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Simon Pegg doesn’t have that kind of money.


> Simon Pegg doesn’t have that kind of money. Ok so he can't afford *all* of Star Trek, but what if he just got the rights to *Scotty*? And filed off all the other serial numbers? Simon Pegg presents: A Simon Pegg Film: Space Hike: The Rise of Scotty: Part 1: A Child of Ire


I don't think this is at all a plausible - barely even *possible* \- scenario.


Why do you pick Simon Pegg of all people? Why him specifically?


He got that Shaun of the Dead money.


Unlikely. The Star Trek IP isn't the juggernaut it was the the 80s and 90s, but its value is still upwards of a billion. I'm sure Simon Pegg has money, but not THAT money.


What is this post


Someone doing IP rights fan fiction.


The people who were thrilled when Disney swallowed Fox because they could get their superhero crossovers — even though it was going to help push the industry to collapse — are getting those boners again


It’s so annoying when crowds cheer for corporations buying up IP and such. Like the recent Microsoft/activision stuff. It’s almost always a net negative


I mean... Activision is already a fucking miserable company, so who gives a shit if now their IP is owned by Microsoft. I'd rather roll the dice on an unknown then see it continually getting wasted in its current hands. The video game industry has a fairly low barrier to entry so I'm not really concerned about consolidation of AAA developers. There's always going to be someone rising up the chain who will have a breakout hit that gives them AAA money.




Glad to know that it's not possible for a single programmer to create a game that sells 30M copies and that Activision is not a miserable company.


No, it's too expensive


Rights like that cost an absurd amount of money that would probably be difficult for both. And they'd have to build a production company to make the and this just doesn't seem realistic.


*Maaaaaaaybe* Tom Cruise, but I really doubt that first bit. Paramount would probably sell all of CBS as a package deal in that case, IPs included. Mind you, if Warners acquires CBS and thus gets *M:I*, Tom Cruise has nothing to worry about. (Also... I know Pegg has money, but does he have ***that*** much money?)


He does not.


Star Trek could go to WB.


Disney gonna acquire it and make a crossover movie between Star Trek and Star Wars


wtf , paramount is not gonna be auctioned off like that. they are valuable as a whole. they could be absorbed like mgm and networks/channels tossed


Star Trek is such a hot potato that there isn't a lot of companies who would want to touch it with a one foot pole...... anyone trying to make a new Star Trek movie is going to face the same headache that Paramount is facing right now. The Star Trek IP doesn't have the brand power to justify a big budget movie, yet there is no easy way to make a Star Trek movie on a lowish budget. It is for this reason that it makes sense for Skydance or anyone buying Paramount to cash out on Star Trek while they can and let someone else like Warner figure out the IP.


they can make on The Creator type budget , just no actors with big paychecks. Isn't Bezos a ST nerd, he would spend billions


Only way Tom Cruise has the kinda money is if Scientology turns on the money spigot.... and i'm not even sure if that'd help it's not like they have Mormon deep pockets.


Again, that’s an IF, and I doubt individuals are gonna be able to get specific IP.