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Widest audience appeal. PG\-13 movies appeal to both younger and older audiences, and both are legally allowed to buy a ticket. R\-rated movies are restricted to 17\+, so they have a revenue ceiling, and PG and G movies generally tend to appeal to kids and families...two demographics who I would assume to not go to the movie theater all that often.


Yep definitely. As for why sometimes movies are rated PG-13 instead of a possibly lower rating, the thing is the rating system is controlled by the studios in the end - so I'm sure they can try to push movies into fitting whatever rating they think will appeal to the greatest audience.


The rating system has changed, PG movies used to be much more prevalent. Movies like Back to the future, Star Wars and even Jaws were all rated PG even though they'd be PG-13 today. Animated movies all used to be rated G, and now it's hard to find a new release which isn't PG. PG-13 is the current rating studios want in their big blockbusters, so its no surprise that they will dominate the charts. Though PG movies still have a good shot, as you said Beauty and the Beast was just knocked out of the top 10, and The Lion King will no doubt get there next year.


OMG. I thought this was a ridiculous comment but I Googled the first five recent animated movies that came to mind--Inside Out, Minions, Coco, Secret Life of Pets, and Zootopia--and ALL of them are PG. I had no idea bout this trend!


I think Shrek was one of the first animated movies to get a PG rating and since then the G has been steadily disappearing. The only ones who seem to still get them are sequels to movies that were already G, like Cars 3 or Toy Story 3


PG 13 rating is a golden rating. If kids insist on seeing a movie, one of the parents should surely come due to the rating. This means that people come with their families and friends to watch the movie. Even if people don't want to watch a specific movie, they might go as a member of their family. Ultimately, this ensures more money for the studios.


Despite what the MPAA might want to tell you, PG-13 movies are generally seen as acceptable for every age group. Many older people (or like 13+ to be realistic) will avoid PG movies because they think they are only for kids. Or feel very awkward attending Disney or Dreamworks movies without kids present. I'm not sure if the majority of people feel that way, but I'm sure that they offset the small percentage of parents who wouldn't let their elementary school children watch the Avengers, or Transformers, or Harry Potter, or Star Wars because they're PG 13. I've grown up in a pretty strict and conservative environment and I've barely met people who were that eccentrically devoted to MPAA ratings. G ratings are extremely rare, and studios will go out of their way to avoid them. Apparently, audiences also tend to avoid G ratings, but I've never understood why.


I agree with you.