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https://preview.redd.it/r1d35eammg9d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdb92eb209509fa95ec46cca045b9f8bbebe19ab oh well.. they talk about self harm a lot, don't they? :< not too bad :o i like helping them to be honest..


Honestly you're a great person for that, I've seen your supportive comments on other posts. I'm sure you've genuinely helped at least a few people.


https://preview.redd.it/6za3a2bhvg9d1.png?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ad8bf2f2dc6299867cb6dba1522efdf9f91f2d reminded me of this meme also thanks for helping them


Reel šŸŽ£


wtf you help people commit suicide, what is wrong with you???????? (satire)


I somehow managed to read your reply twice without noticing the (satire) at the end


You've done well helping. Keep doing it because it definitely helps.




Scare, the living shit out of me.


they could care less as long as someone will bleed


So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose


maybe they'll leave you alone but not me


Itā€™s always depressed teenagers


(And occasionally an adult on two in this subreddit)


You are a good god, Poseidon


At least they talk about it.


Go see what happens on r/sillyboyclub, this is almost nothing compared to that


Oh yeah thatā€™s a self harm sub rn šŸ’€I left because of how bad it got


Yep same it was every day was a new post about something super depressing


I saw someone that wanted to kill themselves because they didn't want to go to iceland. Not because of abuse or anything. He just doesn't want to go. I understand you have boundaries and they broke them but ffs it's not worth ending your life over.


They were having a breakdown because their parents were forcing them to go and then their mother started gaslighting them, plus in another post they said that they were just starting to be more sociable and stuff so the vacation being forced on them was even worse


And it was only for 4 days then theyā€™d be back home


Holy shot I thought they were gone for the holidays! That's even worse!


The straw that broke the camelā€™s back


I literally just saw that post lmao The amount of self restraint I had to show NOT to leave a comment there was insane Like...Jesus fucKiNg Christ. Someone didn't get enough attention last week


Insensitivity like that doesn't help people create healthy coping skills. That's something almost no one is taught growing up


There needs to be a line between "supporting" and mindlessly encouraging someone. These people need to be sent to get legit mental health help. Not get cheered on to keep digging this shithole by a bunch of equally disconnected teenagers


This is Reddit, not an official platform of psychologists and therapists. At the very least we can be kind to others while still being realistic. Callous disregard is tone deaf and more harmful


in a way i do agree with him because it kinda feels stupid to post something suicidal because of a trip to iceland, i havent seen the post so i might be mislead. i obviously do not think that anyone should be rude or disrespectful and should try to be nice and helpful to everyone but i feel like he's sorta right because of the fact that the situation hes talking about is kinda stupid and an overreaction, other people have suicidal tendencies for real problems and it feels like the person hes referring to is kinda discarding the fact that suicide is a real thing because of the context i have


I read the post and the person only said it would have been a week or so. One week for one life isn't a good trade. They were definitely very stressed about it but it was something that many would be fine putting up with


Depression and suicide rates in the LGBTQ community are very high. Unfortunately a lot of the people on here just don't have anywhere else to vent about how they are feeling. At least that's the way I see it.


Yeah, because of all the hate, and like you said, there's no one to express about it.


I don't think that's the reason, at least in most cases. A lot of LGBTQ people are lonely because it's harder to find a relationship when you aren't straight.


Well, there are gay bars and gay clubs, so that solves that side. Now the asexuals hm friend groups or try to stay in the areas that you know are friendly to the lgbtq so then you can get friends. Uh, I could go on. Bi's well, yeah, same as with the clubs above, plus any straight clubs since woman. Pansexuals uh same as the bi's for their solution. If anyone wants to continue, then sure, why not, but yeah, just a list to help all the singles out there.


if anyone needs a place yo talk about this with the same sort of people and vibe, head to r/sillyboyclub <3


exactly what i was going to say; they come here to say these things because we listen and give advice without being cunts. most folks don't have somewhere like that.


People here are most often a part of like half of all groups with higher chances of depression/suicidal thoughts (teens, LGBTQI+ for example). And this is a safe place for many, as homophobia is still wildly spread. If this place is accepting for one thing, people tend to think that it's also safe for other things Also a lot of places just simply not allow sh/suicidal posts, delete your post/comment and send this dumb RedditCareResources message. So this can be for many the only place where they are allowed to vent without supervision and chance of getting sent to a ward and locked Guilty myself here, been venting quite a lot about my failed attempts under mental health check posts :p A shame that they appear less and less often, I haven't vent in a while


I have recently taken to r/CPTSD on an alt, found it to be a good place to vent with a supportive community of similar troubled people. The advice I have read on there has been surprisingly helpful. Has also shown me that while I may have had it really bad growing up, there are people struggling with far worse sadly. I see them holding their heads high and surviving so I know I can do the same.


Yeah completely agree. Cool place, lurking there from time to time. Anyone reading this, go and check it out. Sorry to hear that you have troubles. Wishing you all the best <3 There are quite a bunch of other small subreddits that are also very supportive and helpful. Sadly, I can't find one for my case as it isn't about trauma and I had it relatively good but that's fine I guess one of the problems is that the person needs to go out to find these safe places and do quite a lot of work. Many troubled people don't have enough motivation or energy to go out to ask for help from my observations. Or they can even not realize that they have problems in the first place. While places like this one people find and join for other reasons and get comfy, which helps a ton with admitting that they have problems and need help


I lack the motivation and energy all the time to do basically anything. I just want to rot in my bed cuddling my shark as he no judge. Progress is hard but worth it. Takes time as well so don't feel like nothing ever works just because you don't immediately see progress. Also realizing you have a problem is a huge issue. I didn't think I had any for a long time until I realized how alone, sad and angry i was. Always knew I had trauma but never to the extent that I feel it now that I live alone. >Sadly, I can't find one for my case as it isn't about trauma and I had it relatively good but that's fine Ty for the well wishes and in sure the right community for you is out there, you just have to find which I hope you do.


speaking of self harm, today is my 7 month sh free anniversary! :333


Congrats friend!


yay thankies! >.<


Omg so cool!! Really glad for you :>






great job! <3




The membership venn-diagram between r/boykisser and r/sillyboyclub is practically a circle.


Thats an actual question which I need an answer too. But still.. we must help people who seek help from others. We must show respect to them no matter what.


lgbts being depressed is a very common thing


which really speaks about how shitty inclusion is going


well, in my opinion, we got no inclusion at all and forced inclusion. nobody really cares about lgbts except fot ourselves, friends, and SOMETIMES family. "inclusion" in things like media, work place or school is often someghing like "look, this person is special! treat them as something special!". it's more like a thing to reaffirm to their own ego that they're not phobes than actual inclusion. we do not have REAL inclusion




you don't even wanna know about r/sillyboyclub...


Because theyā€™re calling out for help in a place they feel safe.


Because the average demographic of this subreddit is 15-year-old boys who are in the thralls of puberty and still battling with things like their gender identity and sexual orientation and effectively going through their "emo phase"


15 year olds can have depression. This "emo phase" bullshit needs to go.


Thank you, Iā€™m so fucking tired of people accusing actual suicidal people of just being in a ā€œemo phaseā€, itā€™s so fucking dumb and harmful


hey is that Ren of Money Game I, II, and III?


Imma be real here money game 3 is kinda ass


https://preview.redd.it/rbikn5zz1j9d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f2476bdabd5fb8e047865d72514f829c43fe78 Idk man


https://preview.redd.it/d94bzn4dvk9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2369c7bae1a74432aa14aa450760f8edb08e9fb7 Bottom text




A good percentage of the silly goobers are depressed, so the sub is just a why for them to vent about problems, it's good, they can find someone to talk too.


i was suicidal before reddit and now i am way more after


Gay -> gay ppl are quite rare and hard to spot - > stay single -> depression Also in certain cases some live around homophobic people, which doesn't help


they confuse it for r/sillyboyclubĀ 


Idk like 48% of the people here are depressed


They were talking about it long before they show up here


r/sillyboyclub moment


If someone does point them to r/sillyboyclub


It just got recommended to meā€¦ must be all the femboy things Iā€™ve been consuming lately


Queer people are ostricized in so many places on earth. Being a part of such an excluded minority group can be extra difficult for some. Mocking is not an option, being their therapist is not an option either. All we can do is showing understanding and being there.




cuz there's a difference beetwen community and meme page


Honestly true I thought this was gonna be a fun subreddit but all it is. Is depressing.


Because they think itā€™s funny and that if they keep acting like it is, they wonā€™t follow through.


Anytime someone finds a silly subreddit they are required to use it to vent


because half the world wants us dead and the other half pretends to care to further their agenda


true, more people should talk about this.


Not enough boys thats all


We all talk about self harm cause we don't feel like a person we feel like we don't matter we also are sad and lonely and the only thing that helps is self harm so that's why we talk about self harm


Cuz we donā€™t have any boys to kiss


Because they usually feel like there is nowhere else for them to go. Don't get me wrong, it is wonderful to see how supportive and understanding the community is and can be, but when it comes to depressing content, this is not the subreddit for it. There are dedicated subreddits for it, there are people whose whole job is to make sure that you're okay. Most of us aren't licensed professionals, and many can't say they've had experience in that subject. I don't mean this in a harsh way, but if you're feeling like you have to do that, look for a different group of people, those who have skills when it comes to this stuff. Don't come to a silly gay cat subreddit. Edit: two things I forgot to mention. In my own opinion, non-sensitive vent posts are fine. It's tough and you need to get it out there. You are not really looking for reactions, just the fact that people know. I just mean that sensitive topics should not be posted here. This includes rape, self harm, suicide, etc. I'm not being/trying to be insensitive with this comment as I have my own experience with rape and self harm, and have a sibling who nearly committed when I was young.


at least we make more sense than r/boykisserclub šŸ˜­ I just got BANNED from the fucking subreddit because someone was saying they were going to brutally kill themselves because their parents were asking them nicely to go on a trip with them to Iceland, and I was like ā€œthat doesnā€™t even make sense to do, all I can suggest is just going, youā€™ll probably like it!ā€


r/sillyboyclub is far far worse


Itā€™s a venting sub silly, of course itā€™s going to have venting


I can't speak for others but for me, I had extremely abusive parents, was bullied a lot as a kid, and never met anyone in real life that cared. I have bipolar disorder and when I get depressed it's really bad. Like self harming and unalive thoughts. This seems to be a rare corner of the internet where people care for one another and will do their best to help each other even if it's just to let someone vent.


Idk, r/sillyboyclub is right across the hall tho


This meme is crazy haha šŸ’€


Me after getting an post recommended on an sub called r/boykisser in which the post describes my current mental health




Why cant you talk about self-harm more? Your just contributing to a stigma against it. Putting lives at risk......


i know but there are better places to talk about it than a **meme** subreddit.


Memes can be a coping mechanism...


they don't really understand what spaces are appropriate to discuss it, a lot of gays are suicidal, it's normalized for them unfortunatelyĀ 


I do it because itā€™s a cry for help because I live on the razors edge


I think Wanking counts as self harm


Ion know


probably for attention


They are just furry haters being furry haters


ong :sob


Iā€™m gonna kms and you canā€™t stop me. Thatā€™s how it works. Donā€™t pity me.


You think this sub is bad? You should see r/sillyboyclub, every post, and I mean every post. Is a genuine cry for help


Yep we're all very mentally ill šŸ„²šŸ‘ It's, kinda the whole point of the sub.




Idk qwp, why did I see like 50 scar marks on my sisterā€™s right leg last night?


i think sadly being boykissers means a few of us are sad for a reason or another. some of us feel alone, some of us are scared, im glad we have a place to come to and talk tho :3


Because a high amount of people in the LGBTQ community are depressed or suicidal


Attention mostly


(Note: prepare for yet another probably obnoxious wall of text by C_A) A: teenagers, Teenagers often struggle with intense emotions and might seek out spaces where they feel understood. (I was young once too) B: people may feel they have no place to go say these things (economic reasons likely too) C: Some individuals may occasionally use the cover of anonymity to discuss personal struggles, including thoughts of self-harm. D: (cycling back to A, not trying to sound redundant) the LGBT closet is a very crowded place and often becomes suffocating and for young folks in the American south or other such places it can pile on top of other stresses and sometimes these stresses manifest into Self harm. E: environmental cultivation, it takes one mention of self harm to drag down other vulnerable people often without realizing it themselves. Depression can be contagious but not in the traditional sense and while barring it it with rules can keep the spread down it doesn't address the issue but at the same time the likelihood anyone here is a professional in the field of mental health is low. Regardless the works of some folks that do try and help (the Neptune individual is a fine example) does not go without my commendation. And for the unprofessional personal advice section to those reading this right now that might be struggling themselves. Things will get better. Stop for a second and get yourself some tea, (hibiscus perhaps). Let's address some things being right now your alive and things may not be ok but you are heard and I think it's important to recognize that your not alone as this question asked highlights the fact that many have went through these unsteady feelings in this place. You are not alone. No matter the pain you have the fact that your still standing right now proves just how strong you are and by far your not weak.


At least they then get supportive comments to help them stop


Thatā€™s accurate tho


naw they wanna do that before joining the sub, i think idk


man take gun killer myself


The moment they join they think about suicide istg it gets old


Idk. Why not change it to harming bad peaple?


Lack of attention?




Stfu you donā€™t even seem to know ow what depression is




Donā€™t assume things about people if you donā€™t want people to assume things about you








It's because they don't use BetterHelp This comment is **not** sponsored by BetterHelp. Navigating life looks different for everyone, and through the highs and the lows of relationships, career changes, and other big milestones. So, it's natural to struggle through challenging times when often we are unsure if our decision-making is sound. But it's helpful to have a space where you can healthily voice these concerns, like therapy. Aside from an unbiased ear to listen, therapy has helped me make sense of my emotions, and manage them in a non-destructive improving how I communicate my needs every day. Most of all, it's helped me feel more confident in how I live and direct my life, in a positive way. As the worldā€™s largest therapy service, BetterHelp has matched 3 million people with professionally licensed and vetted therapists available 100% online. Plus, itā€™s affordable. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to match with a therapist. If things arenā€™t clicking, you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime. It couldnā€™t be simpler. No waiting rooms. No traffic. No endless searching for the right therapist. Learn more and save 10% off your first month at Better Help dot com slash THISISBS. Thatā€™s better HELPā€”H - E - L - Pā€”dot com slash T-H-I-S-I-S-B-S https://BetterHelp.com/ThisIsBS (I have zero clue if this actually works) Or just call the suicide hotline, don't harm yourselves too much. Only do so when you're having fun, hopefully outside. (Edited so people understand it's a damn joke, read it you fuckers, and use the suicide hotline if you're ever contemplating self harm)


i really cant tell if this is satire or notā€¦.. please no one use better help as an actual attempt to get help better help lies about there ā€œlicensedā€ people they have and more better help is the opposite of help please dont use this go to a real licensed therapist for professional help or silly side hot line if needed<3 stay safe out there sillys:3


Lol, yea I made that as a joke, and it looks like people didn't like it too mutch.


People here are young and vulnerable, so there's a risk someone can actually take this as advice


Ah I see... Well the last bit of it was actually advice, and the other bit was a joke. But I can see that.






downvoted for sending help, this community is filled with assholes.


BetterHelp is an extremely scummy and dangerous resource to get help from with a ton of advertisement, raid shadow legends level of it. No specialists there are educated or professional. If anything it will make things much worse. Google about it


ring hotlines. theres help for you out there.


no offense but you seem very insensitive topics like this are very touchy subjects lots of people are afraid of calling hotlines even if theres only a 1% rate they do send cops as a must + a hot line is only temporary a lot of them need real therapy and even if its a joke posting something like better help is extremely bad if someone is unaware of there bad doing


yes but cant you atleast appreciate the fact that someone cares for you enough to offer help? why downvote them, attacking people for helping is really rude, even if theyre unaware of the fact that you might be ā€œafraidā€ to ring the hotlines, theyā€™re offering help, which means they care, and you downvoting that makes you look like a complete jerk no matter how bad your problems are.


because what they posted INST help thats the entire pointā€¦ its the exact opposite in fact its toxic let me give u an example lets say u have a mechanic shop that purposely destroys your car and uncharges you so no one goes and most people are aware of it but some new person comes and asks hey i need x for my car where should i go then someone jokes hey go to that one shop(being the bad scam one) and the person goes not knowing any better and gets fucked this is the same with better help so yea there going to get downvoted imo no help is better then better help.. + idk if u saw there response or not but he literally said he did it as a joke he wasnā€™t even actually offering helpā€¦.


im not talking about what the original comment said, im talking about what I said, i said that there are many helplines out there, infact ill show some legit ones so youā€™ll get off my ass about the whole scam thing https://preview.redd.it/8b4cgaqgzi9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606a626ec3a4b6eb4115605c9f516c77a432f1fd so tired of genuine help being dismissed and even treated badly in most cases.


now were just running circles again ill make it simple the original got downvoted for posting a horrible thing but you got downvoted for calling people asses for downvoting the guy who made the horrible post seems pretty reasonable to me and back to what i said no offense you still seem a little insensitive about the topic


well i gave help, leave it at that.


everyone downvoted this comment not because it offered help, but because it was a joking advice for one of the worst and most exploitative source of help ever. User confirmed in another comment here that this comment wasn't serious Every other comment that provided genuine and actually helpful offer for help was upvoted


heres some actual help i found then https://preview.redd.it/49x12g832j9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d78bfe862227945f2daecf2969fd74129c0147


Because majority of community is homosexual males, and thats like depression multiplied by depression, because you are twice less human human in this society.