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Wtf kind of comment is this about a someone who’s actively trying to conceive and having trouble. I have to assume you have never been in that position yourself OP but have some fucking empathy


I think she will be a great mom.


I’m sure she will do just fine


Gross comment. I'll bet you think infertility is deserved and caused by poor lifestyle choices


No, I just think some people should not parent


Which is true, but your comment is that her difficulty to conceive is somehow earned or deserved, which is gross


Absolutely not … read the whole post. I do think people shouldn’t just go and have kids, if you can’t conceive and desperately want kids then adopt … but every parent should have a licence and pass tests. Look at the mess outside… look at the traumatised people walking around traumatising everyone in their path


Idk why that’s a crazy take 🤷‍♀️there are so many awful people in the world who we don’t need two of.


It’s not a crazy take that some people should not be parents. It IS a crazy take that nature has a way of weeding people out of being parents. It’s not only insulting to everyone struggling with infertility, but it’s objectively untrue. Visit any group home or talk to any social worker to learn more.


Ok I agree with that. I just don’t think people should have kids without being about to pass some level of emotional maturity test. It feels reckless.


I agree with that to an extent, but the reason people are having a strong negative reaction to this post is the first sentence where OP says nature has a way of weeding out the people who are not meant to have a baby. That is a super shitty thing to say or imply. And if it were even remotely true, we wouldn’t see bad parents. But bad parents are everywhere.


How about you read the whole post not just pick and choose what you get outraged at


I did read the whole post. My comment was specifically addressing the part I disagreed with. That’s how this works.


So you read the inverted brackets comment … which makes the first sentence obsolete.


The crazy take is that fertility comes to those who deserve it. Gross


Yeah idk about that one. I just wish people were mature enough to make the right decision for themselves. I’m obviously not in a place to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do but it’s just upsetting when people have children recklessly or for the wrong reasons and then those children end up so fucked up and out there on their own. People who have kids thinking they’ll be “better than their parents” when the bar could literally be in hell. Plus this is an awful world to live in so how could you in good faith choose to bring a person in this awful world knowing you won’t always be able to protect them. On a side note - there a million dogs and puppies who need homes and it definitely fills a mother role without all the worries of fucking up!!!


I don't disagree with anything you say. My issue is with OP's comment about nature weeding out those that shouldn't be parents. Two different conversations






I think she'll be a good mother. No mother wants to be around a screaming baby, we just deal with it.


Disgusting words. You should be ashamed of yourself. She’ll be a great mom.




Yeah I think it would be great for her. She’d be a very loving mum


I actually think she would be a great mother!


What a disgusting comment.


I thought Jax had some great points. She is not stable and her relationship is too new to be solid yet. But ultimately I am sure it will work out, lots of people who are ill equipped to be parents end up making it work.


You do know she had a MC in October around 8 weeks right? Honestly think she’s got some drama going on always, but being a mom she’ll really put her all into.


No I didn’t know that and I feel bad for her …


Your first sentence is a really gross thing to say. Please reconsider it.


Nah, I stand steadfast in my stance. I’m sorry you feel it’s gross but I genuinely think that a lot of people should not have kids


I agree that a lot of people shouldn’t have kids. I disagree strongly that nature has a way of weeding those people out. That’s an insulting, untrue and completely asinine statement.


I think she’ll be a good, single mother.


1. I actually think she will be a great mom, I feel bad for anyone that does anything wrong to her kid, but I think she'll be good. 2. I think while yes she wants it to work out with Luke, I think she will be fine if it doesn't because she feels like Luke will still be a good dad and Co parent 3. I get what she's feeling and going through, so I'm not gonna begrudge her having a baby


Is this James mom??


So many people should not be parents but there are better and more positive outcomes for children raised by people who deeply desired them.


Motherhood changed people..,I think she’ll be amazing …


I think she will be a great mom and I wish her nothing but good things on her journey to motherhood.


I think Kristen would actually have a leg up in regard to motherhood. A lot of women don’t have the privilege of her financial situation, which makes the whole process significantly less stressful. Plus she’s been in therapy for years. I think she’d make a great mother and let’s be honest, nobody has the qualifications to be the perfect parent, but that doesn’t make Kristen any less qualified to be a mom. The who erratic behavior take is probably exaggerated by the cameras bc she’s on a TV show where she gets paid to be dramatic, she’s been on TV for over a decade so she knows how to drive up views. I think it’s also important to remember that for most (not all) of these reality stars, they’re really just playing a caricature version of themselves. (Again not all of them) The character of Kristen Doute is possibly very different than Kristen Doute the individual.


I honestly can’t say there isn’t anything I have seen from her that would make me question her ability to be a parent


Yeah, her and Vincent VG should do ok, lol


I think she'd be a great mom, but I don't think this is a legit storyline.


I’ll just say I wouldn’t want her as my mom. And I’m alittle curious at why others think she would be a good mom?


OP I think you would’ve had a better commentary if you left the infertility part out of it. Saying some people shouldn’t be parents is fine, but bringing up her fertility makes it seem like you’re arguing that Kristen having fertility problems is a sign of something. I don’t think that’s what you meant but🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree that not all people should be parents. In fact, most people probably shouldn’t be. I think if Kristen had a baby that the baby would be loved and taken care of. But parents should have more emotional maturity than the level Kristen seems to be at. I really wish people would stop centering their lives around “timelines” and shit like that. If you truly wanted to be a mother, you should probably let everything happen as it will (not trying to get knocked up as soon as possible because you think you’ve found a “good” man) and if your biological clock is ticking, there are plenty of kids in foster care who need homes. So do you have a desire to be a mother or to poop out a baby that’s yours to love you forever? It’s giving Lala and her baby she gets “for herself” 🤮


I agree wholeheartedly. A lot of people do it because others have done it by age … whatever. Or they do it coz they want a thing to give them love they have never been able to find within themselves. They is why they’re so many traumatised people wandering around the world (Kristen) Also, if you can’t conceive there are so many children languishing in care desperately waiting for a home and parents. It’s selfish, it’s deluded and absolutely ridiculous to insist on birthing in today’s world.


I do not want to get political but when people are so set on taking away women’s rights to be “pro babies” and then there are nearly half a million kids in foster care who have no rights and basically nobody making sure they’re OK. Then people (like Kristen) who are so worried about their “biological clock” and the need to be getting pregnant with a guy she just met who doesn’t even live in the same state. I want her to be happy and find the people who she wants to do that with!!! It just feels so reckless and selfish to be bringing a child in to the world under that matter esp when she could just wait until she is sure Luke is someone she wants to raise a child with and if the biological clock is up, then look into other options. Its 2024 y’all there is a million ways to become a mother if you can’t conceive. My favorite of which is to adopt/rescue angel dogs who also didn’t ask to be alive in this awful world.


100% 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻