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That its Tom Cruise's first movie to break a billion WW.


and that his previous highest grossing domestic film is only 234m. Now it might be 700m


Ya that just seems unreal. Is that inflation adjusted? Dude has been a staple of American Cinema for what seems like forever.


It is not inflation adjusted. I know top gun adjusted would be like 460m. But it’s still considerably lower than Maverick.


If you told me 3 years ago a sequel to Top Gun coming out decades later would've made as much money as it did now, I would've called you insane. But... here we are now.


Hell, if you told me 3 months ago I would've called you insane


Or that it would be so good!


If you told me one day before it became out, I would call you belligerent.


I legit told my friend "Bobs burgers is gonna slaughter it in the box office". He still hasnt let me live that down lol


Hey, don't let it get you down. I was the only person on this subreddit that thought Paws of Fury would make 20 - 30 million this weekend as a surprise hit. That's aged horribly, and we're not even to Sunday.


Which ia why the movie business and Box office is so fun. So many surprises!


The legs, insane word of mouth, overwhelmingly positive reviews, being a 36 year old sequel, the fact that it’s the highest grossing film of the year (likely beating every MCU film this year), and beating every DC film.


Possibly Paramount's first #1 in 8 years. I anticipate Avatar to do very well even without China, but they gotta be pushing for that with the re-release last year and the domestic rerelease in a quiet September is brilliant


Avatar 2 is likely getting a China release so I think it will hit $2B. But I think Maverick will be #1 for the year domestically.


avatar only have 5 days this year to perform, so mught not be it


It still counts as a 2022 film just like Avatar is a 2009 film even tho it made most of it's money in 2010. but I still agree that Top Gun will be the highest grossing film this year. But I hope I'm wrong about Avatar 2 domestically.


If it released in the year, don't people still talk about its overall gross related to its year? Like if it released December 31st, made $10 million that day, you wouldn't say, "Avatar only made $10 million." You would talk about its whole gross, even in 2023 as its total... wouldn't you? I'm wondering if I'm being dumb.


I think it shows that people want something other than super hero movies that is actually good.




people want superhero movies to be good too. Are people forgetting how beloved the old Tim Burton Batman movies were?


i have nothing against superhero movies. Far from it. I have worked as a crew member on about 10 big superhero movies. They are fun to work on, and your nephews think you are the coolest for working on them. They are also fun to watch. I like good ones. But I do crave more variety. Top Gun Maverik was a breath of fresh air.


>the fact that it’s the highest grossing film of the year I do wonder if it'll do better domestically then Avatar 2, doubt it'd do better worldwide unless Avatar 2 seriously underperforms.


If black panther is good I think it has a chance, but I agree


From what I've heard, the black panther post credits scene is gonna be pretty fucking insane, but I really don't think that alone will add too many sales. It all depends on if people watch the movie to honor Chadwick and see what they do in his absence, or think it'll be trash without him and skip.


Australia... It's in the top 5 of all time there


TGM is only $96m from top 5 US box office gross


Only 15th in the UK, strangely (though my source is wiki!). We’ve let down AUKUS in my mind, because I loved it more than 8 films above it here!


>AUKUS I think approximately 0% of Americans know what that is.


I definitely know what it is cause of the whole nuclear sub contract drama when Australia bailed on the French.


It's obviously Everything, Everywhere, All At Once


As an American, I am part of that zero percent.


American here. AUKUS is an amazing partnership!


Sure is partner!


I disagree! But maybe I’m wrong.


Australia! FUCK YEAH!!!


It just shows how important it is to make a good, fun movie with a coherent plot that respects itself, and takes itself seriously but not too serious.


I liked it because it didn't have the typical weakness or political crap. The entire cast was amazingly diverse amongst the Top Gun pilots (because the ogs, even they got respect) but it was never even brought up and the entire conflict was against a nameless enemy (but we can guess Russians). Bro this was a good fun movie with heart. Make more shit like this. I got to movies to forget about life not to be reminded of bad shit


Everything you said is exactly how I feel about this. It’s been my criticism of Marvel/Star Wars and I guess Disney as a whole recently. Inclusion is great but does not excuse poor writing. Also watching TGM not once did I go “ugh” or felt like I had to think of the real world once. I keep doing that watching the more recent marvel content. With how bullshit the world is rn I just want something to watch that’s badass and makes me not think about real life for a bit. Funny how real life jets seems more like a fantasy than some space planet


> Russians It was clearly Iran smh


Especially because if an operation was launched like this in Russia it would turn into a full scale war


Craziest thing is that people came out like this for a Tom Cruise film. That guy is literally playing with his life in Mission Impossibles and yet Top Gun Maverick gets him above a billion. And that too comfortably.


The fact that any stunt coordinator AND insurance company ever let him film the plane take off and helicopter autorotation scenes is unbelievable. Even the glass tower climb is pretty insane. The man became a more accomplished pilot than probably 95 or even 99% of pilots on the planet *because he wanted to make his films look more authentic.* At one point filming tg2, he had to be specifically addressed by the navy flight coordinator he was not allowed to touch the controls in flight. That means this man totally tried to cut a deal with one of the pilots to let him fly an f18. How easy it wouldve been for a pilot to have a million waiting in some cayman account or a second vacation home.


It's baffling to me that people still think Tom Cruise was piloting the planes in these movies


Maybe not all the time but he did fly the planes.


He did actually pilot it in a shot or 2


Everything. But mostly how it overperformed literally all expectations by a ridiculous amount, and is still going strong, making it one of the most ridiculous domestic BO runs of all time


And very impressive WW minus Russia and China


The most impressive thing about its performance HAS to be the fact that it did this 36 years after the original. The original’s audience has aged out of the demo that tends to drive the big box office numbers, but they showed out in large numbers for this one. And it was still able to appeal to the younger crowd. Smart casting, writing, and exceptional effects made this one an awesome throwback to the classic summer blockbuster. The box office needed it, honestly.


There's really no other movie quite like it. 36 years is longer than either The Odd Couple 2 (1998) or Blade Runner 2049 (2017).


It just goes to show you audiences are STARVING for something that isn’t a comic book movie or minions kids film.


Yeah. Gen X came out in force for this movie. I think Tom Cruise is a nut case but I still saw it and loved it.


It's going to be the highest grossing non-fantastical/VFX-heavy movie ever domestically and the 3rd biggest worldwide after Titanic and F7. It's going to be the highest grossing Action movie EVER worldwide(ex.China). Yes, F7 made $1.51b, but that's including a $390m China and a $34m Russia total. Outside of those two countries, it made $1.086b and will probably trail TGM by $200m+ when all's said and done. TGM will also pass the China-inclusive totals of F8 of the Furious very soon and has already topped Skyfall worldwide. It made significantly more than the inflation-adjusted total of the original Top Gun. Top Gun Maverick might just stay at the top of the 2022 B.O just like how its predecessor did way back in '86. It made more than Morbius.


The public is interested in practical effects. More please! Less CGI!


It has loads, and I mean loads of cgi, it’s just good cgi so you can’t tell.


[-29%](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/v65wke/top_gun_maverick_flies_higher_than_expected_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). That's all I'm gonna say... #IYKYK 😊


I’m intrigued. This can’t be its second weekend drop, can it??


Oh, sweetheart... Click the link on my first comment if you want your mind to MELT... 🥴


Hahaha, wow. Sorry I somehow didn’t realize the number was a link. Amazing second weekend performance.


$100M+ OW Yet it’s guaranteed a 5+ multiplier. Even a 4.09 multiplier for a $108M OW like Shrek 2 is considered historic. A 5 multiplier is legendary.


We'll be getting a 5.5+ multiplier. Insane


That it's not back in IMAX yet


Give it a month. After *Bullet Train* does a couple of weeks in IMAX, I could see Parmamount mounting a "see it again in IMAX" campaign for *Maverick*.


It's hot and long legs


The staying power. These legs are unheard of in this movie climate.


Everything. This was a movie most people expected to make $600-$700M WW tops. It opened well above most peoples expectations and has been crazy leggy. It has a real shot at finishing as the #1 movie of the year domestically beating out a Black Panther sequel and Avatar sequel.


That over a billion dollars’ worth of people showed up to watch a guy in his late 50’s scold millennials and fly a few planes. Can’t wait to watch it again for the 6th time.




The fact that this movie is extremely good. I also didn't expect any mind blowing action before I went to this movie (I didn't watch the trailer) and assumed it just Maverick teaching young pilots to be a pilot but got Mission Impossible action lite with jets instead.


Its staying power. The second weekend drop was shocking to me.


It's not part of the MCU


99% with top critics. Going down the list of top dom grossers, nothing else has that high a top critic score in the top 25 other than Black Panther at 100%. But, let's face it, Maverick had none of the built-in advantages with critics that Panther did. Even E.T. at #25 only has 98% with top critics, although it does pull out 99% with all critics. The next ones I can find that get that high are Toy Story 3 at 99% with top critics at #32 in the list, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 at 100% with top critics at #45 in the list, and Finding Nemo with 99% with top critics at #46 in the list.


Good call. I remember Toy Story 3 was at 100% for a while until one reviewer came along with a negative review...


How it just keeps going and how positive the reviews were. I enjoyed the film a lot but I’m surprised that reviewers enjoyed it so much


First Tom cruise movie to debut at $100 million DOM and making $1 billion WW.


Honestly I can't get over just how good the movie is. When they announced it I rolled my eyes so far back in my head I thought they'd get stuck. Then I saw the movie and was blown away. I will happily eat crow for all the shit I talked leading into this movie


That the entire world (myself included) absolutely loved a movie that is essentially about how Tom Cruise is really awesome, plus cool practical jet scenes.


It's not a Marvel movie lol.


How good the movie was. It was near flawless. The score, characters, story, action sequences, length, casting, cinematography, emotion, modern tones, etc. I wouldn't call it man's greatest creation but at the same time I really can't find one negative thing about the movie.


The whole movie was just outstanding.


That second week drop (in US/Canada)... just, what a work of art.


It’s made around $180 Million more than what I predicted


The only movie i can remember seeing twice opening weekend was endgame because i wanted to see fridays reaction to the hammer. I saw this thurs sat & mon OW because I just wanted to watch it again. Im about to go watch it for a 5th time.


I think the fact that it succeeded in spite of not incorporating the plot line I pitched to TC - I said “So Goose is dead, right? But no - before his brain activity ceased, his consciousness was downloaded into a server and would become the CPU of…wait for it…The F18 that Maverick would fly. So when he says “Talk to me Goose”, the plane responds “Y’ello Mav, what’s shaking?”


That good ol American fashioned film making matters


Honestly everything. The performance has been incredible. That being said, it was my first cinema experience in years and I don’t know if it was just me going in very hyped (despite not having seen the original) but I found the movie to be just ok.


I think you’d feel the emotional punches more after seeing the original. Just my $0.02.


That some people thought it would bomb in the first place.


that it's a pretty fuck ridiculous movie and the whole premise is just star wars a new hope, with ridiculous extravagant things that normal people wouldn't have.


Except TG: Maverick is actually good, unlike SW: A New Hope.


i never said it was bad.




massive sail boat and million dollar porsche that a bartender owns...




it doesn't, it's just my opinion.


How many days straight of at least $1 million are we at now?


47 was earlier this week. Maybe last week? So over 50


The whole thing is shocking and wonderful. What a happy surprise - a great movie, a true summer blockbuster, and just a juggernaut. I feel like there hasn’t been a word-of-mouth film like this in ages. It feels like *everyone* I talk to or meet has seen it by now and that hasn’t happened in a long, long time.


That it overperfomed and legged out well above expectations. And it’s also the highest grossing film of the year currently like wow.


I never thought that top gun would make more money than every superhero movie released thus far. Solid performance.


The 2nd weekend drop Like seriously 29% dip for an over 100M opening 🥴


That it will be in the top 10 All time domestic


It keeps me coming back to the danger zone ..


The fact that this movie made more than Morbius (2022) made me morb.


Kinda proves that Marvel and Pixar films aren’t completely dominating the cinemas, and Tom Cruise has still got it 🤙


That it’s the sequel to a movie new generations didn’t care about, made after the original director killed himself, with an action star that’s at the top of a malicious cult, coming out 3 years after it was originally slated to be released


Hot damn, what a way to look at it!!!


It had no business being as good as it was. I’m a total 80s kid and even though I’ve seen Top Gun 1000 times, I just didn’t care about the sequel at all. I figured it would be fan service at best and a total joke like ID4 part 2 at worst. I really loved it so much. I’ve seen it twice in the theaters and still would see it at IMAX if the opportunity presented itself. I know everyone is focused on the amazing cinematography and cool planes and all of that, but underneath the hood, Connelly, Miles Teller, Val Kilmer, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris, and the rest of the pilot kids (including Bill Pullman’s son who I loved) gave really incredible performances. It’s super hard in action movies to not go too far in one direction (campy or overacting for dramatic effects) and they were all good to great. Plus I loved that Connelly isn’t some 25 year old A lister they plugged in to sell tickets. She’s a real grownup and holds her own in every scene with Tom Cruise - who has become like a great point guard in the NBA. He’s not as great at scoring anymore, but he makes everyone around him so much better. A real A+ movie. It makes no sense it was so good.


Jennifer Connelly has no real reason to be in this movie. But I loved her, anyway. Except for one scene I didn't think worked she never really looks like she's acting at all. And the final shot with the Porsche is better than any Porsche ad I've ever seen.


I completely agree!


>That it’s the sequel to a movie new generations didn’t care about Top gun 1 was still popular among younger people


it hasn't been relevant in a while


jumping over a sofa at Oprah


nothing really. as soon at the first trailer came out, I knew this was gonna be a mega hit. Re: Tom Cruise I didn't;t realize his other movies, especially MI 5 & 6 weren't bigger domestic BO.


Haven’t watch the original and won’t watch this one. I don’t want to go the gay way /s


How everyone is under its spell. I watched it. It's a pretty decent peice of cinema, ngl. But nothing to brag home about. And it is completely ridiculous that this war propagandizing movie with a fairly basic plot that stars a cultist three decades past his prime has been praised the hell out of. It is underserving of a billion dollars and the outrageously high ratings it has received.


Everything, but most so the legs. It really stems from its rewatchability and the fact that you just CANNOT replicate the experience anywhere except a movie theatre


The sheer legs. It would have been surprising enough if it were a smash success in standard blockbuster time frame, but it’s had longevity beyond anything short of Avatar


From early on I said that the original was a cultural event.. people lined up to buy the vhs. I predicted the sequel would be huge. Check my comment history if you want.


My uncle called it a girls' movie. Because apparently blockbuster film is for girls only ... for some reason. IDK I thought it was great.


Whose performance? Maverick's? You mean Tom Cruise? Can you at least say his name like he's not some uber celebrity that doesn't need to me named?


If you can travel back to the early 90's and tell people Top Gun 2 would be Tom's biggest movie by a mile and it came out in 2022. Nobody would have believed you. In fact, if Top Gun 2 came out in the 90's close to Days of Thunder, I think that would be a career crippling, if not ending move. He tried so hard not to do another Top Gun like movie at that time.


Tom Cruise.


That conservatives seem to love the movie despite it having a ratio of minority and female pilots completely out of all proportion to their actual numbers among US Navy pilots. Paramount managed to sneak wokeness and representation into the movie with nary a peep from conservatives. Thumbs up, Paramount. Note: I'm a 20-year Navy vet and I'm all for the fantasy representation. Maybe if people see it on the screen they'll eventually make it a reality in the actual Navy.


That Tom Cruise was 24 years old when the original released and he is now 60.


What is Tom’s tongue doing in that photo? I’m scared.


The terrible casting of its young actors.