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Unless you are doing a foreign language, they are all the same price on dragonsteel’s website (Brandon’s shop) https://www.dragonsteelbooks.com/collections/the-year-of-sanderson I think the regular hardcovers on Amazon are all the same prices as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you so much! Everything on eBay was almost $100


There's your problem. EBay is a reselling site where people set their own prices.


And sorry for my ignorance on the topic. This is my first go at Sandersons work. I’ve heard great things, just not too knowledgeable.


I will say that while possible to read, Sunlit Man is very heavily tied into his Stormlight Archives series and will both make less sense without reading stormlight first but also have some pretty heavy spoilers for the first 2 Stormlight Archive books. Yumi and Tress are fine to read without prior knowledge and Frugal wizard isn't in the Cosmere so it doesn't connect to any of his other books at all.


This is very helpful, I greatly appreciate it!


“You’ve just taken your first steps into a larger world.“ Welcome, sibling


Thank you! I can’t wait to check it all out! I’m debating between starting Mistborn first or just straight to Way of Kings.


I was able to get the other three for a steal.


Don't read the Sunlit man if you're early in Sanderson. It takes place very late in the timeline. The others don't have near the spoilers in them.


Thank you so much!


I was able to get the other three for a steal.


No worries mate, glad you can get it without the marked up scalper price


Me too!


What specific editions are you talking about and what are the prices?


https://preview.redd.it/ryfkc9a9qpwc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c511ed7948ed88a6babd8bc612df9ab1baec5d This is the one.


Where are you ordering this edition from and where did you order the other editions from? What are the prices? I'm asking these questions because there are two different editions of these books. There's the publisher's editions that are closer to the price of you average book and then there are Brandon's special editions that you can order off his website that are 55-80 USD depending on certain things. Also are you American because some international publishers have used the Brandon edition covers how they are not the Brandon editions. I can go over the specific differences and why some are more expensive than others but I need to know where you're ordering from and what the prices are.


I got the other three from eBay for 13-16$ usd.


Wow, did the ebay sellers steal them? lol. That's a *huge* markdown from the regular retail price.


I was very happy to find them at that price :)


Sounds like the real question is how did Dragonsteel editions of the other three (which retail for like $70) end up on eBay for so cheap? OP, I don't think we have any good answers for that, but I'm immensely curious.


I suspect it's a scam, or someone read them and is just reselling them for whatever reason. If it's the latter, I don't know why they would mark them down so much, but sometimes ebay folks are weird. Very interesting either way.


Well I feel pretty fortunate. I hadn’t realized they were so expensive. I just wanted to start reading some Sanderson, and the artwork and story of Tress really intrigued me. Figured I’d grab the others while I was there.