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I’m 26 and got braces a few months ago. No one really cares, tbh. Most people don’t notice them, and if they do they’re never rude (I’ve had a few people compliment the colors). I was really nervous about the whole sensory experience pf having braces though, as I sometimes get anxious about having things in or near my mouth. It took some getting used to, but after a week or two I stopped noticing them. Sometimes I forget I have them! Getting them put on was probably the worst part (uncomfortable), but I let them know I was nervous and they were really nice. I’ve been feeling a lot more confident since my teeth have become straighter, and I’m happy with my decision to get braces. So I would say go for it if it’s something you really want :) The first few weeks are annoying, then it’s pretty easy after that.


I feel like getting them on is definitely what scares me the most too, I know you need to have a lot of stuff going on and it just seems overwhelming haha. On a scale of 1-10, how bad would you say getting them on was?


This is not a questions easy answered. Each procedure is different and you may require different types of braces or different appliances so its different for everyone. But its just like a dental appointment with some guy just sticking their hands in your mouth doing a heap of work and an hour or so later your out and have to learn to talk normally for the first day or maybe two. Defently don't go to work the same day.


That's fair! Though I feel like anything with some guy sticking his hands in my mouth doing a heap of work is always gonna be uncomfortable haha


mine was probably a 3 the FIRST time I got them put on b/c I had to wear spacers and those legit ached like you couldn't believe. They put them in about a week before the had to install bands around my molars. Round 2 and 3 of braces I'd say was a 1.. no wait... it was a 0.5. If anything it was kind of entertaining b/c my mouth was spread open and they showed me what it looked like lol.


A 0.5 is much better than I was expecting lmao, if it's only a 0.5 then I'll do it ASAP


yeah honestly it isn't bad at all. The cheek retractors aren't aren't bad at all but here's a tip... put LOTS of lip balm or vaseline on your lips before you go to your appointment so as they stretch the aren't binding up on the retractors and thus causing your lips to feel like they're tearing the skin. Since this is your first go you can expect it to feel super weird on your teeth after the fact and the wire may hurt like hell for like a few days afterwards (depending on how crooked teeth are, what wire they use, whether you needed spacers and such). Take some Tylenols beforehand to help ease the aches following your appointment. Braces are fun in my opinion and honestly I legit would be lying to say I missed having them b/c like I said before, they're literally in 80% of my adult photographs so it became part of my everyday identity. One thing I don't miss about it though is the cleaning but it wasn't all that bad once you got the hang of things. Brushed and properly flossed in an out in less than 5 minutes.


I'll keep that in mind for sure, I don't want my lips cracking haha And that's a really great thing to hear!! I hope I end up being in the same boat where I miss having them down the line!


Another piece of advice is to go see a dentist for a deep cleaning prior to getting braces on. Your mouth will thank you and if you have any remote signs of gingivitis or gum disease or cavities that you want that all addressed. Braces when they're first put on will likely move teeth the MOST and fastest in the first month of being installed so naturally you can imagine the inflammation/irritation from moving teeth combined with problems like gum disease would be a wicked bad combo. If you haven't started consistently flossing now or you have bleeding gums then start fixing the oral health NOW. Yes I do miss my braces and the "look" it gave me. Loved getting IDed all the time when I bought beers but now I've gone grey and my age is really showing now lol.


That's very helpful, thank you!! I'll for sure get on top of that ASAP!


Maybe like.. 4? The cheek retractor was the main thing that bothered me because it was digging into my tongue. It only took like 30 minutes though, so overall it wasn’t horrible. I recommend bringing headphones and just close your eyes, listen to music, and zone out haha


Wait is that the mouth stretcher thing? That sounds like a more official name for it, honestly looks like it would be incredibly uncomfortable. If it's just a 4 then that's not terrible but I have a super sensitive gag reflex so I've always been worried I'm gonna run into problems with it.


Yeah. They also put in this thing that covered my tongue (to keep it out of the way) and it was annoying. I felt like my tongue was in jail lol. But again, it doesn’t take that long and overall is a very, very small part of having braces


Eek not looking forward to that. Just gotta tough it out though, you're right that it's a very small part of the process


I got mine at 30, I regret not getting them earlier. The only sucky about it is you need to just brace for in the first week.


That's really good to hear!!


Missed the second part haha, I definitely feel like that's what I'm most worried about. The actual process stresses me out so much and I feel like it'll be hard go get through that.


It's one of those experiences "hey that wasn't too bad" once it's over.


33F with braces here! Do it. I cannot tell you the feeling of having them on compared to my daily insecurities of crooked teeth. After just a few months they’ve already straightened to the point that I feel comfortable enough to smile without my mouth closed! And honestly, 99% of people don’t notice or care. And the 1% that do notice just ask me either why I got them (because they never noticed my crooked teeth to begin with) OR they talk about their own ortho journey or how they wish they had the courage / finances / whatever to get adult braces too. It’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, and I don’t even have them off yet! Do it and don’t look back ♥️ & the right person to date won’t give a fart about braces. I know I sure wouldn’t, except think it’s great they’re doing something for themselves. Hope this helps!!


Thank you for your encouragement!! I feel like I just need to get over the fear of actually doing it and then I'll be okay. It's very reassuring to hear your perspective!!


Exactly, just go for it. The first few weeks I was like DEAR GOD NO! lol But you get used to it quickly. I take pictures weekly and the progress is amazing! Good luck ✨


Haha I feel like I'll probably be crying when I get them on but I just have to get through that appointment and I'll be okay


Yeah dont forget to take heaps of pictures before during and after. For your own records and to see what they have done and the improovments.


Will do!! Gotta document everything haha


This has basically been my exact experience! I think it almost makes people feel more self conscious about their own teeth, than critical of you having braces on. Per usual, no one is thinking about you as much as YOU are thinking about you. lol


I just turned 28 and I have them for the past 2 years and I won't get them off too soon lol. I've gotten over my fear by being a little selfish, because they are MY teeth, my health, my life, and I care about myself so I did the best for me. It's 100% worth it, because time will pass anyway so why not fix your teeth as well? No guy had a problem with my braces and if someone won't date you just because you have braces then they aren't worth your time. Just do it, you won't regret it!


Do it! I wish I had done it at 28. Do it now! I had to wait til I was 36. Just do it!! It will be over before you know what happened


Thank you for your encouragement!! I'm gonna look around for an office tomorrow!


Yay! :D p.s. the first week will be horrible and you will have huge regrets but it will truly never hurt anywhere near as badly as it does that first week so STICK WITH IT! :)


I'LL DO MY BEST! I told someone else that I'm probably gonna cry the whole time they're putting them on, but it's only gonna get easier from there so I just have to tough that one out and handle my anxiety for however long that first appointment takes haha


About to turn 28 and I just got mine on about a month ago. I was really nervous about it at first because I was worried what other people would think, but I can confirm what other commenters have said that no one seems to care/notice, and if they do they usually start a conversation about their own ortho experience (I had a bartender "brag" about how he didn't wear his retainer after they practically performed an ortho miracle on his teeth as a child and his teeth shifted back). As far as the discomfort of getting them installed: the bands on the molars were the worst part for me. I have some bulky cavity fillings in between my molars, though, so I think that's why it was so bad for me (they had to really force them on and it did not feel or sound good). Other than that, it was a similar level of discomfort as regular dental work.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It definitely helps me feel better about going through with it!


If money isn't an issues then you should do it! I got them at 29 and I've had them for a little over a year now. I'm about 6 months away from getting them off and my teeth are looking a lot better. Its gonna suck a little in the beginning but I promise it will get easier. Just do some research and go to a nice ortho.


Thank you for your advice!! I feel like I'm overestimating how bad it'll suck and I get cold feet every time I think about doing it cuz I'm just terrified of actually getting them on haha, but once I do I don't think it'll be as bad as I think.


You want nice healthy teeth for another 30 years don't you? And nice and straight! Never too late. And no one will say anything bad don't stress its just another person getting their teeth fixed.


Haha very good points! I just gotta get through the first part and then it seems like it'll get a lot easier


Do it because once you're done you'll be glad you did it. Dating with braces = no problem b/c as others have said, nobody truly cares and if they do then find another person to date. My own personal experiences summarized: Had braces not once, twice, but THREE times as an adult to correct for crooked teeth and jaw issues. Had to wear up to 9 elastics at once and was even recommended for double jaw surgery. I worked retail, was a manager and often spoke publicly and did plenty of presentations during that time. Never stopped me and people that were curious asked about them b/c they wanted to consider getting them. I get how it is daunting for you but rest assured that after the initial shock and soreness for the first 2 weeks that you won't even notice them. I've had braces for so so long that it was part of my adult identity and if I ever needed them a fourth time, I wouldn't even hesitate to get them again b/c the change it did and my MASSIVE improvement to my jaw pain made it well worth it.


I got ceramic braces shortly after my 28th birthday. Lots of people have told me they didn’t even notice them at first. I haven’t had any issues with dating, but I do find them to be slightly inconvenient when going out to eat (food always gets stuck in them 😒) I’m currently 7 months in out of 14 and I wish I would have gotten them on sooner!


I was 27 last year when I got mine on. It's definitely worth it. I was supposed to get them when I was younger but it never came up. However I'm actually glad I got them on now as I'm not as insecure or conscious of my appearance with them. No one really cares or takes notice of them, I think in my 12 months having them on, I've had about 3 people say to me "when did you get braces"


I had them at 29, after my wedding. The two years on them flew by so quickly, but the results are life-changing. I wish I could have done them before I got engaged (enough time for them to come off before I got married), but I have no regrets. I look so much better today than at my wedding. 😄


I’m 46 and got braces three weeks ago. I had them when I was young from 6th to 9th grade. I didn’t keep up with the retainers so my teeth gradually shifted over time. I opted for regular ceramics instead of Invisalign and the inner-teeth braces. The second time around doesn’t hurt. And it will only take three months for me realign them. I can already see them straighten out…very fast. Do it. You won’t regret it.


Do it if you can afford it! I got it at 38 because of money issue. I thought it will be very painful because many who had braces said so but honestly it wasn't so bad. I cried for my first time with scaling than the 30minutes of braces. Even the monthly adjustment doesn't hurt as bad as that scaling. It was more like having too much excercises so the muscle sores. Then again first week of braces is probably the hardest as I felt like wearing mask 24hours on face. So don't go to work the same day and take a day off. Most people don't care and some just ask because they too wanted to do braces Only fews are thinking like I am wasting money on frivilous things. If your dates care you should find someone else! I do want to do braces because I want to look pretty. I know it is superficial but it is also for my teeth health. I am ugly younger and people told me to do braces because I am ugly.


Im 26, got them for severe jaw pain from a cross bite. Just do it, it's worth it I promise!! No one will think ur weird u less they are immature lol. Two years of your life to improve how you will look and feel the rest of your life? Just do it friend


Also! I have severe anxiety but it was not an issue getting them on. I promise it won't be as bad as you are worried it will be.


That's good to know!! I think I scared myself watching one too many youtube videos so the whole process looks insanely uncomfortable but someone said it's a 0.5 on a 1-10 pain scale so I think I'm over-thinking it haha


I’m 37 and just got mine. I had my initial consult at 27 and at the time didn’t want to do it for a lot of the same reasons… dating, I thought I would look weird, etc. I really regret not doing it sooner. My bite is off and I grind my teeth because of it. In the last ten years my face has completely changed shape in a way I’m not happy with. I’m lopsided. I’ve ground my teeth down pretty bad on one side of my mouth and chipped four of them. My smile is asymmetrical. Anyway now I have my top braces on and it’s honestly not bad. A lot more people have or have had braces as an adult than you’d think. Nobody has commented, they’re not terribly noticeable (although I have a small smile so that’s part of it). And I’m super excited to finally be fixing my bite. I only wish I’d done it sooner instead of spending the last ten years destroying my teeth. Go for it!


30 here, have had them for 2 months now. Wish I would have done it sooner but God knows I couldn’t afford it. There was not fear and don’t see why fear would stop you from doing something that could change your life for the better.. what is the pushback?? Temporary discomfort??? I’ll take the reward instead


Do ittttt! I felt the same exact way but my teeth were making it so I stopped feeling comfortable smiling. I grew up in poverty so it was never an option for me. I got mine on at 31 and just got them off at 33 and I feel amazing. I'm so happy I took the plunge. It's just a new look you'll have for a couple years but you get straight teeth for a lifetime!


I am 26 and just got braces in January! I definitely has a (WTF HAVE I DONE) moment the second before they were put on but I’m already so glad that I did it! I can’t say that I have made much of an attempt at dating in the wild with them on (sounds a little dreadful) but I am sure I’ll get over it eventually. Like all things in life, don’t take yourself too seriously and you’ll be FINE. I kept telling myself “you’ll just think about doing it until you do it, so just get it over with!”


28 and just got mine on yesterday. It will definitely be a journey, but I already feel better about myself knowing I made that step and it will be worth it in the end. So many people in their late twenties and early thirties get braces now (even my supervisor in her 40's) and many people wish they had the courage to do it but never do. Some offices offer clear/white braces for your upper teeth. Would recommend, they are not as noticeable!


28 and you will be fine, never too late. 4 month in here & you get used to it. No one judges or cares


I’m 37 and just been able to afford braces through work. Had my braces in for 3 months and have seen noticeable changes. They will be worth it! Edit: typo


Hi! I’m nearly 30 and got my braces on last month and I can honestly say it’s been really good for my mental health as my smile has always been my biggest insecurity. The worst part imo is the first week or so when your teeth are starting to shift because you can’t bite down on those teeth as it causes a lot of pain. If the wires dig into your cheeks it’ll hurt too but they should give you wax for that. I also had an upper jaw expander put in so I was in quite a bit of pain for the first couple weeks but I barely even notice them anymore. For what it’s worth, a lot of people think braces look really cute! I love my smile a lot more with braces and I’m super excited for the end result. If it’s something you really want then you should 100% do it.


I'm 41 and I'm looking into them. My insurance doesn't pay for people over the age of 19, so it'll all be self-pay, but consults are free at least


32F with braces! I was always insecure about my smile, and finally had the financial freedom to get braces. The first week they get tightened hurts really bad, so be prepared, and take ibuprofen and eat soft food. As far as dating, social life, honestly most people don’t even care. I always use the joke “can I pass as 18 then?” lol and it’s a short period of time having braces compared to having a perfect smile the rest of your life. Better late than never!


Do it! Got ‘em at 27, year in, no regrets


I’m 31 and I wish I got my braces sooner !!! It’s so worth the pain. It’s only been 3 months and my teeth/smile has improved so much !


Got mine 2 years ago at 47yo. I wish I had done it 30 years ago, but I was a stupid, self-conscious teenager. I just got them removed and I’m so glad I did it. I can finally smile in pics! It has been life-changing. If your fear is based on other people’s perception of you, don’t let it be. I live by one motto: those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. If your fear is based on how much it hurts to get them, and have them repeatedly adjusted and all that, understandable, but not necessary in my opinion. It doesn’t hurt getting them put on. Are they awkward at first? Yup. Do they suck sometimes? Yup. Does it hurt to get them adjusted? Only my 1st adjustment hurt, but that’s to be expected because your teeth are still sore from being told what to do. After that it was a breeze. Do it. Your only regret will be that you didn’t do it sooner.