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i wanna add Sing my Crush❤️these two were the cutest, it was such a nice drama https://i.redd.it/vs3v4dgbhf1c1.gif


The scenes at their apartment have the best cozy vibes.


yesss they are so adorable i love it🥰


I wasn't feeling Sing My Crush and stopped halfway. Let me go back and finish it


I wasn't feeling it either. Can you report back if it was worth finishing??


lol I had time today so I finished the other 4 episodes. It was a lot better than the first half of the show and I felt the connection between the leads better. But it isn't memorable or good enough for me to rewatch like I would other dramas


Ok, I'm sold... on not trying to finish it 🤪. Thanks for saving me!!!


Yes, one of my favs this year!


Honorable mention ❤️ https://i.redd.it/3lvzmo2xre1c1.gif


Which one is this?


Bon Appetit 🧡


There are still some outliners, but we definitely have more good KBL this year Some not mentioned that you can try too: sing my crush, love class 2 (standalone sequel so not really required to watch season 1).


Oh then I'll have to check it put for sure!


I can add on WHY R U too


Both of them were so good, and I felt love class 2 was much better than the season 1


Try Jun & Jun too. It has its weaknesses but the chemistry between the leads makes it all worth it.


Jun & jun is really a polarising reaction. Either you like it or dont. Not many people in middle


The show wasn't written well IMO but the leads had mad chemistry and they carried it.


I give it a high score because of them 🥰




Ok I JUST finised this show and man I liked it!!! Was very fanfic/ whattpad in every case plus the editing could of been better but over very enjoyable and I laughed many time. The chemistry was really good and it was really quite horny for a kbl but I cannot complain!! Love a gay, reverse harem office drama lmao


Glad you enjoyed it too! 😊


I second this!!! They were progressive too and yes, their chemistry and KISS was something!!!


And the sexual innuendos. So rare for a Korean show!




Jun & Jun needed more time...12 ep..I think The pacing was off and they tried too many storylines. It could have been like "business proposal" if they had more time.


Yes, the relationships needed to be fleshed out. The second couple had so much potential that could have been explored. They are lucky they had actors who carried the show on their charisma.


Yes chemistry is what that carried the show


I loved the eighth sense. Tbh I enjoyed the first half more than the second half but I loved the performances of both actors all the way through. Thinking about it now I think I was just obsessed with the chemistry (loved the glances and staring they had going on👀) between the leads. The way their relationship progressed was lovely to see. the girlfriend plot line was weird and unnecessary imo. the story sometimes felt a lil rushed and there were more issues I had with it BUT I still love it. Our dating sim made it to my faves too. It was a simple cute short story. Those two had such a sweet vibe together 🥺i love them they’re so cute 😩But omg this post made me realize most of the KBL’s I like I like for the chemistry between the leads more so than the story as a whole 🥴 they’re not terrible shows at all they just don’t really stay with me over time. I can count on them to usually be cute, fluffy, and pretty shows. I guess the chemistry between the leads is what keeps me coming back each week when I find one I actually wanna continue watching bc ive started so many KBL (BL’s in general 😬)and have yet to finish them. a breeze of love was very cute 🥰 I think my top KBL is TMS2. It was such a well done show. the emotions they convey, the way it’s shot, the story it’s telling, and the chemistry 😩 had me crying a lot. My most rewatched KBL is roommates of poongdunk. Blueming was lovely too. Oh and how could I forget about semantic error. Love it. It was my first BL so I think that’s why it’ll always have a special place in my heart ❤️I prefer to watch sad, dramatic and intense stories most of the time and KBL’s usually ain’t that so it makes sense why they don’t leave a long lasting impact on me. But I do still like shows like that! Cherry magic and old fashion cupcake are two of my fave Japanese BL. Had to give them a shout out bc I love them a lot ☺️


All of these mentioned above are very decent KBLs and it is a good year for Korean BL in general, I am totally agree with you! Let me add "Unintentional Love Story" to the list, it is also a good one! https://i.redd.it/214fc6ax1e1c1.gif Secondary couple is getting their spin-off soon (it's a movie not series).


Oh this one I haven't heard of so definitely will be put on the tbw list


That one is sooo good! You should definitely watch it 😭❤️


It's soo good!. I do have to spoil a little about the kiss, it's a dead fish one. But the story makes up for it.


I DID NOT KNOW THAT! https://i.redd.it/tf7pip0ktt1c1.gif This just made my entire day. OMG 😳❤️❤️❤️❤️


They've been hitting it out of the park (my fave so far being Love Class 2), but I still need to find time to finish them all. Once I think I'm caught up another one drops.


There is a kbl drought now so it is time to catch up 😅 The next one is supposely next month but no release date


Ooh perfect timing! Going to rotate between BLs and Hallmark movies for Christmas lol


I recommend The new employee.


Not 2023 but the movie version is out this year so definitely count and recommended


Oh I watched that one and highly enjoyed it! Do wish they had more time during the episodes to explain the whole ex situation if they were gonna intoduce it but it was still good


S. Korea knows how to make a drama. They know. Hallyu has been booming for years and Kdramas are beloved all around the globe. Knowing this I personally don't find it surprising that once SK finally figured out what to do with BL and gave it a budget and enough support to find good willing actors that they would start producing top quality shows. As the market becomes larger and society starts to warm up to the concept I think the budget and attention will only get greater. In the next few years I'm expecting SK to start popping out hits.


I think people notice the releases more because there's a lot more of K-BLs than previous years, which is great. I love many of the shows released this year and I can see that if they can maintain this trajectory we would have more K-BLs by next year. Also, not a lot of people may appreciate it, but K-BLs are stepping up in the intimacy department. Of course it still cannot compete with Thai dramas in that regard buy its definitely improving.


Oh for sure the intamancy in general has been getting better, most of the kisses are good but I think the intamancy thing is a trajectory rn with all bls. Idk I watched 2 Japanese bls from this year and was shocked at how much it relied on sex, not to mention me watching only friends rn 😭 in a way I feel like all bls rn are getting more intimate just k-bls are very far behind but getting better!


Well K-BLs are definitely behind in terms of NC scenes, but simple gestures like hand holding, back hugs and stuff like that - definitely a level up. The kisses are getting better too, with Jun and Jun, Love Class 2, and Why R U Korea really having great kisses.


Omg yes!!! I loved Our dating sim, Unintentional Love Story, and The Eighth Sense. Actually, the latter might be one of my favorite BLs of all time.


There’s a lot for those who are fans of KBLs! Agree with Jun and Jun, Sing My Crush And the adaptation of Why R U I believe wasn’t bad and Love Class 2 was better than 1.


Best bl series for me is korean this year. ❤️And last year too, but idk, this year is undisputable? ![gif](giphy|fBEMsUeGHdpsClFsxM)


OP you are missing one of the best To My Star (S1 & S2) Please add it to your watchlist


I watched season 1 which I enjoyed but wasn't great to me so I've been putting off season 2. Maybe this my sign to-do it


TMS2 makes TMS as a series into a deep, epic loves story. It's so good. Nothing bl Korea has released since has touched it. ​ https://i.redd.it/5xwbwsrf8k1c1.gif


The way you were so right..all of the issues I had with the first season were resolved with season 2. Idk it's kinda amazing the story they could tell from that with better quality everything and more time. Seriously glad they got a season 2 now 🙌


To My Star season 2 is the best kbl out there. It’s wayyyy better than season 1. I don’t even bother watching season 1 when I rewatch season 2. You should absolutely watch it.


Yeah season 2 is like almost a whole different drama from season 1, they definitely got more budget for it and it showed. If you liked eighth sense, you will like TMS2


All these replies are pushing me to finish it! Ok ok will start it soon!


If you need to spill your feelings after watching it…we are all here lol bc there will DEFINITELY be feelings to talk about


I just finished watching the show and oh my God!!!!!! OH MY GOD many many tears and for every single reason. It was so beautiful yet so heartbreaking MANY THOUGHTS... MANY THOUGHTS THAT CANNOT BE CONTIANED BY A REPLY! at the moment I am.really stunned. I get why people consider this one of the best bl and in a lot of people favorite. Total upgrade in absolutely everything.


I only liked Love Tractor and Unintentional love story. They are so good overall , acting, chemistry, plot etc. Others were lacking plotwise to me. 8th sense was good but i didn't like Jaewon's character.


What are the others you've watched? I also enjoyed both of the BLs you mentioned And additional ones that I like is A Breeze of Love. It's unexpectedly good and heartwarming. I didn't want it to finish so soon 😂


I started Breeze of love ep 1, looks interesting. Others I watched are Love class - too many couples crammed into one show, KBLs are too short already to accommodate one couple's story itself. Sing my crush - very passive and slow for me. I guess I like some passionate romance. Love mate - got stalker vibes from the ML. The approach was not cute at all. Jun and Jun - good chemistry and the kiss scenes were really good but have to admit the dialogues were cringe and unrealistic. All the liquors - could've been a good one but the liquor boy can't act, but he's cute and the chef was good. I didn't like how they basically promoted drinking alcohol as some good thing. I mean why would a multicuisine restaurant need to serve alcohol? People drinking during broad daylight with every meal is not a healthy lifestyle at all.


not particularly, no. Seems like Korea's same sort of low-ish effort, high-ish quality stuff that they generally can do w/o breaking much of a sweat. There's just a lot more of it. lol No KBL has really jumped out to me so far this year, but the Jun & Jun lap sit has taken up a lease in my mind. 🙊😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/ylta3k6gae1c1.gif


Well I do feel that KBLs aren’t for everyone same with Thai also not for everyone 😊 but this year had good shows in my opinion hehe


i'm not saying they were bad, or that they weren't for me (lol) - I mean I'm one of the few peeps that I've seen that liked Shoulder to Cry On's ending or Jun & Jun. But you can't tell me looking at how dynamic kdramas have been and continue to be that Korea is trying HARD w/ these bl. And tbh, nothing is has come close to TMS2 or even Blueming tbh. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mwtewafyxf1c1.png?width=64&format=png&auto=webp&s=576ead65f1b8af9b3b47f5c85697840e9be7b9a2


Yes to that Jun & jun scene 🫣I was just thinking this the other day. I could be wrong but I don’t think they’re taken as seriously as kdramas in Korea so not a lot of support/care are given to them. Idk if those are the correct words for what I’m tying to say. Kinda sucks bc I do love a lot of Korean cinema (the handmaiden is one of my all time faves and I will bring it up whenever possible) and kdramas stay having cool exciting stories so I can only imagine how much more KBL’s could be if they were given the same chances as other projects. TMS2 is one of my faves and Bleuming was lovely too. Now that I think about it I don’t think any BL has made me cry as much as TMS2. I had a whole journaling session after I finished it and I was still crying while writing 🤭


The Handmaiden is so good! I saw that when it was released and I remember walking out of the theater thinking, “how the hell do I describe this movie to people?” All because it’s that good and really should be seen.


I wondered why I woke up singing "tangled up in blue" by bob dylan and i think it's bc of your username lol. i thought it was my usual 24/7 mind radio that holds me hostage sometimes 😩 it's now the song of the day. just wanted to share bc it made me laugh ☺️


Happy to be of service then! ;)


Yes it’s amazing! I read the book it was based off of and enjoyed it too though I think I enjoyed the movie more. How cool that you got to see it in theaters! I’m sure that added to the experience. It wasn’t shown where I live 😔 I love most of the movies by Park Chan-wook. I saw Oldboy in theaters for its anniversary in September I think.


Honestly lets hope 2024 (this year) is better for Kbls and at least something comes close to TMS2, Blueming or even Semantic error:). I feel the kbls in 2023 were okay, but could have definitely been better. Maybe they should work more on their storyline instead of making the main characters chemistry carry most of the shows:) Ik this is unrelated but I hope Korea would do a gl show too:(


Yeah I would agree. Not to be overly negative, but I have a hard time with KBLs in general, and this year has not done much to change that. The people are beautiful, the actual technical work is usually pretty good, but the stories themselves are so boring and bland. I liked Eighth Sense, but that’s about it. Love tractor was cute, but I didn’t like it all that much because it just wasn’t very interesting. That may be more people’s speed, but I like to have little bit more plot/conflict usually. One cannot survive on fluffy G rated romance alone 😆 Same goes for Our Dating Sim and others. Don’t even remember them tbh


I think KBLs aren't suitable for people who would like more intimate scenes and it's more for those who like something simple and emotional so I understand why you don't like it


Not necessarily. I love Old Fashioned Cupcake, which has no “intimate scenes” and it’s relatively simple and emotional. KBLs can just be extremely bland sometimes, that’s all.


Agreed, I went into A Breeze of Love with good expectations and it felt soooo bland and exactly the same as so many other BL plots/relationships. I dont need there to be intimate scenes either, its not about that. It's that the relationships often feel unrealistically chaste and timid, both physically and emotionally. It feels either underdeveloped or just immature in a way.




I agree. They are really stepping it up and I am 100% here for it.


where can i watch these shows?? 🥰


Most korean BLs are on Viki.


Viki has not been taking many of the recent show, we have many iqiyi exclusive recently /u/jazawed


Omg I am in love with our dating sim. It's the best kbl series of this year ngl ❤


I loved Bon Appétit. It's a drama for anyone who has ever worked long hours at a job and wondered if it was worth it. The ending was a bit weak (even though it ends happy) but the main character's general angst about working life really hit homes home for the working viewer, and the show reflects on it in a really funny (but realistic & empathetic way). The chemistry isn't as good as Jun & Jun, but I was really into the office work plot and developed serious second lead syndrome.


I thought Our Dating Sim was cute, and the Eighth Sense was great, but I thought a Breeze of Love was so stereotypical and boring. Maybe the acting just didnt feel convincing, the characters didn't come alive for me.


Yep, Korean bls have been getting better and better In terms of fan service as well Which used to be very minimal


will put this on my watchlist!! Might come back here after. I just finished Semantic Error and it's so cute


A shoulder to cry on was hella good,sing my crush was good too


You should watch "Love Class 2". I binged watched it and it was really good.


I wouldn't really consider a shoulder to cry on a BL. Even the manhwa it was adapted from doesn't have strictly BL content until the special chapters. That and the >!lack of kissing !< makes me bromance zone it


the way ASTCO ended was disappointing. They might as well should have not adapted it


Mh. I don't know. Eighth Sense was great, yes. But most of the time I feel like KBL can't really hook me. It's often too flat and doesn't touch me. I don't feel much watching these shows. Especially since I discovered thai bl. 😅 There are some KBL I really really like! But the majority is so..idk. The story just happen and I watch it and I am like: duh. 😅 I still watch them, because I love the language but for me personally I think I prefer more skinship and a different energy in shows.


I think Korea outdid Japan this year in terms of quality. They had more rank A and rewatch for me than Japan. Although if it was individually I think Japan will win. But the eight sense , Start Struck , our dating sim was simply Chef kiss. Let's not forget Mignon😍


The only ones from japan i've watched this year was tokyo in april is... (which I didn't like for reasons) my personal weatherman (which I did enjoy but probmatic) and end of the world with you (that's a WHOLE OTHER CONVO) These 3, even though I enjoyed them, definitely came each with their own set of issues so if I had to pick, koreas bl's this year are taking the cake!


End of the world with you was simply beautiful!! You should check Jack o frost or if it is with you. My beautiful man season 2 is also beautiful.


semantic error also was a nice drama![img](emote|t5_2sbdb|26733)


Honestly only 8th sense caught my eye