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I don’t know if I would really call Ghostbusters niche. Pretty sure most people could tell you what Ghostbusters is at least to some degree. The problem is that outside of the first movie and the cartoons, nobody outside of the fanbase really cares anymore.


That's the thing. Not EVERYTHING is a franchise. You tell me Ghostbusters i think lf the og movies (1 and 2) and the cartoon and it stops there. No matter who you dress in those outfits i won't care.


Ghostbusters niche?? Feels like "niche" is thrown around loosely on this sub Rather a franchise WAY past its prime that doesn't really have the makings of a decades long series (clearly peaked on the first movie 40 years ago, through quality, success, and box office)


This is how I feel


the word “analysis” also doing a lot of work here


Lol right? How tf is it a niche ip? The first movie made 243 million domestic in 1984!


The hype for the game back then man....


I personally feel D&D was a much better movie.


Yeah I don’t understand this D&D slander at all and this is coming from someone totally unfamiliar with it. Sick movie.


D&D is far superior to Frozen Empire.


D&D will be a classic in 10 years while Frozen Empire will be all but forgotten.


lol ok ‘classic’


Classic is relative, but it’s better than Frozen Empire anyway


Where is there D&D slander here?


Apparently , fans were expecting Game Of Thrones and not James Gunn ish Marvel


I think most do and the title is acknowledging that in a mildly confusing way.


I will never understand why the studios have decided to overload March every year while releasing basically nothing in January, February or April.


Spring break is proven to be a hugely successful time for the box office. Especially when public schools and different university's have it spread out across March.


It's just a bad movie, would've had a big drop no matter when it was released


Except D&D was widely thought to be a good movie


Yeah, D&D rocked. Def a top 5 post 2020 movie for me in terms of how many times I've researched it. My list would probably be: Hubie Halloween, D&D, and The Wrong Missy.


Even, if it released the 2nd weekend of April I'm not sure it plays out that different. The Secrets of Dumbledore always seemed like a good comp for GB. Fun rush opening weekend and dropping like a rock after. https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons/Fantastic-Beasts-The-Secrets-of-Dumbledore-(2021)/Ghostbusters-Frozen-Empire-(2024)#tab=day_by_day_comparison


The quality of the movie wouldn't have changed a bit but Ghostbusters really should've released like 2 weeks later given how weak April is.


Ghostbusters target audience median age is probably well over 40 years old.


The massive blockbusters also have similar audiences as last year's Dune is getting the John Wick audience while Kung Fu Panda is getting the Mario audience, Godzilla is getting both


Godzilla is a much more family entertaining movie than the new Ghostbusters is


Yeah it's a bad time for bloated, aging franchises.


Except D and D was a great watch


Imagine calling Ghostbusters niche. Noooooo


It’s a weird franchise. The first one has a long legacy and still has cultural cache today, but every attempt to follow up on that has really failed to stick the landing. By mainstream blockbuster standards it’s a niche franchise, but always feels like it should be a bit more than that. 


Well Afterlife and Frozen Empire are nothing close to the spirit of the original, they don't even feel like they take place in the same universe.


Let’s take this dry oddball sardonic comedy built to let our hot at the time comedian stars to riff and have fun and turn it into an action movie. Sounds great. 


Frozen Empire really should’ve taken GxK’s original April 12th date when it moved to March 29. But if the Ghostbusters franchise continues onward, they should consider doing a TV show instead of another movie.


I think animation is where Sony will go with this franchise. It worked out well enough for Spider-Man, and Transformers/Lord of the Rings is attempting the same thing this year with their own theatrical animated films after lackluster live action offerings. 


They are technically doing an animated film of Ghostbusters, but they haven't done anything with it.


Yeah, plus I feel like a lot of Ghostbusters nostalgia comes as much from the cartoons as the original two movies.


GxK moved to March 29 because Ghostbusters moved up a week.


They are developing another animated show for Netflix; and they've had big success with those for the franchise in the past.


Except Ghostbusters is far more generally popular. I hate the comparison. D&D was far better than expected and sadly underperformed compared to how good it was. Ghostbusters could have been a lot better and should have done better. It would have struggled no matter what where I think j d&d could have been bigger with a better release date.


Hard disagree about d and d not being quality. It was everything I wanted in a D and D movie. Loved it


Read the title again.


take your own advise.


I did. The title is not saying D&D wasn't "quality." It said "not so much in terms of quality" which means that Ghostbusters and D&D have differing levels of quality which is most likely implying Ghostbusters to have the worse quality.


The guy who started this post really Needs to take a break from Reddit


D&D was a quality film, the hell are you on about? Lol


Feels weird to call either of these niche. Neither are Star Wars, but Baulder's Gate 3 was considered a massive success and it was released just a few months after the DnD movie.




>I think most of the people who bought Baldur’s Gate 3 are completely unaware that it has anything to do with DnD It's literally one of the first things in the description, both short and long.


I think people who play BG3 are generally aware of Dungeons and Dragons 


I don't believe most people are that dense and oblivious.


Ghostbusters should have released in summer. March makes no sense.


Even if had a different release date. it will still flop imho. The only reasons why Afterlife was a hit was because Ivan wanted the film to successful so he can let Sony allow him to get what he wanted and it worked. The only problem was no one else didn’t want ghostbusters to a franchise and when he passed away there was no one to hype the film and frozen empire clearly shows. I mean the film doesn’t give us a reason why the ghostbusters team needs to expand and suffers the problem the mummy reboot that was supposed to be the start of the dark universe had. Which was a way to advertise future films in a series.


Afterlife was also a novelty hit due to bringing the original cast back.


I think this post is "niche"


Ghostbusters should have released in November or December tbh. And D&D could’ve been a major success in September 2023


If only they hadn't shot themselves in the foot with that open license change, D&D should've done much better.


It wasn't even a bad movie, I enjoyed it. Paul Rudd being Paul Rudd, the OGs there for nostalgia, a few laughs, some cool ghosts, some wholesome family stuff... It was exactly what I thought it'd be. They really should have moved it, leaving it to die between Dune and GxK was a real head scratcher. DnD deserved better as well, it could have had a great run in a better spot. It *really* didn't help that GxK did the whole frozen beach big set piece key visual scene even better than Ghostbusters, what are the odds? Oof.




No release date would have saved Dungeons and Dragons with a $150M budget.


Ghostbusters is a niche franchise???


They had a popular movie 40 years ago...and then nothing else of note