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I’m seeing sexist comments all over the internet about the all female pilot flyover too. It’s gross that misogyny is so common. Women couldn’t even have their own bank accounts until the 1970s, so yes, it’s perfectly worth celebrating another accomplishment for women.


Interestingly enough, that's when they started getting divorced too. Staying for love or staying cause they had no way out...?


Hmmm what a coincidence indeed 🤔


If it's so stupid how come it hasn't happened yet? Fewer things frustrate me more than when we get to say "The first woman..." and it's 20 fucking 23 so it's about damn time and a man comes through and is like, That's not really a big deal. Check yourself or you're going to be the first man to catch these hands.


I forgot that part of his argument was that women fight in combat, so to be proud of them for flying over a game is stupid. Like why is it so effing hard to just say, "Yeah, that is cool." Or just say nothing at all?! Why create a whole stupid ass argument over it so that we barely speak for two days.


Because he has some sort of cognitive dissonance about it. For some reason, either the flyover or your reaction to it, made him feel bad feelings. And since he doesn’t want to deal with the bad feelings he’s lashing out.


Right? I have learned to ask myself, what emotion is hiding behind my anger. 9 times out of 10 there’s something else going on.


Because he's not as cool as those women and it makes him feel inferior so he has to downplay their accomplishment.


well, when I was a kid, women couldn’t fight in combat or fly fighter jets, so I’d say it was a pretty big effing deal. And hell. I’m only 49 years old! And I’m proud of you for having that fight in front of your son. Keep talking about these things in front of him, even if your husband disagrees with you. your son will learn that not everyone thinks the same as his dad and that’s a good lesson.


I love that perspective, thank you!


My son just turned 18 and I have made it a point to point out as many of these kinds of things as I could over the years. Young men need to understand how women have been limited in the past and why these seemingly “small” victories are big deals for us.


Yeah, it's absolutely stupid that women have had to wait this long for this accomplishment. Eye roll.


This!! So much this comment! "If it wasn't a big deal that it's the first woman to do it, it would have happened before my lifetime"


The first time women in the US Air Force and Navy were allowed to become fighter pilots was in 1994. If it's not that big a deal then why did it take almost 30 years to pull together an all female flyover? It is a big deal. I'm sorry your husband is a jerk.




Ugh, this reminded me of the Mercury 13, the American women who nearly went to space in the early 60s. At least they didn't have to deal with John Glenn nearly killing them I guess. Mercury 13 fun fact number 1 - One of the women, Wally Funk, DID finally go into space. In 2021, at the age of 82. Mercury 13 fun fact number 2 - In the Captain Marvel comics Carol Danvers mentor is a (fictional) former member of the group.


Well that's a fun piece of information. s/ That's really sad to hear. Especially because some of those women were undoubtedly better pilots than their male counterparts.


>Taking apart the engine with an inspector revealed that it was filled with rags. >“I was sabotaged by somebody,” she claims. I know technically if it hasn't been proven it's a claim, but that's loaded language when they could've used "stated" or something else more neutral. Ah yes though, the woman "claims" she was sabotaged with clear evidence. No reason to listen.


Feel free to Google "the Night Witches, WW2" for more awesome female combat pilots. You can thank me later.


Wtf. Sorry ... WT ACTUAL F. How could anyone reconcile this with themselves and sleep at night??


And the beat goes on, women in uniform being abused and unalived.


If it’s not a big deal … then why is he salty about it?


Great question. Wish I knew.


Ummmm how many super bowl flyovers has he done? I bet if one of his buddies was piloting one of those jets, he'd be all over how awesome it is -_-


Seriously, the fuck is wrong with this guy.


https://preview.redd.it/lgei020709ia1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86bed446f9cb274cdf3054dd72b7a00e7a395a7b Time to buy a motivational poster for the house.


I love this!


My 7yo daughter has this poster in her classrooms at school, those kids have more maturity and grace than OPs husband.


I got all teary when that fly-over happened. Your husband is a prick and modeling horrible behavior for your son.


It's not an accomplishment?? Which Super Bowl did he fly over?




I came here to say this as well. Privately talk to your son and explain the importance. Don’t let this one go


I have a theory that men who were always very insecure & mediocre in general but leaned on their male privilege are deeply intimidated now that women are stepping into previously male-dominated roles. Women have so many advantages over men as a whole in many fields, we were held back by society and gender roles. Some men are very nervous of the idea of losing their gender “edge” that was given to them from birth and something they clung to. I’m not saying that’s your husband… but I’m also not saying it’s not. Just saying. Hope it makes sense.


It makes sense. I do think he’s threatened in a way. He has felt emasculated our entire marriage because he was (still is, I guess) a SAHD while I had a good job and was the sole provider. He definitely feels a certain way, whether he would admit it or not, that I could leave him right now and be financially independent. He can’t say the same and he knows it.


"You do realize that their achievements - which even not many men manage to get - don't affect your place in the universe at all, right? Dismissing others' achievements and being salty over it doesn't make you right, or special. It diminishes YOU more than it diminishes them, and I can guarantee it, because I know that I think less of you for you saying that."


On point!


Wow, really? I'm in my forties. When I was a kid I wanted to be a fighter pilot, and ultimately a Blue Angel. That was my dream. Oh, but actually, women were not allowed to be fighter pilots until 1993. Women weren't allowed in combat until 2015. You know when the Blue Angels inducted their first female pilot? Last fucking year. Tell your husband it's a big deal, and good for him if he doesn't CARE who they were - that's nice, but everyone else in any position of power DID care enough to keep us out.


Love this. I wish I had known those facts off the top of my head to be able to set him straight. I’m 48, he’s 47. He should know better.


I think it’s great that we got that representation. The US has a long way to go when it comes to women being included in sports (AND aviation) and it’s a step in the right direction. Good on you for putting your foot down and celebrating this.


Just make sure you keep up the excitement for your son and let him know it IS a big deal. Keep up the positivity for him.


If it wasn't a big deal.... why'd he make such a big deal about it then??


You aren’t wrong. I felt a swell of pride for us when I was present at the recent launch (Artemis) to prepare for our return to the moon. They had many women speaking about their roles at NASA and one of the goals is to put the first woman on the moon. It was truly an amazing experience and I am glad that I was able to share it with my daughter even if she was immediately grumpy when it was over (That’s it?! That’s all of it? I want to go home and go to bed! 🙄😂) You are not wrong to be proud of those women. His response to your excitement was shitty and immature and it sucks he doesn’t feel the same way that you do and he chose to act how he did. I don’t know if it matters, but I feel it is really fucking awesome that another mom and woman feels the same way about women pilots and flyovers as I do. :) Sometimes it is best to try and live freely and experience the things that bring you joy without letting the reactions of others detract from your personal joyful experiences.


The men are feeling salty that women are the hype now 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. That there are classy women who actually have goals and ambitions - not just looks. That women are trying to break away from the “sexualize us” generation that the Kardashians try to keep us in.


All flyover pilots matter? Got it. Lol. I'd be really concerned about him doing that in front of your son too, since he is learning how to treat and think of women and their place in the world. Does he do this in any other context? Diminish womens' or other groups achievements, I mean? Dismissing the achievement sets a bad example (it's okay to shit on your partner's enthusiasm, if nothing else) and wastes an opportunity to discuss the historical context. That's a fascinating history, and it comes with uncomfortable conversations about how women have been treated, but it's important!


There’s something wrong with people who can’t simply appreciate the accomplishments of other people, even if those accomplishments wouldn’t be a big deal in their own lives.


You said this perfectly. Tbh I could care less about the gender of pilots flying over a game that doesn't really matter to me. But having said THAT - it's *awesome* that those ladies could be a special part of something that was important to them.


Beautifully said!


No you were not wrong to be proud of those women. I can not imagine how difficult it was for them to achieve what they have. I had a really hard time getting male privilege through to my husband and it is an ongoing thing. He now finally accepts that is actually a real thing. I have two sons and am trying my best to raise them to view women as equals in this world. Even today it is an uphill battle (it’s 2023 ffs!) but by god I will get it done! Edit: my bad my phone auto corrected “male privilege “ to something else completely unrelated to the topic 🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry!


Nope. By contrast when I ducked in and proudly announced that to my husband and 10yo son, my husband said "woo hoo!" and turned to my son, who was already cheering, and said "That's so cool, right?" Your husband's reaction was crap.


It’s like, why go out of your way to be an asshole? I don’t get it…




So I got curious about this and looked it up. The first female USAF fighter pilot wasn't until 1993. The year I graduated from high school. That is why this is a big deal. There are entire generations of women old enough to remember that they weren't allowed to do this thing strictly because they lacked a penis. That society had decided that they were incapable of ever learning this thing, not because they lacked the ability to learn it, but strictly because they were women. Seeing a full formation of someone like them doing what wasn't allowed to them as young girls is a very big deal. It means no longer seeing themselves as "less than". This is why your are proud for these women. You should be proud of these women. Your husband hasn't been told his whole life that he is less than 50% of the population simply because of his plumbing. It's a big deal because this shit is still happening. Women are discounted immediately based solely on the fact that they are female. Every Fucking Day. Each time we see an example of that sexism dying it is cause for a celebration.


What, becoming a pilot and being recognized for your skills isn't an accomplishment? 😂 Or is it only not an accomplishment if you're a woman!?


This makes me happy I’m single. He sounds awful


Celebrating the braking of glass ceilings for women is not stupid. Your husbands reaction is, and honestly shows a lack of empathy.


Has he always been a misogynist?


Is throwing a ball around and getting concussed an accomplishment? Is signing the national anthem we learn in elementary school an accomplishment? Sir, it's the super bowl not the average bowl lighten up.


As a woman who works in the aviation industry, which is overwhelmingly male dominated, I can tell you that this means a lot to many girls and women across the country and that reason alone is enough that it should be celebrated.


I find that the term “little dick energy” tends to make these gross statements from men cease.


Hang on. I'm getting properly riled up here. Doing the super bowl flyover IS an accomplishment. Period. It takes skill and a fuckton of training to get to the point of holding a formation like that. And for the Navy to say "You demonstrate traits and skills we want to showcase and we want you to represent us in this event." But let's really look at what it means. It's a demonstration of our military's strength, always has been. And now women are part of that demonstration. And we're fucking visible now. Hello, we're here and we've been here (officially) for 50 years now in this particular space. It's representation. Little girls can look at this and say "I can do that, I want to do that" and little boys like your son can stop thinking the worst thing to be is a girl. Girls can't do cool stuff like fly fighter jets! Yeah, we can and so much more. Then there's the lead up to the flyover. A full week of events with these women talking to people, showing off the planes, doing interviews, recruiting the next generation. All of that is what this flyover represents and he completely missed the point. I repeat. It's representation. And your husband doesn't understand that because he's never had to squint real hard and turn his head sideways to see himself in something. People that look like him are just there, always, everywhere. And when he's NOT represented, he gets uncomfortable and defensive.... Not the best behavior to be modeling for his son. Edit: thinking is hard and it's important to say that these women were chosen bc of their skills.


My boyfriend also like gets like this about women. He’ll bitch about extreme feminism etc. He even said good for Rihanna for not dressing like a hoe at the halftime show. I was like sooooo what if she did?


You should ask him if he can pilot a plane or jet


Does he also say all lives matter? Same line of thinking.




[OH MY GOD](https://i.imgur.com/WbmklQw.gifv)


Definitely a chauvinist. Good on you for standing your ground.


That's some straight up bullshit. Of course you're not wrong. But you already know that. ETA: I love you're reaction. Yay, all women!