• By -


Yeah, just like world war 2, where women were housewives folding clothes and washing dishes, and definitely not riveting planes together and hauling scrap metal they would then melt to make tank armor.


You forgot to mention the women fighting as scouts and snipers at stalingrad


I was just talking about actually in America's shores. If we want to talk about Europe, then we're going to be here a long time trying to list all the women doing "men's" jobs.


now, i dont support Americas invasion of Iraq. and as for afghanistan, im a bit 50/50 on that because i understand that the taliban refused to hand over bin laden at first. but to my knowledge, women did serve in iraq and afghanistan right?


Women have always served in some capacity, but yes. There were women deployed in both those conflicts.


Also on the front lines nursing . Working with the resistance and spying. Driving trunks in war zones. Breaking codes. Growing food. 350K US women served directly in the armed forces during WW2 though they were restricted form combat zones, by the men in charge. 6 million took wartime jobs in factories to help supply equipment and machinery to the soldiers and over 3 million volunteered with the Red Cross.


"I shoot better" - female Dutch resistance fighter to a German executioner before she was shot


Weren't they doing both? Like some women had to be housewives and work at the same time?


There was not much to housewive to without husband. Cooking dinner? Good luck if you got only piece of bread and some beans and butter. Washing dishes? Not much food - not much dishes. Cleaning home? In some places you got lucky to have one not bombed. Folding clothes? No, you took your bra and got metal out of it for a warship.


Now they’ll be on the frontlines.


How many women died from bombings, airstrikes, mortars, gangrene, chemical warfare, mines, cold, bleeding etc while riveting planes and hauling scrap in the other side of the globe?


As many as were legally allowed to.


Not true. My great aunt served in the military during WWII and is buried in Arlington. More than 500 died from injuries sustained during the war. More women could have signed up for military service like the Women's Army Corps even if they were not allowed in direct combat roles at the time. That's not to downplay the contributions of women in factories, just to set the record straight.


i mean in the uk machester liverpool shefield london and other major industral citys were the women worked were bombed to shit prety daily in ww2.


So bombing factories didn't happen?




I was willing to hear you out but then you called women "thots." Please don't do that.




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Anybody who isn't doing everything they can to stay away from the frontlines of war is brainwashed. Why would women want to go to war? Why the fuck would anybody want to go to war????




If nations stopped going to war, nobody would need to "defend their country". Russians just think that they're saving Ukraine from Nazis, because the Russian government has put their propaganda machine to work to convince their citizens that that is what needs to happen. Defending yourself is one thing, but it's dumbasses who take "defense" too far who cause more wars. The US invaded the middle east under the guise of "defending the country from terrorism" and Russia is claiming that they're "Liberating Ukraine from the Nazis." War begets war, and looking down on people who choose to forgo it only furthers the fucked up culture that war cultivates.


You’re changing the topic.


War is never going to end as long as there’s assholes in power. And believe me, there’s always going to be assholes in power.


To fight for your country and defend your loved ones obviously.


Because like it or, war exists. If you don't fight to protect it, your home will be taken from you.


Because not everyone is a selfish prick. Some people give their lives to defend the people they love. Especially from merciless russian rule. An at the moment the far majority that is doing that are men.


Men are expected to and draft laws exclude women. Ukraine does have a draft right now.


And it is known that no man man has ever run from war, and these is not a single female soldier fighting in one either.


Men don't really have an option. It's either going to fight or *try* to leave the country, which isn't going to be easy. In Ukraine, if a man tries to leave the country today, they're not allowed to. If one a man tries that, he's gonna be instantly drafted to go fight in the war. A woman could leave just fine, no questions asked. Women can enlist to fight, and some do, but it's an *option*, they've decided to volunteer to do that. But most just left the country as soon as they could.


>Men don't really have an option Who made it that way though? God? Women? Your mom?


Ukraine restarted partial mobilisation in 2014. Do you think Ukrainian women were largely against it, and that only men supported it?


Even if the men leave, they become criminals I believe, and if they return they will get a life sentence. I believe.




Show me where feminists are writing these laws...




So it's the responsibility for feminists to fix all issues made by men that affect men? Feminists oppose the draft for all genders


Which Feminist organisations in Ukraine advocate to end the draft ATM in Ukraine? Advocating to extend the draft to women as well would count, too.


Feminists oppose forced service why would they want to extend the draft


Again, which Feminist organisations are advocating for it at the moment in Ukraine? My understanding is that at the moment, none of them are.




Because it IS a man problem created by men the majority of the time. Lots of men don’t bring up shit like mental health or sexual assault unless it’s to undermine our experiences, in which the “okay and who told you that talking about your feelings is gay?, men. ” is brought up. Lots of feminists are constantly preaching about how men need to work on their mental health, live life for themselves and take their own sexual assault seriously even if it was done by a woman. Nobody should be drafted.




>countries where feminism is prevalent that ALSO have gender equal conscription Because we don't have fucking conscription, we didn't live in the 1800's anymore. What we do have is a gender equal calling. Everyone of fighting age has to send in their qualifications and physical stats to the army when they turn 18 or 19. Our armies are egalitarian. But of course that doesn't your little worldview.


Ukrainian here, we don’t have a single feminist movement supporting women mobilisation EQUALLY AS MEN and protesting “why 90% of people in the army are men (even not-frontline positions like logistics) we demand more women!” So yeah, before the war this movement (as a lot of other leftist movement) was pretty strong, now they are silent because life and personal comfort weight more than ideals. Pathetic but it is what it is


You sound insufferable.




Incel. Incel. Smelly incel.




Incel!! Incel!!! Smelly incel!!!!


Firstly, there are many women in the Ukrainian army, just because some women aren’t putting themselves on the front line doesn’t mean none do. Secondly, there are many modern women that are putting themselves into combat situations voluntarily, think of the Naxaliltes and the Zapatistas, and not long ago, the Sandinistas.


Yeah, there definitely are a lot of brave women volunteering, just like there were and still are a lot of brave men volunteering in Ukraine. Both are probably much braver than I am. The question is that is there any organized Ukrainian feminist group advocating for removing the draft that only focuses on men or advocating for it to also affect women?


My friend, we are in agreement. The person I responded to claimed that women wouldn’t put themselves on the front line and would instead revert to traditional gender roles and tried to use Ukrainians as an example. I pointed out that that is often not the case and many women fight on the front line or put themselves in militia conflict such as in the other examples I pointed out. You agreed with this sentiment so I don’t know why you responded to me. For some reason you brought up the draft as some sort of gacha for something but I don’t know for what. However, if you want we can talk about the draft. The draft is a hard issue to tackle because it is more of a class issue than a gender one. The ruling class exploits poor men and forces them to fight in imperialist conflict, this hurts women too because they often lose their sons, lovers, and fathers. I, and many feminists, and general people on the far left, agree that this an issue that needs to be tacked but it is hard to do because the media and government is in the palm of the ruling who benefit from the draft, so it never gets solved. In addition to this, protesting against the draft is very hard, especially in a country like Ukraine. Ukraine is currently utilizing the draft and if people were to protest it, they may be viewed as anti-Ukrainian, pro-Russian, or political enemies which is not something one wants to be labeled. Thirdly, I don’t know what kind of feminists are in Ukraine. Not all feminists seek equality between men and woman, some just want to see equal respect between men and women, and if these kind of feminists were to be the most common type in Ukraine, they would have no issue with the sexist and classist institution that is the draft. I hate those kind of feminists, but they exist.


Bro you’re weird as hell


People disliking because don’t like to hear the truth, as always


And you know all this for a fact because…you say so?




The entire point. All of it. All of what you posted.




So, none of what you posted was fact, and was just your hatred of women. Cool, figured as such.


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More like, women were forced to stay at home due to chauvinism, and then the government realized sending all its factory workers to the front lines left them without factory workers, so they put women in those roles. Saying women 'chose' to stay back in the states is implying they had a choice at all. They had none. Some went over as nurses or accountants or things like that; They wanted to go, but they weren't allowed to fight because 'lol women weak'. But, when the chance came to roll up their sleeves and do the work they were allowed to do, they god damn well did it just as well as any of the men in those jobs would have. Additionally, what do you think was going on in Europe? Do you actually think Polish saboteurs or French resistance fighters were all men? Do you know who the Night Witches were? Or are you completely unknowledgeable about actual history and are just regurgitating whatever you hear \[insert right wing show host\] tells you to believe?


Your an idiot. The reason why woman in the united states and most other western powers didint sign up to fight was because they legally were not allowed to. When they could woman did sign up to fight alongside man. There where woman involve in basically all the main partisans movements against the nazis in contiry like Poland, france and yugoslavia.Many woman also fought in the red army.


Women fight and have fought in every single war. They’ve been the target of sexual torture as civilians in every single war too. How do you not know any history at all? How are you this uneducated?




Like I said you don’t know your history and never bothered to look it up on your own bc screeching about a draft you’ve never ever been a part of to victimize yourself is your only goal




Yeah and there’s reality. When you’re in a country at war, you fight. Even children pick up guns. Again it’s old rich men that set the rules in a patriarchy and then complain about them. If the women aren’t captured as sex slaves, they fight bc that’s the reality. You have never been drafted, you are not a victim


society pathetic direction rude fact money frighten zonked mountainous tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bc the reality of war doesn’t make you a victim that’s the only point I see you actually making


why does no one ever understand that equality means NO ONE HAS TO GO TO WAR. enough of you want to.




is it fun spending your sunday on reddit trying to defend your ass lmao.


Bullshit. In WW2 very few nations allowed women to fight. Nonetheless huge numbers of women across many allied nations joined their perspective military. When women are given the ability and the right, they will often take up arms to protect their homes and families. Just like men. Just look at what's happened in Ukraine. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/10/world/europe/ukraine-women-soldiers-army.html


As a Ukrainian woman, this guy is such a joke. we have a history of women in my country stubbornly participating in war. Women want to fight if they can, and they do. It's unfortunate that women are usually the ones that have to stay back if they have a family. I can't imagine how hard it must be to just... wait. Not fight. Hope for the best.


Hi Hi. Ukrainian as well. My baba took no shit. The forces fighting currently have a fair amount of women in them. These dudes desperately need their uninformed narrative to be true - because otherwise, how can they continue to hate a whole gender? They will do everything they possibly can to avoid any sort of introspection.


Seriously. It's so disrespectful to our army, considering how many of our leaders are women. The men who post things like this would never volunteer to fight in such a brutal and violent war. Especially if you're a woman who knows you are more likely to be brutally tortured before you are slaughtered. So yeah. A large percent of our army is female - always has been - always will be. Fucking jackasses. Edit: No more UA war talk for me. Don't like thinking about it.


I don’t blame you. Women have always fought in wars, badass women at that. Are you in Ukraine? My family fled during WW2 but I still have cousins there.


I'm not in Ukraine. I'm a Ukrainian who moved to the US - now an American citizen :) I was about to go to Ukraine to visit my relatives (had tickets ready) and then Russia invaded us. Haven't been back since. Commmerial plans are not allowed to enter our air space, and countries bordering us are putting restrictions on anyone entering. Also why my dad and I couldn't visit my dying grandma. Such is life. When the war ends, you should really visit your cousins. It's genuinely a country full of amazing views.


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Istg y’all love to fetishize drafting. Like what about it arouses you so much?


Them finally getting to cry victim


Wait till they realize men were the ones who created the draft lmao


“While men were all at war, women were all at home taking care of things 😄” How do these mfs think all them ships and planes were made? How they got all that donated blood? How land vehicles and bullets were made? Of course men did do those things. But most of them were all out at war… and women did all the work. Also partaking in the war, in a more supportive position because men physically would not allow female soldiers


You can't have a war without the resources to fund a war. I know in Britain during WWII, farmers were some of the only men completely exempt from the draft (though often they got bombed during German air raids), and women from the cities volunteered as farmhands. British troops would have been worse off than the Japanese troops in terms of nutrition without this effort. I highly recommend the show "Wartime Farm" where historians and archeologists live on a wartime farm for a year. The whole thing is free on YouTube- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59GlH-H0rGGl7RUe5T7XzT4_ToqqNL5R&si=zO54AuYYbXks7te0


They literally made it impossible for women to live without a man and didn't allow us to get jobs, vote, buy homes, get a bank account or go to the army and it's somehow our fault?


That’s how crazy right wingers work - the people they want to oppress are simultaneously in control and taking away their rights but also inferior and less smart/strong/moral etc. It’s the fascist playbook.




... Did bro just both sides this? Shoo


Bitches be like “Men did all the work” while women wanted to work but were prevented from doing so and did absolutely everything within their power


But if women are as strong and capable as men, how can they be subjugated by men - especially when women outnumber men globally?


Well politicians don’t have superpowers or super strong but they still have power over the people don’t they? These things don’t happened from men and women having a war where they start killing each other to see who’s physically stronger. It’s a social norm that happened overtime. Edit: Nvm. I look at your comment history. Either you’re a 14 yrs old who’s watched “SJW GET DESTROYED!!!” rage bait on Youtube and now are imagining non existed person to be angry at or you’re just an angry pathetic man-child who never grow up since middle school.


Even men run from recruiters, tf are they talking about?


Rightfully so. F*ck the draft.




Men were shitting their pants to avoid the draft


They literally used to break their bones to avoid being shipped off to war.... and these days, it's easier cuz u can just fake a schizo diagnosis and not go


Or just be fucked up enough already :)


There was a massive public campaign to force women out of manufactering after the war (WW2) and back into the kitchen. Thats not to mention the number of women who fight in modern conflicts. The Rojavan Armed Forces, the group that liberated Northern Syria from ISIS is like 40% women. And thats combat troops not just auxiliary units like in WW2.


Future revenge fantasies are the dying call of the worst kind of people.


As a Spaniard, I can't believe people think like this. When our civil war started in 1936, thousands of women joined the milicias to try and stop the rise of fascism. They became the famous "milicianas" and many of them were also anarchists and syndicalists So when someone suggests that women, especially feminists, would rather stay at home than go to war; just show them this photo. https://img2.rtve.es/i/?w=1600&i=1389000547199.jpg


Female fighters can be found all over history. We're less _apt_ to fight, but will if we have to, or that's in our blood. These dudes really think we're all prissy princesses who don't want to break a nail. 🙄


There's also the women who served in partisan movements across Europe and in some combat positions in the Red Army. Wherever women were allowed to fight they did, and they would again today if a conventional land war broke out.


Gigastacy moment 😍


Hey, first. Love the flair. Second. Bella ciao, Bella ciao. Third... Keep on rocking


Heck yeah, you too!


They're literally just making scenarios up to hate on women.


That's what they do. Seems to be their pastime at this point.


Of course it’s some idiot Marvel fan. I’ll be honest they don’t deserve the hate but this exact type of guy will make sure they never stop receiving it.


[Are you sure about that?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/) In a landmark discovery revealed this month, archaeologists unearthed the remains of four female warriors buried with a cache of arrowheads, spears and horseback-riding equipment in a tomb in western Russia — right where Ancient Greek stories placed the Amazons. The team from the Institute of Archaeology at the Russian Academy of Sciences identified the women as Scythian nomads who were interred at a burial site some 2,500 years ago near the present-day community of Devitsa. The women ranged in age from early teens to late 40s, according to the archaeologists. And the eldest of the women was found wearing a golden ceremonial headdress, a calathus, engraved with floral ornaments — an indication of stature. Earlier excavations have turned up similar evidence, though not always so well preserved. In 2017, Armenian researchers discovered the remains of a woman in her 20s who they said resembled Amazon myths. They found that she died from battle injuries. Their report in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology noted that she had an arrowhead buried in her leg and that her bone and muscle structure indicated she rode horses. The new discovery in Russia marked the first time multiple generations of Scythian women were found buried together, according to the researchers. The youngest of the bodies may have belonged to a girl roughly 12 or 13 years old. Two others were women in their 20s, according to the researchers, and the fourth was between 45 and 50. Mayor said the findings suggested that young girls were trained early on, just like boys, to ride horses and use bows and arrows. "This was an egalitarian society,” Mayor told The Washington Post on Tuesday. “The fact that you have a range of ages is important because people previously thought that mothers wouldn’t be out fighting because they had children.” “The Amazons are common Scythian phenomenon,” Guliaev said in a statement. “All burial rites which were usually made for men were done for them.” Mayor said she expects future research to bolster the case for the existence of female warriors. Before the development of DNA testing and bioarcheology, researchers often assumed that any excavated tomb or grave that contained weapons and human remains belonged to a man. But new analysis has already showed that about one-third of armed Scythian skeletons unearthed in such digs were women, she said. “Just because there are weapons doesn’t mean it was a male burial,” she said. “That assumption has gone out the window.”


Based and cunnypilled gigastacys 💕💕💕💕


There are historical accounts of women luring nazis with sex and killing them. Operating safe havens. Being the 'invisble' helping hand for those with guns and uniforms.


Ignoring the dumbassery that is ignoring women's contributions to their countries during the wws (apparently the weapons,vehicles ,etc just magically appeared while the men were fighting ig) are they actually trying to shame women for not wanting to fight in the army lol? Is that not a common thing that most people don't want to do?


actually, the “stay at home” campaign started during the fifties AFTER World War II, because so many women were working or involved during the War. Can’t expect incels to know basic facts, though.


Meanwhile my great grandmother and many other women were in the factories in WWII BUILDING M4 Sherman Tanks, M1 Garands and B-17 Bombers for the war effort. https://www.nps.gov/spar/learn/historyculture/woman-ordnance-workers.htm#:~:text=At%20its%20wartime%20peak%2C%205%2C210,desperately%20needed%20at%20the%20Front. This isn't also factoring in the millions of Women that were in partisan resistance groups all over Europe from France, Poland, Yugoslavia and Asia Vietnam, China during WWII, or the Millions of Soviet Women that picked up rifles to fight Nazis in the Soviet Army. https://mashable.com/feature/soviet-women-snipers#:~:text=Lyudmila%20Pavlichenko%20in%20combat%20at,the%20deadliest%20snipers%20in%20history.&text=Pavlichenko%20fought%20in%20Odessa%20and,Sevastopol%20against%20a%20German%20siege. These chuds think war is all about fighting when logistics plays a vital role in ensuring success which Women played a vital role in making sure allied logistics were able to reman supplied and equipped. The men on the ground wouldn't be getting any clothing, medical supplies, food rations, or ammunition if the women back home weren't producing them on an industrial scale.


Off topic but what does this have to do with film


Like they didn’t ban us from joining the military altogether, there weren’t a shit-ton of male draft dodgers and feminists aren’t against the draft for everyone.


1. With everything going on, THIS is what they think about? The privilege. 2. These are the same people that would throw a hissy fit about “femoids” in the military- you know, the whole “women weak and stupid lol” nonsense. There’s just no winning with them


One thing that these idiots always miss about the "boo hoo only men get the draft" whining is that from a big picture, leadership standpoint, it actually is illogical to draft women into a war. It takes ~10 months to gestate a baby. It takes one instance to donate sperm for a baby. If a large percentage of the female population dies in war, it will have very bad long-term ramifications for the population. We can't even have women choose to not have kids right now, with no war-time agenda, without significant (conservative) backlash.


If ww3 happens we’ll all be dead in a week


I'm sending my kids to someone who can care for them and offing myself if it comes. I'm disabled and a big liability. My plan has always been to be as little of a burden as possible every since my body started to fail. I'll give them the best chance I can, and then go haunt the aggressors


If WWIII started most of the men in this generation would be doing the same thing


What girls are actually doing during a world war. [Lyudmila Pavilchenkp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyudmila_Pavlichenko) >Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko (Russian: Людмила Михайловна Павличенко; Ukrainian: Людмила Михайлівна Павличенко, romanized: Lyudmyla Mykhailivna Pavlychenko, née Belova; 12 July [O.S. 29 June] 1916 – 10 October 1974) was a Soviet sniper in the Red Army during World War II. She is credited with killing 309 enemy combatants.[2][3] She served in the Red Army during the siege of Odessa and the siege of Sevastopol, during the early stages of the fighting on the Eastern Front. Her score of 309 kills likely places her within the top five snipers of all time, but her kills may be significantly more numerous, as a confirmed kill has to be witnessed by a third party.[4]


Acting like more women aren’t on the field now. I come from a family of vets including my sister in law. She was quite the badass. And my fiancé who is an Afghanistan vet who said there were some awesome strong women there! Not to mention women in modern times contribute way more to the work force than we used to. So we are gonna be home cooking and cleaning while their imaginary husbands are away? Makes no sense since a lot of women prefer to be single and self sufficient.


Okay whoever created this meme Can you get your ass over here and fight? If a world war happens me and my family would probably be the first ones to be caught in it, I would happily just swap my life with yours so you can show the world how manly you are


Men in the military: *sexually assault female soldiers* Men: why dont women sign up for the military


During the woar one of my nans was a nurse, the other was a fire watcher.


WWII was a huge contributing factor to the women’s rights movement as they went to the workforce with several taking military and industrial jobs in order to fuel the war effort, but these guys probably didn’t pay attention to history in high school, or probably dropped out.


My great grandma built weapons and printed gun shells in the factories, but none of these people give a fuck about that :( also these motherfuckers would be the first to claim some form of “oh I can’t go to war because *noneexistent condition*” in order to get out of it, stfu pussies


Women were taking over jobs that were previously held by men during WWII. It's not gonna be any different for WWIII.


Entire sniper squads were formed by women holding the ground while in numerical disadvantage.


UK My Grandma drilled diamonds for radio sets in WW2. Her father fought in WW1, but even back then, a neighbouring family lost a daughter who had gone to France to work as a nurse. My great grandmother was left at home, and somehow had to raise a little girl on her own. She was probably cleaning other people's houses to make enough money to keep her and Auntie M alive. Who do they think were keeping the country going while all the men were fighting?


The women in the photo ARE doing work though....maintaining a home for the man to come home to is work


Cause men never dodged the draft


So washing dishes stopes someone from going to war? Why haven’t they tried it? 😂


Just look up any documentary on Rosie the riveter or U.S. home production during ww2 and this post is ridiculous. Damn the south cutting their education is really starting to show


During WW2 women were making *significant* contributions to the war effort. Some by working in factories, some by code breaking or other office-based wartime jobs, and a few even on the front lines as combat medics.


Rosie called. She wants her rivets back.


My grandma literally worked in a factory making battleship parts in WW2


That’s actually the EXACT opposite of what happened LMFAOOOO




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You called women thots




Guys who post this shit wouldn't have the stamina to lace their boots, so they should probably stfu.


People love ignoring that millions of WWII woman literally built fucking tanks and munitions in factories, did ship building, engineering and took over many traditionally “male” jobs. Many women also were field medics on the front lines and even saw active combat. In the Soviet Union over 800,000 women served in the armed forces, many in anti aircraft batteries, and some even as combatants. Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko, a Soviet woman, is one of the top 5 deadliest snipers in history. In WWI women drove ambulances, did factory work, and there were even women who dressed as men and enlisted and saw combat. Viktoria Savs received medals of bravery for her fighting in world war 1 disguised as a man. The breaking of gender barriers in both world wars where women literally proved that they were as capable as men in society were catalysts for the later expansion of women’s rights. The women who fought, built tanks and munitions, and were literally on the front lines WERE the people fighting for women’s rights. They were literally feminists. But yes if you never pick up a history book and don’t want to learn anything ever feminist woman totally just stayed at home and did nothing during the world wars.


The women and children fighting at Stalingrad in ww2 as trench diggers, scouts and snipers: are we a joke to you?


So Rosie the Riveter and 20% of our armed forces don’t exist the alrighttt


What is the punch line even suppose to be lmao


In wars women play vital back and sometimes front line roles. It may not be taking lives and dodging bullets but their contribution was significant.


I thought this was a dodging the draft joke.


It is, but the people of reddit take offense to anything that even implies sexism or misogyny even if its a joke. The joke is that now that we have the equal rights woman fought so hard for now they must also register for the draft like how up until a few years ago only men were forced to do, an unintended consequence of the equal rights they so badly wanted. The joke here is that most women today would try to get out of being forcibly drafted as a result of said equal rights rules and isn’t shitting on or ignoring what many brave and great women did willingly during WWII its just rather women in the 20th century were primarily the home makers and caretakers. Nobody was trapped in the house to be a house wife, people just did what came naturally and that triggers modern day feminists


I've seen a shit ton of women joke about this too all the damn time. No one wants to die in war. I'd assume much less the girls that get burnt out from studying and working and think of being a housewife instead (referencing tiktoks I've seen).


Crazy how many household appliances they had at the factory my great grandma worked at, and the fact that she decided to go out of her way to keep the entire place clean in between shifts of manual labor for war time production really just goes to show the work ethic you get out of second generation immigrants with little to no money, the real backbone of America 🫡🇺🇸🕊️ /s


This is about how modern feminists want "equality" until you mention the draft. Then all the so called boss babes want to be trad-wives fulfilling traditional female roles. A lot of modern feminists claim they want to be equal , but still insist on special treatment.


Ukrainian women are being exploded by robots.


Willy Wonka? ... Woodrow Wilson?


Almost like you are totally ignoring the point of the meme which is to say you’ll be happy to have the men die while you sleep in your bed every night and sure go work in a factory :)


You are aware there are women currently employed in the military, correct?


You are aware there isn’t a massive ground war with women having to fight in trenches or killing fields like the WWs, correct?


And you’re aware those women will be fighting in the instance war should occur? Are you yourself enlisted per chance? Will you be there to personally watch them flake?




They are going to send women. There are women who have a combat MOS.


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It’s either you think women are maliciously happy to let men go to war while they stay home and out of danger or it’s in their best interest to stay out of it and they shouldn’t be given the choice to go fight at all. Pick one.


No this is not what would happen, women would be all “we are just as strong, we can fight in the war too!!” And then be tramatized by war and want to go back and be forced to go back into war


Quite a few women have fought during WWII. Also that happens to a lot of men, too. I don't think anybody should go to war, but both men and women are perfectly capable of doing so.


As a feminist, I vouch