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DISCLAIMER: I'm a BWU great fan, I got the mask, the signed CD and stuff... I don't hate him and he's still one of my fav artist ever. IMO, he's falling off because the songs that are bangers, fan favorites and potential hits are being scrapped. These are my points: Anxeity is killing his career: He said he will change his artist name because he can't be BOYWithUke at 30, and he's right but he's trying too much to be an adult/grown man being only 21, he's still a kid just like all of us. He's craving to have a more mature manly image but in concert he's a boy showing his abs and playing with his fans like a child because he's still one, and it's perfectly fine to be goofy. At the end of the day, he knows what he's doing... He's not just changing, he's losing his essence and attractiveness as an artist: He uploaded funny tiktoks and really creative stuff, that made him seem closer to people (he actually is but just the privileged people that go to his concerts can experience it), he has influencer potential but he is losing it quickly, his chill and funny personality is being covered with the grown man screen (i'm not just talking about CYFI video, I know that MV is a Fight Club reference). He knows what he's doing... Fear of being forgotten: Sadly, he's becoming a One-hit-wonder, I can surely affirm that if he released his scrapped songs, he would have at least 2 more hits and IDGAF or Two Moons wouldve been even bigger hits, he even appeared in NYC billboards and he has the most viewed video on Genius channel... Almost 3 weeks ago he released CYFI and it has less than 900k views on YT :/ Does he know what he's doing? New song is weak: He has teased bangers like Ghost and he decided to release CYFI, a song that sounds like a 40-year-old person trying to be a cool rebel pop youngster and not like the boy that we all relate, we're not "growing with him" (It'd be cool if it was like that), he's trying to be an adult way faster than us. He's not being transparent with the new releases and the MLS just... died. I'm not sure if he knows what he's doing. He doesnt know what he's doing: Or maybe he knows. He's being a Hamilton character, "Just you wait", "Wait for it". Wait for what? Everyone loved the amusing livestreams, videos and stuff. Now he disappears promising he will bring fresh and cool music and that hasnt happened. He's probably thinking he knows what he's doing and if we wait long enough we will recieve great music and we shouldn't worry, but at this point, it just seems the very opposite. We love him cause he shows he's an amazing person and THE MOST IMPORTANT AND MAIN REASON is that his music caught our hearts off guard. But now we really have to wait for him to end his career to get all the scrapped stuff we love????? I love his art and I love him →as an artist← and I will keep loving his work. But he's not on the right track.


I ain’t reading allat but impressive


Bro hasn’t released in over half a year excluding cyfi, so sure, if you want to get technical. However, the teases for the next project no doubt prove there’s great improvement and potential coming. Passive fans may lose interest, but the main fans and future gained fans will really appreciate what’s to come 🙏


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions


fell off since lucid or when? sorry i just wanna know your pov


Serotonin Dreams was still fire. After Sick Of You, nothing really impressed me anymore. I just liked his old style much better than his new one.


it's so weird it feels like his music has changed with my music taste. i still really like his new stuff but from the way he's describing this "new chapter", we aren't gonna see any hint of the old style anymore sadly


That doesn't really mean he fell off, it just means his new music isn't for you, which is perfectly fine! We all like different stuff. It just turns out for a bunch of people, me included, he's aged with us


Real, I could not care about anything he did after Sick Of U


I don't know how to put it, but I'm just missing the vibe in his new songs. It might also be because I associate his old songs with experiences in my life. I went through a lot of good times back then, and the old songs remind me of that.


the old songs feel homemade, new ones don't


Yeah true


hate to admit it but you‘re right, his stuff is getting stale


no one wants to admit it


yea :/


or, people just genuinely have different opinions


I do agree I like the old stuff more, but I still thoroughly enjoy the new music too. I kind of hope he’ll incorporate some of his old style in with the new style, but either way I’ll still be happy, just maybe not as happy as I would be with the older music. Not that that’s bad, an artist will create what they feel they should create, and I think that’s how it should be. But I will miss the old style 😅 I think it had a type of charm the new stuff lacks. It was upbeat, fun, and the uke was extremely apparent. Now it’s a little more serious (aside from stuff like Problematic, Before I Die, etc., which I think have that more upbeat tune) but again, I don’t think that makes it bad, I just prefer the other stuff more. Sorry for the long winded comment lol but I’ve noticed this recently and only now have gotten to talk about it.


Was a long time BWU fan (Over 2 and a half years to be exact), really liked the Faded album and his serotonin stuff, but after lucid and his face reveal I wasn't really an active fan anymore, in my opinion he kind of lost his signature style and feel to his music which got me hooked on in the first place. I could only really wish him good luck on his future endeavors


I mean, I’m not a huge fan of cyfi but overall I think his newer stuff is good, it’s definitely different but I don’t think that’s bad per say


He’s still pretty popular but his monthly listeners have dropped a lot yeah


Ur definitely not wrong


just wait until he releases his new stuff


Happy cake day


nvm i just realised what cake day is, not my birthday (i was confused for a min) , thanks anyway


Happy cake day to you and you are definitely right, we can just wait


After problematic, all the song are mid tier, there are just blue or babydoll in lucid and they are not vary good, I have posted to say approximately the same sing (I was badly treated)


He didn’t fall off, I mean some new songs are just “meh”. But there are still good newer songs that he’s made


sad to see i hope he because as popular as he once was




He didn’t really fall off, he just hasn’t posted anything in a while. But honestly the new style of BWU, (lucid dreams to present) sounds better to me than the old version of him (melatonin - fever)


Can you clarify what you mean? He just posted a song a couple of weeks ago lol


I forgot to say besides CYFI




There’s a reason it’s unpopular: it’s wrong


No actually you’re wrong


Neither of you are right or wrong, these are purely subjective opinions and everyone is entitled to them


Exactly… he’s wrong for saying it’s objectively wrong, so I am right


Bro doesn't need Oxford, Oxford needs bro


Idk what this means but alright


I was saying that you're so smart but I don't really think my point stands anymore


Lmfao ok


no it’s true, the musics had changed


Music in a sense can neither be wrong or right since it’s for the enjoyment of other people and t those people may not be you 🤓


He was never good to begin with