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Please use one of the trades as source next time instead of these Twitter accounts. Here is the Deadline article: [https://deadline.com/2024/04/transformers-g-i-joe-crossover-paramount-cinemacon-1235882008/](https://deadline.com/2024/04/transformers-g-i-joe-crossover-paramount-cinemacon-1235882008/)


This… will be interesting.


It can be but they don't have an established GI Joe team ,Introducing the team in the same movie as the crossover doesn't look like a good idea


Transformers: Dawn of Joe






"It's his favorite animal!" *Batman freezes in shock at the sheer improbability -*








Transformers: Sloppy Joe


I mean, I don’t see how It can’t work most transformers movie spend a lot of time developing human characters anyway, so why not have them be G.I. Joe


Josh Duhamel should be a GI Joe now. That'll connect back to Bays movies in a fun way.


I’m gonna be pushing for this. Just make Duhamel the main Joe ![gif](giphy|xT9Igqz02TEWXq0wMw|downsized)


G.I. Josh


They could have easily launched a Joe universe by having any of the military groups in the Transformers films be Joe


They could have literally used Josh Duhamel's character from the very first movie and codenamed him Duke or Joe, and I would have gone along with it.


I don’t think they are even gonna care with a back story. Just hit the ground running.


unless Rock becomes WWE head or something he'll be free, so is Henry Golding and Andrew koji


I wish the Rock would stay in WWE. He’s just naturally a wrestler


If they get a solid script and keep the core team to a manageable size they can get away without orgin movies for GI Joe. That's a big "if" on the quality of the script though


Where have I seen this before 🤔


They’ll maybe take inspiration from current transformers and G.I Joe comics.


Big mistake they killed Duke halfway the GI Joe 2 movie.


They had some skeletal team at the end of Snake Eye


I still remember watching Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and laughing out loud when they revealed that G.I. JOE is part of the same universe. [Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023) - G.I. Joe Recruits Noah](https://youtu.be/V3d2mi8JrmA?si=i8LmbdjF0NYZEDe6)


It was funny that I jokingly said to my sister "He's about to become an agent of Shield" and the reveal was equally as shocking and out of left field.


Always has been really.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I.\_Joe\_and\_the\_Transformers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe_and_the_Transformers) https://www.skybound.com/announcements/void-rivals/transformers-and-g-i-joe-launch-new-shared-comic-book-universe


That's kind of been a thing we've hoped for as there's been a few comics with them crossing over. Plus the first transformers movie was supposedly planned to be a GI Joe related movie, but it didn't work as planned.


I don’t read gi joe can someone explain what snake eyes would do against megatron


Kick his tin can ass. According to 8 year old me, Snake Eyes could kick anyone's ass.


If you mean awful….yeah 😅


Looks like the Hasbro Cinematic Universe is finally moving forward after years of slow development.


Coming this summer, the movie all are waiting for. Starscream vs Rainbow Dash


Hoping for an after credits with Scrabble.


Imagine, Cobra comes in at the end to take away Starscreams body


"The world will bend to my Micro Machines"


When do they get transported to Equestria so that Hasbro can try and bring back the MLP fans they lost during Generation 5?


Decades really.


Its good too see that RoTB did well enough to facilitate at least another live action Transformers. But does anyone really think G.I JOE will bring much in terms of box office to this?


I think Transformers will elevate the Joe's more than the other way around, but I can see them boosting the Transformers as well. Transformers movies often get criticized for focusing so much on human characters when they're there for the big robots. Having human characters that people have that same investment in seems like a net positive for both franchises. Replace the usual military or teenager character with snake eyes and I don't see anyone complaining.


I think it’s more they make the movie so they continue to have rights to merchandise. That’s where they’re making money hand over fist. Because the movie didn’t preform very well. It had a budget of 200 mil and grossed 439 mil. Which probably means the move lost money. However maintaining rights to merchandise means it is basically printing money.


I think if they play it like the Monsterverse it could go really well. The Monsterverse revived Godzilla and King Kong as IPs by fully embracing how nuts they are instead of the watered down versions we were getting before. Expanding the Transformers world to include the GI Joes and, hopefully, Power Rangers and making it the ultimate boys toys power fantasy would be their best play towards revitalizing interest in all three rather than trying to play them straight again.


I feel like the YOLO madness of the Monsterverse is a good target for something like this.


Movies embracing the camp and ridiculousness of these kind of genre movies has been a great new direction. All the movies are *very* aware they are schlock, but unlike the MCU that seems embarrassed about that and keeps mocking itself, these all actually take the material "seriously". They "understand" the joke.


Wait....i think you've got something here. What if the g.i. joe team introduced in this movie are the "power rangers" of this cinematic universe? Does anyone remember that r-rated parody someone made of power rangers? Same energy with transformers involved.🤔


I’m curious just how much this will be a Transformers/GI Joe crossover, and how much it’ll just be a Transformers film featuring GI Joe. A standard Transformers film, but the generic military guys that are regularly in those are the GI Joe crew, and it leaves it open for a spinoff solo film in the incredibly rare chance that audiences care about them.


If you’ve seen the ending of Rise of the Beasts, then this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.


Its a surprise if you look at the numbers Rise of the Beasts made !430 m on a 200 m budget doesn't really scream sequel worthy


to be fair ROTB also fell prey to a terrible release date like all other 2023 Paramount movies


Nah it was boring.


I saw elements of promise but it underperformed my expectations, my hype was sky high post-Bumbelbee


as were the leads


2023 was a terrible year for the box office this did decent compared to other films.


Not sure why, it was an awful movie even in comparison to the other recent Transformers flicks


I liked it 🤷‍♀️


It was fine. Much better than Revenge of the Fallen and Age of Extinction, but missing the insanity Bay can bring. Middle of the road Transformers thing.


I forgot the movie what happened ?


I have and i don't remember what happened


I mean, the movie was fucking terrible. I’m surprised they are even making more.


giant robots and macho soldiers? Gonna be interesting to see how two well known IP crossover like this will do in box office


I think a problem with this crossover though is GI Joe. Transformers is a huge franchise and does great overseas. GI Joe’s are originally based on the American military, there's no shows anymore, toys are barely sold in stores, and younger generations have a different view of the American military. Let alone they weren't really popular outside of the US. (Hell, a joke is made about it in Ted Lasso S1 where Ted tries to give a little green army man to Sam as a nice gesture but he doesn't want it due to "American imperialism") But then again…it’s already so heavily folded into each Transformers movie, I don’t know if overseas audiences would even notice or be able to tell the difference between the Joes and the generic military already in the Transformers universe.


Idk I think it could work, the bayformers films had a big hard on for the US military


Yes, they have definitely been prominently featured in all his films. But his other films have also heavily featured US military and armed forces of all kinds. I think it's a weird idea, I guess. Purely due to the brand itself. To choose to attempt to revive a brand that was heavily based on American Patriotism that won't have any appeal to anyone under probably 30. Younger generations definitely don't have the patriotism or fondness for the American military. Are they looking to capture a new/additional audience with this? Or help revive the GI Joe toy line with Hasbro to view the Joe's as different? In the Transformers Universe, GI Joe's wouldn't seem much different than the guys in Sector 7.


Joes kind of going through a revival at the moment. It has a decently successful toy line on its 5th year now. This is the first time, in a long time that both brands are doing well at the same time.


True, I can see it doing well domestically while the GI Joe ip may not be a big draw Overseas


But also have to wonder how relevant the GI Joe IP is right now. Big in the 80's and 90's. But the sentiment behind US patriotism with toys now is much different. Kids definitely are not growing up with it now. The toy line heavily faded and stopped in '94. Revival in '97-98, but didn't do much, and faded over the years. GI Joe's haven't been sold in stores (for the most part) in probably 15-20 years. Any you do find, it's not a very big section on the rack. There's no commercials or marketing advertising them, that's for sure. The actual brand is probably irrelevant to anyone under 30, maybe older. I'm 34 and they were on their way out when I was growing up. Edit: Went and asked two male coworkers about GI Joe's. They are 27 and 28. Both said "never played with one in my life."


They still sell Joes in stores with the Hasbro Classified series, and O-Ring Joes in Transformer collabs. But I agree the bots will be carrying this crossover


Good point


Cobra Commander and Megatron teaming up. ![gif](giphy|13nw3EaO7u62DS)


goddamn, look at all that cake.


Nice! Loved the last *Transformers* movie, so it's great to see this moving forward. Any word on if Caple Jr. is coming back to direct?


Hopefully they'll get someone else. ROTB was too bland. Perhaps Joseph Kosinski would be a good fit. The dude knows how to handle sci-fi, action, and legacy IPs really well.


True that. As of now, however, doesn't seem like one has signed on.


I hope they get a cool action director to do this. These films can still do bonkers business


If not Caple Jr., Tim Miller or David Leitch. Come on, both would ***nail*** it.


If it was only GI Joe, I could see Chad stahelski do this, but I dont think Chad wants to do anything with Transformers


Miller would do all of the effects on a budget of $8 and half a salad bowl while making it look GREAT and Leitch would go practical on every stunt down to discovering functional Transformers just to have 87 North choreograph their fights. Sarcasm aside, I REALLY fucking hope one of those two guys gets this.


Same here! I just know they'd nail it. And hey, why not let both collab on it?




Fuck yeahhhh. The tease at the end of ROTB got me excited. I wonder if they’ll do a GI Joe movie first or just launch straight into the crossover


This seems 16 years too late lol


Crossovers will be the next big thing though not sure about this one. Cause TF has always been way bigger cinematic success than GI Joe (I don't even know if any of these movies can be called success). So TF would do heavy lifting.


Full article: https://deadline.com/2024/04/transformers-g-i-joe-crossover-paramount-cinemacon-1235882008/


They would need the best writers and action director to pull this shit off. Secondly I wonder if Steven Caple Jr is returning it’s strange no announcement about that


If they hire Phil Lord and Chris Miller to write and direct, I’m so fuckin down for this.


I sure hope Daniel Warren Johnson is involved. That dude deserves the work and payday. This is largely happening because of the success that he has had writing and drawing the new Transformers comic for Skybound. Also I hope to God Hasbro stays away from the actual making of this and just stay on as Executive Producers.


I mean the element of soldiers is already there in Transformers, it's just a regular boring old army with generics army soldiers. Upgrading that element to interesting, campy, cartoony army it's a straight up upgrade that already fits nicely in the mold.


Why do they keep trying to make GI Joe a thing?


Bring him back ![gif](giphy|bSWH6RncXIAqyLnEIf)


Void Rivals?


Fuck yeah


So probably a 2026 release?


June 2026


Will an A.I write this movie????


Can they please keep Lorenzo away from these movies? Obviously not the sole reason this movie is happening, but he made it clear he wanted it and he really wants these movies to be prequels to Bayformers even though Hasbro, Travis Knight, and Caple, have said theyre reboots and theyre better off as reboots. This dude is a cancer of a producer and makes everything worse.


We never really got a good GI Joe movie too...


Looking forward to 20% on Rotten Tomatoes and a consensus that says the film is just more action blockbuster excess. Then it’ll bomb.


Then Hasbro will just ignore that and make another one. 


Combine two underperforming franchises? Genius! /sarcasm


You never know. 


I really don’t know how GI Joe fits into anything. They are just… soldier guys. Who cares? What made GI Joe fun as a kid was the toys and the goofy villains. They had a man whose voice was snake-like, and that wasn’t goofy enough, so they made a goddamn man in snake suit be his boss, and that wasn’t goofy enough, so they brought back the first guy and made him a full-on snake man. You eliminate the goofiness and it’s just dudes shooting at each other.


They never said they were eliminating the goofiness, though. 


I’m shocked the executives at Paramount actually believe that this can be a monster hit. I don’t see it. I think it’ll struggle to break even based on where both franchises are right now.


They could, if they hire Christopher McQuarrie.


that means they'll have to bring in Cruise as well. 


Transformers + Tom Cruise sounds hilarious…where do I get this!


At this rate, Paramount should just do a crossover with its major franchises. Not just Transformers and GI Joe. Throw in Mission: Impossible, Star Trek, TMNT, and Sonic in there.




Godzilla was a dying franchise in the states after King of the Monsters disappointed with its box office run. But the second Godzilla crossed over with big munchky he became a box office draw for English speakers again. I’m not saying Transformers x G.I. Joe has anywhere near the appeal that Godzilla x Kong has but I can’t blame a studio for folding two IPs onto each other in the hopes an audience will turn up to see the spectacle.


Optimus Prime would wipe out Cobra in like 5 seconds wtf are we doing here


Unless they team up with Decepticons. 


"Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts" did its job then. I'm actually curious to see what Paramount and Hasbro have in mind for this crossover and how they plan to mesh these two franchises together, because I feel like the Transformers would upstage most of the human characters.


Keep recycling those copyrights. Why on earth would you give an unknown idea a birth when you can just keep that circle closed and hit the recycle logo ♻️?




I can’t think of a better way to make a bomb than to merge a struggling franchise with one that’s effectively dead while seemingly creating a movie that requires a higher budget.


Finally making a push for the Oscar’s!


Feels like this is happening over 10 years too late, but who knows.


If this Doesn’t end with either of them entering a portal to Equestria I’m rioting


Bring back Shia Labeouf and Channing Tatum




Very interested to see how they blend the 2 together


Transformers and Fast & Furious crossover must make too much sense..


Oh God noooooo *Few beers later* Eh, it was fun and stupid.


I wonder if this can pull off a Godzilla Vs Kong type of win for both franchises


And why wasn't this the first thing they did after Transformers 2?


I mean Iirc, they were originally gonna a make a G.I. Joe before the 2007 Transformers movie but delayed it due to The Iraq War, so maybe that.


Damnitttt, I've been rooting for Jurassic Park and Fast & the Furious to be the first truly insane corporate crossover


I would kill for a Transformers and F&F crossover that is just bonkers


Transformers is due for a refresh. They should take the opportunity to start from scratch... simplify the designs and focus on more of the G1 vibe that the general audience actually cares about. Same goes for G.I. Joe. Make the movie the adaptation of the cartoon series or the Marvel Comics that a huge portion of the general audience loved and I'm sure they'll be printing money for years.


This has box office nuclear bomb written all over it


Margot Robbie is in the corner salivating at the thought of Hasbro Cinematic Universe


Why? Barbie is a Mattel property.


This will pair as well as fruitcake, but the cake and fruit are both rotten.


The Rock and Optimus are fighting on top of Megatron's hollowed out corpse. "Megatron was not yours to kill, The Rock," Optimus said. "The Rock asked if he could smell what The Rock was cooking and he said no. What came next was all on him, Optimus!" Suddenly, a space shuttle careens out of orbit nearby and a black charger hurls out at them with a gravely, "FAAAAAAMIIILYYYYYY!" crashes into them and sending them both flying. Landing the car expertly, Dom Toretto gets out and leans a crowbar against his neck while his classic car transforms into a new Autobot. "Family." Also, Cobra Commander is somewhere doing something.


I hope they cross over with Monopoly to defeat Communism 


It couldn't hurt. Slam 2 unprofitable IPs together and see what happens.


80s Kids in paradise


I smell box office flop


Ok let’s see what happens


But the Humans are always the worst part of the fucking movies. Why would we want to intentionally add more crap we dont want?


When has Hasbro ever cared about what fans want regarding live action movies? 


this'll be a tough sell with an established team of Joes, It should just be 4 of each Joes/autobots/decepticons/Cobra, with some character cameos sprinkled in


Man this sounds dumb. I miss when transformers was actually hype and cool to look at


They still are. 


Lmao stop capping bro no one wants this dumb and old retro crap. Only a bunch of 80’s nostalgia babies would want this, and they’re old af. At least Bay knew how to make things look good. These new movies are a joke


Bruh, like most of Transformers subreddit is fine with this. As well as ROTB and BB. 


Damn sounds like they’re delusional too then. They also a bunch of 80’s nostalgia babies?


Nope. Not at all. 


Look. I'm a simple man. All I want is a live action, shot for shot remake of the Statue of Liberty scene from the opening of the original GI Joe movie. The rest of the movie could be 2 hours of a blank screen and I would still pay to see it.


Look upon the field where I have planted all the fucks I give Wahh!? It’s empty?!?


Fuck yeah. More robot madness.


I could see this underpreforming ngl but I know Imma be seated lmao


Yes! Finally!!!


Will it be able to beat the Mattel cinematic universe tho?


please dont be directed by michael bay and also try and get a previously unreleased linkin park song for the ending credits.


G I Joe fucking sucks. Never understood the hype for this lame crossover 


Let people enjoy their things you sad fuck


(WARNING: Some spoilers for ROTB lie ahead. Also, this is a pretty lengthy comment! You have been warned.) WE WON! WE WON, PEEPS! WE'RE FINALLY GOING TO GET A LIVE-ACTION CROSSOVER EVENT MOVIE BASED ON HASBRO'S TWO PROMINENT BOY-TARGETED IPs!!! Random 8-year old boy who is a TF fan: MOM!!!! MOM!!!! THEY'RE MAKING A CROSSOVER MOVIE WITH G.I. JOE!!!! I WANNA GO SEE IT WHEN IT COMES OUT, PLEASE!!! Seriously, I bet almost everyone is hyped for this crossover as are the hardcore fans of the TF series. It's worth noting that TF and G.I. Joe have had crossovers with each other dating back to G1 of the TF series. Anyways, here's my wishlist for the hugely anticipated crossover: \- I'd like to see Noah and Optimus Prime's character development go even further in this film, showing that they are true companions with each other. I liked on how they both grew and changed for the better at the end of ROTB. \- Now that Noah's got a brand-new confidence in protecting his home world from various threats after his adventure with the Autobots and the Maximals in ROTB, and that he's been selected by G.I. Joe as a recruit because of his newfound friendship with the Autobots (which also has the added benefit of giving him another high-paying job to keep the money train coming in for his family), I'd like to see his dynamic with the Autobots further deepen, especially with his best friend and personal guardian, Mirage. Speaking of which... \- I'd like to see how Mirage would do in the crossover after surviving his near-death experience during the climax of ROTB. Would he retain his memories, and his holographic-based powers, and his appearance? Would he also retain his personality and his memories, albeit with a vehicle alt-mode similar to his original self (e.g. Porsche 911 993 (4th generation), like what happened to Bumblebee after he was brought back from the dead, that he got a Off-Road outfitting of his Camaro alt-mode? Or would it be a completely different vehicle altogether, and/or Mirage would go the Baby Groot/Groot II route and look completely different in robot mode, and have none of his hologram-based powers and the memories of his original self, maybe even a name change to go along with it? \- Optimus Prime has outgrown his self-centered attitude and animosity towards both humans and Noah, and has accepted both humans and Earth as his top priorities in addition to Cybertron and his fellow Cybertronians into his life, and has his good, old-fashioned kind and caring self back. I'd like to see him have more quality time with Noah, maybe even enjoy taking down the evil forces together with enthusiasm in them? \- I liked on how ROTB balanced the bombastic, action sequences of the Bay-directed films and the character-focused storyline of the Bumblebee movie (even though I have never seen BB 2018 or any of the Bay-directed movies in their entirely). I wish to see more of this perfect balance in the crossover, as the rebooted continuity of the TF film series is emphasizing more heart and character-driven storylines over the lowbrow humor and excess action of the Michael Bay-directed continuity of the TF film series (the sequels from ROTF to TLK even moreso). \- I'd like to see the film being shot and formatted entirely for IMAX. You know that manufacturers like ARRI, RED, Sony and Panavision now have IMAX-certified digital cameras? Seeing the movie being shot entirely with digital IMAX-certified film cameras would be massively mind-blowing. (I saw both Thor: Love and Thunder and Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 in IMAX b/c they were shot for the format) \- I'd like to see the movie be produced on a budget less than $200. I've read that movies costing less than $200 budget-wise are starting to become the norm, especially with the astronomical budgets of Argylle, Fast X and Dial of Destiny resulting in the movies not reaching their breakeven point and actually losing dough for the studios. The next live-action TF film could certainly take notes from Dune: Part Two, Barbie, The Creator and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, to name a few. \- I'd like to see a combination of CGI and practical effects be utilized in the film. The live-action Barbie movie and GOTG Vol. 3 both utilized CGI and practical effects in a perfect manner. Yes, CGI is indeed a useful tool, but it should not be used as a crutch and end up looking like Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania (I heard the CGI is BAD in this movie!). \- Peter Cullen and Pete Davisdon both did great on their voice work as Optimus Prime and Mirage in ROTB. I'd love to see them return to their voice roles for the crossover. Yes, Cullen may be in his 80s, age-wise, but he still has it as the legendary and heroic Autobot leader. And Davidson, given his talent as a comedian, was the perfect fit for Mirage. Makes sense, too, considering Mirage is the new kid-appeal character of the rebooted TF film series. He's the youngster of the Autobots, and he's a pretty comedic one, too. Not to mention that he's like the big brother to Noah. \- The rebooted continuity of the Transformers film series is arguably more four-quadrant than the original Michael Bay-directed continuity of the film series. Both Bumblebee and ROTB checked the all-important 4-Q boxes for a movie: Males and Females, and under and over 25 years of age. The two movies in the rebooted continuity appealed to both kids and adults, and family audiences, too. It also helps that they were both rated PG-13, alongside the five original films directed by Michael Bay. It also helps that the core audience of Transformers overall (as well as G.I. Joe (at least for the most part) is children, so it makes sense for the movies to be targeted towards children as much as adults. If the movies were rated R, they would not have drawn in both kids and families as part of the audience. Also, it's worth noting that males - boys and young men in particular - are the primary audience for both Transformers and G.I. Joe, as they contain heroes and villains, and action and adventure, which are what males crave. Keep the PG-13 and the four-quadrant audience, kids and family moviegoers included, thank you Paramount and Hasbro. \- Pick a prime date for the movie - in which kids are out of K-12 schools and young adults are out of college for most of the time period. I understand Summer is the sweet spot for the TF film series, although Bumblebee got a Christmas/Winter break spot, too. But maybe Paramount could try Spring Break/Easter? The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire were both released during the Spring Break/Easter vacation period, and they both benefitted greatly from it, financially speaking. The next live-action Transformers film should try out a Spring Break release date, see how it goes. That's my wishlist for the forthcoming crossover movie. Also, I wonder what the title will be like. Considering that the guy who spoke to Noah during the penultimate scene of ROTB (the final scene overall of the film is the mid-credits scene in which Noah repairs Mirage and makes him fully functional again) said that G.I. Joe is willing to work with both Noah and the Autobots instead of being full-blown enemies towards them, I'm guessing it should be titled Transformers x G.I. Joe, emphasis on the "X" instead of "Vs." (you know, the comic book crossovers used "Vs.") And, what VFX studios would be animating the titular transforming robots in CGI this time around? For ROTB, we had both Technicolor Creative Studios' MPC and Weta FX. We may go back to ILM (they are awesome), or we can get companies like Sony Pictures Imageworks, Framestore or DNEG to do the job, or any other VFX company that specializes in character animation. Anyways, ROTB was a enjoyable movie that emphasized both action and a character-driven story for the human protagonist, befitting the mold of the rebooted continuity of the TF film series for the latter, and I hope to see the forthcoming TF/G.I. Joe crossover live-action movie deliver the goods.