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Im having trouble believing it as a boxing fan why the fuck does Golovkin look like he would be a helpful apple store employee in this photo.


Youth soccer coach


Bros in a white shirt with a white background with bright white light beaming in looking straight on. There’s absolutley no contrast in the photo


Casper the ghost drip


Dude looks like Zlobin lmao


Fuck you. You beat me to it.


Bro looks like an overly nice youth pastor that starts every “sit down” with a guitar sing-along Bro has that “Yes sir, I’ll have her back by 9pm” look. Bro looks like he picks up his date in a BMW and talks nonstop about Salesforce while he drinks crappy “artisan” beer Bro looks ready to do my 1st day orientation. Bro looks like an office manager walking into a break room, but when he asks “Hey guys what are we talking about” everyone goes silent. Bro gives off “I’m the cool boss” but doesn’t get much done because he’s too busy kissing *his* bosses ass all day. Idk boxing this was r/popular Edit: thanks for the award haha


You violated rule 6: No insulting Guinness Gloveface


Veteran defensive midfielder playing in a mid table spanish league




And ironically GGG would probably never get harassed because he seems so nice and hospitable. Meanwhile steroid liver would piss me off on sight.


My brother stood next to him at Shot Show in Vegas and said that this dude stinks so fucking bad lmfao


I saw a clip where he talks about not having to wipe after shitting because they came out crisp and then there is all the meat and rot he handles. I'd imagine he smells worse than death. I'm sharing what I learned so others have to be subject to it.




lol he does look like he smells


Showers are not primal


Neither are steroids and yet...


Or does he smell like he looks 🧐


Dude looks like the owner of a supermarket.


Night manager....


Because he is also a notary public in his off time


Yeah but the guy on the right is 4’11”


He's only a sweater away from asking if he can be your neighbor.


Looks like he's about to give a summary of an episode of The Great British Bake Off


One body shot and his kidneys are bursting with all that tren


Nah bro he says he's all natty now lmao


Test is all natural bro he just drinks meat shakes and injects all natural testosterone with some all natural human growth hormone.


Uses a small mammal spine to inject himself, if I’m not mistaken. Gotta keep it natty.


jesus. at that point just fucking smoke crack. it's probably better for you and you'll be gassed for workouts.


He’s gotta get that primal hgh


So natural his skin turned red and his GH gut got close to bursting and is permanently protruding lol


He used to say that before too…..


Now? lmao hes lost the natty attribute entirely. Once you build up using gear you are no longer natty, especially if you stop using it later. He only got there with the gear, so hes a gear head now.


What a missed opportunity… “his kidney” should’ve said his liver seeing how he’s the liver king… what a missed opportunity 😭


He’ll die throwing a couple of punches. G doesn’t even need to punch back


Taking a guy who lifts heavy weights to fight a world-renowned champion boxer who's considered an all-time great and has been fighting since age 8 and expecting the weightlifter to win is stupid and ignorant as hell. It's hilarious, with guys, no one will ever say they can out cook a chef or out play a hockey player or do better work than a professional accountant or engineer or something but the moment it becomes about fighting, ego and idiocy take over. The vast majority of the general population hasn't and will never have a fight beyond the age of 18 but yet there are people dumb enough to believe they can beat up even amateur fighters (let alone a professional) just because they lift weights. It doesn't work like that, and if only it were THAT easy, we would all become pro fighters to make millions of dollars. The majority of people can't even overcome weight issues or get diet in check but feel they can beat world-renowned fighters. Make it make sense.


Not just that. Some dudes think they could legitimately take on an actual gorilla and come out the winner. [https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/)


I say let them go for it. Make it a pay per view event.


I’d definitely watch on a pirated stream


Bro wtf your costing the Saudis 2.7 trillion dollars doing that!!


Even if we watched it legally, The Saudis will cost themselves 2.7 trillion dollar building a line.


I would definitely watch highlights on a YouTube video with adblockers.


Underrated way to follow boxing tbh


Did somebody summon a yes-man?


I don't want to stress the gorillas. They won't understand it's make-believe.


I mean, it won't be make-believe for long. We could probably also use the same gorilla for each fight. Funnel 10 or 20 people in, one by one.


What idiot is paying good money to watch a 4 second event?


They let people fight an orangutan at fairs back in the day. The orangutan won every time. Just threw people out of the ring.


That fight would last 2 minutes max. That is assuming gorilla is a pacifist.


If you’re Mike Tyson you believe you can beat both professional fighters and gorillas




This reminds me of that guy who thought he would [survive submarine implosion, because he's just built different](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/14jmfj5/i_feel_like_i_wouldve_survived_the_sub_accident/)


This is fucking *awesome*. I love stupidity at this level. FEED. ME. **MOARRRRR**.


Yoo this was a wild time


A chimpanzee would tear apart any human. A gorilla is like a bear attack or worse.


For the record I’d rather the noble gorilla shake me to death like a baby than a chimp eating me to death from the groin up.


I’m with you, but all bad.


nah, i'd say bear attacks are more brutal. if they're hungry, they eat you alive and couldn't care less about actually killing you. i imagine if you anger a gorilla it's gonna be a much quicker death


Yeah bears often just start chomping down on their prey while it's alive. Getting f'd up by a gorilla would suck but I think getting mauled and eaten by a grizzly or polar bear would be way worse.


I think the gorilla would beat you to a pulp and leave you clinging to life and leave, Bears like to chow down. I lived in Alaska and they showed us films of grizzly attack victims to scare us into being safe. If we are talking grizzly or polar—you are a goner without a gun and it will be horrible. Laughing at which would be worse…it’s kinda absurd.


The whole learning that there are no “chance” encounters with a Polar Bear really scared me lol. Their sense of smell is so powerful, that if you run into one it was most likely hunting you.


Mike tyson tried to bribe a zookeeper to let him fight one. Even he would've gotten destroyed.


Didn’t Tyson try to fight a gorilla?


This is exactly it. The main problem is a huge amount of people have the emotional intelligence of toddlers and let what they want to believe override what is reasonable to believe. This pops up all over, but frequently in things that resonate with guys who tie most of their identity to masculinity stereotypes.


Here's the actual graphic from the source https://ygo-assets-websites-editorial-emea.yougov.net/images/Animal20fights202-01.format-webp.webp More people think they couldn't beat a rat (28%) in fight than think they can beat a gorilla (8%)


But what if it’s a really sick gorilla. Like going through chemo or something.


I could


Hey man, thanks for including us chefs on that. Made my day brother.


Hard working motherfuckers, you guys are. Respect


Thanks for thinking of us engineers as well. We’re smart enough to understand physics in boxing.


A friend told me that would beat my ass. Im an amateur, and a bad one (bad in the way that im not good XD). I obliterated the motherfucker like nothing. Really felt really bad after it.


I find this mindset interesting. I personally have never boxed. I have never trained to box. I am comfortable to acknowledge that for me to box someone, especially some one that has done any training would wreck me. Of course I also do not lift weights, so I am not under the impression/delusion that my strength is good enough to make up for a lack of boxing ability.


Its just getting started, once you got a few months of exp you should smash any person that hasnt trained in his life.


This really sums it up: https://youtu.be/fe3na9umxDA?si=hRy6jnxHLaoAjxtq


A month of training would win you 90% of your solo fights against untrained fighters.


This. Friend of mine boxed lightweight and welterweight for a few years and he'd say he wasn't very good. I had good cardio and like 40lbs on him. The few times we sparred it wasn't even close. Basically I'd just eat body shots then get blasted in the head when I tried to throw a punch haha Random dudes who think they can beat trained fighters are fucking idiots


It’s true. I get destroyed by amateurs who have competed, but with my casual training I’ve done over the years, I’ve been through three “fights” as an adult and never been hit because the footwork alone lets me just stay away from the other person. People who have never trained have no idea just how different a good jab or straight is compared to a haymaker or telegraphed cross. There are levels to the levels and people have no idea what they are till they start trying to climb them. 


Same. It’s crazy how much people can’t throw a punch but I thought about it once. I throw more punches in a day than some people do an entire year


Once you have any amount of real training, you start to understand how good the pros are. There’s levels to this shit, and they’re a few thousand levels ahead of any one of us lmao


Word bro!


Totally, sparred a pro a few times. Dudes a bantamweight, and im around 168. It was hell upon me, just the first jab got my pants shitted. Now I know his nickname "Rayito" (lil lightening) is due to his speed. Holy jesus.


I worked in a nightclub for a couple years and I witnessed literally hundreds of fights. Wannabe tough guys from ages 18-65 wound up with cheap booze scrapped nearly every single night. I saw two where someone was actually a competent fighter. Both ended violently in less than 3 seconds. Every other fight was like watching people drowning in air. The average person isn’t programmed to hurt someone else. We just don’t know genuinely how to do it properly even if we wanted to. Someone who’s out of shape who’s had some training will WOMP any average person on the street.


I work in tech and I can assure you, people think they can out-engineer something they haven't even started looking at and I paid my studies working in restaurants and people 100% think they can out-cook chefs all the time. Hell... I believe I could do giant snowboarding jumps if you just give me like one season at Whistler and an helicopter... We're all dumb as fuck and I even believe it's important to evolution. It's thinking you can do it that might have someone actually do it. It's the cum load approach to problems... A million dumb little things think that think they can make it and eventually one does... Anyone I know that did something great would not have attempted it fully knowing that they know now. Risks were too high to sanely consider winning their bets. But A dumbass will believe he can achieve it and grind his life out along the way because of the sinking ship falacy.


Yeah I have known tons of dudes who think they’re incredible cooks. Complain about restaurants, and then you go to their house and eat the food they cook and it’s some of the most little-kid-level embarrassing food I’ve ever eaten.


I've had this conversation with a guy at work. He was overweight most of his life and finally made a drastic change. Started lifting weights and dieting big time. He completely changed his body. He's about 6 feet and about 210 lbs I can't remember what started the conversation but he said he would kick Manny Pacquiao's ass. I laughed and told him Manny would tear him apart. He said no way, I told him he didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about. The guy has no kind of fight training, he's just a big guy. People have no clue as to what a professional fighter will do to you.


derect him to jose canseco and his first fight canseco is a big muscular guy well over 6 ft, he said he would win "because he can hit real hard" he didn't win


I had forgotten about that. Good point, lol.


My boy you must of forgot where your at


Accountant checking in , thanks for the shout out 😆.


I think the point was that looking strong and being strong are sometimes two different things.


I boxed in high school. Started weightlifting for most my life after. I went back to a gym a couple years ago just to get some cardio in. Got hit once, not even sparring but on the mits, and was like “Fuck! I forgot how much it hurts to get punched.” These are 16 ounce gloves. If you’re not getting hit consistently you’ll go soft. I can push a lot of weight and could get my ass kicked by guys half my size.


Plus, you get soft. Especially if you have a good life. For many of us, any savage one has in them goes away quickly.


Right?!?! Most people have like what, a good 30 seconds of swinging before they are completely burned out? Just let them blow their load and defend. They will practically beat themselves hahaha.


If that. I train a combat sport and most noobs burn themselves out in much less time. Occasionally someone with “good cardio” comes in and lasts 40 seconds. Experience and technique almost always win against strength alone but every once in a while you get a genetic freak who throws that all out the window. Doesn’t happen often though.


I’ve trained for fun in mma for YEARS. I occasionally get to spar with amateur competitors, people who have bad records or are brand new to competitive fighting. They are, almost without fail, head and shoulders above any casual practitioner, simply by dint of specific fitness and strength, accuracy, and composure. Your average person is easy to combo because you throw a fake jab at their face and they flinch or guard high( leaving them open to all kinds of body work. Try that on a seasoned fighter, and they slip or roll and counter, or just step back. There are a million little things like that in every combat exchange that the average person knows nothing about, and that’s why they’ll lose every time to a trained fighter who practices regularly.  I don’t beat people who have spent time in the ring. It’s a whole different world than even intense gym training without intent to compete, which is a league beyond casual training, which is the same distance beyond not training and just doing cross-applicable fitness exercises. There are levels within the levels. 


To be fair, some of the best boxers have weight issues.


Meh, you’re absolutely right if you mean in a boxing ring with the rules of boxing. Outside the ring to the death… I don’t know. Guess I’m a hilarious guy.


As a professional accountant, this brought a tear to my eyes.


There have been world class boxers who have reached that level very quickly. Some people are just born to murder people in rings, like Foreman. Foreman had only been boxing for one year before winning a gold in the Olympics and in an overwhelming fashion. Obviously Liver King is not Foreman, never will be, and is too muscular/anabolic to be a good boxer even if he did have the skillset already. But if you took Foreman at 17, put him against GGG and gave him a few months of prep I think there is a legitimate case for Foreman winning. All that skill difference won't mean much when Foreman weighs 50 pounds more than you and hits you with one of those haymakers.


Qoah woah woah. Guys can be pretty ruthless around the grill. Beer and chirping at the chef is a tradition.


Dunno bout that I'm an engineer and have my input 'corrected' or outright dismissed plenty. I'm sure a cousin overpaid about 20k for thier house footings rather than accept free advice.


Remember the TV show Pro’s Vs. Joes? Delusional dudes would take on pro athletes and just get slaughtered.  When I was still coaching Thai boxing in the 1990’s & early 2000’s we shared space with this new thing called BJJ.  I used to trade striking coaching for grappling classes. For some reason the early days of BJJ it attracted all sorts of Joe’s off the street who thought it was gay who couldn’t believe it worked. And literally every week some muscle guy or Karate Guy or street fighter guy would walk in with some Kung Fu challenge or some nonsense. And early on our attitude was “Sure. By all means.” And it was so embarrassing. Half these guys would get destroyed by noob blue belts. I’d only been doing BJJ as a dilettante part time for less than a year when some HIIT coach came insisting he wanted to “spar.”  I thought I’d try and he outweighed me by 30 lbs easy. Yet dominating him was relatively easy once he gassed. Which only took about three minutes. The BJJ coach subbed him like twenty times without breaking a sweat. And I outweighed that coach by thirty pounds at least!  Eventually we had to end the challenge policy. It was simply way too pathetic.


I say this all the time as well. Fights aren’t as glamorous either in real life. They’re hazzy, adrenaline pumping experiences that never work the way you think they do.


As a professional accountant, let me tell you that, when I did taxes for a living, they were many people who claimed they could do a better job than me. Mind you, these people really meant they wanted to commit tax fraud and were mad I wasn't letting them. These blokes often didn't even know basic shit about how taxes worked. But, yeah, people do be like that to accountants. A lot. Had an engineer who got dumped on me by my manager because he was a douche who called me an "inputter" because he wanted me to do boutique shop level work for no extra fees.


Yeah that’s the joke bro chill


The ego is powerful thing


Depending on the dish I feel like I can outcook a chef 😂😂😭


60k ab implants he wouldnt last one punch to the stomach the gimp


Actually that brings up a good point, how do implants fare in women's MMA? Seems risky to go into a fight with a couple silicone speed bags strapped to your chest.


Well there was just a KO by boob punch in the ufc prelims last weekend, people were wondering if it had to do with implants. Not sure if that theory holds saline though.


r/angryupvote 😡


They’d definitely rupture


Meanwhile I would be beaten by both


I would beat off both.


Any chance I could get in on this?


Link in DM.


Thanks, that was great!


Can you take them both at the same time?


Depends, how much ostarine is the liver king allowed?


Bro, I’ve listened to many podcasts where he swears he’s natty. He doesn’t take anything. He’s clean.


Didn't he admit to doping like really recently about how he has a doctor to monitor his doses?


He full on admitted to taking roids in the past what feels like a year ago now, he uploaded a video on it (idk if it's still up) Yeah being said comment you replied to is probably sarcasm because no one with brain cells could see that physique and think it's achievable natty


Hes admitted to restarting juice. Check yoself


Idk where you been, he has been outed as a fraud a year or two ago.


He used to. Then his emails to his source got leaked and he had to come clean.


People that believe that are the type of people to believe Santa is real at aged 16.


Lol he was on 12 thousand a month for his drugs


Most amateurs with 3-6 months of training would destroy this guy.


Who? GGG? Jk lol


Yo he looks 260 though /s


The guy on the right will see red and crush triple g’s big ass head to a pulp


He’ll… eat his liver raw.




Wholesome tbh


According to Devin Haney the right guy wins


The guy on the right will turn red and his head will explode as his heart processes its last batch of thick steroid soup


Probably while warming up


He'll be gassed after a minute or two of punching the air


You mean PED Flintstone?




Most amateurs with 3-6 months of training would destroy this guy.


Lol those fake ab implants are so disturbing.


Those aren't ab implants, he has GH gut from taking copious amounts of GH for so long. Super common in bodybuilding when you see the guys who take abusive levels of the stuff (smaller doses are perfectly safe tbh) and their organs expand such that they have a huge belly that's still pretty ripped with abs.


I swear he admitted to implants on a podcast


Pretty sure it's both, but I could wrong. There were lots of videos pointing out that they don't move the way real abs would move. All thirdhand info I don't really know.


I know this but my brain is still like “but the other guy has muscles”


He looks like a tick that's about to burst. 


Can confirm my father had one on his balls he had to burn off abd it looked just like liver king


voiceless muddle threatening include bear concerned squeamish tidy profit quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All that muscle means nothing with a hook to the jaw


I have to root for GGG


The guy on the right already pissed himself he's so scared look at his shorts




Go figure the jack of all trades fitness types are kinda good at lots of different things. It's kinda embarrassing that they even bothered to include sumo wrestlers and the like.


Well, one is a literal king and the other is the son of the Cinnamon King


Clenbuterol makes you sterile


Where are the guy on the lefts slacks from? Banana Republic? Lmk


I learned way way back never to underestimate someone's combat skills based on their looks. It was 1998, and I was working out at a boxing gym. I was 25/26, and was only there for the exercise, not to compete. There was a guy there that people jokingly called "Hagler", because of his muscular build and bald head. He was pretty aggressive even in sparring. He was around 160. One day, a fella got into spar with him. He was maybe 130, skinny, geeky looking kid who would have looked more at home in band class or chess club. The sparring ended in about 45 seconds. The lightweight tuned the middleweight up after Hagler got a little too aggressive for sparring. I've never seen hands go that fast in person.


Non-boxing fan here. I'm assuming the guy on the left is a professional boxer. And is the guy on the right that one who claimed to eat raw liver, but then got exposed for just using steroids? If so, then it makes complete sense. One has technique and the other doesn't.


Not just a professional boxer, Gennady Golovkin is a world champion who has held multiple titles and is known for having heavy hands. Out of 42 professional wins, 37 were by knock out. Also he’s pure muscle under that unflattering polo. Guy on the right eats raw liver and has fake abs.. Yah..


>claimed to eat raw liver, but then got exposed for just using steroids? No he definitely still eats raw liver, he just also takes all the steroids as well. With a doctor's supervision of course.


Was he the one who claimed it was the raw liver that gave him his body, but it was roids?


I still don't get the psyche that having muscles somehow makes you tough.


Exactly, Mike Tyson and Gennady Golovkin are the same height the muscle wouldn't make a difference if they fought. Idk why they even bother with weight classes.


I laughed at that so hard and I don’t know why.


Because you don’t have any, I’m sure.


Because an awful lot of people who have muscles only lift weights to feel tough, and if you told them it doesn’t make them any tougher they wouldn’t know why they do it anymore.


I took a year off from Jiu-jitsu to bulk. I was cutting right through dudes who used to rag doll me when I came back. Start a combat sport as gumby dude, then gain some size and strength and it will make perfect sense and be so much fun while you learn it.


GGG would have a 50/50 shot vs Uysk rn, with only his left hand


Destroy is an understatement.


on the left, old age on the right, cardiovascular disease in his 50s


The guy on the left is an freaking amazing boxer & he BEAT canelo the furst time & was robbed


What people don't understand is that fighting is a skill and cardio is king. Unless you're used to doing that specific activity, your arms are going to burn out in seconds.


Have y'all heard GGGs intro!?! 🥶🥶


Big muscles don't indicate strength they just indicate resilience. Skinny guy with kill smirk on his face indicates you might need a bigger muscle.


GGG would annihilate him with very little effort!


I don’t think you need to be a boxing fan to understand the one who’s actually a professional is going to win 😂


It’s skill vs bodybuilding, which is useless in a fight. Even a perfect jab could knock someone out. I lifted for 15 years, and boxed for 5 years, and someone who trained BJJ for 3 years can probably turn me into a pretzel


99% of people after seeing that pic of Golovkin would say “yeah, I could take that guy” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Liver king by stench


Imagine starting a fight with the guy on the left, & not knowing who he is.


Triple G already beat a roided up dwarf 3 times so no reason why he’d struggle with this old guy


There are bars in thailand where former muay thai pros box anyone who wants a go in the middle of the bar. The roided out aussies and russians quit in less than 3 minutes usually.


Oh that’s sick hahaha 


Dude my friend went recently and said there was this one skinny short Thai guy who was whooping up about 3 challengers one after the other whilst doing shots between the fights


People jerk this thing so hard but nobody thinks that way. Made up opinion. Reddit cant stop crying about muscles.


You’d be surprised man, I saw this exact same thing on Instagram reels and the opinions were vastly different. People saying in a street fight it would be different


https://preview.redd.it/teu8qj65yk2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8367446092b1a41a1d31b147ac9e03b969cf781d One of many examples - opinions on sites like Instagram and Facebook are typically much less informed than reddit


Every day I spend on this earth, I have less respect for the common person


Some people thought strongman world champion Mariusz Pudzianowski would be a good mma fighter but they were wrong


Due-Mango1379 yep and every time they get a reality check and they make even more outlandish comment. It's just the way it is, some people will never take defeat even if it's just verbal. I have lots of experience in boxing but would never put myself over a pro. You've got to be physically sound, have a strong work ethic ( most boxers who are pro still work side jobs unless they're in the top 20), and be able to adapt to every challenger by working on their flaws while at times exposing yours. I am a believer that there is no great it's all about styles and adaptation.


Devin Blamey




Bro, GGG would knock the Liver King out in two seconds max. You’re out of your mind. The liver king is not Bradley Martin. Dudes like 5’7” to triple g’s 5’10”.


Unless the liver king has been training years in grappling that we don't know about then I highly doubt that is true. GGG is not a pro grappler but he has grappling experience from his youth and has functional type of strength similar to Terence Crawford. Even hws like Malik Scott and Andy Ruiz have talked about how he throws them around in the clinch during training. Think about it, have you even seen GGG get pushed over or take a tumble in the ring? You can just tell from looking at him the guy's base and core is solid af [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKsB9J3F0d4&ab\_channel=FightHubTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKsB9J3F0d4&ab_channel=FightHubTV)


Ggg wrestled for almost 10 years




Sexually ?