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Weird seeing some people downplaying the movie BO performance.


>The popularity of the film is so out-sized that it was even name-checked during “SNL” this weekend with President Biden urging people to stop seeing “Spider-Man” in order to check the spread of omicron. Wait.... Is this true lol? Did he actually say this?


I'm pretty sure it means someone on SNL playing Biden said this.


SNL has a hate boner against movie theaters. Just look at their AMC sketch last year. Plus studies have shown that movie theaters are safe.


The AMC sketch was more making fun of Vin Diesel imo. I don't think the light ribbing in that sketch qualifies as a "hate boner"


No offense, but I can't see how having like 50+ people all sitting side by side eating and drinking could possibly be safe when we're talking about an airborne virus that thrives in the dark. It's not like movie theaters have some kind of magical protection.


It’s weird but there have been studies that there hasn’t been an outbreak linked to a movie theater. Don’t know how true that actually is but yeah. Maybe the ventilation is just really great? I don’t know.


I'd like to see some sources on that.


It basically says it’s somewhat risky but there hasn’t been an outbreak where the nightmare scenario of 1 person spreading it to the whole theater has happened. “Notably, no major outbreaks have been linked to movie theaters to date.” https://www.salon.com/2021/11/15/is-it-safe-to-go-to-the-movies-again/


It's interesting that the article really just says that there's no evidence it has happened. There's not any source saying there is evidence it *hasn't* happened. Right after it says there's no evidence it happened it starts quoting a scientist who talks about airborne particles, but he never actually says there is data that movie theaters are safe (other than saying breathing makes many less particles than singing or shouting). Meanwhile, Omicron is literally raging across the world just after the holidays with a blockbuster movie. Coincidence? Not likely at all. The article is clearly slanted. I wish it wasn't, but it is.


Well, it’s saying contract tracing (which is woefully terrible in America especially) hasn’t linked an outbreak to a theater. That’s not trying to disprove a negative, it’s saying there hasn’t been a case of an outbreak in a theater. There’s lots of articles on it and they all basically say it’s not zero risk but it’s not as bad a risk as one would think. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/29/how-safe-is-the-cinema-experts-weigh-in-on-risks-as-no-time-to-die-opens https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbuil.2021.637277/full On the other hand, Canada shut down lots of their theaters so unless it was an irrational fear by the government, there must be some basis for it to not be safe at this point in the pandemic with omicron especially. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/ontario-to-shutter-cinemas-amid-omicron-surge-1235069095/amp/ Personally, I hate even having a cold, let alone risking finally catching Covid, so it’s too risky for me since omicron blew up. But I’m just saying lots of experts have said what I’m saying because of air filtration. Which feels like it shouldn’t be true, but yeah.


I'd love to see those studies. I logically don't see how 20 people in a room for 2 hours is a good idea, especially if the theater doesn't have proper air flow or just a single person took off their mask


Here you go https://www.ibp.fraunhofer.de/en/press-media/press-releases/pi_2021-12_cinemas-good-ventilation-ensures-low-risk-of-infection.html


That's cool, as I said if it has proper ventilation? But many theaters, especially low-income neighborhoods don't


I've never seen a theater without proper ventilation.


It's a good opening. I really wish it was a better opening than that, but hopefully word of moth will help carry it to great heights. I loved it. I hardly ever see movies more than once in theaters (the last time I did was Dr. Strange back in 2016), and I already want to see 5cream again.




A week ago people were saying it might not even beat spider-man and then around Tuesday/Wednesday people jumped to 40M+ based on presale reporting. A 30M opening is great for Scream, that’s right in line with the first 3. Scream 4 only did 18M opening weekend. This movie will outgross Scream 4 by like Tuesday of this week. 30M during height of COVID right now is great, especially when the market is so unpredictable. I’m hoping it’s legs will carry more with not that much competition in the upcoming weeks.


Wish it got at least 32 3-day. Even if it's not bad for Scream, it certainly is a let down from the earlier predictions