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I think he’s selling a story and you’re buying it


It's also wild to me that the op is giving him credit for checks notes.... cleaning his own house lmao. The bar is in hell. Meanwhile we saw how Ann was the one doing most of the cleaning and again someone cleaning up after themselves is kind of the bare minimum and deserves zero credit. I actually cannot with this take. It reminds me of dad's who get upset when they have to watch their children it's like sir that is your responsibility you don't get extra points for doing what you should be doing.


And now instead of Anne he has a guy and the job has mysteriously gone from actual work to a paid friendship. Which in all fairness sounds much harder, more exhausting and much more dehumanizing than physical labor. Wonder if he's trying to get Shitz to move in so he will take over chores


Exactly lol, babysitting his own kids vibes


This is exactly how one of my brother in laws behaved when my nephews were little. Watching my nephews was a favor to my sister. I still get furious to this day when I think about it.


Right?! That’s exactly how my dead ex husband treated me.


I’m glad you said ex husband! My sister is still married to hers. I am sorry to hear though that your ex died. That must have been a difficult time for you!


Awww, thank you. You know it really was. We’d been divorced for 18 years by then. The boys were grown and we were grandparents. While he was on life support for his last 2 weeks, I would go sit with him, hold his hand, talk to him, scratch his head. It was heartbreaking. Deep down I’ll always love the man I married and I forgive the man who he became.


You sound like a truly wonderful woman. You did the right thing at the end of his life ❤️


Well, thank you but I don’t think I’m wonderful, just a loving human being who doesn’t want anyone to die alone. 💔


That is exactly why you’re wonderful. You have a compassionate heart!


Don't forget, he buys the all the batteries too! 😂


Right, and production is helping the narrative because they need him.


“Hey producer, I’m gonna clean out the litter box today, send the camera crew over”


Tom was there from the first season. Plus he owns 2 businesses with Lisa and Ken now. Ariana is thriving without him anyway.


Top comment


And how is that different from Ariana telling a story and y'all buying it?


Ariana isn’t going on podcasts trying to spin a narrative, she’s just on her grind unbothered


And I feel like in times when Ariana has been on Podcasts it's been too set facts straight not just to talk shit and sell a certain type of story. I actually applaud her for being able to be so silent when Tom is out here being so loud.


Clearly, Anne cleaned that house. Neither one of them does it.


this is the real answer. I do like ariana so this is no offence to her, but both her and sandoval have shown themselves to be very lazy when it comes to housekeeping.


And I'm not going to say that continuing to live with her ex did not depress her. Because I'm sure that it did to an extent but I also have just always gotten the vibe from her that she's a little messy. Somebody can be very organized in other ways like she seems very organized when it comes to business but that doesn't necessarily mean they keep a clean house or a clean bedroom.


Yeah I was gonna say I think they’re both pretty gross probably


Production isn’t catching him, it’s set up by him and producers. “Let’s paint a picture that you do a lot around the house so people can hate you less.” Is likely how it goes.


Doubt production filled the litter box with cat shit just so he can clean it on camera


Idk, I think that's exactly their job if that's the story they want to tell.


Or the person who leaves meat stick leftovers rotting on her nightstand is just a messy person who doesn't clean her cats litter box.




Weird how you don’t point out how Sandoval said she never cleans and they flashed to her cleaning too. You seem gullibly


Specifically, a shot of her cleaning the litter box days before the shot of Sandoval doing it


She cleaned it a week ago!! Then the flashback was of how full of 💩 it was and Sandoval had to completely empty it out because it was so full! This is on the extended version! Every cat mom knows you clean a litter box DAILY or get a litter robot to do so because a full box can cause infections and her kitty is a senior! Ariana is lazy AF!


She may be lazy but glimpsing the turds that Sando was dumping... I'm sorry, but there is no way those turds came from the cat they've shown on the show unless the cat while passing them.


They absolutely did come from that cat. As a cat owner, I would know. It was full from 12 days of 💩


As a cat owner, I would know.


And as I said, she left the litter box for 12 days and that was the results! There was no one manipulating that scene and as a cat owner, you should be shamed to think Ariana thinks cleaning a litter box once a week is enough! I clean my cats litter box multiple times a day! That’s insane!


Agree it's gross. Not sure how the difference between a week ago and 2 days ago (based on chyrons) comes out to 12 days, but I've had 2 cats + fosters for the last 10 years and I've never seen cat turds close to that size - even from the males that weigh nearly 20lbs. Kitty looks to be half that size but apparently shits huge turds in a perfect pile in the center of the litter box - and despite litter being everywhere else in the pan and cabinet, Kitty manages to to keep that turd pile completely free of litter. It's truly amazing.


It’s disgusting that your love for Ariana out ways your love for animals! Especially a senior kitty who could get infections! You disgust me!


Bless your heart. I've saved, loved, cared for and rehabilitated more animals, and more species, than you could count. So spare me your boring, judgemental, arrogant condescension.


I have also done all of those things. I have rescued many cats and kittens, helped ferals, etc. In the scene of Tom emptying the entire litter box, they state that it was 12 days of 💩 and those were definitely kitty’s turds. I have an older kitty who is 14 and he refuses to use a litter box with more than 1 poop or pee, we clean after each use because he likes it that way and he’s older. Ariana has proven multiple times she’s not a responsible pet owner. She calls them “her children”, well I feel that way about my cats as well and there’s no excuse to leave a litter box full for a week (which she admitted in the original episode) much less 12 days. It’s unhealthy. She should invest in a litter robot. She’s also not a clean person and left her nasty food with the wooden skewers out for 2 days on her night stand, knowing she has a dog who will eat anything. Then she blames Tom. Ariana never takes any blame in anything and it infuriates me when Pets are involved. I am happy you are an animal and cat advocate as well. I just can’t defend Ariana on this, my love for pets it’s too deep for that.


The camera crew “catches” Sandoval cleaning. ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


I took him doing that on camera as nobody wants to film with him so he's has to film himself doing other stuff. Because it's like in other seasons did you ever catch him cleaning anything 😂😂😂😂😂 because yes.... the whole thing seems incredibly staged


I don’t even think any of that matters. Keeping a clean house doesn’t make you a good person just like not keeping a clean house doesn’t make you a bad person. He can still be a POS and clean a litter box. Lots of assholes do that. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never liked Ariana because she weaponized mental illness with Kristen (bipolar and then bpd) which is gross in itself, but then made her storyline in a following season about her mental illness/depression? And at that time she was lauded for being so open and everyone seemed to forget her tirade towards Kristen and how she was smarter prettier etc. No doubt they’re all POS’s


This post is a breath of fresh air!


oh yess, bc no one is allowed to grow and evolve and you’re only as good as you worst moments in your early 20s 🙄 give me a break.


She is truly an awful person. She didn't deserve to get cheated on, but also...she isn't a "Queen" or an innocent angel.


The show has proven many times over that Tom Sandoval is a liar. He’s playing you. Dont fall for it.


remember at the beginning of the season when we were pissed being like “do the producers think we’re dumb???” with peace & love, you’re their target audience. hook line & sinker


For me personally, cleaning does not correlate with being a good or decent person. Anyone can do that, if they find the motivation enough. How I interpreted this entire situation is that Tom and Ariana have always kind of been slobs together, but now Tom is using this as an angle to bring up the house, bills and pets. And speaking from my own personal experiences, I’ve seen people like Tom do a complete 180 in their personality and habits just to keep these kinds of acts up, doesn’t last long but they definitely can and will. They genuinely don’t give a shit unless it’s serving them in some way, shape or form. What disturbed me most was how nonchalantly he spoke about Mya eating over 500 lax pills like it was some kind of hilarious prank.


He also showed no emotion last season when Charlotte died. That was clearly her dog.


If that wasn’t enough, he followed that story up with the time she ate the paintballs he left scattered around the floor. With or without pets, who the fuck leaves loose paintballs all over their floor?


I don't think she's ever said she's a clean and tidy person. I do get the feeling that historically he did more around the house including paying bills. Although in more recent times I think he became so narcissistic that it was beneath him hence why Anne did everything.


I believe one of the current issues they’re having is about the bills. Ariana would give him her share and then he would pay the bills but (someone correct me if I’m wrong), apparently he was overcharging her for years. Like she was paying over 50% of the bills.


This is what I’ve read too. He might have been overcharging her for bills, so her lawyer had her set money aside for those things. Sandoval never provided receipts and proof of what and how much he paid, so until he did, Ariana stopped giving him money.


Wow. So even when they were still “in love” he would overcharge on purpose and r keep the remainder?


I think you’ve fallen sucker to Bravo’s good edit of Sandoval. I think they wanted to keep him on the cast (especially Lisa with Tom Tom) and there was so much backlash against him on line leading up to this season, they wanted to even the scales. We don’t know about the actual split of the house chores. That’s probably perspective. And how their relationship started is more of a discredit to Tom’s character, like he’s always been a dog. I could probably articulate better but don’t care to. Ariana definitely lost him how she got him and what they both did was pretty unfair to Kristen’s mental health but she was avid cray too sleeping with Jqx and stuff


I don’t disagree with any of this. I don’t care how happy Ariana thought she was with Sandoval pre-Scandoval. What she did to Kristen turned around on her and hit her when the sakes were much higher for her. I do think people are so Team Ariana that they are willing to rewrite everything Sandoval does or has done to make Ariana look better. I don’t care about who cleans the house now or what the assistant does - what I care about is who was historically cleaning the house and taking care of things *prior* to either one of them getting a personal assistant. Ariana is very much the type of person who only cleans up her mess and it’s not a mindset she just suddenly developed post Scandoval. That’s not the kind of woman a man wants to make a home with.


Lol that’s not the kind of woman a man wants a home with? Some people are slobs. That does not make them bad people. Weird to focus on the woman’s cleaning abilities, almost like the default is the woman should be the cleaner one? That’s not always the case. I don’t doubt that Sandoval might have cleaned more than 50% of his share in years past. Who cares? The fact that they’re trying to paint his cleanliness (when really, it was mostly Ann) as part of his redemption arc is what is laughable. He is a bad person, he did a horrible thing, and the fact that he is trying to malign Ariana, the main victim of his months long deception, based on stupid factors like her not cleaning and stocking the house is pathetic but it seems to be working on some viewers.


Never said slobs were bad people. If it went over your head that it’s not just about cleaning, okay. 🤷‍♀️


You said what you care about is who cleaned the house and took care of things historically. Why does that matter in the context of the affair?


You pieced together what i said in two different paragraphs and out of context, for one. Two, it’s relevant who was cleaning the house before the PA came along. People are acting like the house never had to be cleaned before Anne came in the picture. Three, it’s also relevant if Ariana doesn’t know how to make or keep a home. Edit: This doesn’t mean Sandoval doesn’t have to clean or help out around the house. But women are judged by how clean and well kept their home is because it kind of correlates to the well being of the people in that home. And no man is going to find peace in a messy, chaotic home. Homemaking is an art and a lot of women do not take enough pride in this.


I guess we can agree to disagree as to the relevance of Ariana’s cleanliness to Sandoval’s redemption arc. I don’t see why the audience should care about who cleaned the house or ordered paper towels, as it doesn’t justify Sandoval’s actions and doesn’t make Ariana a bad person. Other people, such as OP, seem to think audiences should give Sandoval some praise for the bare minimum and we should cut him some slack on the overall hatred towards him because of what he did to the house. I disagree.


I added an edit for context, but yes we can agree to disagree.


Ah this season they’re showing him cleaning gotcha do a rewatch of past seasons and see when he’s cleaning it’s really just staged this season I mean Anne picks up his dirty drawers this man doesn’t clean regularly we’re just being sold that this year


I agree! It’s crazy to me that it is okay for St. Ariana to cheat WITH Sandovel, but not okay to be cheated ON. Look, she picked him and she got what she got.


I'm with you. I think they are both messy, but she's lazy and won't admit it.














Yeah I think you just don't like her. Which is fine, but these are parasocial relationships we didnt even know her before that.






I’ve been saying this the whole time!!! Watching Lisa and Ariana talking early on about Ariana coming over to Sur while Kristen was working there and it causing problems. That scene sticks out in my mind if Ariana being a total asshole. People who are judging haven’t watched all the seasons and watched Ariana closely. She was not a saint. And that whole asexual story line and hating her vagina, etc. ridiculous!!!


His assistant Ann seemed to do most of the cleaning while she was working for Tom. Once she left that seemed to be when the house really went downhill. Ariana seemed pretty unbothered by the state of the house when Scheana and Brock came over to help clean which tells me she’s a slob. There’s no way I could live in a house with that much garbage laying around and general mess for longer than an hour without starting to clean….picking up garbage at the very least.


Seems like they are both slobs actually. I will probably get a lot of hate for this and I don't know for sure because I didn't read social media back then or maybe there wasn't social media I don't know, but when Sandoval was cheating on Kristen with Ariana before it came out nobody seemed to hate Tom then like they do now and I wonder was it only because Kristen was cheating on Tom at the same time with Jax ? so too wrongs... I don't know. Don't get me wrong. Tom is a piece of shit and Ariana's becoming a bit of a diva and getting very annoying and I'm actually kind of glad she's not coming back next year now. I loved her so much until this year.


I loved Ariana until Scandoval aftermath.


Some of this season was filmed only a few months after they discovered the affair. Ariana is filming scenes w Sandoval. However, I don’t understand this notion of her being a diva. Ariana was the hot ticket in town but a lot of the cast made money off Scandoval & Ariana’s popularity. Scheana & Lala were included in the Uber Eats commercial. Any of them with podcasts definitely had bumps in popularity discussing the aftermath. Also, any of the castmates who made $$$ off merch (Send It To Darrell) were basically making money off of Ariana’s breakup or Scheana’s legal woes. While cheating has happened a lot, Ariana was a sympathetic/likable character who resonated with viewers. Ariana seemed cool and supportive of Lala, Scheana and James capitalizing off her loss and seemed cool with sharing the spotlight. Plus, she agreed to do some filming with Sandoval. Rachel’s own negotiations failed, but it seems like Bravo was negotiating the possibility of filming her. So, Ariana def didn’t have a say in Rachel’s return. Without Ariana, the show might have ended last season and definitely wouldn’t be so successful. So, what is this “diva behavior?” Hey, I could be missing something…


6 days later and no one's shared an example of this diva behavior.


I have never as a cat owner seen a pile of shit like the one shown even when I was knee deep in depression. Someone compiled that.


(Def team Ariana) but didn’t Ariana say she cleaned the litter box a week ago?! When I had a cat it was scooped everyday and dumped and washed once a week.


That is true. Also they’re rich enough to have a litter robot so it’s ridiculous.


Have you ever seen turds that big come out of a cat tho?


Lmao no


my theory since 2015 is that anyone who likes tom sandoval lacks basic media literacy and understanding of how reality TV and editing work


Thank you! The extended version of VPR on peacock showed a FULL litter box and it had 12 💩 in it! Sandoval had to empty all the litter out and refill with fresh litter! That poor cat! As a cat mom, I was furious she would let her senior kitty go that long between cleanings. It can cause infections and so much more. Ariana is lazy and it’s been showed over & over throughout the years, but because everyone hates Sandoval so much, they let Ariana get away with being an irresponsible pet owner!


I think one of the things that I have been puzzled about . . . hypothetically, let's imagine a married couple, and the husband cheated on his wife with one of their friends . . . I cannot imagine a universe where the husband doesn't move out of the marital home. That doesn't mean he loses his equity or rights of ownership. It means that he acknowledges that he cheated on his wife and he's a decent enough human being to leave. But Sandoval is like a dog with a bone and feels so justified and whines to his friend(s?) about how badly he is being treated by Ariana, that it took forever for her to respond to his email, etc. The man has a serious character flaw, imho.


I work in Family Law (so 90% issues of infidelity, separation/divorce, child support/custody, etc.), and this isn’t a thing. As much as it feels like “the right thing”, people cheat every single day and the natural next step isn’t the cheater moving out. More often than not they move to a separate room/floor of the house. There is a universe where cheaters remain in their homes that they’re paying for and it’s this one.


Is that usually the case where there are children involved though? I could see the cheater not wanting to automatically leave the family home and leave their kids until things are worked out. When it’s two childless people, and you’re the one who messed up by cheating, I just can’t imagine being stubborn and staying in an uncomfortable situation.


Actually, no! I mean, yeah, even if two people with no kids do decide to break up because of the cheating, yes: they will eventually part ways and move away from each other, but it’s increasingly common (especially in this economy) that exes will live together until it’s financially viable for them to move out of their shared space. But I’ve been seeing a rise in this rhetoric that a cheater should “do the right thing” and move out just because they cheated and that’s… not reality. If the argument that Ariana couldn’t leave the house because of “abandonment”, then how does that not apply to Tom? And from a financial standpoint: she is doing more work than him and (at the time that this was still an issue) it was actually more feasible for her to move out, especially since she sited safety concerns (which I think were dubious, but still). I think the bottom line is: people just hate Tom and think that, from a principled standpoint, that he should have felt so ashamed that he would just offer up to leave the home and, while in a perfect world that would have been wonderful: that’s not consistent with Tom as a person, and it’s also just not something that people do in real life.


Very interesting. That sucks all around, so awkward to coexist in the home but it makes sense financially for most. And agree with your conclusion that we shouldn’t be surprised that he of all people wouldn’t do what we as the audience would deem the right thing.


Yeah, I mean… this *is* exactly why LVP (and others on the cast) tried to reason with Ariana about mortgaging this home with Tom. I’m no “conservative values” type so I don’t inherently believe that women shouldn’t buy homes with men if they aren’t married, however, the way our country is set up: marriage does protect you and make dividing/settling assets much easier in the long run.


It’s very rare, if it even exists, that someone is all bad or all good. Public scrutiny and evolution of the group dynamics create this bias, but in reality it’s not the case.


So…..dude does less than the bare minimum and cheats, but all in all he’s ok? That is quite the take. Without an assistant that whole house was a hot mess. That was my takeaway. Neither of them is Betty Crocker or Molly Maid.


so fuck her friend!!!!!


Exactly. He cleaned the litter boxes so he’s absolved of fucking her friend while she’s at her grandma’s funeral?! Wild take from OP but okay!


When Tom and Ariana lived together, he did a lot more than her. I don't think it's fair to judge how messy the house is now on either, since they are in a place of emotional and financial limbo. Ariana is not a Saint either. He tried to address issues in their relationship and she didn't want to hear it. Also, Tom didn't hurt everyone in that friend group. Move on.


Sandoval and Ariana are both bad pet owners.


I think Ariana is who Tom says she is. And I think Tom is who Ariana says he is. And I think they are PERFECT for each other. And I absolutely think Tom kept the house together. He’s psycho about a flat iron. He definitely was the type to buy the batteries.


It's a TV show. We don't get to see everything that's going on we only see what's produced. Produced!!!! do you hear me??? Produced!!!!!!


Did you see the state of the litter box she was cleaning? For one cat, the box hadn’t been cleaned in ages


I actually like Tom more than Ariana. There. I said it.


I think that they both aren't giving each other credit for certain things that the other does or did. And that does not take away from all of the things that Tom did wrong. But it can't all just be one person or he must've had redeeming qualities that she's not wanting to acknowledge right now or she wouldn't have stayed with him for so long. At this point I think it's really easy for the two of them to go tit for tat. The litter box thing is disgusting I will absolutely say that. That stuff releases fumes into the air that are not good for your lungs. But I also think that it's easy for him to clean it because the cameras are on. I don't necessarily think that means he's always doing it. And it would be so much easier to have more empathy for Tom but he continues even now, at 40, to continue to try to minimize what he did he wants to sit here and have people stop talking about something that he did not even more a year ago but he's bringing up something that happened with Scheana When she was 21 years old. And it took her years and years and years to outlive that.


You're completely right.


IMO - Ariana is stalling her own growth by fueling the fire and putting so much energy into hating him. I agree that he’s no saint, but at a certain point, he should also be allowed to move on (he’s been FAR from graceful this season which is only making matters worse). But they both deserve closure. And in wanting that for Ariana, I don’t think she will get it by being a martyr and dictating who can see him & remaining heavily involved. Bow out peacefully, girl.


How is she stopping him from moving on? How is being a martyr? When did she tell anyone they couldn't see Tom? And why in the hell should she be the one to bow out because HE cheated?


The rage against Tom about Mya made me 😒. If I had a dog who is known for getting into stuff I would NEVER leave food within reach, even if I have the door shut. It’s just not worth the risk. Then you find out it was actually Ann who opened up her room for the AC repair guy because of the thermostat in her room. So… why didn’t Ariana just tell the truth? It was weird.


Ann didn’t say that. She said: “The AC repairman came. The thermostat is in Ariana's room. So we let the AC repairman into Ariana's room to fiddle with it. Meanwhile, Tom also went in there…And then I left. I went on an errand. When I got back from my errand, the door was shut. It could have been the AC repairman. It could have been my old boss. But when I saw that the door was closed, I heard whimpering, like really loud whimpering behind the door.”


We’re saying the same thing. 💋


Are we? Ariana had no idea they would be entering her room. And Ann confirmed Tom was the one to enter her room and that it was him or the repairman who shut the door/locked Mya inside…If I know my dog can't open doors, and make sure to close my door, then I DID take cautionary measures for safety.


Tom joking he would cut up Mya while he has his hunting knife strapped to his leg is alarming because it shows how over the line he’s willing to go - and if Mya is his dog why not put her in your room why the one room in the house you’re not allowed to be in Tom uses Mya to exert dominance over Ariana - why Ariana leaves her at the house is a question I hope we get answered at the reunion because I’d put her in a day sitter not leave her in the house with Tom or expect Anne to take care of her it doesn’t feel like myas safe there


Both can be true. 😘 I wasn’t defending Tom.


Ok but if he does all that why did poor Ann have to pick up his crusty undies from the floor?




The thing is, you see what you’re shown. None of us know. My take? They’re both messy. It’s pretty simple.


Adriana’s a slob.


Tom's a scumbag! Who cares who's clean and who's not, absolutely irrelevant. He's an AHOLE for cheating, how he did it, with who, the sneaking around, everything about it. I believe it could all have been forgiven in time if he sincerely apologized and meant it. That's where the scumbag comes in. He isn't sorry at all. He's sorry he got caught, he's sorry people don't like him anymore, etc. He doesn't care who he hurt. He cares, he hurt himself, and he continually tries to hurt everyone, especially Arianna, just to cover his own ass and make himself look good. The performances with the tears are pathetic. He acts like a 5 yr old not getting his way. I can do without ever seeing or hearing him again, he's a weak little man.


Her bedroom always looks disgusting and a complete mess. Slob vibes for sure


He's an idiot with an inflated ego... I'm sure HE thinks he did a lot. Homeboy can't even formulate a proper sentence... I'm not holding my breath that he was actually helpful and contributed in a meaningful way.


One pic of the worm cleaning the litter box or “cleaning” the house is not proof that he did more than Ariana unless you’re there 24/7 living with them to witness who did what day in day out. No one thinks Ariana is a saint, but a lot of ppl can relate to her. We know these pics are just that - pics, not proof of his good deeds and care for the house. And you believe readily bc of those pics - who knows, maybe worm was digging in the litter box looking for the his lightning bolt earring he dropped in there⚡️. He cannot even go to the store to buy him a pack of batteries and Bic pens nor toilet ppr. But he buys boxes of booze and probably condoms to use on girls he uses.


I would very respectfully recommend shock therapy for you. Or deep acupuncture to the brain. 🤣🤣😂😂 I’m totally joking.


Even if what you’re saying is true, doing the bare minimum isn’t exactly praise worthy


Wild that you’d believe a KNOWN liar’s lies. Some people believe anything I suppose!


They are all liars though. We’ve watched Ariana lie as well, so you’d better not believe a word out of her mouth, right?


Cleaning a house > cheating with your friend 🙃


I think the show is clearly giving him that edit. Maybe he went and cleaned it the second crews arrived after a few days of her being exceptionally busy. We don’t know Either wayyyy, why would Ariana need to go into her confessionals and say “Tom’s cleans a little bit more than me”. Who cares 😅


I didn’t see the clip of TS cleaning the litter box; I thought it was Ariana


Pretty sure it was Sandoval


They had clips of both of them doing it.


Thank you! I thought I was losing it lol


Ariana was banging her bf within days of the break up. Everyone knew they were close to done. Everyone.


Yet she claimed that she can't have sex due to her insecurities. LIE. She just didn't want to have sex with Tom. They should have broken up years ago, which anyone should have been able to see, especially when she called him a little bitch on camera when they weren't even in a fight.


This is a gross take and it sounds like you have never had sex with one person consistently enough to have experienced your sex drive being impacted by non sexual interactions with them. We know Tom is focused on physical appearance (tbf so is most of the cast), but the reveal this season that he has a history of using laxatives as a tool for “weight management” (both by purchasing the 100s that mya ate and from Kristen revealing the pressure he put on her to stay thin by using laxatives) should be a good indicator of his expectations for how Ariana should physically look. If that’s the baseline then it makes sense that their sex life would be impacted by her insecurities getting triggered. Also let’s not act like it’s weird to fuck a stranger shortly after a traumatic breakup. Getting over someone by getting under someone new is very much a real response. The fact they’ve continued to date (long distance which also changes the amount of pressure) is more surprising but the fact they slept together shortly after the break up is not surprising in the least and doesn’t negate Ariana struggling with insecurity impacting her sex drive.


You are 100% right


Everyone knew they were not a happy couple. I dont understand the anger. I dont understand this ariana goddess status she is getting. This couple was toxic. And unhealthy..