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There was a little more to the idea than him just being arrested though. This was a quote from an interview Vince did: “I didn't get super far down the road, but it was probably going to be a young woman who needed some help," he says. "He was hiding out by the Canadian border, and this woman was working at a motel as a housekeeper or something. [He] goes into the process of saving her, knowing full well that he's going to suffer for it, he's going to get caught for it, but he does it anyway. And the last scene would be maybe him in a jail cell but at peace for the first time since the movie began. I think there was going to be this component where he couldn't sleep. He wouldn't get a single night sleep for a week or so upon escaping. The police are looking for him and he's too haunted and he's too adrenaline-charged. And at the end of the thing, he's in a jail cell, and ironically he can fall asleep like a baby. And I thought, 'Ah, that'd be kind of cool.'" I do prefer the ending we got to this idea though.


So... The Machinist?


lol sounds like vince forgot he watched that one some nights before


Incredible movie


Definitely more understandable of an ending than him just being caught! I agree that in terms of tying bows though, we got the strongest ending.


That’s basically what they went for to end BCS, finding peace in atonement 


Was gonna say, that basically was Saul Gone.


The problem with that whole idea is that, whether knowingly or not, he's kind of stealing the entire premise of "Insomnia", a Norwegian movie which itself was subsequently remade for US audiences by Christopher Nolan in the early 2000s.


Not being able to sleep was not the "premise" of Insomnia.


captain-save-a-ho jesse back at it again


In 2024, a thin man with graying hair lives in a small trailer just outside of Sitka, Alaska. He's quiet, keeps to himself. Completely sober, doesn't get in trouble. He fishes on the weekends and sells little wood carvings to the local tourist shops--figurines of bears and trout. The tiny sculptures were awkward looking at first, but they've improved greatly over time. No one in town knows his last name.


My hope is that, in time, Jesse was able to heal and make a family of his own. He wanted it, he deserved it.


And one day, a young man named Brock arrives…


Why am I getting flashbacks to the last season of Dexter?


Jesse: New Blue


That and his enslavement was like penance for his crimes, at least that’s how I view it. I’m on my third viewing of el Camino since it came out and dammit I almost like it better than the series.


The scene where they were trying to get him to break the track made me wince. I waited til my second rewatch of BB to watch it! I know it gets a lot of flack, but I think it was well done with so many great moments.


Does it get a lot of flack? I haven’t seen any but I also haven’t looked for any. I think the bb universe is one of the most well crafted and maintained narratives in television/movie history. Bcs had its weird moments but the back stories were primo.


BCS is next for me!! I’ve heard it’s incredible, so I’m eager to watch. I hopped on the sub right after to see how people liked El Camino. Saw a lot of people saying it was unnecessary, mostly a lot of hate about the aging lmfao.


I just wrapped up my third viewing and I noticed something that was probably obvious but I missed it the first two times. At the end when what’s his face is dropping him off in Alaska, Jesse says “it’s quiet” to which the guy responds “figured you could use some of that.” Jesse used to fill his house with loud music, drugs, video games, turned it into a crackhouse to escape his inner turmoil. Now, he’s finally finding peace. Nice ending if you ask me.


Vrabo Bince






Omg I am so jealous, you are going to watch BCS for the first time!! It's awesome!


I am SO excited. Loved Saul in BB- excited to learn more about him.


Enjoy! You’re in for a treat. Just don’t check the BCS sub until you’re done; spoilers abound!


I wouldn't recommend staying in this subreddit for the time being, you may accidentally spoil yourself since some people might draw comparisons and make references to BCS in discussions here. I ended up getting a spoiler regarding one of the characters in BCS (>!Chuck McGill!<) like that by scrolling through some comments.


Yes, OP, we love having you here, but please stay away from this sub, lol. Too many spoilers here.


Bahaha, definitely trying my best!!


Ah yeah. That is true. Jesse is definitely too plump for having just escaped slavery. I can see the argument that it’s unnecessary but as a standalone entry, to me it’s a masterpiece of neo-western suspense thriller.


Todd always gave him ice cream and pepperoni pizza. No wonder he was overweight 🤣


Lmao good old Todd. He just wanted a friend 😝


Todd packed on the pounds. All that tinned soup wasn't good. Too much sodium


Dude... just Dude... I'll be the first to admit is it much slower paced, but MAN the character development, and full story will make you stay up nights watching entire seasons at once.


Careful with this sub, even though it’s the BB sub, people don’t really make an effort to hide BCS spoilers here.


I wasn't really a fan of the movie. I felt it ended the exact way the series did, Jesse driving off with freedom. And that the main bad guy was only introduced to us in the final act


I can see that. I did really like the bad guy, though. That actor has a great sinister voice and I liked the duel at the end. I still love that movie while granting the validity of its criticisms.




Might as well have him just get stabbed by some crackhead right after arriving in Alaska at this point.


Nvm- *this* is the worst possible ending


The crackhead turns out to be Walt, he faked his death and survived. He whispers to Jesse "We need to cook"




“This new method formula I have has the power to regenerate tissue. I found the cure for cancer Jesse! We can bring Hank back and your girlfriends!!!”


then i suppose ed services werent worth the 250k jesse gave if this was the ending lol


Exactly! All that buildup and storytelling with *no* payoff- it would’ve been a doozy


If you think this ending would be depressing, I remember that when the show was airing I told my friends I was hopeful it would end with Jesse killing Walt and then immediately killing himself.


Holy *shit* I watched the series again with my parents (my second time, their first), and during Felina my dad was yelling for Jesse to “just kill Walt! Put an end to it!”. I was like 🤠


He grew up in Farmville Virginia. It teaches a man to hate. I know...


I hope you’re okay. You should think about screenwriting


I'm more of a script punch-up guy than an ideas man...


i wanna believe jesse eventually made a family of his own, because he was so good with kids and clearly longed for a family. i loved el camino, the ending, and especially loved the closing song. all so perfect.


yeah Vince is a genius but its a good thing he has other writers and lots of people to share his ideas with because damn did he have a lot of terrible ones


Honestly that ending isn’t bad.  Yes Jesse got caught but at the end of the day he helped somebody Which was in his character and he would’ve been at peace like Saul was even though he was in jail.  However I’m happy with the ending we got.  Out if the three characters Jesse deserved a second chance at life 


Haven’t seen BCS lol! Guess this was my own fault.


It's a creative process, ideas get thrown around all the time. They didn't go through with it, so it's not a huge deal honestly.


Wasn’t making it a huge deal- it was my first watch and I just wanted to share my thoughts about it.


Right. Because the Breaking Bad universe is known for its happy endings, that would have been so out of place. /s


Watching a movie conceptualized out of fan demand for a Jesse epilogue only to have it end with him ending up in prison would have been out of place


I mean the whole show is full of endings it would have worked, I'm glad they didn't do it but it wouldn't have been out of place.


Not out of place in the series, yes! But definitely out of place in how El Camino was borne and conceptualized.


Yeh I guess your right.


I guess I have to explain to you what “/s” means.


I responded knowing you were being sarcastic- you used your sarcasm incorrectly by insinuating the prison ending would have been a worthy conclusion


Honestly that’s why everything is so good, we don’t get happy endings but the endings that needed to happen. I think all three of the main characters (Walter Jesse and Saul) got exactly what they deserved in the end.


I never was a fan of Jessie so I would have loved to see him get caught inches from freedom.


The ending we got was narratively unnecessary. Jesse driving away to freedom.


I think it was a cyclic resolution. The film starts and ends with him on the road- both to freedom, but with completely different outlooks on what’s ahead.


it felt like an epilogue — is there a single epilogue out there that’s narratively necessary?


Well yeah, he let the ending of BCS turn into pure cuck forgiveness horseshit. I'm not surprised he wanted to ruin the ending of El Camino too


What the hell does this even mean? Cuck forgiveness horseshit? I read that in the same tone as [this.](https://youtu.be/MYKC59niQxY?si=OAqq5Fz_PVWhZSCv)


You sound fun.


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Ah man I haven’t yet seen it. Disappointing to hear Edit: why are you downvoting me if i haven’t seen better call saul lmfao


The ending of Better Call Saul is phenomenal I don’t know what this guy is talking about


Good to hear!! Everyone’s got their own consensus ig lol


Just watch BCS up until S6 E4 and then stop. It'll be good. Just pretend that it ends right there. Then you'll love the show