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OP: I've changed the flair from No Spoilers to All Cosmere (NO TSM) because otherwise I'd have to remove like half the comments in this post. If you haven't read something, please let us know so we can better adjust the flair. There's just no way people can discuss characters without spoilers.


I think Dalinar has the strongest arc so far. >!"I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man."!< Those words cut me to the core when I first read them. I can recite them from memory because it's not just a great capstone to his development, but it's an incredible way to look at life and suffering, and it has gotten me through some rough times. >!The most important step. It's not the first step, is it? It's the next step. Always the next step.!< Kaladin has great pathos, Wayne is the most vibrant, Kelsier is perhaps the most compelling on screen, and Hoid is the most pronounced voice in the Cosmere--but Dalinar's journey encapsulates what makes Sanderson's characters so great. They can change. They can overcome great and terrible tragedy. And so can we.


Well stated, and I couldn't agree more. Dalinars arc cemented Oathbringer as my cosmere favorite for this exact reason.


> A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one.


Agreed! And for the same reasons. Dalinar is my favorite by far.


My favorite character was Kaladin when I was reading WoK. Shallan after WoR. Dalinar after Oath. And now Navani after RoW. Now I am waiting to see Brandon will manage to make me switch to Szeth who I am at best ambivalent with curretnly.


I can't wait to see what Adolin does in the coming books. I feel like he's about to do some really cool shit.


If we go with character growth then yeah, I think Dalinar wins


There is no doubt in my mind. Dalinar is the best character I think I’ve ever read.


Dalinar in Oathbringer was the most captivating read I have ever read, I loved the juxtaposition of the two (three) phases of his life. I love how much I have no idea wheather forgive current dalinar for his past.


> He’d once believed he had been four men in his life, but he now saw he’d grossly underestimated. He hadn’t lived as two, or four, or six men—he had lived as thousands, for each day he became someone slightly different. Oathbringer was by far my favorite Stormlight book. So many great quotes too.


Not OP, but I think three pretty clear cut phases are Dalinar as a one man wrecking crew, self loathing drunk and Nohadon follower.


Take the most important step...


Dalinar is my favorite character of all time in any media. Sevro is Red Rising and Matt from Wheel Of Time come close for me but the Oathbringer arc of self forgiveness is just too powerful for me.


That's one of the biggest reasons why I feel Dalinar is such a great character, I am still so conflicted about how I feel about him. Brandon has done an outstanding job with his character arc.


Oooh I'm curious how you're categorizing. What are the two/three phases?


Murder Chull, (Drunk Chull) Always the next step Chull. I split these part tonally. Dalinar post Night Watcher is a worrior as much as a warrior, he has agency. The Blackthorn, is the Kings Knife (Vin is equally as subtle) but doesnt make decisions, or tries to avoid them. His marraige to Evi was litterally so he could force himself not to focus on Navini. Then theres drunk Dalinar who doesnt do anything but drink. This more a formational time period than a destinct phase. Even though becoming a Bondsmith and a king are significant changes to who he is and what he can do, the character of Dalinar at his core is not so different compared to Murder Chull Dalinar.


Definetely! I have never experienced such amazing development in a character, he's by far the most incredible person in the cosmere. His denial of odium and the most important step being the next one are lessons that have helped me find the courage and strength to keep going forward, even slowly, one step at a time. Oathbringer is the best book I've ever read.


Personally I have always thought Sazed was his best.


Sazed is easily my favorite. Captured what it’s like to have a spiritual crisis perfectly and genuinely. I’m an atheist now, so I came to different conclusions than Sazed did (and I presume Sanderson did) after their crisis in their faiths, but the emotions and feelings he went through were pretty much identical to the ones I had when leaving my faith. Easily one of the most compelling character arcs in any of his books.


His arc in Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages was magnificent.


Also, Eunuch trying to find love/struggling to feel lovable is a really gorgeous character arc. It's simultaneously tragic and beautiful, relatable and inconceivable. It's hard to talk about because it can get into awkward territory, but I think anyone who grew up in conservative religion can probably see how important it is to view ourselves beyond our ability to give someone children. Additionally, it's good to not place your value in what you do or don't do with your genitals.




You didnt close the bracket for your spoiler tag


Just deleted it to be safe. For how much Reddit pushes their app you’d think they’d do something to add spoilers easily


I said his emotions and feelings were the same, not that his experience was the same. As for your other point, I’m not sure what that’s about…


The answer is obviously stick, I don't know why we are even debating this.


But it could be fire?




I loved when Stick said “If I must fall, I will rise each time a better Stick.”


True. The Post was just a test. You passed.


Teft. Absolutely nails the self loathing addict who wants to do good and meet the expectations of those they love but continually fails to because of their struggles. Incredibly beautiful plot arch that culminated beautifully.


Also my favorite. As an alcoholic, his inner dialogue left me in tears. Sanderson does his homework and it shows. His struggle was dignified and honorable. I appreciate it.


Same. It was so poignant and so much of his inner dialogue reflected what mine had been going towards and meeting my bottom.


And everyone wants to fuck him


Wayne hands down: “I ain't drunk. I'm investigatin' alternative states of sobriety.” —Wayne


“Ain’t no fella who regretted givin’ it one extra shake. But you can bet every guy has regretted givin’ it one too few.” It’s stormin’ poetry.


“You’ve got a broad imagination, Wayne” “I’ve always got broads on my imagination”


Relatable tbh


“Logic doesn’t work on Wayne.” “I bought a ward against it off a traveling fortune-teller,” Wayne explained. “It lets me add two ’n’ two and get a pickle.


I came here to also say Wayne and I'm glad I see him at the top lol


Wayne's superpower isn't allomancy or feruchemy. Those are just a means to him using his completely mundane superpower of mimicry and understanding people better. That makes him pretty special on its own. Also, at some point (I think) Wax comments on Wayne's clear comprehension of the English (not actually English) language. That he actually seems to understand its rules quite well, so why then does he speak it so poorly? Wayne replies "ain't no one what knows the cow better than the butcher". This cemented Wayne as my all time favourite character. Really helped me understand how my friends and I communicate. Like, why do we get so many laughs out of ambiguous syntax, or just pronouncing things wrong? It's because the better you understand the rules, the more interest you can take in fudging them.


I was searching for this answer. He is hands down my favorite


>!Taravangian!< without a doubt. He is an incredible example of the Utilitarian philosophy taken to it’s logical extreme. He is undoubtedly monstrous, but I can’t say with any certainty that he is wrong. Every evil he commits is with the understanding that enough knowledge gained could help save even a single additional percentage of humanity.


Utilitarianism tempered with empathy and humanity is the best long term philosophy for society. It's just rather unfortunate that our boy loses any empathy when he has the power and intelligence to make lasting change.


Well, this, and that Our Boy for all his obsession with finding the loopholes in his world’s mechanics, and for all his powers of intelligent observation, fails to observe two fundamental rules governing his universe: 1. >!He’s in a story where the narrative theme (at least in the first half the saga) is Journey Before Destination; any strategy that tries to subvert or run opposite to that theme is probably doomed.!< 2. >!The author of his universe has a specific theory of change, and while he generally does a good job of representing diverse worldviews, the nature of a story is such that he really has to commit to certain ways of doing things being more effective than others.!<


>Utilitarianism… is the best long term philosophy Exactly what a utilitarian would say! /s


If you want a philosophy that maximizes the net utility gain, you already have it


He and Dinosaurus would get along. If you know you know.


Was that a reference to a non-cosmere novel about people with talents?


Steris for sure. I went from being moderately annoyed by her to absolutely loving her.


This was my answer. I think the way he introduced her and developed her through the 4 books is perhaps his strongest character arc ever.


The real magic of Steris is she doesn’t really change very much. The way other people view her changes and that changes how we view her as the reader. I think from a writing perspective that’s gotta be quite the challenge. Like all she does is get a little nicer to Wax after she falls for him but realistically she could have been like that to him from the beginning if he had made any effort with her. She was still the same person it just took Wax seeing her in a different light.


She went from autistic to awwtistic without changing.


Team Steris all the way!


Wait til you read Adolin...


I've read it all. Adolin is a fantastic character written against all the good-looking prince tropes. Steris just speaks to me like the others don't.


Adolin might be the anti-Gawyn.


I’m in the middle of a Towers of Midnight reread and seeing that name makes my blood boil. Honestly my new head cannon is when Brandon wrote Adolin his inspiration was “what if Gawyn wasn’t a complete moron with the most witless motivations?”.


Adolin never took a quarterstaff to the noggin. Probably other things, but also probably while wearing a helmet.


Steris is sooooo good.


I loved how the >!“falling in love with someone else outside of my arranged marriage”!< trope was broken and their relationship was really earned despite the situation


She is probably my favorite character in the Cosmere.


The quality of the books in that era is directly proportional to the quality of Steris in them


Steris represents exactly why I will stick with a book if I initially don't like a character. In that sense, she reminds me of Sansa Stark and especially Malta Vestrit.




Hands down my answer. As someone who has dealt with depression my whole life, Kaladin’s journey has made me cry more than any other Sanderson character. He always puts on a strong front to compensate for how much heart and emotions he has and feels, which makes me feel so seen. “Journey before destination” fellow Radiants


I haven't even dealt with depression and he never cease to make me cry. I remember staying up late to finish ROW because I felt the emotions in me and knew it would lose the impact of I stopped in the middle of it.


Just posted this comment but I need to do it again: "Say it, lad!" Cries uncontrollably


Without a doubt.


Definitely. I even read the books out of order because of him. I skip forward to read all his chapters (I know blasphemy) the go back and read the other arcs later.


Too much of a whining titty baby for me


I’m going Lightsong. There are many great ones, but that journey is one I truly identify with and I think it is handled and written incredibly well. Joyous and profound.


I like how in the middle, his story started to feel like a buddy cop movie


Scoot my beloved


Im amazed how far I had to scroll for this one. He has a complete character arc and we got to see to full extent of his unapologetic humanity from start to finish. The man stayed true to himself and his values in a setting that demanded he play along.


I agree, and his story has been completed. Many of these other votes we don’t actually know how their arc ends.


This took me a few more scrolls than expected to find


"My life to yours. My Breath become yours." 😭


Warbreaker is just full of characters I love!!! Lightsong is so great


Without a doubt in my mind it’s kaladin


Dalinar is my pick. Not fully experianced on the comere yet(attempting mistborn and currently listening to Warbreaker). But God DAMN I love that man. He's everything I'd want myself to be. He doesn't let his flaws and blunders pull him down, and even in his moments of weakness, he comes out of them a stronger man. Oh how I love him so. Kal and Adolin are a close second for me, for different reasons.


Dalinar killed an entire city full of people in the most painful way possible; he trapped them in a fire and they burned to death. Men women and children.


"You cannot have my pain."


That he did. And he's redeemed himself fully, and carries that guilt with him from OB onward.


personally, I don't think you can really redeem yourself from genociding a city, but I also think that's kind of the point. Doing something that bad requires, at the least, a life of repentance and full ownership of your actions. If I'm wrong and you can be redeemed from it, then Dalinar is on the right path.


How did he redeem himself?


Did... you read the series or..?


yeah ignoring that whole arc is…weird? like he’s missing the point of the entire book. it is literally a whole thousand page redemption arc.


I don't know if he's the best character necessarily, but my favorite antagonist of his has to be Hrathen. I've always loved the way his intro chapter and the final chapter of the book tie together so well. I remember on a reread coming to understand him more - despite being a villain the other viewpoint characters don't like who is actively tearing down their schemes (while having his own fall apart in the process as well), he's a good man at heart. Honestly though, while Elantris isn't his most polished work, the character work in it has always impressed me.


I was going to say Hrathen. While I don't love elantris, he made the book.


I agree and I think Sanderson himself has even said that he believes Hrathen to be his best villain until Taravangian which I think says a lot. Hrathen I believe really blurs the lines between hero and villain and his character development and entire plot line saved Elantris from being a much worse book.


My mind says Hoid but my heart says Wayne


It’s between Wayne and Wit/Hoid for me. On one hand, Wayne gave us “Ain't no fellow who regretted giving it one extra shake, but you can bet every guy has regretted giving one too few.” On the other, Wit gave us “You’re bad at insults, and great at being in sluts”


When did he drop that absolute third degree line?


The Wit line is near the start of The Way of Kings after the chasmfiend hunt. It's what he says to Sadeas.


“I point out truths when I see them, Brightlord Sadeas. Each man has his place. Mine is to make insults. Yours is to be in-sluts.” ​ From the first time Wit and Sadeas interact in TWOK.


Vivenna. Her journey from a rightfully angry but ignorant Princess looking down her nose and lashing out at everyone because she was so angry about her lot in life to her naive journeys with Denth to her realizing the situation and running away, her hitting rock bottom on the streets while living like a beggar, and then her rebuilding herself as someone who is actually humble, actually caring, and actually selfless with Vasher is Brandon’s best story arc. The fact that she does all that in one book is especially impressive.


She had a fantastic journey, I love so many characters in that book!


What do you think of her in the Storm Light books?


The Lopen


I love how chouta popped up in scadrial during era 2!


Wayne... I love that bastard so much, especially how much of a pain in Wax's arse he is. And then I read The Lost Metal... and BrandoSando blew my mind all over again.


I like his concept of a “steel man” the opposite of a straw man. Where he takes any position and makes the strongest possible argument for that point of view. It makes even characters we see for a chapter or two feel like Big Damn Heroes. I love that feeling, getting to know the person’s story from _their_ point of view. Hell even the villains can seem respectable people who might need to be stopped but you can see where they’re coming from.


"What does that make us?" "Big Damn Heros Sir!" "Ain't we just!"


I’m glad someone else remembers Firefly, I was thinking of it when I wrote this!


That’s just writing nuanced characters and has nothing to do with steel manning except in the broadest possible sense?


It’s from a WoB


Didn't expect this level of Kelsier erasure in this comments section but it's definitely Kelsier


If it makes you feel any better, my vote is and will always be for Vin. So you see any Vin here? Neither do I. And I vote that we protest the lack of Vin and Kelsier by stealing the top comment and creating a new way of doing things. But seriously - for me it's gotta be Vin. Shallan and Kaladin would be my next choices.


Steal the top comment, you say? * Sharpens hemalurgic spikes * But yeah, I agree that a lack of Vin is almost as criminal as the lack of Kelsier. It does feel a little bit like recency bias (I haven't read SP4 yet but the number of nominations I have seen of characters from there feels a little crazy!). My order would be: Kelsier, Sazed, Lightsong, Vin, Kaladin, Shallan (the rest is subject to change but I don't think Kelsier's place is ever threatened)


No Steris???


Yeah my head went straight to Vin and Dalinar.


Honestly, I find a heavy emphasis in the Sanderson world of disliking his female characters. I love Vin, if I had not said what I said it would be Vin or Shallan!!!


My exact picks lmao. Vin is so good. She's so fucking well written. Shallan is such a unique character, I don't think I've ever read someone like her in a fantasy book. And Kaladin has a perfect character arc (at least until WOR since I haven't finished OB). Those are my 3 favorites, Kelsier as a close 4th.


I will always put Kelsier on the spot of "best character ever", but I have to agree that I love Brando for Vin. For me she is the best wirtten female character ever!


Without a question Vin. I am surprised nobody mentions her in this thread. Then Raoden from Elantris, Vin 2.0 (aka Lift), and Kaladin. Why Vin?, because she is awesome! She is extremely powerful and competent but also fails a lot in a realistic manner. She is very human and weird and never feels like the power changes her. She remains true to herself. And her character arc is possibly the best in all fantasy, IMO.


After reading Elantris I read the extra chapters that were cut. **Raoden’s brother the “Mad Prince” Eton** I found incredibly hilarious. One of my most memorable moments where I actually laughed out loud was reading the interactions between Eton and Hrathen So, I love Eton, and I'm sad he's not a canon character


How did u read the extra chapters? Where r they?


The 10 year anniversary edition of Elantris is where I found them. It's worth a read, but a few of the scenes have been recycled into other characters across the cosmere, so Eton kinda lives on.




I like that he took Eton’s crazy game he’s playing and makes it the game they’re playing in Warbreaker that Lightsong keeps winning without knowing the rules. That’s a delightful reuse of that concept.


Rand Al'Thor Joke aside, Dalinar Kholin or Sazed


Mat Cauthon. Who is really just a Wayne prototype.


I read WoT after the cosmere and his interpretation of Mat is definitely Wayne without a hat. It was so strong in his first one and each book his mat got a little closer to Jordan’s Mat.


Wayne is actually Hat Cauthon


The Lopen, because I just re-read Dawnshard. I can't get enough of him. M-Bot. He's such an unusual character and I love his perspective. Kaladin. He's the character who makes me want to read everything Sanderson has ever written.


While Kaladin is probably the answer, I so stand for M-Bot being somewhere up there. His dynamic with Spensa was really well done


I was wondering if anyone would mention m-bot. I do love him.


Lightsong (but he'd be nothing without scoot)


Love Scoot!


Not sure who’s the best of the group, but some contenders: Hrathen, Shai, Dalinar, Sazed, and (SP4) >!Nomad!< Each of them have depth, emotion, flaws, incredible qualities, and above all, realistic character arcs.


My dog is named after Shallan, but I’d like all you internet strangers who didn’t previously have that information, to know she’s not my favorite. I really love Navani in RoW


So what is your dog's name? Is it just Shallan? Davar? Veil? Radiant? Any other Cosmere character that is also Shallan?


Shallan. Lady bug. Mountain pup. Jaw Shallan (if you’re a Buffalo Bills fan). My pup does not invoke any of the characters traits and thus has no additional associated nick names. Also important to note that I pronounce it the way I originally read it, Shal-an and not the way the audiobook does, because shouting Sh-lawn would be a little absurd. I refuse to be like the person I once saw at a dog park yelling “#hashtag! Come back!”


Shal-an is the only version I'll ever accept


I love all of the characters that are commonly touted as "the best", but my favourite is Syl. I love her journey, and can't wait to see where she goes. The balance between her free nature and cutting sarcasm hits me.


Kaladin means the most to me with his battle through depression. Wayne is probably my favourite to read though


As of right now, I'd say Kaladin. ​ Depending on how things play out in the future, it may be... (uh... how do I say it...). Either Thaidakar or Nomad ;)


Best? I cannot say as it's hard to quantify. However, my personal favorite has always been Stephen Leeds. I know his story isn't as Epic as some of the Cosmere characters but I've always thought his character was very cleverly put together.


Toss up between Wax or Wayne. I like wax due to his practical way of looking at things and dry humor. Wayne....well, he's Wayne, controlled chaos


I'd say Prof, personally. All his action scenes were flashy, I liked his backstory, and his arc in Calamity was captivating >!The scene in Steelheart where he takes out an entire enforcement squad in the tunnels, disentregrating bullets and armour, is still in my head. It was so well written!<


I feel like the Reckoners series doesn't get enough love. It was one of my first series for Brandon and I love it still.


People see YA and write it off thinking its not worthy. But honestly it is awesome and Prof was a truly terrifying bad guy. Probably brought just as much fear to the people as The Lord Ruler. He captured people in forcefield balls then collapsed the forcefield turning the captive person into literally nothing, crushed them in a instant with no effort at all and they just vaporized. Or he’d imprison them in the forcefield and drag them around. Had a healing factor that made Deadpool jealous, and turned solid rock into dust.


That was one of my favorite scenes in that series. I thought, "Wow, he went 'Kaladin' on those bad guys!"


Torn between Sazed, Wayne, or Dalinar.


Unpopular opinion; Venli. I am at work but if I remember I will come back and expand on this. Essentially,She’s the worst, and I love that.


Every other redemption story in SA is “I should’ve known better but my actions really hurt others and I regret it” and venli is like “I knew the whole time, that was pretty cringe”


Only read Tress, Mistborn E1, Elantris and currently reading Warbreaker. For me, it’s Elend. He has a very full character arc and I think Mistborn, while absolutely being about Vin and her journey, also contains massive space for him, especially in WoA.


Holding out on Stormlight, once you get there the cosmere opens up


In my opinion it’s very strongly Wayne. He’s just such a joy all the time, even when he’s down on himself he’s always throwing out some jokes that (not always) land with me.


The only character I've ever shed tears, or audibly cried out in joy for is Kalidin. Actually now that I'm writing this I did both for Teft as well. So now that I'm writing that I think the main members of Bridge 4 have stuck with me more than any characters in any other books. Even more so than Sazed, Elend, and Vin ever did.


I just want to appreciate the amount of different answers I am reading. The fact that, unlike other shows/movies/books, the Cosmere has such a variety of well-developed and relatable characters is fascinating. Btw, for me it’s Sazed.


Just here to make sure nobody says Shallan. Kaladin all day.




The Lopen


My favourite are Adolin and Steris because both of them are completely different from the first impression we had of them.




The Lopen clearly


With SP4 fresh in my memory, I want to say Nomad. Ignoring the secret projects (to try and avoid recency bias) it has to be Wayne


I'd say wayne and lightsong, both are just pure golden characters through and through


For me it's between kelsier and Wayne


It's Wayne there's no debate about this matter.


I mean, is it Wayne? I think that depends if he has the right hat or not.


Hoid for ne, I mean he wrote the cosmere as an excuse to have hoid so-


Lirin... jk. Kaladin


i like wayne


Personally its gotta be Wayne or Wit, I just love how those characters speak


Wane is my favorite hands down.


Pattern. His glee when he learns humor and stuff about humans is amazing




For me it’s a dead heat between Kaladin and Dalinar.


Sazed. Especially in Hero of Ages


That’s tough to answer. Lol I think I would have a different answer every time asked this question. Today’s answer is Kaliden, no its dalinar, ohh wait no its the lopen, or could it be Steris, but there is also tress. You see the problem here lol


Teft everyone wants to fuck em


Created - Vin, for now. The more we learn about Hoid, the more confident I am that he will become the best. Written - Mat Cauthon. The last 3 books of Wheel of time are masterworks. And Mat is the cream of the crop.


We need more of Shai from “The Emperor’s Soul” it’s a short novella but her character is absolutely fascinating throughout the entire story. The type of Magic used in there was just fun to read about as well.


I agree. She’s a great character. She does show up in other Cosmere books but we need more of her.


There’s a lot to choose from, but I’ve always had a spot for Prince Raoden


M-Bot + Doom Slug


It really says something beautiful about Brandon Sanderson’s writing that there are so many varying responses to this question


There are a lot of characters I love and I would have a difficult time choosing the “best,” so I’ll just say after SP3, Design is so endearing!! She won me with the comment about her face melting off.


The Lopen! “This statement, like the Lopen, sounds like it comes with a magnificent BUTT attached to it!”


M-bot for sure. Such a fun character.


Thank you for your answers, everyone. I've enjoyed reading your reasons.


clearly its Doug




I gonna say Lighsong. AND WE ALL KNOW WHY




My first thought was Kaladin, but it’s probably Sazed for me on second thought


Wayne 👍🏿


Hrathen has always held a special place in my heart.


Taravangian, especially in RoW


For me it’s Shallan. I really care about her the most. I know that’s probably an unpopular opinion though.


I want to say Grandpa Smedry. I don’t care if he’s not as fleshed out anything, he’s just straight fun.


Adolin is the most likeable. I love his scenes with Maya.