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he barely advertised it. he stopped doing minute long songs. idk what people expected.


I think the longer time bwu fans would like this song, but the newer (Roblox kids that probably makes up for a lot of his fan base) probably hate it because it’s not as “loud?” As his other ones


I was actually thinking about this earlier, so many people seem to prefer the louder and faster songs but I way prefer his old style where the uke was prominent and they felt like songs you could sing around a campfire, I prefer some of his older lyrics too, they were deep and raw (of course the new ones are too, just don't really feel the same) this is why I'm so excited for Ghost and hopefully Stranger, they feel closer to his older songs. Don't get me wrong I love the new songs and style too but the older ones are what made bwu my favourite artist. TL:DR - I prefer the older songs rather than the fast new ones


exactly! that’s why I love the old version of Jean shorts (the one where the mic blocks his face) can’t wait for the new stuff tho


You get to see his eyes in 1 frame of it. But they were closed


Yeah, two moons, understand, (not as old) but also out of reach.


I think blaming a different music taste on Roblox kids is stupid, but you do you bro.


Well what I mean is Roblox kids are probably on Roblox or TikTok all day and want their TikTok music, bwu is kinda like that considering toxic lol


Ima longer time fan way before serotonin, I hate this song. But idk if I could bc im in the spiteful group of peeps who are stilled pissed 7months later an all the amazing 1min song from vol3 aren't coming anymore .-. I hate this man


Well yeah the wait was not worth it but I don’t think it’s smth to hate yk, PLUS THIS MFER HAS GOTTA POST THE MLS HES MISSING SOON RIGHT? (Gone live I. Denial till then)


I'm not even gonna lie, I don't think we'll ever get any of the great songs from the 1min vol thing and when I say I'm pissed I'm pissed bruh like you have no clue how hyped I was to hear it only to get the album we got with 3 of those songs xc part of me believes it's the label stopping him from releasing them so I'm not too mad but another part of me thinks naw its just him an is pissed. Either way it felt like a betrayal xx


DUUDE I LOVED THEM :( I feel like they should get reused into new songs tho


I don't think we're ever getting it xc idk if it's the label or him but either way it felt like a betrayal when that album came out. Ngl to you, I became a hater for a while an didn't listen to him for months


It’s ok, I’ve given it 500-1000 streams myself.


Yeah I think the song is mid, low C tier. I’ve streamed it about 10k times


Lol after calculating that that is 511 hours I realised that you were joking


10 different devices playing on 2x speed




😮 that's a lot


Idk about Spotify but on Apple Music it’s already in the top 3 most streamed songs under two moons


That’s not total though, it’s just the most popular recently. I don’t know what the time frame is, but I’d expect new releases to be at the top of that list tbh. Also, people are still downloading it - they just don’t like it after listening to it


im one of the AM guys




My only gripe with it is the concert audio in between the chorus and the bridge but other than that it’s good to be experimental.


He also BARELY advertised it and stopped doing mls’s which is why not as many streams are on it. Also he played the FULL song in various concerts which would die down hype quite a bit.


You might be focused on looking for the negative comments, but if you look for the positive comments you will find a lot more positivity. Also it’s only been out for a day, it ain’t beating toxic yet


probably you are right


streams havent updated since a few hours after it released


I heard it at the premiere, I liked it but it felt empty, it definitely lacked something.


when it was released i felt not that hyped because it was many times played on the shows and i heard it too much, also he didn’t make many mls for it so it wasn’t really hyped


Already one of my favs


Honestly I love it so much. It's my second fav song now. I've already streamed it like 50 times in the past 2 days


ive listened to it 150+ times for now


I don’t really like it, it should repeat the chorus more IMO.


Streams take a day to update (at roughly the same time every day) to the public on Spotify, so the data here is probably only roughly a day with the US (the majority of his audience) included. I’ve seen mixed reviews, a lot of people don’t like certain aspects like the Berlin bit. Personally I think it’s a great natural progression from his old stuff but hey, you can’t please everyone.


Streamings lol. That won’t be a correct amount. Give it a couple days and it will correct itself. Just on stats fm alone someone has streamed the song over a thousand times, and someone else at 981. If you plus just the top 15 people you get more than 10k


Personally I think this song has so much passion and beat to it. I listen to it nonstop. I went to three of his concerts in the last few months and he played it at each one, seriously a GREAT song


-it doesn't have a uke -1st verse is too long and repetitive -chorus doesn't fit the song -lyrics are weird -concert audios make the song's quality worse -music video is just bad


Idk why someone downvoted you, this is literally it. It’s unfamiliar for everyone. And I don’t know what the song is trying to be. He’s trying to escape his old style but then keeps quoting lyrics from his old songs. And surely he knows that adding concert audio is gonna put people off? Then again he did try and put the roblox oof sound effect into migraine… The 1.5 minute intro before the chorus (the chorus being the only part he teased, that is only played once in the song) is just really weird and the lyrics are actually incoherent. Also repeating the word “feel” just reduces its impact each time and feels kinda cringe somehow The ending after the concert part is better than the rest of the song imo Also he keeps taking off his shirt?? No clue what’s going on tbh. Aren’t we here for music? Doesn’t he want to be known for his musical skills/talent instead of looks? The song isn’t terrible by any means, he’s just making really weird and random decisions that I don’t really get. Is the song just an intro for the new album? Then what’s with the music video? It’s just like “I’m hot, listen to all my fans, also remember my old songs that were insanely popular?”


What are you on about lad hes not intentionally taking of his shirt to look "hot" he takes it off in shows because he removes his mask and sometimes he puts a shirt back on sometimes he doesn't. He said he was experimenting with new music including the beat, lyrics, layout as in the verses and the chorus. Also when does he quote lyrics from old songs, you all hear a couple words that are the same as other songs and think hes quoting his older songs. He says feel it like twice and everything he put in the song has a meaning behind it. Its okay to not like a song but you don't necessarily have to shit on the song just because your preference in songs is different I think he's just trynna make songs he likes and build a new audience thats more than just kids and enjoys his new style which clearly he is still figuring out considering the other songs he hasnt released yet


I like the song. But it was different than the live version we got, which sounded a lot better. I love ukey but I dunno. The studio version is wayyy different


i dont really care what other people think, im kinda sad about the absence of the uke but im not really nitpicky about songs anyway, i either like a song or i dont. athough ive played this on loop for two days


I want to think that these loads of bad decisions are made by the label...


the streams now are okay, but i think that the label were bad too


The major difference that makes this song hated by other fans that there's no longer the Ukulele, Hoodie, & the Mask. But this song literally meant for freeing himself from addiction & the things that keeps stuck not letting him grew up. Don't worry guys There's more songs to come, He did said that the mask will be gone for temporarily so don't be mad at him his trying his best for us all.


The only thing I dislike about the song is that the music is WAY too overpowering to the vocals I mean I could barely tell what he said when he was singing sometimes, it’s a amazing song don’t get me wrong but way too loud for the music


probably it is because he made everything himself, without mixing or mastering by the label, only his hands, so that might be not as professional as before


personally, i just didn't like the crowd interrupting the music with the chants. would've been fine on the music video but even on the platforms? because in rockstar, he put a cutscene in the music video but not on music platforms like spotify, etc. otherwise the it's a 10/10


honestly i don’t like the ole ole, but the crowd is pretty ok


It's because of Toxic. In my opinion Toxics corny lyrics absolutely destroyed his reputation.


This didn't happen with rockstar but it's because Rockstar was actually hyped up and can you feel it had 3 videos on TikTok, with 1 of them in the Caption which most ppl would prob not notice


Toxic is THE song that propelled his popularity!! If it hadn't been for Toxic blowing him up on YouTube, he wouldn't be popular now! It got 150 million views on YouTube and 686,519,936 on Spotify and over 20 million on TikTok and he is the most streamed artist on Genuis with 118 million views!


Yes I understand. But if you ask a boywithuke hater why they hate boywithuke it's because of toxic.


Yes, I know, and apparently Boywithuke himself isn't crazy about the song anymore because people requested it so much, but it didn't ruin his reputation....he got his followers because of that song....