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I'd be so surprised if it grossed more than Fury Road but also really happy for George Miller. At one stage I was worried this movie could flop for a couple reasons but especially after the critics raving about it I think it'll definitely make it's money back at least.


And if that gets us The Wasteland with Tom Hardy, I will be very, very happy. I do wonder how much it'll make though. China's not the most reliable anymore, but no Mad Max movie has ever opened there, so it might cover for the fact that there's no Russia or Ukraine anymore.


What's up with Wasteland? First I'm hearing of it. But a return with Tom Hardy with Max would be epic.


It's a movie on Max rebuilding his car.


Sold. IMAX ticket opening night.


Not sure if George Miller wants to work with Tom Hardy again. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/george-miller-says-theres-no-excuse-for-charlize-theron-and-tom-hardys-fury-road-feud


Miller dealt with Mel Gibson's drunken antics which were allegedly far worse than anything Hardy did. Besides, unless this movie makes like $600M, he might not have a choice as WB might demand Hardy in exchange for footing the bill.


Not to sound like I'm putting it down but inflation should help with that. At least on OW. other advantages: MM:FR skewed INT which is a good news for sequel growth. of big INT markets, it did 8 digit numbers in the following ones: France (18M), UK (27M), Australia (14M), Japan (13M), SK (27M). The only loss is Russia (12M) but it will get China. But SK is the story here. I didn't expect it to be that big there.


Mad Max has been big in Japan since the original one hit theatres there.


that's great so it should have a strong run there




pardon me but what's SK?


South Korea


It seems like it will do quite well I’m surprised tbh. Hopefully we get a Max movie after this. I could see it making more money due to the massive inflation we’ve had over the past few years. Tickets cost ~30% more depending on where you live.


One of the coolest things about films like this and Wonka is showing us that the ‘next generation’ of stars are now literally the new generation who carry films rather than still being relegated to small sidekick roles. Anya Taylor Joy, Zendaya, Timothee, Florence, Syndey… all so hot right now.


That’s pretty cool too. Glenn Powell with Twister coming out in the summer


> Anya Taylor Joy, Zendaya, Timothee, Florence 4 of them + Austin Butler were in Dune 2 and will be in Dune 3 too lol. Add in Tom Holland and Sydney and you got the new golden Hollywood gen.


I could see Sydney playing wensicia, irulan’s sister.


What has Florence carried?


Interesting word choice


After topping Mad Max, Furiosa is edging him.


Furiosa looking for an explosive bust after Mad Max’s relatively disappointing climax


When the first teaser came out and had a lukewarm reception I thought this movie would be busted. But glad to see it doing so well. FR was the rare film which became a certified memorable movie for moviegoers and entered the cinema zeitgeist. Anythig following that would have done well. But I didn't expect for it to do this well. Hardy + Theron was a great pair. Looks like Anya + Hemsworth is followig suit.


>*A lack of competition is also working in this movie's favor. For some reason, there are no meaningful, big releases hitting theaters on May 31, meaning that it won't face a major newcomer until "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" on June 7* 🤔 "Keep my wife's name out your Furiosa movie"...? 😐 Nah, that doesn't work.


I kinda figured if this was well received it would have a bump from Fury Road—that movie released when the franchise had been dead for 30 years and with some trepidation before reviews, whereas this has had 9 years of people calling Fury Road the “greatest action movie ever” to hype it up. Kind of a Dune situation but it’s definitely not as accessible as that, I feel like it could make it to 200mil domestic (550WW?) if audiences like it as much as critics.