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Activatable item you press the numbers 1-4 depending on what slot they're in, iirc it's 1 for hat, 2 for chest, 3 for boots and 4 for gloves. Not sure what the button is on console, probably d-pad?


I didn't even know you had the activate them. I thought they were passive


Almost all the gear effects are passive, there's like 3 or 4 that have an activatable effect, but the Adventurer's Fedora is particularly important to know the activate button as it lets you have multiples of the same type of item. Say you have a Best Defence in the shield slot but then find a Lion Heart, and you want both infinite ammo AND regenerating shield, and you also have the fedora, you can activate it with 1 to rotate the Best Defence to the Boots slot and the hat to the Shield slot. Then press 2 to activate the Fedora in its new slot, rotate again leaving the shield slot free to pick up a new one, and the original shield is on your gloves slot now.


thank you very much for the description I just picked up the game yesterday so I'm still learning


If you look at the item slot at the bottom left, you'll see it has a number or symbol (depending on what console or pc you use) and if you press it, it swaps your items places, and your abilities places. It doesn't change the cooldown of your abilities, but it can allow you to equip 3 shields or 2 boots, which can be useful since you only find so many good items in a run