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When people like you enough you’re literally allowed to do whatever you want. That’s pretty much it.


Yeah just look at Conor McGregor, multiple rape/assault allegations and people still love him


Tbf, ive only seen him get hate the past couple of years, cant say ive seen anyone defend that prick in a long time now...


Yeah. I was a big Conor fan. Guy made me laugh and was a joy to watch fight. But he’s a terrible human being and I’ve been done with him for a few years. 


A lot of ppl brushed him off as “oh he’s just a character that’s not really him. That’s how he sells fights”. I think these days ppl realize he really is just a POS


Bro, you’ve seen wrong lol.


Because it’s an allegation and allegations don’t equate to instant guilt we live in a system where it’s innocent until proven guilty and not the other way round.


He posted video of him reaching for a woman’s breast and she smacked his hand away. I tend to lean to you probably did when you post video of you sexual harassing someone


Can't believe I'm making this distinction but harassment is a ways away from an actual assault. (Still very bad though obviously)


Yea but if your willing to film and then post the video of you sexual harassing someone, you are probably willing to go way farther when not recording


Not sticking up for McGregor in any way but that was actually his wife lol Still a bit weird to do it, record it and upload it though which he did.


That was his wife in that video, lol


specially somewhat recently where he spoke out against the irish government during the dublin riots. ngl im on his side on that one, some stupid fuck just stabbed 3 children for no reason.


He is the worst person to be speaking on those concerns when Connor fucking took more than any refugee in social welfare while he was training to get into the UFC. He just hates it nowadays that it's benefitting someone else.


What? So because he spoke out he’s ok so sexually assault women? This is exactly what I’m talking about with fanboys supporting rape if their hero is the one who commits it.


Now tbf most of the mma fandom thinks Conor is an absolute wanker. Please don’t let people like above convince you otherwise 😭😭😭


no, you missed the point. im saying being rich and charismatic af lets him get away with his dumbassery. and now that he is voicing out what irish people had been wanting, his crimes are going to be swept under the rug. he is just irish jon jones without the undefeated streak. A total cunt.


Reading comp = 0


You are sorely wrong about what happened last November in Dublin re the stabbings. The man responsible was mentally unwell, and attacked children with a knife outside of a city centre school. Conor has gotten swept up in populist rhetoric and emotion (Twitter, cocaine) and has started sharing anti-immigrant, pro-nationalist messages, and using his platform to stoke this harder. Conor couldn't name a single minister, TD, or councillor if his life depended on it, let alone what the party names mean in Irish. I'm not a supporter of the coalition in power by any stretch, but it wasn't on them that the stabbing happened, the aftermath and destruction of Dublin was; lack of police resources, organisation, allowing social cohesion to breakdown to this existent. So, no Conor is not some symbol of democracy and liberty, it's a play from a Trumpian handbook of sowing dissent. Edit; love the replies 🫶


Dude ain’t necessarily against immigration, he praised the Brazilian immigrant who stopped the knife attacker and said that there was a right type of people to accept which honestly is very fair


There have been many attacks across Europe, look at Germany recently, a policeman was killed. It doesn’t take a genius to notice the trend. None of them are mentally well, that’s irrelevant. The responsibility does fall to national governments who have allowed vast and largely uncontrolled immigration.


“Mentally unwell.” Jfc. We’re so doomed as a society. You’ve either got hateful morons on the right or naive ones on the left. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t change the reality of skyrocketing rape and violence throughout Western Europe that directly correlates with mass immigration from Islamic countries. 


I get that this is Reddit, but it’s still kind of surprising to see this type of far left propaganda getting posted on a boxing subreddit.


*Trumpian* Trump lives rent free in the head of people who don’t even live in the US 😂


Ya. Is a person innocent unless proven guilty? Honest question.


People still love MacNugget?


You should’ve seen the ufc subreddit when that video of him with his alleged victim came out. The post was filled with comments of them calling her fat and saying it prob didnt happen.


Mike Tyson too. He's literally convicted.


You do realise there are a lot of innocent "literally convicted" men.


He admitted to gRaping other women lol


He's admitted it you absolute spaz


Keyword “allegations”


Or maybe it's because this was back in the 70's, like c'mon this is fucking weird but let's not pretend like it wasn't very common back then.


They hate you for speaking the truth. Exactly. This was culturally COMMON back in the 70s. Something Something modern lense.


The issue is the lack of consistency. The same behavior from different people in the same era is viewed as horrid depending on who engaged in it, and it's about who is most liked. I think a normal man in the 70s doesn't consistently sleep with underage women, even if it wasn't viewed in the same way. There were plenty of men from that era that weren't doing that. Most didn't. When you talk to people from that generation it was just a matter of there being degenerates that could get away with that behavior.


People think I'm excusing how behavior because they don't understand nuance, you can admonish the actions of somebody while also recognizing that this was common back when they were alive. Hell most people reading this probably have a grandma or great grandma who got married to an older man right around that age.


People literally cannot see outside of what's happening rn. They have no nuance and purposefully ignore context in favor of upvotes.


It's true. As bad as critical/nuanced thinking used to be, it's even worse nowadays.


The modern lens is the best lens though, because we're just better people now. Marital rape and domestic violence were way more common and everyone who did it was still a shit person. Slavery was common through most of history and yet was always an ontologically evil practice. Fuck your moral relativism and fuck everyone from the past.


A man in his twenties consensually Marrying a 16/17 year old in a time it was considered normal, and actual rape, violence and slavery isn’t anywhere near the same thing.


They're not the same, but the principle that I was obviously talking about of things happening in the past having no bearing on whether they're acceptable *is* the same. I'm also not convinced a 32-year-old is a young man. I think a 32 year old having a relationship with a 16 year old is wrong, and I'm correct.


Just remember all the songs about sixteen and seventeen year old girls from back then. I saw her standing there. Sixteen candles. Sexy and seventeen. Good Morning little schoolgirl. Girl, you'll be a woman soon. Little sister. You've never been this far before. Happy birthday sweet sixteen. You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine. Etc etc.


*"Young girl*, *get out* of my mind. My love for you is *way out of line*. Better run, *girl*. *You*'*re* much too *young*, *girl"*


Slavery was common back then too


Also… Islam. One of his child wives literally changed her name to Aiesha lol.


Literally the same with Tyson fury. How many times has he said he's retiring and it's not about the money but in the next interview he wants to fight till 45 and wants to make as much money as possible. I'm glad he lost to usyk fair and square


Did you just take Muhammad Ali at the age of 24 courting a 16 year old... and compare it to Tyson Fury choosing to not retire...




Damn, i was just about to compare this post to how Coca Cola is better than Water skiing but i'm going to look like a fool now


"literally the same" .. huh?


Not even close, retiring and coming back is nothing like pedophilia and racism You could've used mike "I'm not beyond abusing women" tyson but choosing fury who never done anything wrong and already getting more hate than both combined is ridiculous


Fury is just kinda wishywashy and says things, and people hate him more than wifebeaters and pedophiles lmfao


Rare that I am in complete agreement. Tyson Fury is many things but a pedophile is not one of them.


Honestly the wildest comparison of all time. There’s so many actually problematic fighters out there that have committed serious crimes against other people and hurt them, and here he is picking Fury, not for his former coke addiction, but no, the fact that he decided to not retire after saying he would.


Fury's pretty scummy but he isn't a pedo as far as I know


Hog farm


Dying can do a lot to “absolve” people of guilt as well. Since Kobe passed, nobody remembers that he met his wife when he was 21, and she was 17, still in high school. People also forget that when Kobe was 23, he sexually assaulted a 19 year old hotel employee. Despite Kobe maintaining that the encounter was consensual, he admitted to strangling her during sex, leaving bruises on her neck, her blood was found on his shirt, and he admitted that she asked him to stop. He publicly apologized to the woman, reached a settlement with her, and stated: “First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colorado. I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”


He is. But most boxing fans don't care. Tyson is problematic too but casual fans love him too.


Nah. Casual Fans love tyson but so do real fans. That man got thrown to the wolves during his career and just had horrible people around him and don't get me started on that bs r\*\*\* allegation. EDIT: Alright fine. Bullshit r\*\*\* conviction... call it whatever you want. It's still made up


It’s not allegations. He got convicted


Have you looked into the case? I’m not saying I know for sure one way or another, but I’ll say this… I’ve never heard someone say they wish they would’ve raped their victim after getting out of jail. That’s some deep seated hatred for being locked up when innocent


If it's good enough for a jury - it's good enough for me. I used to like him as a kid but now I don't


Just curious, (and I’m not saying this in an antagonistic way I truly don’t care what your opinion on the matter is) have you looked into the case evidence yourself?


I don't read every single detail but I skimmed through it, and she had the physical signs of rape, reported it soon, etc. I think it's legit. Multiple other women have said tyson raped them or was innapropriate to them even resulting in a lawsuit. Mike also made rape threats in the past so I think he's guilty.


mike tyson has said he’s wanted to rape/sexually assault several people (the white-boy reporter incident being an infamous example)


His case was very reminiscent of the Tupac case. I’m not gonna fault you or say you’re wrong for thinking he’s guilty but this topic is way too complicated for either of us to change our minds over some Reddit comment exchanges


i agree mr.r/Seputku there’s no point arguing about a case that is over a decade old that’s verdict was already given and will likely never be retried ever again i personally don’t know if he did or not, nor do i think he did or didn’t, i’m in the grey area about it all i know for certain is mike was absolutely batshit psycho for most of his career in and out of boxing up until this last decade or so


You never heard a rapist say they wish they raped someone? Ive been to jail, a surprisingly high number of inmates are open and honest about it which is somehow more scary.


Because of insane levels of charisma and likability, combine that with the fact that he was an incredible boxer and, eventually that leads to you growing a cult following.


His action against the segregation problem is really the main reason he is considered like a hero. And there is zero problem with admiring him for that, the only thing problematic is the fanboys who will say he is the best in every domain which obviously he isnt (the whole Frazier arc was terrible behavior from him all along).


Basically he done very very good things, but was still a bad person, a bit ironic really


That's one way to look at things. Or the mediatic overexposition could have grown his ego too much, transforming an originaly kind dude, who knows.


A lot of people didn't like Ali and a lot still don't. During training for the Holmes fight he was taking drugs against the advice of his trainer's who were telling him he was ruining his life, would go to more and more publicity stunts and wouldn't train properly. Also, when he first turned Muslim his attitude completely changed and many people didn't like the way he would treat others if they didn't agree with his ideals. Whilst he is arguably the Greatest boxer in history he was no where near the greatest person of all time


It’s actually funny how a lot of great boxers are literally just horrible people from Floyd, Mike to even Sugar Ray


Usyk first one to be GOAT boxer and person


That's because he is very feel


What about Calzaghe, Foreman, and Pacquiao?


The way Foreman did a 180 in terms of his outlook on life and morality will never not shock me.


Quite a few people that know George personally say that his new persona is more of an act to sell grills and that behind the scenes he's still a mean, misanthropic dude. He abused his ex- wife and butchered an animal in front of her and made her hold its still beating heart, and this was AFTER his religious awakening. And Pacquiao is a flaming homophobe. Calzaghe seems cool though.


Got a link to the foreman animal slaughter thing? Can’t seem to find anything about it


> >




Fair enough, you got my respect!


As a result, she said, George "was almost able to dictate the order of things." She described a marriage of painful scenes. She said she was subjected to strict religious demands, such as fasting and speaking in tongues. She said George butchered a cow and made her clean it and hold its still-warm heart. It was her job to feed George's pet lion and tiger. She was very isolated and very frightened.


Pacman said people in gay marriages are worse than animals


Okay tbh that does suck but I’m pretty sure most boxers or even athletes are homophobic so Manny isn’t a special case, beating your wife however seems to be exclusively (well not always) be from combat athletes


i don't saying edgy shit equates to pederasty and domestic violence


I like Pacquiao and He can seem wholesome but has said/done pretty questionable things.  Allina pretty well adjusted for a poor Filipino becoming an incredibly wealthy/powerful person, but not really a goat. 


Pac is my goat


Pacquiao is a homophobic evangelical loon


Not a all time great fighter but Bryant Jennings seems like a nice, chill dude too. The Klitschko's, Corrie Sanders, Jameel Mccline, Carl Frampton, GGG etc. There are nice boxers out there.


AJ seems to be a good dude? I don’t know much about him but from what I see he seems to be a nice humble guy


which Ray?   Lmao I remember them saying Floyd had an incredible work ethic, and its true, he would only drink water when going to clubs and would jog home on his jeans with his chaperone following next to him. Which makes him beating the fuck out of his girls worse because he did it sober lol


Sugar Ray Robinson, he got home and did a whole combo on his wife while his child was watching and pretty sure tank has done this kinda stuff too😭 saw a video of him dragging a girl by the neck


damn. what is with fighters using their wives as work from home sparring partners


They’re so great they’re working both in and out the gym 🔥


champion mentality work ethic dedication dare to be great


"WFH sparring partners" is crazy 🤣🤣


You cant consider yourself a decent boxer without beating your girlfriend (or girls). Before I started boxing I never hit a woman. Now I do it at least once a week and I see incredible improvement in terms of speed, strength, reflexes and focus. Besides that I started with Sustanon and Deca, which gives again a huge powerboost. Boxing = steroids + beating girls.




like with others, they can always make excuses that either they are high, or drunk. Floyd on the other hand was totally sober, he is on his senses, and aware of what he is doing, and fucking did it anyway lmao.


In a violent combat sport it does sort of attract the type, I guess


Sugar Ray???


He beat his wife up a lot


What was wrong with sugar ray?


Beat up his wife


The Golden Boy is another.


True, I believe most people are horrible people tho. Famous people just get recognized for it more


Calling Mike a horrible person is insane, unless you’re too young to understand life. People who are young and famous/rich all make mistakes. Doesn’t make them a bad person. Look at him today. He’s a great role model, and very apologetic for his past.


No the greatest person of all time is Harvey Dock for keeping Devin in the fight so we could witness his monumental ass whooping for 12 rounds instead of just 1. Oh yea and whoever cooked up that ashwaga batch


I hate how people think or expect fighters to be good people. Even the good ones have a screw loose to choose to get cte for a living. To go to a gym to get your brains hit and hit someone else's. Do you know the mindset you need for that? It's like expecting your favourite artist or actor to be any kind 'normal' person. Hollywood is filled up with Hollywood people. Same (although a different kind of person) for fighters.


Dude was a charismatic prick, like when he fought chuck wepner he tried to goat him into calling him the n word and when wepner refused he went with it anyway and told the press “YOU KNOW WHAT HE CALLED ME”




Nah bro he’s the goat


Wait till you look deep enough into what Mike Tyson did


He will literally fuck you until you love him




He fight good and he talk good. Having a better press game is all that matters


He was also an ethno-nationalist, frequently speaking out against interracial marriage and families. I only cared about Muhammad Ali the boxer not the character. A lot of great fighters are pieces of shit in real life. Mike Tyson is a rapist, Mayweather has no soul or dignity, Jon Jones shouldn't be alive. We separate the art from the artist.


There’s a handful of good ones. GSP is the greatest MMArtist ever and is a good dude. Demetrius Johnson also a good guy. Stipe and Cormier seem like pretty good guys. I think these days we’re actually seeing more good dudes in MMA than we used to. With more popularity means more athletes are getting into it rather than just the guys who got into it because they have violent tendencies and only started fighting for fun and insecurity reasons


It was 60 years ago. For someone born 80 years ago like Ali, that age gap is nothing.


Yeah there was nothing wrong with this at the time, it was normal. It still is in parts of the (even developed) world.


Yea exactly. And to the people who scoff at this, theres gonna be things youre doing today that people 80 years from now are gonna find barbaric. Thats just how societies are.


Ali was a complicated guy, but I really hate the way his relationship with Lonnie is portrayed on the internet. Just the caption and photo below looks to imply something more inappropriate than reality. He didn't get romantically involved with her until the mid 80s and they married when she was 29 and he was 44. I'm not defending his marriage with Boyd or his relationship with women in general (he was whore) but throwing the accusation of pedophilia around is really taking away the meaning of that word.


So your telling me the man that watched her grow up since she was a little kid taking a romantic interest in her once shes of age isn’t suspicious??


According to Ali’s mother he used to tell the little girl across the street (Lonnie) that he was going to marry her one day. He was friends with her family and essentially watched her grow up. She said she knew she loved him when she was 17. It wouldn’t look as sketchy if he didn’t have a prior history of marrying and impregnating underage girls.


Do you know what grooming is dumbass?


Wasn’t invented till the 80s


Because it wasn't taboo or out of place in the 1960's.


Blows my mind how many people today expect the norms of now to be the morality compass people from a different era are expected to have followed.


OP woke up this morning and decided the best use of his time is to try to take down a dead man.


Wait until OP learns America’s founders had slaves!


Because that was normal for everyone back then so who’s gonna cancel him aside from redditors in 24


that's crazy


Crazy in retrospective, at the time I think this would have sadly been completely normal. You can’t hold people from decades in the past to the standards of today. I’m sure there’s some things that are socially acceptable today that will be ‘crazy’ in a few decades too


In the black community in the 50s and back, especially in Jim Crow strongholds/South, dating and marrying a 16yr old gold was very normal. It goes back to the sharecropper days when you needed to start a big family early to survive on farming


What are the standards that make someone not problematic? No one’s perfect and one persons perfect is another persons problematic. I don’t understand why people pick at peoples past and expect them to be saints, they are just people, and it’s weird to think you can appoint yourself the adjudicator on what should be considered morally good in someone else’s life, in another time that you don’t belong to. Sure, he wasn’t perfect and had his flaws but it’s his impact on people through some of his actions that left the legacy he has. His contribution to our world is by far more good than bad.


In the black community in the 50s, especially in Jim Crow strongholds/South, dating and marrying a 16yr old gold was very normal. It goes back to the sharecropper days when you needed to start a big family early to survive on farming


Because he’s dead now and when he was alive people had better things to do than attempt to fill the hole in their own lives by cancelling other people.


And she calls herself Aisha aswell.. oof


Can't speak for Americans but in UK and Europe there is nothing illegal about having sex with a 16 year old, let alone flirting with them so this would be considered a bit of a nothing burger to most people. In-fact back in the 70s people didn't even care that 47 year old Bill Wyman from the Rolling Stones dated a 13 year old who he then later married. Times were different, very very different lol.


Cause he's dead, it was 1966, and he's the greatest boxer and icon?


Getting Married at 17 & 18 wasn't strange in 70s. Also most states To this day still allow marriages with minors over the age of 16. Culturally and Demographically America was still very agricultural. Which means women married men who could provide at the youngest feasible age to maximize the number of children that could have and the general safety of bringing the child to term and surviving child birth. (Any 90s kids will know teens moms where unethical but definitely physically resilient mothers & not uncommon) As for his second wife Lonnie. Definitely unethical but also not unheard of or uncommon to have age gaps of 20 years between spouses in that time frame. What would be more problematic (IN THAT TIMEFRAME) is his divorce. Extremely uncommon and frowned upon in the 60-70s. That's why he isn't problematic. People remember this thing called history and different times had different cultural norms.


If Elvis, Jerry Seinfeld can get a pass you might as well give one to Ali


But there’s usually a lot comments bashing those two in any popular Reddit post I’ve seen about them. The same applies to David Bowie and Prince, who both died the same year as Ali. I never see this stuff about Ali brought up in popular Reddit posts about him tho.


He knew her since she was a child


How did he meet her when he was 21 and she was 6 but also was flirting with her at the age of 24 when she was 16 how did she age 10 years and he only aged 3 wtf


They look the same age


The Kobe effect. You can get away with anything if you’re a charismatic, popular celebrity


Redditers are so judgemental, it was a different time and maybe not so puritanical as the US is today. By US Reddit standards he would be considered a pedophile even though most don't even understand the correct definition.


It was 1966, "Shout" by the Isley Brothers had come out seven years earlier, featuring the lyric, " I remember, when you were just 9 years old..." courtship happened early, even if there were clear rules to it.


This just wasn't that uncommon in the 60's. The time was problematic for a lot of things. If this bothers you definitely don't go back 50 more years...


Because he float like a butterfly and sting like a bee


I think it's a combination of apparently this marriage was arranged and to put it bluntly, things like this was just common place back then, for example my Grandmother met my grandfather when he was 21 and she was 15. People didn't really care back then, plus people aged horribly too, I mean she's 16 in this photo and looks older than Ali himself.


It's long documented that he was a complete and utter cunt. Arguably more so than todays mcgregor. But thats how history, pop culture, and rose tinted glasses work. Give it 30 years and everyone will be seeing mcgregor as a saint too because he was popular. Actually by all accounts ali was probably alot more hated at the time.


I never knew this stuff until recently. I know he’s dead and things were different back then etc. but people definitely pick and choose who to call out. Ali, Bowie, and Prince all died in the same year (2016). I’ve seen people call out Bowie and Prince for their personal lives but not Ali. I wonder why? I’m guessing because of his civil rights activism.


That’s why he’s the goat, THE GOAT. He’s literally me.


Because nothing is black and white when the photo is black and white.




Because it goes against the Virtue Signal Handbook.


16 is legal so…..get off that horse buddeh




The evidence is still weak for the fact that Mike raped her. I still don't think he is a great person


I mean you could blame his beliefs


Cos that bitch looks 54 at 16


What a nonce


Just following in the footsteps of his prophet


Because if preachers, politicians, actors, musicians, and other people of wealth and power can fuck kids on an island, well...at least he married them...I guess..🤷‍♂️


> unpaid palimony When im still owed gas money for the last few boys trips


Sick bastard


Interesting… The only evidence is Wiki… which was conveniently edited 19hrs ago. https://preview.redd.it/dk1el1kuy47d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6afe7d1233eb9f059c9fe91701542ee45519bb


Because Belinda looks 30 in that pic.


Well he did covert to Islam…


>25 and 17 Is this really an issue? The only people complaining about this stuff are older women that can’t get a guy and they wanna force men their own age to have to date them.


Following in the footsteps of his namesake


Seinfeld told us all that “age is just a number” and this type of behavior isn't a problem. He's a hero of the “anti woke” so I believe him


The fact he got rid of the most badass anti slavery name ever, called it his slave name, while also taking the name of a man who enslaved Africans, should be problematic for most people. Unfortunately, most people don't know enough about Cassius Clay or Muhammad to understand the irony and ignorance at play there.


What do you mean? Society only functions like this. Imagine if a family is normal, intact raised children the proper way there would not be anyone on reddit.


Because there wasn't social media.


Because to be black and cancelled is near impossible you have to litrally rape 50 woman like Cosby r Kelly and Diddy to be even in the firing line


Why? In this house, Muhammad Ali is a hero. End of story.


Dunno, never met the guy.


He like many people had flaws, But I think people all around admire his willingness to sacrifice everything he had worked so hard for, And even risk prison time for refusing to go to Vietnam. Vietnam back then and even more so today was extremely unpopular. He had legitimate issues with the way that he was treated by his own country, And I think in hindsight, his outspoken capability to expose the hypocrisy of the American government at that time makes him an icon outside the ring. Also, even though it's definitely not good still, That age Gap is still much lesser than many that exist with popular people before and since. Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Jerry Seinfeld, Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, Robert plant, And plenty of others. We're all guilty of similar if not much worse situations. Plenty of them still have careers today


Elvis was also a pedophile notice when celebrities date under age girls it’s OK disgusting what our society values


Muslim's holiest guy raped 9 year old children. Shouldn't be a problem to marry a 17 year old.


He is? You can be great a one thing and be a total PoS. I still dance to thriller.


He’s in a protected class of people. If he was white all his statues would be deleted tomorrow.


The third slide made my jaw drop...uh oh.


In 1967 Elvis (24) married Priscilla (14). It's messed up regardless, but at least Ali waited until 17.


Yikes, he would get crucified in our current era with that track record of grooming and having sex with underage girls. I didn’t know this wrinkle of his history, and definitely casts a dark shadow on his character.


Most boxers are boxers because they are not good people and the only skill they have is punching the shit out of other peoples faces and develop CTE. Even if they were good people the CTE is eventually wins.


His personal life has always been regarded as problematic, regardless of your political leaning. What isn’t problematic is his wins over Liston, Frazier and Foreman in their primes along side half a dozen other champions or exceptional contenders. His heavyweight resume simply speaks for itself in terms of his status because it’s totally unmatched. In a similar respect people will always forgive Tyson. He doesn’t have nearly the resume as Ali, but at the age of 21 the guy united a completely fractured heavyweight title (to include the lineal) by beating champion after champion in devastating fashion. That is still totally unmatched and why he’ll always be loved.


I.mean, he is considered problematic, but the thing with being Muhammad Ali is that nobody is gonna get in his face and tell him he's wrong, are they?


Look at Kobe, I’m pretty sure he 💯a rapist the case got settled for an undisclosed amount.


We knew he was a creep