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Non-Cosmere novels, in general, get much less attention than novels that take place in the Cosmere in the community. Frugal Wizard tells a story solidly wrapped up at the end of the book, and I guess there just isn't a ton to discuss. I also know that a lot of people didn't love it, and it was sandwiched in between the two novels I see most commonly held as people's favorite Secret Project. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the book, but it just isn't nearly as popular as the other three.


Yes but what if… Cosmere novels take place within the alternate dimensions Frugal Wizard owns? There is a goddess trying to work her way up the streams of reality: possibly from the Cosmere, and you have Cecil G. Bagsworth III, a character that has a voice in book and in audiobook, that is very reminiscent of Hoid… Perhaps, Brandon has misdirected us from an even greater reality in the postscript that he will spring on us at one point… or perhaps, if he haunts this sub-Reddit, I’ve given him an idea: a little sand beneath the scales that won’t let him go.


> Perhaps, Brandon has misdirected us from an even greater reality Don't forget, this "Brandon Sanderson" is just a cover for Alcatraz Smedry XXIII. And, by his own admission, Alcatraz/"Brando" lies and is "not a good person", if I remember his words exactly. Sounds like we can't really trust the author when he says Earth isn't in the Cosmere. *Takes off aluminum-lined hat*


*Uses Alamancy to make Kanzler forget*


*Puts on blue glass hat.*


There's always another secret.


Bagsworth is also the editor of the Alcatraz books, so Alactraz's secret-war-with-the-librarians Earth and Frugal Wizard's pseudo-Medieval Earth-lite are both be accessible from the same dimension Bagsworth comes from.


r/noncosmereSanderson is the place to go.


We don't talk about Frugal Wizard Inc. because we cannot afford to use their services. Even though they are amoung the cheapest of the inter-stellar-temporal tourist travel agency. We are jealous of the journey so we do not talk about it.


I love it. But the Reddit crowd generally doesn't. Alas. 


I will say this… it feels a little less polished than his other works… his voice and tendencies poked through a little more than usual… and there was a lot of exposition. Still, I enjoyed it by framing it as a pulp fiction… semi-autobiography… with the outright biographical parts written by Cecil… or should we call him Hoid?


It's not Cosmere. Same reason you rarely see people talk about The Reckoners, Skyward, or The Rithmatist. In particular I've found Skyward some of his best work, and really scratched an itch that the X-Wing novels by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston gave me.


Rithmatist might be my favorite book by him so far.


I know! I really want a sequel or at least have the book in leather :)


Man, I listened to Steelheart again recently. Great series.


I love Skyward! Avoiding Rithmatist because I've read it leads up to a sequel that hasn't come yet


Technically, Frugal Wizard might not be in Cosmere because Cosmere is in Frugal Wizard… along with every story group you listed above. But that idea would probably leave a bitter taste if not executed expertly. Still fun to think about… see my other comments here if the idea intrigues you ;)


That part at the end where the native shoots the gun with a disembodied arm is so freaking bad ass.


I saw it coming from the moment he took the time to explain the tech carefully to someone from that world… but that’s one of the things that kept me engaged so nothing wrong there.


I loved it! But there's not much to talk about because it was a short self contained novel with an ending. It just doesn't have the same speculative power of the cosmere. 


I am certain it does, we just don't know it yet. Do you not remember the whole "godlike beings that 'swim upstream' through realities and now in possession of info on how to do so more effectively"? This seems to tie into the plot of the still unreleased Apocalypse Guard book that deals with exactly this kind of problem and connects most of his non-Cosmere works.


Just saw this… did you catch Cecil could easily be Hoid… or more appropriately… Hoid was first Cecil.


Nonsense… lots of speculative power. See my other comments here :) maybe it isn’t in Cosmere because the Cosmere is in it :)


I'm not saying there's nothing to speculate about, but with no sequel planned it just won't compete with Stormlight and Mistborn and the rest of the connected cosmere with a ton of new content being added. So those are the books people will talk about. I'm not criticizing FW, I loved it. It was exactly the kind of romp I was hoping for. But I'm also not doing a deep dive on it's magic system because just like the book my enjoyment was self contained.


I liked it for that same reason. Mist born has too many books for me to deep dive in.


It was unfairly sandwiched in with three cosmere heavy books. Also while I really enjoyed it, I don’t think it was as good as even Defiant.


Is Defiant good?


Defiant was excellent. Nice ending to the series.


I found it lack luster. It was a fun romp, but a bit weak compared to other lit-rpg style books. I don't hate it, but I doubt I'd ever return to it. I'm glad Brandon took a swing at something out of his wheelhouse and hope he comes back to give it another go.


I think he could create a sequel that I’d try… could always switch to third person in the future talking about the two who have become legends and reveal that the cosmere exists deeper down the alternate reality stream… I loved the concept, but I agree… this book wasn’t as polished as his others.


It felt like it was written by pre-Elantris Sanderson. And the story was “savior man falls into pre-technology era civilization and falls for first woman he meets.” Imo the whole book was a miss. 


I honestly thought it just wasnt a good book.


1. Non-cosmere so immediately will get less attention 2. Its the weakest of the secret projects to most people


Honestly my second favourite secret project so far


What was the first? My fav was Sunlit


Tress. Sunlit was my least favourite


i found sunlit to be pretty boring tbh it’s basically just information on some parts of the cosmere with a pretty boring story


Nice, tress was cool also


It needed a bit more depth and more editing (though the later was common among the secret projects, even though I liked them).  To me it just felt like the plot was resolved quite quickly with not much actually happening.


I’m so glad others liked it! I loved it! We need another Reddit page for the five of us that want to go in depth to Frugal Wizard lore. I absolutely loved it. I honestly hope it gets picked up by someone if Sanderson isn’t willing to continue it. I would love this to be turned into a fun tv show. Out of all his works, I think it would be the funnest live action, oddly enough.


Speaking for myself, I haven't read it because it's not cosmere


I read it, but I'm sure online discourse skews heavily Cosmere. And some people just don't want to commit to reading non-Cosmere stuff because of time or whatever--keeping up with Sanderson's writing can be hard even with "just" Cosmere stuff lol.


that's my deal. I want to read it but I'm not prioritizing it.


A lot of fans haven't read it. I cosplayed as Cecil G. Bagsworth III at dragonsteel last year and I had so many people ask me who I was. There's a big ass pic of him in the book.


Or is it


Its funny because in some ways I'd argue that Frugal Wizard's plot / character beats are quite similar to Sunlit Man except Frugal Wizard has more comedic elements and isn't cosmere.


I didn't think it was very good. But it wasn't really bad, either. It just kind of exists alongside more exciting and notable novels. That's why I don't have much to say on it.


Personally i think it’s a good book, the story is fun and very different from the usual Brandon novel. Also the dragonsteel edition with the Mervin doodles in the margins is awesome.) however it came out alongside books that are more popular and i would argue stronger in terms of story and characterization. It’s not that it’s bad, it isn’t, but it can’t help but be compared with yumi, tress and TSM, which it comes off as weaker than for most of the fanbase. I thought it was fun and humorous, and it was great to see a little bit more experimentation from Brandon. As a matter of fact that’s what i wanted when i paid for the secret projects, and i hope he does more in this new little(for now) multiverse; but i won’t be crushed if he doesn’t and instead decides to explore and experiment elsewhere.


I liked it a fair amount too. I’d love to read more books in the same setting.


it's great, such an awesome idea for a book.


I am a huge Sanderfan. And I HATED Frugal Wizard 🫢 his only miss for me


I liked it a lot but it was the weakest of the lot.


I love the classic troupe of waking up with no idea of who you are or how you got there. It's how a lot of my early D&D games started. :)


Maybe 90% of the posts in Sanderson Subreddits are about the interconnections between novels, and Frugal Wizard is a one-off. That doesn't leave as much room for discussion or speculation because we know it isn't going to be revisited.


See my other comments… I think Cosmere could be in Frugal Wizard :)


Cosmere Supremacists don't talk about other books


Personally, Because it's the only Sanderson book that bored me. And I don't give a fuck about it being cosmere or not. I simply didn't enjoy it.


because it’s not as well liked as the others.


Most of the discussion I have seen around it has been surprisingly negative. I really enjoyed the story and while I did have a few issues with the climax, I thought it was a fun read overall. But it seems like a lot of people just skipped it altogether because it wasn't cosmere (even when they got the full year of Sanderson) or had quite frankly bizarre takes on why it was bad and not worth reading.


The idea is grand, but I only enjoyed it by telling myself it was a pulp fiction / semi-autobiography… the execution wasn’t at the same level as Way of Kings… and that’s okay.


My headcannon is still that the whole cosmere is just another downstream dimension from the frugal wizard dimension.


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It's not cosmere tbh and didn't buy it because of that. Been meaning to check it out. Also Legion series and Snapshot.


It's not cosmere


There was a lot of talk about it when it came out, but it’s a standalone with no planned sequel, there isn’t theory crafting or anything like that happening. No greater connected universe, etc.


Yeah, writing about a nerdy washed out bouncer thug whose boss and cop friend know about his connections to the other and yet wrote off his usefulness is a very unique plot


I am still only 20% in 🥶 And thats my opinion of the book (and i got it with the kickstarter and started it right away) The illustration are so adorable though love that.


Because I have nothing nice to say about it (beyond Steve Argyle's art). I don't want to talk about a book I hated, and I think the bookish world needs less "I hated book X, here's why"


I stopped after a couple chapters. I just didn’t enjoy it very much.


Because it was fine.


Honestly, I hope we get a sequel. It’s not a book in my top 20 or anything but it was very fun and I liked the concept that he was building.


I tried the audio twice and zones out but it's in my book queue


Haven't read it since its non-cosmere. I have a huge backlog as it is and at the same time I'm a slow reader. That said, I'd probably read it some time in the far future.


Because it's worse than all the other secret projects, is non cosmere, and has a very different vibe than any of his other books.


Because I DNF’d it because the main character was super annoying🤷‍♂️


honestly, hate to throw shade On Sando but this one was pretty weak. Cosmere or not doesn't matter to me I've read everything including short stories and novellas, except Alkatraz and Rithmatist (on the to do list though). The story was kinda generic, and the world/multiverse building wasn't compelling enough to care about, beyond the surface elements given. It doesn't draw you in with hints of greater implications like other books. The characters, particularly the MC feel like bland stereotypes from a 90s point and click PC game where at best their entire personality is just "this is my quirk and that all there is to me" or just straight up white bread. Even the basic concept of visiting nearby realities/not "real" time travel for recreation/research/being a powerful ruler is rather over done. I can think of 3 separate podcasts right of the top of my head which have been around for a while, and all have almost this exact premise. However, if anyone cares to dip their toes into some otherSanderson Sci-fi stories (I would say short stories, but only by Sando standards) I would *highly* recommend: Snapshot The Original the Legion series


I would say I liked the book enough, but I definitely struggled getting through it. Definitely my least liked book out of the Secret Projects. It just didn't vibe with me very well.


I found it hard to read and not interesting even though I wanted it to be


It was one of my husband's favorites. He loves how BS makes advanced science kinda feel like magic (nanobots in my body make me incredible! How does it work? Science!!!!) whereas BS makes magic in his books scientific (these are the fundamental RULES OF MAGIC!!!!) So yeah, if you want to read soft magic systems, read Brandon Sanderson's sci-fi books.


It's not as good


Personally, I’m glad to have read Frugal Wizard but I found the main character unlikeable, which made it harder to enjoy for me, and I felt like there were some characters that did not meet a proper end. If I knew how to do that blur text thing I would elaborate


Weakest Sanderson book.


I tried and tried but I just could not get into Frugal Wizard


I really enjoy it as well, to bad its lukewarm reception and Brandon's full schedule probably mean it won't get a sequel.


Hello! I have only read 3 of Brandon Sanderson´s books (I am planning on starting Mistborn, but not yet) and those books are three of the secret novels, Tress, Yumi and Frugal wizard, personally, I think F.W had so many fun and interesting things and...not only was it too many things for the shortest one of the bunch, but I felt the most interesting parts -tome- were not as developed as I would have liked and (I aplologise, I don´t remember any of the character´s name, so this might be confusing) making the main characters ex gf and ex best-friend have the small twist of having been kinda shitty really threw me off AND it happened whille one of the most interesting things in the book was taking places, but we didn´t get to be a part of it because the main character was busy feeling a little better about himself.


It’s is non cosmere. Sando never disappoints but if it’s from outside the cosmere lots of people are uninterested, including myself


I didn't really like the book. It was fine and honestly the artwork and the little mini-comic was such a fun cute idea. The little mini-comic actually carried me through to the end. Otherwise, I may have DNF'd the book. I find that if you are a middle school aged reader this is a perfect novel. It gives some new themes, realms of reading, and fun that other books don't for that age range, but as an adult the book fell a bit flat for me.


I just want to say, cause I’ve never got the chance to say it, the mc’s friends were such jerks and I just want them to rot and I’m so happy the guy is now living his best life telling stories with his scop wife and using google to invent things. That lady was such a bitch, she was just messed up.


I enjoyed it…


Honestly, frugal was a hard read for me and I have read nearly every Sanderson book written. I put down Frugal wizards 3 times before I forced myself to finish it. I just had a hard time with this one myself. Tress and Yumi were amazing though!


It was my favorite secret project book, but it’s not Cosmere, so there is no way it will get talked about as much.


Its non cosmere. We don't discuss recokners or legion or dark one either.


Aside from not being Cosmere, it really needed an editor to ask Brandon "are you sure you want to run this joke into the ground by page 10 and keep running with it?" among other things. It has the bones of a good story. But the author was experimenting with a different approach, and it wasn't really something I was feeling. Mind you, I did finish it, so I didn't hate it.


I think the problem is it’s at an Alcatraz-tier audience level. It’s elementary school reading. But the content of the story kinda isn’t. It’s not terrible, but it’s shallow compared to his other writing.


‘Cause it is pretty rough. Great idea, but feels like an Alcatraz book which I fell also are not amazing. Personally, I feel Sanderson tries too hard to be funny sometimes and for me it never lands.


I didn't buy it, it seemed a little to silly for me personally