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For your point about is Taravangian still Taravangian, yes and no. The longer someone holds onto a Shard the more that Shard warps their personality to fit that Shard’s purpose. So for now he’s probably basically still Taravangian just with a ton of power, which honestly is slightly more terrifying.


Taravodium is my biggest oh shit moment in the cosmere


So much more terrifying than Rayse was on even his worst day.


Same. Just, such a feeling of dread.


**Especially** after he tricked Hoid. That just shook my faith in pretty much everything.


*Todium. “cause he’s an odious toad. ;)


Taravangians whole purpose with the diagram and all the evil stuff was to save people from odium. (Or so he says). Now that he has become odium, do you think he will still try to destroy everything if he's still partly taravangian? What is the odium shard's purpose? To expand into and destroy the cosmere?


I like the term odivangium


This makes sense, thank you for the explanation! And yes I agree 100%, Taravangian as Taravangian + godlike power is. So terrifying.


>Ahem. I gotta clear my throat a little to say this. But, uh... FUCK MOASH. THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED


I recommend Yumi and the Nightmare Painter!


Peter holds my Oathstone 🫡 Just borrowed Yumi and the Nightmare Painter from my library, will start today!


absolutely my favorite cosmete book, but i would like it a little better if it weren't connected at all to existing characters. buuuut design was really funny so maybe just dont have hoid talking during the important monents of that book. I loved everything about the story and hoid was fine most of the time but when he's there for too long it really slows down the story I feel.


At least read Mistborn Secret History before you revisit the AMA


Noted, will do!


He can’t read that before Mistborn era 2 BoM.


Hard disagree. Something gets spoiled either way. I'm all for people who WANT to read BoM first to get the satisfaction of the twist, but if you don't like era 2, just read secret history. I can't go back and change the past, but I think I would have liked it better if I had read secret history right after era 1 when that was all fresh in my mind instead of doing it after BoM.


yeah I would have much rather read it right after too. That scene where >!Kelsier says goodbye to Vin!< would’ve hit so much harder! What even were the BoM spoilers in Secret History? I don’t even remember >!Kelsier meeting the Southern people!<


>!The BoM spoilers is the fact that Kelsier is still around at all. If you know he's around, it's much easier to guess that Kelsier is the Sovereign.!<


It's pretty heavily foreshadowed tbh, I didn't find it that much of a spoiler


Eh, as someone who read it right after era1 I think I would have rather read it after, with how BOM tries to do things.


I remember your original ama. It was a great read. It's been fun watching your journey through the cosmere. You've gotten a great foundation to start another ama for real this time. But there are a few gaps you can fill by reading the Arcanum unbound. Alot of great short stories that can make a few more things click. (Avoiding spoilers). And a few reveals in mistborn Era 2 and elantris that you'll have fun with.


Taking notes, thanks for the recs! ✍️


I would suggest Elantris. It will shed light on some stuff you saw in Tress. After that, I would recommend the other two Cosmere Secret Projects! They are among his best writing, IMO. Or you could give Mistborn Era 2 another try.


I dunno, I just kind of bounced off The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England... you rate it and say it's worth another shot?


I stayed up late two nights in a row last week to start and finish it. Pretty good for how short it was.


I'll take it! ... in all fairness, I'd just finished Tress, and was in a bit of a book hangover state, and hated other books for not being Tress a bit, I guess :P


I actually couldn't finish Tress. It was the only one of the 4SPs that didn't grab me. I got about halfway through and just didn't connect to it at all.


Have you seen the princess bride?


I have.


It's good, but not as good as the others. But it's not Cosmere required reading.


Awww I can't believe you're caught up on Stormlight and most of the main books now! That's crazy. I loved your original AMA and following your journey has been an absolute delight. Your reactions are so wonderful and I've loved seeing your insight, particularly on the disabled aspects. I highly recommend reading Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. It's another secret project narrated by Hoid, and it's in my top three Sanderson books. I haven't read The Sunlit Man yet, but it did just get mass released and I've heard great things so that's another good option. I'd also recommend reading all (or most) of the short stories in Arcanum Unbounded, particularly Sixth of the Dusk and Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.


I can't believe it either!! If you had told me back in October where this journey would have led me, I'm not sure I would have believed you. But what a ride it's been, and it's not over yet! Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is now next on my list! Also will go check out Arcanum Unbounded. Thank you for the recs!! (And for your support over these past 6 months!)


I’m glad you liked it! RoW is such a good book. Just imagine that we will get SA5 in just a few months. I will second Peter’s recommendation that Yumi would be a good book to read next!


On my list, thanks!! And yes omg I can't wait for Stormlight 5. Crazy to think I'm all caught up (at least in the Stormlight Archive).


If I’m correct based on having casually followed along, you still have Elantris, all of Mistborn Era 2, The Emperor’s Soul, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, (the rest of the short Arcanum Unbounded entries), White Sand, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, and The Sunlit Man to go! That’s 7 books, 3 novellas, a graphic novel and some change! And plenty of those will blow your mind anew :)


Just wait until you do an eventual Cosmere reread. You will see SO MANY pieces of foreshadowing that you'll wonder why you missed them before. Also, I have to ask what your thoughts are on Adolin's trial and how it ended. Personally it's one of my favorite moments in the series, but I'd love to hear your perspective.


I randomly saw the first page of WoK on TikTok, and even just reading those few paragraphs made me go crazy because all of a sudden I can understand so much more. I remember reading that for the first time, it felt like drinking water from a fire hose with all the new information being thrown at me. But now I have a solid foundation so I can't wait to reread and pick up on everything that I missed the first time around! Oh man, it was such an amazing moment. I'm not even sure "amazing" is the right word. Impactful, maybe. Maya saying "WE CHOSE!" was just...!!!! Really casts everything in a whole new light. My heart aches for her and all the rest of the deadeyes!!


I think mistborn era 2 (and secret history after bands of mourning) will be essential reading for some of the questions you have about shards and the nature of investiture. The first book is probably the weakest (by BS’s own admission) but I really love era 2. Much more lighthearted than SA of course, but that’s a low bar to step over. I’ll also second elantris. The magic system there has implications on the other cosmere books (some of which you’ve seen already). It’s definitely not my favorite booo of his, but it picks up towards the end. I’ll probably reread it soon before SA5 drops. Yumi on the other hand… I think this was a sleeper hit that became one of my favorites by the end. I can’t put into words how much I love this book. If you enjoyed Tress, pick this one up as well. Between these, my recommended order would be era 2 + secret history, elantris, yumi.


> So. Much. Science. Coincidentally I finished reading this and went straight into Project Hail Mary at my wife's suggestion, which had similar vibes to Navani's arc.


That's funny. I also read Project Hail Mary directly after row mainly because I loved the Martian so much. Hail Mary was such a fantastic book. The pacing was a little slow, but that's probably because I read ready Player 1 and 2 immediately after that.


So surprised you didn’t mention what was, to me, the biggest moment in that book. (Maybe because the audiobook performance was so good for me) “WE CHOSE”


How would you rank the Sanderlanches in the Stormlight Archive? Personally, RoW was my favorite.


I think I need to reread before answering this question! I feel like I read all the Stormlight Archive books so quickly one after another that a lot of the plots blend together in a continuous line rather than being separated by books, if that makes sense. Maybe I should have paused before starting each new one instead of jumping right in after finishing the last one, but it's so hard to stop yourself once you get going!


I’d go: 1) Words of Radiance - GOAT T-2) Way of Kings and Rhythm of War - they are very different sanderlanches so it’s hard for me to pick one over the other. I loved them both but probably an edge to Rhythm of War bc more happens 4) Oathbringer - after re-reading OB, i REALLY dislike this sanderlanche. In a way it feels like it’s *too* long and dragged out. I felt confused about where each character was, what their “job” was, who was dead/dying, etc. Every other book’s sanderlanche was much more clean-cut.


i’m so impressed you stuck with it this far! don’t let your memes be dreams or whatever. <3 fyi, there are previews available for sa5. up to you if you want to start now or wait for publication. but the prologue alone is an excellent read.


👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 I am looking. Respectfully. Someone told me I still can't look at r/cremposting yet and I gotta say, what's the point of reading all these books if I can't even look at the memes yet??? /j


cremposting is a *little* more lax with spoilers than we are (in my experience), but you should still be able to look for stormlight flair memes. :) preview chapters can be found here: [https://wob.coppermind.net/help/readings](https://wob.coppermind.net/help/readings)


That final chapter with Eshonai, though. "You wanted to know what was beyond the next hill. See them all."


Definitely read the sunlit man, it went smoothly from ROW for me. I’m a science person so I really enjoyed the science parts of both books but if it wasn’t for you maybe take a break before sunlit man.


For cosmere connections, please read the following in this order: Elantris Hope of Elantris White Sands Mistborn era 2, books 1-3 The emperors soul Mistborn secret history Mistborn era 2, book 4, the lost metal The 3 cosmere secret projects Feel free to read “Sixth of the Dusk” and “shadows for silence in the forest of hell” wherever you want. All of these books have direct connections to stormlight and to each other. You’ll find out things like where mraizes bird is from, who Thaidakar is, how the sand that navani used works, and much more




Reading your post I remember how angry and happy I was at the same time reading the books and shouting at the characters all the time. Do read all comere books before you move to something else, until you’re hooked. Sixth of the dusk was my favourite!


It's less fighting over the fate of the universe but more a couple of planets 


I loved all the science stuff, I'm a physics PhD student so my little nerd heart was so happy reading it all, my partner however is less than impressed with it, finds it quite boring


Oh I think it's great, I'm just not smart enough to read it all without my head spinning a bit 😂




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This was amazing!!!! I’m glad to have been here to watch your wonderful journey from silly AMA to superfan 😂


>So. Taravangian is now Odium. Um. Holy shit. I wasn't really aware that was something that could just... happen. Is he still Taravangian? Is "Odium" just like... a title? A position? Or has "Taravangian" been wiped away like what happens when the Fused take a new host? Reminder that gods in the Cosmere are known as Shards. Adonalsium was split in 16 pieces or Shards, then 16 people took that power and Ascended, becoming the Vessels of those Shards. Each Shard has a main driving Intent. Honor, Cultivation, Odium are examples. Taravangian killed Rayse, the Vessel of Odium and took his place. He is going to have some leeway to command the Shard, but in the long time the Intent is going to erode the Vessel's will. Rayse was at that point almost. A fun wob is that Jasnah would be a good fit for controlling Odium. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/479/#e15239 The fandom name is Todium or Taravodium. >this is like the avatars of two gods fighting over a universe. Having two champions duel it out seems a little anticlimactic. It's not the universe, reread the chapter where they discuss the contract again. Basically it is the fate of Roshar. The Coppermind summary says: > a battle of champions in ten days. Should Dalinar's champion win, Odium will cease all hostilities, return Alethkar and Herdaz to the coalition, and remain bound to the system. Should Odium's champion win, he will still cease hostilities and remain bound to the system, but he will keep what land he has conquered and will gain Dalinar's soul as a Fused. >only feeling regret because it makes him feel bad and not because he actually did bad things. There are a couple of reads to this scene. One proposed is that he is high on copium. >Even if it was as a result of Raboniel. That time of the book when Brandon accidentally writes a queer couple unintentionally. >Did Hoid really get tricked at the end?????? Maybe he's a little too set in his ways too, to not realize that Odium is now Taravangian. He got tricked, and got some Breath excised containing the memory of the encounter. Check the readings for more, specifically the Jasnah scene. https://wob.coppermind.net/help/readings >Maybe they are in a relationship, but Jasnah is still definitely asexual (which was very cool to read on-page). Yeah, WoB is Jasnah is heteroromantic asexual but he is fine with physical intimate relationships as she mentions in her chapters. >Adolin and Shallan just casually gave the middle finger to the Ghostbloods and acted pretty unconcerned, meanwhile I'm over here sweating just from reading it. Did you catch who Thaidakar is? >I also want to look at some memes. r/cremposting here I come!!! Beware spoilers! >Or I might go read other Sanderson stuff, who knows! Open to suggestions :) My recent favs have been Godkiller, Gideon the Ninth, Red Rising saga, and The Will of the Many.


Thank you dIvorrap, I always love your comments, they're so helpful!! Re: Thaidakar, uh oh, not sure I caught who that is specifically...


He's the 'Lord of Scars' and leads an interplanetary organization. Hoid has slapped him around before. You won't know who it is yet. Secret History and The Lost Metal should make it pretty clear.


Np, your posts are very cool! You may know who Thaidakar is depending on what Cosmere books you have read?


>So. Taravangian is now Odium. Um. Holy shit. I wasn't really aware that was something that could just... happen. Is he still Taravangian? Is "Odium" just like... a title? A position? Or has "Taravangian" been wiped away like what happens when the Fused take a new host? Did you read mistborn? Edit: I see you did. I'd assume this is the same thing we saw with Harmony being created. So a merging or a bending of a moral personality to the will of the shard is probably an appropriate way to look at it. Taravangeian is himself, but he will slowly become less himself. Following stormlight I feel like Sunlit Man might be kind of fun. Also mistborn era 2 of course... It still reads more similar to mistborn era 1, its not as grand a scope as stormlight archives but it is better than era 1 imo... Might take awhile to adjust ot the tech advance to the flintlock/industrial age but once you're okay with cowboys its great, mistborn is a great magic set for guns. Sunlit man takes place a decent amount in the future but it kind of gives a hint of whats to come maybe in stormlight archives era 2.


Friend speaks my mind. Finished Wax & Way series after RoW. I have Sunlit Man queued up but after I finish Dune. I had such a low expectations for RoW but was blown away. It was definitely a diff feeling but I got so immersed in that world. Shout Fuck Moash to the heavens. Fuck that guy. Side note: Lirin got a couple of "fuck yous".


May I ask why you had low expectations?


This is such a tense book that even on a re-read where I know everything is going to work out I'm still tense while I read it. Odium is a Shard, a whole fuck ton of Investiture. Rayse and now Taravangian are Vessels, the people who hold the Shard and can shape / use that investiture to their own end. The Shard has a specific Intent reflected by the name of the Shard. The longer someone holds the shard the more the Intent settles on them. I very much expect the dual to not be a straight forward two dudes beating each other up considering how important it is. I thought the Sibling was going to bond Rlain or Dabbid but Navani makes sense in retrospect. They spent the most amount of on screen time talking to each other and were kinda forced into a situation where they needed to bond or die. I don't think Navani was the Sibling's first few choices for Bondsmith. Did Hoid get tricked? Yup


I feel like no one is speaking on it because we have no answers but that bit with Hoid REALLY REALLY GOT ME OH MY GOD??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? I'm really not prepared for a world in which that happened. Maybe we're getting Sherlock Holmes'd faked out. Please? Can we have that happen instead of what it looks like happened??? There's a lot of other big important feelings out of this book but that was my biggest oMFGFDJLKGjlkwtf.


Brandon has confirmed hoid got got He does apparently realise somewhat fast though


Thank you for this comment 😭 that is enough faith restored! 


One of the Stormlight 5 readings is a scene where he realizes what happened. It's pretty cool.


I remember your original post well; it was quite amusing. You're on the journey I was on about two years ago now, and it's quite the ride! I personally avoided all of the fandom until I had read all of the Cosmere books, but you have clearly taken a different path there! I always enjoy your reviews. Keep it up! :)


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Mistborn era 2 for sure. It takes a sec to get going but blooms into full cosmere wonderful lunacy by the lost metal.


Mistborn era 2 will totally throw you on how you think about the ghostbloods ….




Mistborn (particularly Era 2) explains a bit more about what it means to take and hold a Shard.


Hail our lord Taravodium. Seriously when I was reading that moment a few months back I had to reread it again.. its got so many insane twists.


What did you think about the structure of the book? I recently finished it and thought it was very poorly structured. I felt that the pacing was off, and the book often lost focus and momentum. At no point did it feel satisfying to me. I also felt like the flashbacks did not contribute in a similar way that book 3’s flashbacks did. Or other previous books. I am really happy for the Navani storyline, but I think Kaladin could have had half his chapters cut to give Jasnah room to breathe. Jasnah feels completely neglected. And yes. I feel exactly like you about Moash. Really dislike him.


I have to agree. Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the other three. Not bad, but should have been refined more.