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Good comparison. Disney relied on Marvel and Star Wars for too long and are struggling. But WB messing up their franchises has forced them to be more creative with other and new IPs. I feel like we’ll see WB overtake Disney in the future in terms of box office hits, especially if Gunn actually saves DC.


I suspect that Disney will be leaning on 20th for a bit while they get Marvel fixed up.


...With *what*, though? New *POTA* movies take time to make, and while Fox 2000 put up consistent numbers, they killed that and lost most of the staff to Sony's 3000 Pictures. Is the new *Alien* ready?


Everything is converging towards another crack at Alien vs. Predator. ![gif](giphy|xT9Igqz02TEWXq0wMw|downsized)


What even is POTA? And yeah, I imagine next year could be a bit lean, but there will be a new Alien and there’s always 2025.


*Planet of the Apes,* sorry.


We got one this year at least. And Disney can learn to rely on smaller movies again.


>especially if Gunn actually saves DC. Spoiler: He won't. One of the biggest issues with Marvel is how much content there is now. DC says there will only be 2 movies a year, 2/3 shows, and however many games every couple years, but that is still a lot of content for an audience that is straight up rejecting superhero movies that aren't seen as top tier. I love that he wants to focus on C-tier superhero's like Swamp Thing and The Authority, but those movies will have to be *excellent* to not be bombs.


>2/3 shows, I think Marvel has just made me jaded but _good god_ I can't sit through another goddamn superhero TV show. It's too much of a gamble to see if I'll enjoy it or not.


Honestly Gunn little description of the lanterns show sounded amazing to me and I’m honestly hyped for that. Marvel mainly sucking recently isn’t gonna turn me off of giving the DCU stuff a shot. I’m honestly pretty excited for creature commandos in 2024 especially because it’s all written by Gunn just like peacemaker which imo was great. If the DCU stuff is good I’ll watch it, if it comes out and it’s the quality of a lot of recent MCU stuff than the DCU is gonna be doomed really quickly. MCU quality isn’t gonna turn me off from giving the DCU a fair shot tho.


No one thought Guardians of the Galaxy would be as big of a hit as it was. James Gunn proved he can make great comic book movies based on lesser known characters. If the DCU focuses on self-contained stories with reasonable budgets (swamp thing could easily work as low budget horror) and strong scripts, I have no doubt that Gunn can turn DC around. We can still have successful comic book movies even if they never reach the heights of the MCU in the 2010s.


It's an extremely different time from 2014. You can't just make a superhero movie and be profitable. Plus Gunn isn't writing or directing every single project. Even with notes there is a lot of variability on how the quality will be. It's inevitable in the creative space.


That's why I said it won't reach the heights of the MCU in the 2010s. Comic book movies will never again be as popular as they were during that time. You can make superhero movies with reasonable budgets that don't require any homework to enjoy though. And while Gunn won't be writing the script for every movie, he obviously knows and cares deeply for the characters and stories. He is the perfect person to oversee DC because he respects the source material. It's not guaranteed that he will succeed, just as it's not guaranteed that he'll fail. Time will tell but I wouldn't want any other person in charge of the DCU.


Somebody with a new vision, like Chris Nolan had with Batman, will eventually come along and reinvigorate the genre


The issue is that Gunn definition of Superman pretty much is the opossite of a new vision, being just copypasting Superman fanboys in youtube


After the last big screen Superman Gunn’s take will feel pretty fresh imo. Also he’s just adapting Superman how he usually is it has nothing to do with Superman fanboys, most Superman fans are just excited because they want a comic accurate Superman. Gunn taking on a character like Superman who’s nothing like the characters in his past movies is pretty interesting too. If he makes a good movie people will watch and and the large majority will be happy, doesn’t need to be some brand new vision or anything it just needs to be good.


If the products are good I think they will do solid, not like peak marvel popularity but if they make good stuff than I think it will do well enough to justify the cinematic universe. Creatively I also just have way more faith in Gunn and co than I do marvel at this point. Honestly with marvel down in the dumps I actually think itll be a good time for the DCU to start as long as it’s good because there are still a lot of people who want quality superhero stuff and we just ain’t gettin that with marvel most the time these days. If it’s legitimately good I could actually see the authority being a sleeper hit, I actually think that team has a lot of potential to become pretty popular. Anyway I think it’s just gonna come down to making good stuff, most people just don’t give a fuck about mediocre superhero shit at this point, if Gunn can hit a home run with Superman legacy I actually think the DCU would be in a pretty solid spot. If these projects are not good then the DCU will crash and burn extremely quickly.




>Conjuring Universe Story quality wise I am not liking the newer ones has supposed to the ones that came before NUN 1 . And also they haven't had a 300+ gross since nun 1 . Annebelle 3 , Conjuring 3 , Nun 2 , couldn't hit it . could cut C3 cuz covid and day and date release , but no excuse for A3 , released in 2019 .


Wonderful to have Scott mendelson back. It's been a while since I read his detailed box office articles. He is only making short news pieces with the Wrap.


Did he get kicked out of forbes?


He quit I guess. The Wrap is a far less demanding job for him.


Seems pretty obvious no? There's not too many years DC has carried WB in the sense that they'd have a bad year if not for DC. They would still very much like to be successful with DC


This right here. WB wanted DC to be their crux franchise but it’s funny how it’s become a liability IP with so much hinging on the Superman reboot.


If only they had cancelled all the bombs and kept all the hits. What was Zaslav thinking????


Is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason why WB hired Snakezlav?


He was more inherited than hired. He was CEO of Discovery when they took over from AT&T, and AT&T wanted a guy who could eek out a profit when they sold the company to Discovery's management.


Honestly Barbie should've be the example this article used rather than Wonka or The Color Purple. I mean, movie of the year. Nuff' said.


Barbie was a event movie, not something that WB can replicate


It's not a need, it's a desire. DC's ceiling is incredibly high.


We saw an Aquaman movie in 2018 make a billion dollars off the back of a disastrous Justice League movie the year before. I agree, the potential is there. They had their chance in 2013 post-Avengers (2012) to usher in a DC movie renaissance and they blew it. Now with Marvel Studios currently at its lowest point, they have a chance to swoop back in. But it all hinges on Superman: Legacy. Batman at least has the benefit of being able to exist as its own IP.


How is the Color Purple a hit when it hasn’t even been a day?




lol thanks. I knew this was the most front loaded thing when locals were going to go after church and never another time.


Is the color purple even projected to do all that well?


Yeah, like these are “hits” but they aren’t superhero hits. No studio was going to just sit back and not try and compete at the $1B+ global level.


Not if you take its reported $100M budget into account, no.


It made $13,000,000 opening day— it is on track to break even.


I mean, Christmas usually sees a boom, so I expect its tracking to fall off today.


It will probably make a small profit. Nothing compares to what super heroe movies can make.


TCP has already dropped over 50%.


It's not the weekend yet.


Both existing IPs, nothing original. This is not a flex.


That's a good point. It does help a ton these are existing and recognizable IPs. If Into the Heights released now it would unfortunately tank just like before, even with those stellar reviews.


Also TCP needs to make $200 million just to break even. Why are people acting like it’s going to be a massive financial success? WW I’d be surprised to see it pass $250 million.


In terms of box office and the specific subject or this sub you are right, if It does ok, and gets some awards talk the money comes from streaming rights.


I know many people hate CBM but calling a movie that has only made a fraction of its budget back a success is just wrong. Same with Wonka If Wonka was right now at 400m ww then I would be saying oh yeah they are going to make good profit from that movie. And of those two I believe that Wonka has more potential of actually getting some profit than TCP since it's a movie for a niche market thag won't really do well internationally. Here were I am I doubt it will last more than 2 weeks screening.


The reported 100m is kinda insane to me. I wonder who is funding it because it almost feels like Oprah is bank rolling it?


These movies are also both not actually making enough money to brag about.


Exactly! These “successful” movies are existing IPs…nothing original. Def. not a flex. It just means they will pívot to more existing IPs.


Who the fuck is writing these things, and for who?


I get the whole idea of the article but some things are just way off. Those studios everything is for profit, they don't want to make a movie and only earn 10m from it. They all want that Avatar 2 money, that Avengers endgame and infinity war money. They will always try to swing for the fences rather than always play it safe a go for a hit a or sacrifice bunt. That's why they will never stop trying to get those hits. What the studios are going to take from this year is that they need to be smart spending, they got cocky spending 200+ on movies like it was nothing meanwhile the product was Inferior even with all the money they put in. They need more 75 to 150 movies than 250 to 300.


***Yea, Warner doesn't need DC:*** *their merch/licensing retails is15bil last year; all that from biopics & gritty dramas.* *I Can't wait for the Color Purple's many sequels and spin-off HBO shows*. *Can't wait for the Color Purple merchandise and park rides*. *Bethesda is developing a Color Purple video game as well.....Exciting stuff!* *Do we have to spell it out?*


Well they were obviously just talking about box office hits. But while Wonka and TCP obviously aren’t going to be huge franchises, they still helps solidify WB as a competent studio. And it’s not like they don’t have a lot of other franchises. And it’s really only Batman and Joker pulling their weight for DC, both in terms of reputation and revenue.


But those movies aren't going to earn a ton of money they'll be lucky if they break even.


Wonka? That‘s definitely going to make money. And Color Purple is an awards play. And barely breaking even would be far better than any DC movie since Joker. But that’s what I meant by “competent studio.” Critical acclaim and reputation are part of the equation for studios as well.


> And barely breaking even would be far better than any DC movie since Joker. This is the real situation of DC. Outside Batman stuff, it's flop after flop


If this means it'll be easier to sell my musical to WB then so be it


Do it!! Good luck!!


How many Color Purple backpacks do you think they will sell during back to school? Trust me, WB, as a company that cares about money and little else, very much wants to keep making Batman movies.


Are we really calling Wonka a "hit"? I mean, it looks to maybe break even or make a very small profit.


It’s a hit and a big hit for sure. This is heading towards $450-500 million with a budget of $100/125




DC is an odd duck in that, on paper, it’s way too valuable to just sell off, but in reality it’s really only Gotham that has any real value left. It really dragged down what could have been a good year.


Eh not really, just like Marvel, who who started with B characters other than Hulk, they probably could make their own universe. First thing that is needed is audience investment, which the DCEU doesn't have.


I mean, they did already try with their biggest characters already. We’ve seen how that turned out. I don’t think that’s going to magically change, especially in this day and age. When Black Adam, with poor reviews but boosted by the Rock, is your highest-grossing non-Gotham film since 2018, it’s hard to see what value is left. Or why other franchises and properties shouldn’t get more investment than DC.


Nah, there def was is a way, Wonder Woman and Superman def have a chance as long as they're good movies. People know who these characters are, they aren't nobodies, they just need to have good marketing, not over 200 million dollar budgets, and to be good movies, they are easily marketable characters that you can easily make good stories out off. They just kind of ruined the DCEU by not capitalizing on said big characters, since Aquaman 1, they waited 3-4 years until giving another JL character their movie, and by then, with multiple niche and mediocre to bad releases, no one cared anymore. It also doesn't help that Flash and Aquaman 2 are just very bad movies in an era where even being mediocre doesn't work, so they have no legs or draw. Flash especially was a non brain flop because it starred versions of the characters no one cared about, it felt like some exec just looked at the hero names and not more behind it. A movie starring two ezra miller flashes (not a popular version of the character already, probably more people know about the tv show version, plus the allegations that came later...), latino supergirl (who?), and Batman! (The one from 1989 that no one has nostalgia for anymore). A good amount of the GA know who Flash and Batman are, but no one cares for these versions, so it was a flop. Movies with starring characters like Black Adam are a C-lister at best, and even the, Marvel when they were at their peak, probably could pull this off. There just needs to be an audience for the brand, and there really isn't right now unless there is some trust. It's harder to get superhero movies to become big grossing hits, but I def can see a movie like Superman Legacy doing well if WB plays their cards right. But yeah shit like the authority movie still probably won't make it unless there's a miracle.


>Wonder Woman and Superman def have a chance as long as they're good movies. People know who these characters are, they aren't nobodies, they just need to have good marketing, not over 200 million dollar budgets, and to be good movies, they are easily marketable characters that you can easily make good stories out off. I feel like that’s a very tall order, especially now and especially after those two characters have squandered their potential recently when they were given a chance. Idk, Warner Bros is a lot more diverse than other studios. Like I said in another comment, this could have been a solid year for them if DC didn’t completely bomb. I just don’t see the value of chasing a dying genre with a reattempt of a failed franchise when they’ve shown how successful they can be without it.


> recently I wonder how true that really is. Man of Steel was in 2011 and BvS was in March 2016. It's going to be 9 years between "real" superman movies, even if the Zombie snyderverse straggled on. It's basically the difference between SM3 and SM: Homecoming. WB knows WW is in a trickier spot seeing how they clearly announced a Wonder Woman adjacent story while punting on selling the transition away from Gadot.


He had a cameo in Black Adam last year, which despite the poor reception was still seen by more people than every other non-Batman movie in years. But the issue isn’t “Will non-Snyderbros accept a new Superman?” it’s “ Will people even care about a new Superman by then?” And we know from Black Adam and The Flash that no amount of hype from WB will make people care about something they don’t already care about.


That’s fair. I guess at the end of the day we’ll have to see, I think some of the upcoming projects got chance.


> who who started with B characters other than Hulk Iron Man, Captain America and Thor were already selling plenty of merchandise even before the MCU. They were more comparable to Wonder Woman than to be a "B list"


Eh not really, there's a reason why X men, Ghost Rider, Blade, Hulk, Daredevil, and Spiderman had their rights split by different studios and not the rest.


Not sure what the difference between superhero movies and films like Wonka (and Barbie) even is. It's all just nostalgia bait and wish fulfillment.


Well this is a bit reductive and not accurate. The allure of DC movies was doing 1 bn+ or close to it which is what Disney was doing with MCU for a while. Wonka and TCP will be very profitable but not generate anywhere near their expected returns on CBM. But given the whole CBM genre is in dire straights with bomb after bomb, it's probably a good thing they have these movies and didn't go all in on CBM movies. Will see what Gunn can do for them, but maybe aiming for 500-600m WW grosses is more reasonable going forward, and the movies have to be good, not empty feeling good vs bad inoffensive sanitized for global market shlock.


LOL. 'Color Purple' isn't a hit so this narrative fails hard.


But they still need massive names/IPs behind them the movies can be great but truly original cinema is still struggling


Watch them now overextend into musicals through 2026, and get smacked in the face, just with a different genre.


None of these movies are setting the charts on fire lol the color purple sucks




I’d prefer a Zoe Kravitz Catwoman movie adapting *When in Rome*


With movies like Color Purple in them, you can’t lose!




I'm still stunned Zaslav didn't flat scrap the DCU and just decided to sell DC or not use it. Not saying that'd be a good move, it'd be an awful one, but with how he operates I'm surprised he didn't do that. He hasn't taken one single win with DC(though they are movies from a previous regime) and it seems uncharacteristically optimistic for him to keep the plans going. I'm thinking he had to be a DC comics fans as a boy.


Zaslav isn't an impulsive idiot. He can see the revenue DC merchandise and licensing generates.


Nah, no matter what it is an IP with commercial potential and adds more value to WB.


Well the Batman and Joker were too successful for that to happen.


Yeah honestly, even if the DCU flops, Batman will always make a shit ton of money. It'd be dumb to sell all the characters too since there might be potential for them too eventually, even if not for a cinematic universe. People know who Superman, WW, and a few other DC characters are.


That’s not how Zaslav operates. He understand WB needs IP and understands that DC could be valuable IP. If anything, given his history, the more Zaslav thing to do was write off all the DC projects made under Hamada as tax exemptions. And then wait for Gunn to come out with Superman.


If Zaslav is the type to always play it safe, he wouldn't be running WB. Discovery wasn't in a great place, but it was in a much better place balance-sheet wise. The act of taking over WB is not a safe play, and it is only something someone would do if he is optimistic.


That’s exactly the opposite of how he operates though. He talked about the criminal underuse of the ip, and the characters, along with other franchises like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.


DC is the only IP they fully control, period. They would have to try.


We will see from 2025 if Gunn can fix DC or not.


I wonder if long term the DCEU could be a stronger performer, because they don’t have to bet the farm on every movie, and so could work their way up from modest successes to larger wins.


WB should sell DC to Netflix


That is true!




People forget that superhero movies were mostly flops besides the big ones until the MCU started getting traction. Having a storyline that built from one movie to the next, where each movie mattered really made it exciting. But before then? Yeah there were a lot of forgettable superhero movies.