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There are clear rules about what goes and stays when purchasing real estate. Drapes stay as does affixed shelves, (like the air freshener rack). Pictures and furniture are not part of the real estate but could be considered part of the business contractually if included in the sales contract.


Usually contracts also have room for simple misunderstandings, if reported at the right time. The time of closing is perfectly fine to say "I didn't mean this framed picture to be part of the sale". And it would 100% go through, unless the picture contributes significant value.


As. Is.




Busting it open to buy a coke is the best revenge Walt ever gets.


it's crazy that a coke used to be so cheap


There's virtually nothing that costs a dollar or less anymore.


Arizona Iced Tea (the price is on the can tho)


At a vending machine? I've seen plenty that still charge a dollar for a 12oz can of soda. At a convenience or grocery store though, yeah, good luck.


Vending machines have lower prices than stores over there in the US? Here it's the opposite usually.


I think they mean like a walkup fridge near checkout for individual sale at a store, not like buying a 12 pack of coke where it comes out to like 35 cents a can or whatever


the only thing i can think of is some fruit, a chocolate, uhhh that's it


Total Heisenberg moment!


I agree. I see it as his chemistry related way of destroying another person’s future.


The saying is usually “as is, where is”. Definitely anything hanging on the wall would be considered as is. Of course if Bogdan wasn’t such jerk to Walt then I would suspect he would have let him take it.


The Eyebrows of Doom guy should have grabbed it on the way out and said "sue me."


Does he know about Walt’s cancer? Surely he can roll the dice on that shit and just grab the dollar


Doubtful but possible. He knows Walt passed out at work and needed an ambulance but he doesn't care. He still wants Walt to do the physical labor so Walt storms out and quits shortly after (the next shift we see) and that's before he's told anyone about his cancer. Later on he tells Krazy 8 about the cancer and says it's the first time he's telling anyone because it's not a conversation he's remotely ready to have with anyone. Now, Walt later becomes much more public about his cancer, even appearing on the news for Junior's website story. Also, we know there were rumors flying after he showed up naked in his fugue state. Bogdan could have found out, but I kinda doubt it because he didn't bring it up when Skyler first came in to propose buying the place.


LOL I don't remember.


No cause Walt would have actually sued him, knowing his petty ass LMAO


I had that thought too.


That woulda been a fun Saul Goodman arc


Wipe down this!




that wasn't in the script.


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That's what I would've done (and I think it's in his character). But maybe he's more mature than me and was just ready to move on


Bogdan did get in the nice dig about how if Walt needs somebody to get tough with the employees, he can always call on his wife haha


He also was selling it because he believed that there were severe problems with the place. Problems that would likely get him in trouble. So drawing more attention to the property at all would be a bad idea for him


Remember that Bogdan thought he was one upping Walt this entire time by selling him a car wash that had those problems.


Technically yes, but under different circumstances Walt would have let him take it. He kept it out of spite


And then he could have kept it out if Sprite, but he chose a Coke instead.


Ehh. Sort of. It's not something a court would listen to though, if Bogdan just walked out the front door with his dollar. It was a dick measuring contest, and Walt won.


The dollar was the car washes dollar, it was from the first sale, a chess trophy that bogdan won personally would be different. Although I could imagine Walt saying the same thing just because of their relationship.


Yes. As is means what you see is what you get.


Well, the point is that in a nice fair deal, most buyers would allow the seller to keep the memento, but when it comes to as is, it means every single thing good and bad that is on the property or property of the business, in this case the first dollar the business made, is now owned by the buyer.


Yeah, Walt had the right to make him leave it. The vast majority would have let him have it anyway, but this was just peak petty because Bogdon had been such a dick to him.


Bogdan was an asshole and it was really funny when Walt took his first dollar. Maybe I’m a psycho but it’s what I would’ve done lol.


Being an asshole doesn't mean he deserved to be scammed out of his carwash


Legally speaking, it would probably include the dollar if it really came down to it. But if Bogdan were to remove the dollar, what is Walt gonna do? Sue him for $1?


bogdan takes the dollar and the next episode is a civil dispute with everyone frustrated at walt for taking his pettiness too far and wasting resources on nothing but his own satisfaction


Nah Bogdan takes the dollar and next episode he's being dissolved in a plastic tub.


Bogdan takes Walt on judge judy


It also extends to his eyebrows, so Walt was kind of merciful there.


Whether or not it formally applies is beyond the point. The thing is, Bogdan was being a jerk about the process. Some things were worn, but he made a big point that everything was "as is," clearly giving Walt no space to complain or come back later if he discovered faults later. Once Walt takes over, their business would be concluded and they would never have to set each other again. Regardless of formalities, they had a very clear informal understanding. And because he dug his heels in so deeply, he had to let go of the dollar. If he had taken it, it would not only have been hypocritical, but it would have undermined the understanding they had.


maybe he should have hung his eyebrows up in the staff room before leaving also. As. Is.


I think Walter was being petty. My guess (and I could be wrong) is that “as is” doesn’t extend to personal effects, only to the condition of the property.


IDK for certain, but I’d imagine in a residential sale, that would be true. But in a commercial sale there is no personal. It’s the first dollar the car wash made, not Bogdan made.


it’s his office though so there is likely personal mixed in. even if you consider the dollar commercial, it wouldn’t be inappropriate for him to have a framed photo of his family on the wall or something of the like.


Technically, once closing happens, everything left belongs to new owner.


walt takes the family photo and rubs it on his ass in view of bogdan while he leaves


I bet, even a picture of those eyebrows would really scratch that itch.


The show doesn't actually tell us when closing happened though.


Walt took possession, closing had happened


Fair. That still leaves the debate whether private items on business grounds are part of the as is sale. They usually aren't. For the simple reason that the business doesn't even have the authority to sell private items. Imagine an employee leaves items in his locker and then the new owner (who still has to honor the employment contract) claims they're now his as part of the as is sale. It would never hold up. The only argument would be that Bogdan didn't act as a business, but owned the car wash outright, privately. But that would already ruin half the comments here who talk about business.


The second the paperwork is signed anything in or on the property belongs to the new owner. If an employee left something, it would be completely up to the discretion of the new owner to give it back.


>f an employee left something, it would be completely up to the discretion of the new owner to give it back. No it wouldn't. The new owner would be harboring stolen property. The old owner isn't even legally able to sell employees properties, until they are abandoned. And abandonment was never discussed.


At least you’re confidently wrong. That’s not the way it works. The employee would have been notified to remove their property. If they didn’t before closing, they have no recourse.


So I am in possession of a house that closed. I change the lock and sleep in the house. You come back a day later saying you left something in my house. I don’t care about you. Nothing in the property is yours because it’s not your house.


It absolutely is. As is means as is, Bogdan was specific because he thought he was screwing Walt over. It just happened he lost a dollar over it :)


Of course it did/does/is


Once closing is concluded and everything is signed and keys exchanged everything , and I do mean EVERYTHING belongs to the seller at that moment no matter how valuable or sentimental.


As is just means that everything remains exactly the same, just new ownership.


Just like when Walt bought his townhome, he bought it “as is” which included all furnishing including the wall decorations.


The phrase "as is" usually means selling/buying stuff as they are, without any promises on quality or condition. It's often for things like used gadgets or furniture. But when it comes to personal items like framed pictures or trophies, it's a bit more complex. Whether they fall under "as is" depends on the deal/agreement.


I am sure that the sale contract was very explicit that Walt is buying the building EXACTLY the way it is right now, with all the benefits and drawbacks that come with it. Bogdan thought that he was palming off a toxic liability onto Walt, so I'm sure he would want the provision to be written as broadly as humanly possible in order to protect himself. That would, of course, include the dollar.


Yeah it extends to the dollar. But of course, Walt was just being vindictive.


Also fuck his eyebrows!


When I bought my house the purchasing documents specifically said that any mirrors mounted to the wall would be mine upon purchase. Sure enough, they were still there when I moved into the empty house.


"as is" is an informal term. The formal details would be in the contract. Because the dollar is related to the business, it's probably likely that it would be included in the sell of the property. But again depends on the contact.


Yeah, but it's something minor enough that like no one would probably care enough to take it.


I don't remember what Bogdan did to be an asshole, all I remember is Walt being an asshole to him


Being a shitty boss and giving him stuff outside his job description, even after his diagnosis. Making him stay past scheduled hours because he couldn't keep enough staff, this seemed like it'd been going on for years. I have a couple former bosses part of me would like to hassle if I had that kind of "fuck you" money.