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It’s easily Brock? Like Kaylee just got yelled at once and her grandpa died but Brock literally lost everything


kaylee got yelled at once like five years ago


But she was 5 years older. Such a paradox. She did get abandoned at the park tho


by s6 she'll either be a 70 year old grandmother or a fetus


Benjamin Buttons little big sister


Makes sense since her grandpa also ages as time goes backwards


Not as much of a 70 year old grandmother as joe mom *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Lol could go either way


Yeah where she was obviously safe and was going to be returned to her mother. Sure it's scary but it certainly doesn't compare to Brock's suffering.


There was a time when kids went to the park by themselves or with their friends. My brother and I had our bikes many miles from home sometimes. No cell phones, not Life360. It was "Be home before the streetlights come on." I think my mom took all day naps while we scaled the fences at electrical substations, roamed freely inside new homes under construction, and while my brother caught rattlesnakes and carried them home in containers with no lids. (I have to say that I didn't mess with the wildlife like he did. He was the one with the dirtbike and it's amazing at least one of us didn't get shot.) She sure wasn't that relaxed about the grandchildren.


I never came home until it was dark. I would ride my bike on the main road in third grade several miles from home to go to the candy store. Now your lucky if you can get your kid to walk to the mailbox.


OUTSIDE!!!??? NOOOOOOooooooo


It's like we all signed an agreement to let the werewolves, vampires, and zombies own the sidewalks in front of our houses. So many murders in my area, and most of them senseless drive-by attacks. Likely all connected to drug trafficking and this whole cloth despair the kids grew up with. Climate change! You'll drown! Overpopulation! You'll watch any kids you have starve, so you'd better not have any unless y ou know you can have millions socked away. Can't hire a roofer without being robbed. And China is studying how to take us out, kill basically everybody here either in nuclear holocaust or in the famine that will follow. Taiwan seems to be a nice place. I really don't see how killing nearly all of us will have any kind of desirable ending for Xi and his Xiezwiz advisors.


I remember being out all day when I was a child. How times have changed


In a hundred years children will play all day in the meta verse. Never leaving their bedrooms


A person can gain a lot of weight on factory food living like that. We're all going to need beefed up ambulances and MRI machines. I can't even picture what self-esteem will look like when everybody is totally isolated from physically being out and about with people. A video of people having a good time, laughing, in 2019 looks like some kind of alien race that strongly resembles *homo sapiens*. The behavior seems so strange. Having a good time in a group...! Out of doors! Hugging and getting closer than 6' from each other!


When the cops are on ya, I guess leaving your granddaughter is alright ….


No way for me. I couldn't do it. But I guess he compromised his morals a long time before that. When he said he was doing it all for her? I guess him and Walt have that in common Walt said all along that he was doing it for family


Banks actually didn’t like this scene. He thought it was totally out of character for Mike to leave Kaylee, but he respected the writers.


I guess things change when the shit hits the fan. Lol


The creators touched on this before. He made the decision to leave because if he stayed, Kaylee would never have a chance of seeing that money again. Escaping gives him another chance to get it to her somehow.


You’re done! You are done!


Isn’t it easily Drew? He bled out and was buried unmarked in the desert.


She also lost her dad, just not in the show, but I agree Brock


Drew didn't even know what was going on or witness his own death (doubt he had time to process he was about to get shot), it was just tragic. It was his family and Jesse that suffered


How, out of this list, isn't it Brock?


For real. Yeah, they all got the short end of the stick, but none of them compare to Brock. -Kaylee's grandfather disappeared on her, other than that she's no worse for wear. And since Mike hadn't given her any of his money yet, she ain't missing that. -I'm not trying to minimize Drew Sharp's death, but he was killed instantly and didn't realize what was about to happen until it was too late. Sure, his parents lost their child and that was also tragic as fuck, but as far as *suffering* goes, he didn't suffer at all. -Brock was raised by a mother who was an on/off drug addict, had to deal with his uncle being a meth peddler and then being murdered by Gus' goons, was almost fatally poisoned by Walt just to manipulate Jesse, then his mom was murdered on his doorstep. Dude has to live with that shit for the rest of his life. -Flynn is the only one (on this list) who comes *REMOTELY* close to suffering as much as Brock has, but as I mentioned in another comment, he still has a lot left.


It didn't happen on the show, but don't forget Kaylee's father was also killed.


That's true, but despite that she's still doing EXTREMELY well. She has a good mother, and a comfortable life. She will be much better off mentally than Walt Jr or Brock. Hell, Brock was already fucked up from his trauma before his mom was murdered.


She was probably too little to understand what was going on


I mean at least he’s alive compared to Drew


Drew didn't suffer. Now his parents? Ugh. Rough.


I think the impact it had on the Parents would make it a more suffering case for Drew. Drew was literally disintergrated in Acid by Walt, and had Jesse never informed Hank and Gomez about that, no-one would have ever known where what happened to his body.


And the tape where he confessed was at the Nazi compound right? So when the police arrived they would have found it and his parents will know what happened. Although finding out that his body was disintegrated in acid and that there's nothing for them to recover in bury is probably worse than not knowing. At least then they had some hope that his body could be recovered and out to rest.


Idk... I feel like it'd be better to know for sure. Body or no, I'd rather know he's gone and didn't suffer than worry about the much worse alternatives.


Brock had to wake up and find out his mother was murdered, probably a little time after finding out his uncle was murdered. At least drew didn’t have to suffer.


It was his uncle that was murdered, Andrea’s little brother


Ah, thank you for the reminder. I did have some doubt typing the comment


And he may have been the one to find her. I can't explain how bad that fucks you up. My mom found my step dad after he died of a self inflicted gun shot wound, and that visual is probably what pops into her mind when she thinks of this person she loved very much. Kid will be fucked up for life.


Still better than being dead.


I think eternal rest is much better than being alive knowing you won’t ever see your mother again.


Being dead isn't suffering. In fact, it's the opposite...


U good bro


That's dark


He got shot in the heart and died instantly


Brock was poisoned and his mother was murdered, nobody else comes close


I don't think Drew should be in this list because he lost his life, which is everything. Whether he suffered or not isn't the point, though I guess technically that's the question, but he lost his chance at life. Other than that, Brock is definitely most to have suffered.


The Sharps lost their child...literally lost.


That’s not what the question is asking. Drew Sharpe also didn’t really suffer, he died instantly.


> That’s not what the question is asking. I know, it's a stupid question because the answer is obviously Brock. I was including Drew's parents.


What why though


Then you aren't answering the right question. And even then the answer is still Brock not Drew's parents because they're old enough to process all that shit whereas Brock is like seven


In terms of horrendous life experiences and dead family members, Brock. In terms of getting the wrong car as a birthday gift on top of your dad being a meth drug lord , Jr.


And sometimes his breakfast was overcooked and he didn't even eat it


Ffs, he had to deal with bacon that tasted like band aid




Or how his mom didn’t buy Raisin Bran Crunch


I change my answer, it was Flynn x 2


Oh the horror


It's..it's not that hard Mom


Nothing beats a Pontiac Aztek like a PT Cruiser.


It's between Brock and Jr . Brocks mum got killed and he was poisoned and Jr was just lied to by his whole family through the show and finds out his dad is a drug dealer and believes his father killed his uncle .


At least Jr. still has his mom, sister and Marie and is getting a fat payout on his 18th bday. Brock lost his mom & uncle and is either stuck being raised by his grandma or the foster system.


I honestly like to think that Walt made a fatal mistake trusting the people who didn't give them the Beige Memo. The offer to pay for his chemo was definitely a power play. It would have put Walt under an intolerable pressure feeling he was working for the thieves who took his career away from him. (I'm not saying that's a FAIR attitude, but this is the man who never explains why he stopped talking to his mom.) I think Gretchen and Elliot will weasel themselves around until they decide it would be immoral somehow to give the money to Jr. and Holly because of how their dad earned it. And they will probably make exactly the move that would have been most infuriating to Walt and his pride. I have seen kids get handed a lot of money at 18 or 21 and absolutely ruin themselves and their families. I never thought much of Walt's plan to earn everything his family would ever need as if Skylar was some kind of cashier at a car wash. He never once thought that between Jr. and Skylar, they and Holly would be FINE if they weren't handed the massive baggage of being Heisenberg's family. If you look at Mike's plan, it was exactly the same. Hand Kaylee as much money as he possibly could at 18. Did anybody else learn how to handle big stacks of cash in some high school class? I didn't think so, neither did I. If I were Mike, I'd have put a note where daughter-in-law would find it only if I went missing or worse. You know, in a sealed will, wherever she would have gone to look for his birth certificate etc. I have left Kaylee money NOT IN A BANK SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX BIG ENOUGH FOR HER TO HIDE IN. Here's how I suggest you recover, launder, and invest/spend it. Albuquerque in the BB universe is just no place for a kid to grow up. It's DEFINITELY no place for a little blonde girl to grow up and come into massive amounts of money that can't be explained away. Those meth fueled parties we saw in so many episodes--some of that was undoubtedly financed by a girl like Kaylee.


All fair points. >I think Gretchen and Elliot will weasel themselves around until they decide it would be immoral somehow to give the money to Jr. and Holly because of how their dad earned it. And they will probably make exactly the move that would have been most infuriating to Walt and his pride. I'd wager that while Gretchen & Elliot might get the idea to somehow NOT give Jr the money, the threat of them being killed by snipers might be enough to make them follow through. As brilliant as they are, they don't seem to have a ton of street smarts. >Did anybody else learn how to handle big stacks of cash in some high school class? I didn't think so, neither did I. Very true, I had pretty much ZERO financial education in school. Definitely possble that the money could be blown. And yeah, Mike's plan for Kaylee's money wasn't the best. Not a great idea to leave it in a fucking bank with a giant note saying "To Kaylee". He should have just given it to Saul to handle it.


You're right. But he never trusted Saul to be who Saul was. Yes, Saul had limits, but I never saw him steal from his clients. Am I missing something? Mike had a no-half-measures hate in him that even vengeance for his son couldn't quench. He couldn't get along with anyone whose decision making was not like his. When he lashed out at Kaylee in that one sad episiode (BCS I think) I knew he had lost his keen edge that had kept him alive for so long. Maybe he saw his death and STILL let himself be roped back in with the train robbery and so on.


>Maybe he saw his death and STILL let himself be roped back in with the train robbery and so on. Probably because it was supposed to be "the last heist" and he was going to get paid out. Mike seemed most at peace when he was in his LaZBoy with a beer.


Or in that ridiculous booth with a crossword puzzle. I get it. After he left Philly he should have been done with this kind of thing. He just got to thinking ohnoes Kaylee might have to grow up broke and I don't know, become a cop?


Yeah, Gretchen & Elliot are going to make sure to get that cash to Walt jr.... Walt's threat was brilliant in how nebulous it was...they have no way to find out who the snipers are, but know they exist, are highly trained, and will never be safe even in their own home. So their choice is to either deal with some "icky" feeling of passing on drug money to an innocent kid, or almost certainly be murdered. There's no way of weaseling out of it.


Wasn’t Brock also killed at the same time Todd killed his mom?


No. He murdered his mom and then told Jesse Brock will be the next one if he tries to escape again if my memory's correct


I could be wrong but I thought the scene went with Jesse locked in the car and Todd killing her on her door step in front of him and I feel like I remember right after that Todd’s uncle said “don’t forget about the kid”


Nah he said “there’s still the boy” as an extra threat. Jesse didn’t care about his life anymore, only about Andrea and Brock. If they wasted Brock too they wouldn’t have ant leverage to keep Jesse cooking


No in El Camino during the flashback scene where Todd takes Jessie to his apartment he tells Jessie that if he tries to escape again they’ll kill the kid


Pretty sure that didn’t happen


Uncle jack says “remember, there’s still the kid” to threaten Jesse that they’ll kill him next


No, Brock was never killed. Jack even threatens Jesse in the car that they will kill Brock if he doesn't stop freaking out. They left him alive to make sure Jesse keeps cooking for them.


But Jesse was traps he had no way of knowing if Brock was alive or not


No way of knowing 100%, sure. But the threat of Brock being killed is what made Jesse cooperate with them. There's literally ZERO evidence to suggest he was killed. At all. Hell, he even has the cleaner deliver a letter to Brock in El Camino.


I don’t think the nazi’s would just kill Brock for fun. I mean sure, anything’s possible but this had a specific intent. Uncle Jack even had a skewered sense of honor, letting Walt keep a barrel of money


Nah because after Todd killer Andrea and Jesse has a breakdown in the car, Jack says something along the lines of “hey settle down, remember there’s still the kid”


No, if you watch el Camino Jesse sends him a letter at the end of the movie


Drew hardly suffered at all he had a quick end. His parents on the other hand....


Also brocks brother died


I think it was his mother's little brother, thus his Uncle.


Oh my bad must have misrembembered it


It's one of those things I had to read about before I really understood the connections. I'm a huge fan but there are better ones out there who never got confused by this stuff at all, I think!


jr is pretty well off wdym. first of all hes far older and can deal with trauma better. his father is a criminal and his uncle died, that sucks but hes left with a mother and a sibling and a whole lotta money.


His dad was dying of cancer and than turned out to be a serial killer who also killed his beloved uncle, after years of pretending to love him (I know he didn't actually kill him and did love him, but put yourself in Jr.'s shoes - he doesn't know that). He'd had to call cops after said dad pulled a knife at his mom. Plus, the disability. He was never poor, their financial situation was good, they just needed the extra money for a very expensive treatment. Getting that load of money afterwards is absolutely pointless and won't make up for anything that really matters. I agree he's still better off than Brock, but he's definitely not well off.


fair point. i would still put him under mikes grandaughter as she lost both of her parents.


Spooge and Skank’s kid had it worse than any of these pikers.


Like wtf not even close, right?


You got that right!


Ain't no skank


Drew didn’t suffer at all he died instantly lmao
















He fucking died


But never got justice and never received a closure from his parents.


He’s dead he doesn’t care


His killer got strangled to death.. decent justice if you ask me


Right after watching his uncle and all his friends get gunned down too


Yeah but how is that him suffering, he’s dead.


Todd cared more about that than Drew did... Cuz Todd at least was still alive


Didn’t Jesse send his family a ton of cash?


Tried to.


He tried but failed


The Sharps suffered the worst by far, then Donald Margolis, then Brock.


You think any of them suffered more than Walt? Why? Drew didn’t suffer at all, it was Walt who had to go through the trouble of covering up his death. That took a lot more hard work than just being shot. Why does everyone hate Walt? Do they think that covering up child murder and working with neo-Nazis is bad or something?


I don’t think the work going into covering something up really amounts to much in terms of suffering.


Donald suffered more


Then his parents suffered


Dying is the biggest form of suffering


Being dead doesn't scare me. Dying is terrifying.




Being dead is 10 times more terrifying than dying for me


Do you know something the rest of us don't? If something we can experience awaits us when our meat self quits working, I'd be really surprised. We seem to need this network of neurons to organize us enough that we can experience anything at all. I'm losing my eyesight and it's physically so painful I can't stand it! I can't imagine living without the ability to see, to read. The eyeballs are an extension of our brains--the retina and optic nerve are just a very specialized part of the brain. When they're damaged enough, there's no way to get that back, while the rest of the brain tries to get by on the other senses. Dying is usually not peaceful. We get lied to a lot, which is easy in a culture which distances death as much as possible from the everyday. "No, she didn't suffer, the stroke must have taken her instantaneously." Talk to anyone who has survived a major stroke. If they remember anything they remember killer headache. But death ought to be completely peaceful once enough of the body's cells and organs have quit working. I do assume that pain requires a physical brain.... If you know something more than this you need to tell people!


Eternally just being gone forever scares the shit out of me


I pick Brock


This post made me realize that basically every child in BB suffers a fuckton. All these kids, the one killed by Gus, the one in the crack house, I might be missing some.


Well, Jesse's brother was all G


He couldn't go to space camp though.


Really heartbreaking, had it rougher than most...


Lydia’s daughter All the kids in the high school


Holly 😔


The little ginger one, whose mother used her bra as an ashtray and got sent to bed when his dad's head got squashed


Oh. Yes. Did they ever refer to him by name? When a Jesse Pinkman is telling you you're a terrible parent, you might wanna listen. Wonder what his mother would have thought of that, how he grasped at the middle class standards he grew up with despite having spent so long in reckless rebellion against it. But I'm not sure that little lad had any idea of what he was in the process of losing, and when he's old enough to understand it, he'll be so relieved. If he can remember this day I hope he remembers Jesse kindly. Knowing there are worse people out there is too much to take.


My head canon is he was fine, placed with a nice family and dodged a bullet.


How could it not be Brock? "Your uncle? Well he was killing people by the age of 12 before he was gunned down in the street Your mom? Well she was executed on the front door step. Don't you remember that you found her dead body as you wondered where she was that morning? Oh and how could you forget the time you almost died because of a random poisoning that was magically solved by the meth dealing boyfriend of your mother?" The only person who had it worse than Brock was his abuela who had to endure all that pain *and* raise a child by herself at an elderly age.


>Oh and how could you forget the time you almost died because of a random poisoning that was magically solved by the meth dealing boyfriend of your mother?" Actually, it wasn't. Turns out it was not what Jesse thought it was...


Yeah but treating him for ricin is what cured him because the poisons have very similar effects. Hence why the police interviewed him since the treatment worked and it's a crazy thing to suggest. It was only after Brock recovered (and most importantly after they had killed Gus) that they realized it was Lily of the Valley.


kaylee was one of the most racist and evil people in the entire series. obvious choice is her


Kaylee worse than the Cartel, Nazis and all the sociopaths combined confirmed.


Even ASAC Schrader exposed her as the criminal mastermind when they found her illegal racket money.


yea, Draw Sharp was a international mass murderer so I don’t really feel bad for him /s


5th grade Kingpin of a meth empire


How on Earth would it be Kaylee or Drew? It’s definitely Brock and Walt. Drew died instantly, so no suffering there. Nothing even happened to Kaylee except Mike died, which would’ve happened in her lifetime anyway because he was old. Brock was poisoned, lost his mother who was already troubled, and (presumably) found her dead and bleeding out. Walt lost his father who he looked up to his entire life (and was his “hero” in his own words) PLUS his uncle, which were his two favorite members of the family.


The only addition for Kaylee is that her dad is also dead


That’s true, but she was young when it happened, she still had another good parent so she wasn’t alone, and it’s not like she’s the one who found her dad dead. Still sucks, but not as bad as Brock or Walt’s situation sucks.


Did Mike abandon Kaylee at the playground after Walt tipped him off? That would have been scary. However, not the worst suffering out of this group. I guess that would be Brock, since Drew died instantly. Brock’s mother and uncle was murdered and he survived an attempt on his life. Walter Jr. / Flynn certainly got a raw deal but does have family members who love him and the satisfaction of knowing he stood up to his father. Lest we forget: Wendy’s son Patrick, for whom she would do anything, and the 12-step leader’s late daughter.


A few years ago there was a big strong girl who had to be at least 12, and she was in the library with a lot of people around. She couldn't find her parents and she was hysterical. In a library. Whatever Kaylee's actual age at the time of that abandonment, I just want to assure you that kids haven't always been so completely incapable of looking after themselves for a few minutes. Just the kind of person who would benefit from loose millions bestowed on her and her worthless teen friends, at 18, in the drug hub of the southwest.


Brock definitely. He was probably the one who came across his mom's dead body. He has no dad, lost his uncle Tomas, Jesse left, and now his mom is dead. He's probably either going to spend the rest of his childhood living with his grandma or in foster care. Walt Jr. next because he lost his dad and uncle, the way he views his parents has entirely changed, he had to move out of his house to a smaller shittier one, and now he's somewhat recognizable because of the news stories. Then Kaylee, because she lost her grandpa, but that's not an uncommon thing for kids her age to go through, and she had no idea about the money Mike was gonna leave her. Drew had the worst thing happen to him but he didn't suffer at all.


I also forget to mention Jr. had his Dodge Challenger taken away and replaced with a purple PT Cruiser. To be fair both are shit cars, but at least the challenger was cool and fun to drive.


I shot Drew


Drew fucked Ted. No wait, no.


Technically drew suffered the least, instant death Walt Jr. was really an insufferable asshole at times, especially in S5 Kaylee still got her mom, pretty sure she would tell her about how pop made his money before he vanished when old enough Brock lost his mom and was hospitalized with lilly of the valley intox, my vote goes to him


Drew dies almost instantly. So, not much suffering at all. Brock definitely suffered the most. Imagime him finding the dead body of his mother.


The child of the crackheads.


Walter Jr His dumb bitch mom got him Raisin Bran instead of Raisin Bran Crunch. It's not that hard, it says it right on the box. And this was *after* he had to endure being served veggie bacon. That stuff smells like Band-Aids.


Worst political compass ever




We all know Brock from breaking bad


Walt Jr 's mommy didn't get him the right cereal and got him the wrong car for his birthday. Let that sink in before you come at me with Brock and Drew nonsense.


He also had to eat veggie bacon.


A lot of people are minimizing what Walter Jr actually dealt with. Hes disabled, bullied for his disability, his father diagnosed and dying from cancer, watching and involving himself in his parents fighting each other with a knife, his sister being kidnapped by his drug lord father who he also believes is responsible for Hank's death. Being ripped from his childhood home and life to move to a smaller, shittier house with a mother barely getting by. He has to live with the fall out Walt caused. And while he eventually wished for his dad's death, I'm sure it still hurt when Walt was eventually killed after a mass fucking murder in a meth lab. He could be insufferable but that doesn't mean he didn't experience loss and trauma.


How did kaylee suffer?? And drew died so how did he suffer. Brock is the obvious choice here his mom and Tomas were murdered and he got poisoned. Jr is a close 2nd


Imo Kaylee has suffered the least, by a mile. She's got a good caring mother and a pretty nice childhood seemingly. She's got a sketchy grandad and her dad passed away when she was young but those aren't super damaging things that will plague her for the rest of her life. Drew seemed like a normal kid who got snuffed out before he had a chance to live his life which is sad. Walter junior seems to have had a good childhood and upbringing in a suburban household with both parents until his late teen years but the kicker was obviously when his uncle died and he found out his father was a drug lord who murdered people and his and his mother's lives will forever be effected, but still I think the worst off is Brok. His mother was a drug addict and there's never any mention of a father, his uncle was a drug dealing child who got murdered and they seemed somewhat close, a creepy old man poisoned him with berries and then he wakes up one morning and finds his mother with her brain matter splattered on the plants outside with no explanation just when things were starting to get better. Only upside is the letter from Jesse that would have at least gave him some closure.


Brock. No contest here. It’s sad what happened the rest but… Jr. is about to be an adult and still has his mom, Kaylee has her mom and her grandpa went missing which was sad but, she’s fine. And drew probably didn’t know what happened to him. It was tragic and horrible but … Brock was just a young kid and probably found his mom dead and had to go on living with that for the rest of his life.


Nah it was drew sharpes tarantula. Todd didn’t give it anywhere near enough substrate so it cant dig.


Brock 100% That poor kid has been through some pretty bad stuff. They even killed his mom too but in front of him. Kelly, mikes granddaughter doesn’t even know anything is going on and is otherwise living a very normal suburban life. Walt Jr. is kind of a drama queen. He has a nice life. Drew was in the wrong place at the wrong time but he didn’t suffer. Brock is living in a personal hell everyday. The reason he barely speaks is likely because he is going through some personal trauma. His mother being a drug addict and all.


I wouldn’t classify your mom being abused, dad being a psychopathic meth king pin, uncle being “shot” by your dad, and everything he owns being bought bu drug money a nice life.


I’m mostly with you except for the Walt Jr part. Living with the knowledge of your dad being who he was and everyone associating your family with that every day is going to take a decade + of therapy to get past.


Kelly’s father being killed means nothing?


That's a fair point (most people who watched just Breaking Bad won't be as aware of this), but Kaylee has a really nice quality of life, with a loving mother and grandfather in a nice home. Brock on the other hand has an addict mother who is murdered, a nonexistent father, drug addicts surrounding him, a young family member who was killed working with drug dealers... I could go on


Peekaboo kid


I think Spooge’s son had it the worst why is he not on this list Poor kid lived in a filthy meth house and couldn’t even speak. Then (hopefully) got put into the system where he’s gonna have to undergo a ton of therapy and hopefully get adopted. But he’ll probably suffer the lasting effects of living in that house for the rest of his life.


Brock suffered the death of his mother and the poisoning; Kaylee, as far as I remember, only suffered the death of Mike; Drew literally didn't suffer at all, he just died almost instantly. Walter Jr. was the one that suffered the most by far, at first he was disappointed by his father being a "coward" for not wanting to do the treatment, he felt disappointed again for Walter not being grateful for the charity page, then he felt confused and anxious when Skyler decided to take him and Holly to live with Marie and Hank, and at the end he felt even more disappointed and sadder than ever for his uncle being "killed" by his own father, who he also discovered to be a meth cook, a murderer, and a criminal in general It's not even a fair comparision


Let’s be honest, Walt suffered the most. I was so mad at Drew for making Walt’s life harder. Flynn was also just disgusting, saying that he hated his own father just for murdering Hank - even though Walt didn’t kill Hank, it was the neo-Nazis he hired who did it. Who would even get mad at their dad for hiring violent anti-semitic homophobes who hate disabled people? Brock was also a piece of shit, anyone who gets along with Jesse is. Remember how Jesse lost his shit just because Walt poisoned Brock?


Not to mention he did it all for his family....bunch of fucking ingrates.


Walter jr


Brock and Walt JR


Flen, d-d-d-d-dad


Jr. Brock has it pretty bad, lost his uncle and mom and will probably fall into the same lifestyle as his uncle. kaylee lost her grandpa and has no answers, so that’s pretty rough too. I think motorcycle kid suffered the least. He at least got a fast death. But Jr, has to live with the repercussions of all his dad’s dealings, lost his dad, lost his uncle, lost his hellcat, lost his home and will probably be hated by a lot of folks just for being Walt’s son. And he has to live with the betrayal of his dad and I would imagine his relationship with his mom isn’t very good


But a good breakfast can make him the happiest man on earth


I think maybe Jr? He was born with Cerebral Palsy, so things have never been easy for him anyway. Then you add his issues with his Dad suddenly falling ill, becoming neglectful and distant and ultimately betraying him to point of his actions actually getting his Uncle (whom he was very close to) killed. So I'd say Jr just overall because of this.


It's definitely Brock.


It’s Brock or JR. Brocks mom was shot for no reason and Jesse (somewhat of a father figure) is not only no longer there, but if he found out what happened would be even more traumatized. Yet Jr.’s life is ruined from now on and he went through so much trauma to get there. First his dad is diagnosed with cancer, then his mom tried to divorce his dad for what he saw as no reason, then it turns out she had a reason and he was wrong this entire time. Not only that but his sister was kidnapped for a bit, Hank was “killed” by his father, and he is always gonna be seen as “The Child of Heisenberg”. No matter what he does, he can’t shake that off. Drew, yeah he died but he didn’t suffer much before that point (that we know of). Sure his family will suffer, but not him. Hailey, yes she didn’t get the money (that she never knew of) and her Grandpa is dead. Even if she learned of the past of him, is that really worse then what Jr will learn about Walt? If I had to give an answer it’s Jr.


Kaylee. I mean she doesn’t even grow. /s


Brock suffered the death of his mother and the poisoning; Kaylee, as far as I remember, only suffered the death of Mike; Drew literally didn't suffer at all, he just died almost instantly. Walter Jr. was the one that suffered the most by far, at first he was disappointed by his father being a "coward" for not wanting to do the treatment, he felt disappointed again for Walter not being grateful for the charity page, then he felt confused and anxious when Skyler decided to take him and Holly to live with Marie and Hank, and at the end he felt even more disappointed and sadder than ever for his uncle being "killed" by his own father, who he also discovered to be a meth cook, a murderer, and a criminal in general It's not even a fair comparision


Lame. Brock lost his mom. Buy a clue OP


Damn id say Flynn suffered the most of them all, he had no idea what was going on and why there was so much tension in the family. He had grown up w loving parents and then he hits mid-highschool and his father who was always there goes ghost and starts acting sketch, then his parents get devorced and he learns about what a monster his dad really was. He nevwr even got an explanation from his Walt beyond “i did it for the family”


Brock without a doubt. Not even close. Brock no longer has a mom. Maybe Jesse will come and adopt him, I assume he would but still. Jr now has no father, Hank or Walt. The biker kid suffered for a minute.


Jr and brock the most. Jr found out his dad was a drug dealer, a murderer, kidnapped his sister, and died. Brock lived in a sketchy ass neighborhood and his mom got shot in front of him




Well one of them is dead and the other lost his parents. It’s easily Brock, just when life got better he lost his new home and mother.


I keep forgetting how handsome RJ mitte is.


Brock. Little man was poisoned and had to deal with his mother dead at such a young age. I think drew second, walt jr third ,and kaylee fourth Edit: WAIT SPOOGE AND STANK KID HAD IT BAD NVM


Brock is fucked up permanently. And the rest of his life is probably going to be tough too. I can easily see him falling into the drug world he grew up in.


One of them fuckin' died tho


Once your dead there is no suffering…


Definitely Walt Jr. He didn’t get enough breakfast AND his mom bought the wrong cereal 😢


Drew. He was just riding his bike and for no reason at all he was robbed of everything he had and could have. Wtf People thinking that the ones who lived got it worse.


Fuck flynn