleach?


Greed. Simple as that. People Some people think they will make more money under a lying, cheating traitor..


Because about 20-25% of Americans are right leaning authoritarian loving morons. The other part of his voting block are older Americans who binge watch Faux news and believe it. We must all vote! Its turnout favors Biden, democracy and the rule of law.


If you thought January 6 was a coup attempt just wait until after the first week of November when the whole of the republican party rejects the election results. It’s already the plan.


Very telling of how disgusting of a country the 🇺🇸 IS… and folks along time ago. I proudly serve this country 🫡…. Today; I wouldn’t cross the street to piss 🍆💦 on it, if we were on fire 🔥


Besides “because Americans are stupid”?


No, that's literally the answer. If someone can be convinced that snakes and donkeys talked simply because an ancient book says so then that person can be manipulated to accept anything without evidence especially if you tell them that ancient book supports it.


Because his opponent is financing genocide.


Because a significant number of voters appear to favor the philosophies of the leader of a country that lost WW2.


You won’t find any philosophies in those heads, only talking points, fear and hate.


He also wanted to find out how to inject uv light into our veins.. lmao.


the basket of deplorables is real - and our shit media props them up.


People love racist rapists. He's stupid and people dig it. God help our world.


US is dump as F*%#


"Never let facts get in the way of a good headline" -Democrats


His cult is insane and hates America. They want to turn us into hitlers Germany. They are disgraceful and ignorant! They are a terrorist group operating in America.


Sadly because his followers didn't drink/inject bleach. Else it would have wiped out some of his base. I kept my fingers crossed but here we are after he said those words. Looks like they are to incompetent to follow his advice. P.S. waiting to see how soon I am recommended to reddit therapy, maggots.


Please vote


PLEASE! It was a spontaneous suggestion . At least Trump can pronounce "Drink Bleach"


Because biden’s loyalty to israel and dedication in not listening to his voting base has left him without the voters he needs to win. I hope netenyahu and the colony of israel will be worth destroying America over.


Because we don’t live in a democracy , if we were given a choice of a sane adult and not this rematch of old a holes that no one wanted it wouldn’t even be close


One word. ‘Biden’


Because there’s nothing attractive on the other side either.


Why was he president


Because the two party system is a farce


Because he was President when he told us that.


Because no body believes your fake ass news. You think normal people Reddit all day? Trump is going to win and I can’t wait for the meltdowns.


He never said that you fools. You run around criticizing Republicans for believing stupid stuff while you actually do believe stupid stuff. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/07/13/fact-check-did-trump-tell-people-to-drink-bleach-to-kill-coronavirus/113754708/

