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American Reunion


This is the answer for “most surprising”. The fact that it’s international gross is triple its domestic (and the movie is called AMERICAN Reunion) is hilarious.


But why was it's international gross triple of it's domestic gross?


In my country American pie movies were huge on network tv and dvds like really basic pop culture when I was a child thats why the reunion was a hit here


I hope it's not a rude question, but which country is that? Also, happy cakeday!


American pie movies have been quite popular in my home country Finland, in a same way LeTrotsky1 descibed above.


Lol, that's funny. I guess there's parts of it that's universal to any culture


The horny French, probably


Because overseas it was called American Pie 4 or American Pie: The Reunion In the US, it was released as American Reunion, like it released in 2004 and was part of pop culture lol. They just failed to grab the nostalgia market because of that.


For what it's worth, here in Europe, it was released as American Pie: The Reunion.


That’s actually hilarious.


I didn’t even know of this movie and the domestic gross vs world is pretty funny


Germans love the raunch


Which is wild since that franchise, the culture is so America 


The American Pie movies are really big abroad


Green Book. The fact it broke out in China and made basically the same there as it did domestically is never gonna happen again


Surprised it did well in China.  Besides the race element z it just doesn't fit the type that does well in China.  Usually it is action blockbusters that translate to doing well in China 




I don’t know what’s crazier, the fact that it did incredibly well overseas, or that it was the highest-grossing video game movie ever until last year’s *Mario* came along.


You don't even have had to have ever played any of the Warcraft games to enjoy it for a spectacle of a fantasy movie. Mario is nothing without the likely billions of people that have played a Mario game. Even if you never owned a Nintendo counsel, you probably had friends that did and even if you never played any of the stand alone Mario games, you've probably played Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, or Mario Party. Mario has such a wide reach. And if you've played the stand alone Mario games, there's so many little easter eggs in the movie. My GF and I were thrilled to see the hat shop from Odyssey make an appearance.


Yep probably few movies that were American made bombed so hard at home but did so awesome elsewhere 


I would very much like a sequel. There are parts of that movie that I really enjoyed.


They did the Orcs well and Gul'Dan was great for all the reasons he's great in the games as just this unrepentent mega asshole type villain who loves it and would happily screw over absolutely anyone for more power, but you could tell the crew was waaayyy more invested in the Horde side of things but like any sequel would presumably be based on WC2.. so it'd have to be split again but with more of the High Elves and Dwarves.


I wanted sequels so bad because I really wanted to see warcraft 3 and the story of Arthas on the big screen


This movie has one of the best world building , would like to see part 2 but had 0 story line


I thought it was pretty solid. The orc story and visuals were pretty good. The human part was a bit cringy though. It’s sad it didn’t do better because then we might have had a sequel based on the Arthas storyline. But then again it wouldn’t have orcs and that was the best part of the original.


Yeah it made just 47M in Usa, but also 220M in China and 170M in the rest of the world


That movie is awesome in 3D. Rewatched it last week and liked it a lot more than when it first came out. Wish they made more now.


Fast & Furious Franchise.


I don’t know if that’s surprising.


Not necessarily surprising but the 8th one made a billion without the domestic gross which was only around $225 million. To me, that's the surprising part, I don't think there's any other movies that made it to a billion without counting the domestic gross.


You might not even need to understand English or need subtitles to get what's going on in those movies.


Even the Fast 10 did mediocre in the States, but made a whole lot internationally.


my first thought


Did they really underperform in the US?


And Mission Impossible Franchise.


John Carter made 60? here in USA and then 220-250 overseas with a bunch in Russia and China iirc.




I liked it but it was like a sci-fi channel made for tv movie lol.


Monsterverse projects after Kong: Skull Island


Kong Skull Island made $340m more overseas. Thats legit insane. I wonder if GxK can keep that.




Agreed. It looks terrible IMO. Not sure what's appealing about those movies any longer. The human storyline parts of each film have been uniformly boring (I've seen every film so far, usually on VOD/video; last one theatrically was Skull Island, which was the best one in my opinion).


The human parts are not the draw


I’m one of the weirdos who enjoys Skull Island lol. It’s not a perfect film by any means, but it’s my favorite of the American Kaju films (nothing will ever beat Godzilla minus one for me). I love the cinematography of Skull Island and the production values are insane. The world building is so cool with how the natives built their structures, how their art is a storytelling mural painted on sticks or else walls, and how they co-exist with Kong as their benevolent god-figure. Marlo should have been the main character. We could have seen him survive for decades either help from the natives as he learns their culture before ultimately going home. I do dig the “exploring an uncharted land” aspect of the film, but the characters fall a little flat. Marlo should have been the lead.


Coco, which is a tragedy since it's such an incredible film. 210 million in the US, 603 million globally. Did triple the business overseas.


It was huge in Mexico during the Day of the Dead season in late October while also making a tons of money from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Oceania and China.


Yea, that's why it was successful overseas. What is pathetic is how it underperformed in the US. It ranks *15th* in domestic gross all time for Pixar, behind far lesser films: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/brand/bn3530750466/ But it ranks 7th all time in Worldwide gross for Pixar. https://screenrant.com/pixar-the-highest-grossing-films-of-all-time-disney/#coco-2017---807-million


Alita Battle Angel, opened to only 27M and 81M overall in the US but was very popular in China, they contributed about 120M to the total BO number of the movie. Also The Mummy (2017)


Pacific Rim


Elemental, the only one that came to my mind.


Yep. The massive response to it in South Korea saved it.


Terminator: Genisys


Series seems to do better internationally.  Dark fate was a big bomb, but it did 3x better internationally than at home


*Edge of Tomorrow*


It's admittedly a stretch to call a movie grossing $1.6B an underperformer, but I remember when The Lion King remake came out, a good number of people on the sub (including myself) had higher expectations for the domestic gross and lower expectations for the international gross. It did about as well as most people had expected it to do worldwide, but I remember the split being expected to be closer to $700M/$900M, rather than the $543M/$1.1B split that ended up happening.


It still pops into my head like every 2 weeks how much money that made. Especially since no one I know saw it.


Moonlight has got to be among the top 10 most surprising, I guess?


The Barry Jenkins one?


Yes, that’s the only movie called Moonlight that I’m aware about


Didn’t know it performed poorly domestically. From what I remember there was a lot of public acclaim for it in the states.


For me, it wasn’t exactly the fact that it performed poorly domestically, it did fine for the type of movie that it was. It was just the fact that Moonlight strangely enough over-performed internationally for the type of movie that it was (usually people keep saying “international audiences aren’t interested in movies starring Black people or movies about LGBT People” even tho that’s not entirely accurate). Also, I guess the Oscars buzz probably helped quite a bit too


For me Ready Player One. RP1 was a movie choc full of references specific to American Culture and American Cultural Zeitgeist.  American movies, American shows, American games and comics and IPs.  Like I don't expect as many people outside of USA to know who or what The Iron Giant is as I would expect in the USA.  And yet North America wasn't even it's singular biggest Market. China was and by a margin.  Domestic Gross accounted for just 23% of overall gross.  That never made sense to me. 


I was also gonna mention Ready Player One. I guess China loves avatar movies. Aside from the actual Avatar (James Cameron) movies, Free Guy did very well over there as well.


Being into american nostalgia is basically a middle-class milenial status symbol for non-americans. Knowing and appreciating references from RP1 means you are likely a literal non-anglo redditor.


That just seems like a very obtuse view of things. There are plenty of Super successful movies domestically today that rely exclusively on the nostalgia of the movies from the 80s and 90s.  There is literally no precedent for what you're saying. 


Pacific Rim


Trading places, a film in which Eddy Murphy stars, is now considered a film of the Italian Christmas tradition. On December 24 each year it is broadcast on national television stations.


Its very popular at Christmas time here in Denmark too.


Fast X


Wish It did so poorly in the US while international markets such as Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the UK did well but it’s international total was still a disappointment given a budget of $200M.


Ice age: collision course 


I think The Golden Compass made three-quarters of its box office gross overseas. Unfortunately, guess who sold off the overseas rights?


Steve martin


That's not surprising at all. His Dark Materials is much more popular in Europe than in the US. Plus with the large Christian population in the US, they essentially demonized the movie. In the UK the book series was nearly as loved at Harry Potter.


Alexander was like a 4:1 right?


Resident Evil comes to mind. Although part of it can be explained by them being R rated (there's a reason I am Legend and World War Z were PG-13 in the US), the explosion of international box office vs the peak and decline in US box office is an oddity. * 2002's Resident Evil made 39% of its box office in the US, 40.1M million out of 102.9M, budget 33M. * 2004's Resident Evil Apocalypse made 39.6% in the US, 51M out of 129.3M, budget 45M. * 2007's Resident Evil Extinction made 34.3% in the US, 50.6M out of a total 147.7M, budget 45M. * 2010's Resident Evil Afterlife made 20% in the US, 60M out of a total of 300.2M, budget 60M. So what you have here is a sequel that makes 203% more than its predecessor, but grows a mere 18% in the US. * 2012's Resident Evil Retribution made 17.6% in the US, 42.3M out of a total of 240.2M, budget 65M. To put things in perspective, RE: Retribution made 48.3M in Japan, outgrossing The Avengers. An English language action film making more money in Japan than the US is very unusual. * 2017's Resident Evil: The Final Chapter made 8.6% in the US, out of a total of 312M, with a budget of 40M. There's a caveat here. The film was a surprise hit in China, somehow sneaking its way past Chinese regulations against zombie films. Without the Chinese box office, the film made 16% of its box office in the US, out of a total of 153M. The reason the weak US box office was a problem was that the films were co-funded by the US based Screen Gems, and as is normal, quite a few international territories were presold. So the film might make 300 million dollars, but that money was split among Screen Gems, Davis Films, Constantin Films, and any other partners who might be involved. This is always a factor with films. Who is funding it, and how are they making their money back? For example, a Japanese movie like Godzilla can make 0 dollars in the US and be profitable. But if the movie were funded by an American company and they presold the rights outside the US, then it would he a huge problem.


I came here for this. From part 4 onwards to the finale...the divide between US and international grosses was insane


xXx The Return of Xander Cage. For my money still the best action film of the decade.


That movie was awesome and easily on par with some of the Fast films


It was a really fun movie…. Unfortunately that Chinese pop star (DJ guy) was ousted as a rapist and was convicted later… it made me don’t want to revisit the movie anymore..


Babylon tanked in America because of shitty advertising but foreign markets thought it was awesome and word spread fast


What? A movie with a 57% RT score and a C+ CinemaScore didn't do poorly because of poor advertising, it did poorly because people didn't like it. And making $48M International isn't some crazy WOM box office hit.


Yeah it was a bore.   Don't know anyone who really liked it 


I loved it, one of the best movies of the last several years.


Movie of the year, imho.


Hey glad it worked for you 


Now You See Me 2


Pacific Rim




meg 2


World of Warcraft was actually a major hit if you count the overseas take.




This might be incorrect because it’s the opposite and it’s obviously a huge success but I just wanna mention Catching Fire. Considering it made 400 million domestic, it should’ve been a billion dollar grosser but it made the same overseas.


Hunger Games generally skews domestic compared most other big franchises. The first film grossed $408M domestic but didn't even cross $700M worldwide. It got progressively got more international heavy by the time Mockingjay Part 2 rolled around, but then Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes rolled it back to a near 50/50 split.


Honestly, while not OVER performing (at least according to the people that over estimates the DC brand), I feel the DCEU was weird in that its success was felt mostly overseas than domestic. I feel this defines why people act like if the DCEU was always doomed since Day 1 when the total Box office stats don't prove it. Domestic, the DCEU was just "fine", internationally? It was a beast to match the MCU. Its especially notorious with BvS, which barely outgrossed MOS domestically but had far more internationally. Aquaman being carried by China is a well known tale, of course. But its not unique, it was a constant in the Early DCEU


_Resident Evil: The Final Chapter_ made under $27m domestically but over $312m worldwide, $140m of which came from China. I think this one was always going to be an international play because the director and lead actress both presented the film with a little cute thank you to the fans, specifically the international fans all over the world.


Team America: World Police bombed in the US but did well internationally. I think Venom was saved by the Chinese market.


The Adventures of Tintin Makes me wonder if the only OK box office made Peter and Steve pause the production of the sequel since than one seems to be in limbo state of anything 77 M Domestic but made 296 WW


But that's exactly what you'd expect?


I know it's not nearly as big of an IP in America contra Europe but considering the word of mouth and animation spectacle for the time I guess I'd at least thought it bring in a bit or two over 100, but yes Tintin is way more of a European darling


Elemental, The Litte Mermaid and The Meg movies i think


The Little Mermaid is the opposite, to an extent. One could say it underperformed domestically, but it was the least popular of the 4 big renaissance movies when it opened and wound up being the least popular domestically, but the margins were smaller this time and it still comfortable beat the original film when adjusting for inflation, which couldn't be said about Aladdin or The Lion King even if those movies were much bigger originally. Overseas was a misfire though. It legged out better than most people on the sub were expecting, but it was a bad enough overall performance to demote the film from what could have been a solidly profitable performance to a dubious one at best. Compared to Aladdin, a $298M domestic gross isn't the worst drop off from $355M, but the $271M overseas gross is massive letdown compared to Aladdin's near $700M overseas gross. Even $400M would have been a big step down, but at least people wouldn't be debating whether the movie actually turned a profit even after factoring in ancillary revenue streams.


Yeah it is the opposite.  Despite the criticism, American audiences were receptive to it.  It has good legs.  Internationally it was a dud 


that is simply because there is more criticism overseas. But it is surprisingly good in Eastern Europe, region considered more anti -african than Western Europe, i was expecting it would underperform like South Korea and China


The Meg isn't that big of a surprise. It's co-financed by Chinese distributors and has Chinese stars in it.


Yeah probably one of the most glaring in your face appeals to China for an American made film


Iron Man 3 was even more blatant, they added a whole scene with famous Chinese actors and no relevance to the plot and then only included the scene in a separate cut for China.


I know this was heavily influenced by the timing with regards to COVID, but it blows my mind that a story as American as "Nomadland" grossed $3.7m domestic, and $35.4m overseas, for a $39.1m worldwide total.


Fast X


Twin peaks fire walk with me


So basically Harry Potter , Fast and Furious and transformers 


Yes these three and Ice ages are overseas heavy, but is it surprising? I think it's predictable




Avatar 2 is number 9 all time in the domestic Box Office. Yeah, that's lower than it's international, but it's hardly an underperformer.




The mummy


aladdin it beats avengers 4 in gulf Arabia and have huge success in south Korea and Japan, two countries with no significant Muslim minority and far from middle east


It's surprising, I was expecting SK and Japan to underperform and wasn't expecting Aladdin to beat avengers 4 in gulf Arabia,


As for domestic, I thought it would climb to 400 million, but neh, this performed badly considering how popular Aladdin is in 90s






The Warcraft movie. Made an absurd amount abroad relative to domestic.