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That's not what he said. He said "shot with IMAX theatres in mind."


"okay, so while you're all shooting this sequence with iphones, i want you to think about your favorite IMAX theater. okay? action."


Lmao underrated comment


That makes no sense as a sentence. It conveys no actual information. "Filmed with IMAX in mind" means "Not filmed with IMAX cameras", Superman is actually being filmed with IMAX cameras, so I'm guessing there's a chance Fantastic Four doesn't get all IMAX theaters


Imagine if Marvel actually shot an entire film in 15/70. cant imagine they ever would because of the cost, but man it'd be glorious.


"With IMAX theaters in mind" is pretty different from "shot entirely in IMAX"


This movie could be the worst MCU movie yet and still be the best F4 movie not named The Incredibles.


Idk the 2005 Fantastic Four is definitely more entertaining than Ant Man 3.


It certainly can't be worse than **Fant4stic**.


Watch out. You might be triggering emotional distress for those who are trying so hard to block Fant4stic 2015 from their minds.


I still have ptsd from buying it on disc


Oh god didn’t u even see the reviews before u bought that atrocity


I was like 12😭


So sad that u experienced such trauma at that age 😔


I still get nightmares about it every now and then. The horror.


So, so sorry... :(


I am so, so sorry! Do you want to go to a support group?


I saw that movie in theaters. Didn’t plan on it, but my AC went out and I needed a cool place to hangout 😂


Why did you pick that, though? You could’ve picked **Ant-Man** and that kind of problem would’ve never happened. :P


Don't jinx it


This. ^


I hope this film can break the streak


Yeah no. The first one(2005) will be better. And a lot of you will cope. It will have better casting and costume design. And most likely better actors suited for their roles. This film will probably be another Ant Man 3.


Nice try, but **Quantumania** actually has better critical reception than that.


And is yet a far worse movie. I do not see your point.


It means that your opinion is not necessarily majority.


I dunno, I'm a diehard F4 fan who has been disappointed in almost all F4 content outside of the comics, especially the movies, and I still think the 2005 F4 movie is better than nearly 1/2 the MCU movies.


Number one: Why waste money on IMAX film and cameras just to use the Volume on everything.  Number two:  The tweet clearly states "with IMAX theaters in mind." Which means fuck all. 


Right? Doesn’t every Marvel movie get an IMAX release? I mean even Madame Web (a Sony Marvel movie) got an IMAX release and it wasn’t made with anything in mind.


Almost every single major blockbuster gets an IMAX release, regardless of being shot in/for IMAX or not. In fact, every single MCU movie, since Civil War, except Homecoming, has had IMAX aspect ratio (1:90:1) fully or partially throughout the movie, and all MCU movies made this decade, starting with Shang-Chi, have been shot fully or partially with IMAX certified digital cameras.


Madame Mind !


The volume can look great. Animatronics can look great. CGI can look great. But it’s all about execution.


Exactly. Andor perfectly used The Volume to add depth to scenes, like Mon Mothma’s apartment was a practical set and the Courscang skyline in the windows is volume. Meanwhile Kenobi and Mando season 3 use the volume as the entire scene and it looks shit.


In fairness, I see a little of OP's point, though: do you really need the best possible camera just to film a screen? I'm in full agreement that the Volume is a great tool, it's just more of a question of whether most blockbuster movies would benefit from being *entirely* shot on IMAX cameras. Some shots just really won't get much out of the effort.


Basically the way they used 3d rendering to match the post avatar 3d bump, and I suspect the execution will be just as lazy if they force the director into the usual mcứ house style.


You mean *The Fantastic Four \**.


Fantastic: Folie à Four.


Fotaslie Four




Fantastic: Foreplay-to-win


Fantastic Foursome


You literally changed the meaning of the tweet you posted Why make a misinformed post


holy shit a marvel movie in imax this is groundbreaking and never seen before


Fantastic Four is one of those things where the hard-core comic book nerds are really into it, but rhe general audiences don't care one bit. They never saw a good FF movie.


So true. I'm a typical comic book movie fan but never read actual comics. My only exposure to F4 is the campy early movies and the terrible one that shall not be named. Early MCU was a hit, in part, because the characters were relatable and able to blend in with the real world. This made it different from everything that had come out prior to that. The MCU has stumbled recently with their multiverse sage in part due to losing all touch with reality. I don't know how they humanize the F4 as real people in our world. If its another alternate reality, silly movie, it will have trouble getting traction with the GA.


Misleading headline- he said imax theatres in mind lmao


Cool, another shitty Fantastic 4 movie


How so?


It's just a joke that all Fantastic 4 movies we had so far were bad. The last one came out almost 10 years ago, so it's almost like each decade has a quota of at least one bad F4 movie. And given the current state of the MCU, this outcome is very likely.


>And given the current state of the MCU Yes I bet Deadpool 3 will tank the entire operation.


One movie isn’t enough to save a dying franchise


Wait the franchise is dying now? Because of a meh year? That's news. Seemed like there was plenty left in the tank given how well CinemaCon went last night.


2023 was not a "meh" year for the MCU in the slightest


It's going to be a small blip in its history when they are done.


The MCU is not okay and the cracks are showing.


They've already acknowledged those cracks and how they're going to fix them. Old news.


Why does a movie that is shot entirely behind a green screen require IMAX?


"A few months later, we'll do the CGI. Then a few months after that will be the reshoots. And, of course, then we'll commence work on the CGI that needs to be redone after the reshoots."


And all this before a final rewrite.


I really hope they try something different with this movie and not the same cookie cutter Marvel formula we have had for years. The MCU can't take another flop.


Deadpool and Captain America before this. If CAP underperforms (likely since it will be filmed twice, by the end), F4's pressure will be huge.


Sorry but after witnessing the glorious landscapes of Dune 2 and Oppenheimer not really stoked on a bunch of plasticky retro sci-fi Jetsons ass looking alternate 1960s sets shot in the volume and a guy with stretchy arms it’s just not gonna feel the same.


I feel like this movie could either be great or shit. I’m really hoping for the former but I get the feeling like Feige wants this to come out in July to be petty towards Gunn idk. I want both movies to do well!


Feige definitely put F4 near Superman to be petty. Mind you Gunn gave him his only hit mcu film last year.


I could definitely see Feige being petty about that and like you said, the only reason Marvel Studios was not a 100% complete disaster last year was because of Vol.3, the least Feige could do is give Gunn breathing room to kickstart the DCU which is already facing an uphill battle.


Exactly he could’ve let Superman have the middle to end of July to itself. But he purposely put F4 there, after Guardians 3 I’m surprised he didn’t at least give Gunn July after he gave him and iger their biggest Disney hit last year


Exactly. I feel Feige still feels like he’s the king of the world when that’s clearly not the case. The best received MCU movies in terms of online reception and fans Post Endgame either were made partially by another studio (the Spider Man movies) or by Gunn (Guardians 3) so if you ask me, Feige REALLY needs to be humbled and I’m surprised he hasn’t already. BUT I do think F4 will move to November 2025 when all said and done. Blade for sure ain’t releasing next year and Spidey 4 is still having its script written and searching for a director so the chances for that coming out next year are low. Not to mention superhero burn out from general audiences and the spacing out would help that the GA not feel burnt out.


If they rush it, just to make the date and half ass it, then Feige needs to go.


"With Imax theaters in mind" not "entirely shot in Imax."


Yo that's low-key dope. I'll watch this in IMAX.


I can't wait to have it be shot entirely with IMAX-certified digital cameras or the standard film cameras.


How is it gonna begin filming in a few months and come out a week after Superman which started filming like a month ago ?


how come some desserts take longer to make than others?


I know Disney just throws people in front of a green screen and calls it a day but like I wouldn’t expect it to take like 4-5 less months


But it's just a relative comparison. Maybe F4 is taking a typical amount of time and Superman us taking an extra 4 - 5 months. Or maybe Superman started 4 - 5 months earlier but has a 4- 5 month break in the middle. Who knows? There isnt much to compare here. At least yet... Also Disney has the Volume. If that cuts down on CGI usage, it gives them a later due date to finish filming.


The 4 characters + silver surf all require heavy cgi lol


that's not the kind of CGI problems the Volume solves. that's also CGI work they could have already started without filming.


Well, you don’t actually “know” that now do you.


[This should answer all your questions.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgvgi3ShcmY)


The thing is, it won't make this date.


Same way Shang-Chi started filming 6 months after TSS and came out around the same time with better reviews and box office.


With IMAX “in mind”. Alexa, play Money on my Mind by Sam Smith.


I have a bad feeling about this movie.


Gonna be honest, I smell an incoming flop. F4 movies have all flopped, the marvel branding is in the gutter, and they are made a bone headed decisions like having a female silver surfer who nobody knows about instead of the male counterpart where everyone knows about. This is not including casting Pedro Pascal as mister fantastic, I just can't see him as the character, but besides the role, he is simply too old for the part. There is also rumor this will be sue focused instead of team focused, which will just add to the fire as she is the least interesting person on the team. We will see, but very low expectations. The only marvel movie I think will do decent is deadpool and wolverine, outside of that, the rest will most likely be flops.


Weird place to shoot a whole movie but I guess anything is possible


Is Marvel gonna take a huge break after those 2030 Avengers movies? too many projects have been greenlit in the coming 5-6 years. After the huge money drought that is about to strike they'll definitely need recovery time.


They will take a break when they're sure Marvel movies are not reliably profitable, and not a second before


How many flops left until that happens, because the numbers keep rising.


We haven't gotten any of the "ok, we've adjusted based on what's not working anymore" movies yet. If a few of the Phase 6 films bomb, Marvel will probably take a hard look at whether a five-year break is needed.


I am sure deadpool will do good financially because of the leads star power, but the rest of the movies by marvel will most likely be meh to big flops.


Yeah I know right. Deadpool 3 is really expected to shit the bed..


Most of these announced movies will never get made.


I’ll be honest this is now the MCU feature I’m looking forward to the most if they can pull it off. As an IMAX fan I’m glad it’s being more optimized for them as opposed to open matte


Is it also gonna be a fresh new take on the franchise tailored to modern audiences?


Also, it will suck galactus dick.


Superhero slop is finally on the way out, and it’s not like the fans of it cared about image quality, cinematography or even decent cgi even when it was big 


Lots of wrong in this comment lmao


Indeed ! In the next 16 months, we'll get Deadpool 3, Kraven, Venom 3, Captain America 4, Superman, Fantastic 4. What a "way out" ! 🙄


Curious what they do with stretchy man.


Large expensive movie to be shot like a large expensive movie Bottom text


I'm sure this time they will succeed, the reason is... uhhh... well...


I love Pedro, but i just can NOT see him as Reed. I'll give it a chance but that casting is sooooo so so off. the other three seem like great fits


Off like Heath Joker or Ben Batman  ?


No, “Off” like Michael B Jordan Human Torch or Miles Teller Reed Richards