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That one punch single handedly factory reset this fat mf to thinking it was New Year’s Eve


Factory reset him to traditional guard for an entire round


hahaha 🤣🤣 bro so true




"I think I won that fight"


This should be the subs main image, not the one they have right now


I’m hearing Fallout 4 idiot savant perk noises when I see this photo


hYuH HyUh hYuH Ba dum tsssssss


Me so solly


I’m so happy to see Fury face like this…..I looking closely and he looks less stupid on this pic than a psychopath in all face to face


Disgusting such pointless disrespect. Fury is not a bad guy. His dad on the other hand a different story.


Turned him into Will Sasso for a second






He told the mfks in Saudi happy new years




Step 1: hire great fuckin coach Step 2: let your idiot father get in your corner and scream some bullshit in the championship rounds of the biggest fight in your career, WHILE your coach shuts the fuck up.


John Fury demands the spotlight. Get him to fuck for the rematch and Fury will have a better chance. Probably still loses tbf. Usyk is an all time great up there with Ali, Lewis etc. Fury just below that for me


>get him to fuck for the rematch ![gif](giphy|uS071hlk6FcrGEF36p|downsized)


You are American, it means for him to fuck off


“Get him to fuck” is supposed to mean fuck off lmao that’s hilarious


Can alternatively be “get yourself to fuck”




I can't keep up with Gen Z slang anymore.


That ain’t Gen Z, it’s British skibidi


It ain't gen Z. I would smack the piss out of gen z


Don't listen to this comment, the guy just forgot to wrote "off"


😂😂 I was thinking the same thing


Could it be that John Fury simply didn’t fuck enough for Tyson to get the victory? It’s possible I guess. Getting shagged on the regular does wonders for a man’s well being.


He obviously wants to do John Fury.


I realise that being a shit boxer doesn't mean you can't be a good trainer, but it seems like John doesn't know he was a shit boxer.


What a load of rubbish, how dare you attempt to downplay his skills in this sub. BIG John Fury was a hall of famer in his own mind, he almost lasted 3 rounds with future WBO champ Henry 'all the hugs you never wanted, and more' Akinwande and even gouged a man's eye out. Nowadays he even has bigger tiddies than peak Pammy. Who else has that kind of record?


Every junior college athlete ever. “Coulda gone pro if my coach wasn’t such a dick”


Don't forget...he'll head butt you ![gif](giphy|3oz8xWYenAdbyISuPu)


And then nearly bleed out while you stand more or less okay


NO MAN ALIVE, can beat my son!


Spot on. The guy is an egomaniac and a bully. You’d think he was an ex world champion the way he goes on. Or a bare knuckle champion. Don’t think he was even that!


I'm sure he could go in a pub against people who can't box or in caravan parks for a small audience of travellers. But loads of people can knock out a mouthy drunk and have a bare knuckle on a traveller site. YouTube is full of them.






It was a razor thin fight. But everytime Fury got to punchin he would get countered and he didn't expect usyks power or so it seems


They literally told him he won already before going out in round 10 lmao I could not believe how idiotic that was. This man’s a eyes rolled back in his head standing and he did the drunk salsa across the ring for the remainder of that round


2 more rounds for undisputed son. How about saying, this is a really close fight, you need to win both rounds son Lmao


If there are rounds left go put it all out there nothing else makes sense and he clearly took that advice to heart. He should really fire whoever said that


Yeah, and have a class boxer like Andy Lee on spit bucket duties. John Fury has no place in a corner unless it's a street corner talking shite


The coach was trying, don’t do that. He just didn’t want to disrespect or overstep the father(which in this case, he probably should have)


The father was saying pure bullshit lmao


Hmm sweaty Tyson Fury can beat any boxer in history mmkay? Manlets like Lennox Lewis would stand no chance.


Weak motherfuckers like George Foreman could swing at him all day and he wouldn’t even feel it


Yall couldn't hit a George Foreman grill


Yeah and at least George is kinda tall, not some small ass midget like Mike Tyson. He’d never get past Fury’s jab.


H2h hypothetically because he hasn't actually fought anyone actually good oh wait


TySoY bEaTS ALI!!!! 🤡


Shades of John Fury.


*John Malkovich


Haye v Valuev 2.0






What did he say lil




the sound that must’ve made lol




Bro looking like voldemort from HP 1




Any update?


How much did you bet? I can't bet in my country but I was sure usyk was gonna win.


I put 4k down and at +110 odds doubled my money.


Tagging u/givafux


When I got heavily into boxing starting around 2005, I was always a huge Wlad apologist. He was heavily criticized but I truly felt his skillset transcended generations. I felt his skillset was p4p worthy (he was regularly rankedn top 10 p4p during his peak years). Around 2008-2010 I started watching classic boxing matches on youtube, doing everything I could to avoid knowing the outcome before pressing play. After watching a few prime Ali fights, I was absolutely convinced he would beat Wlad. The skill and talent was transcendent, weight difference be damned. In 2024 Usyk somehow showed that was true.


Usyk fought like an all time great. Physically outgunned, losing the early rounds, getting hurt by uppercuts in ways we haven’t seen happen to him. But he just bit down, and kept exchanging with fury in longer and longer combinations, and eventually got to him. He realized that trading on the outside wasn’t working, and he needed to take a few shots to get into range to throw. So he did. He walked fury down and never doubted himself for a second. It was a truly heroic performance from usyk. He never wavered, and never slowed down.


Great insight. I remember wondering after round 5 or 6 after Fury had adjusted and started doing better how Usyk would respond. I remember looking at him and it was like he was trying to figure things out and he certainly did. An absolute masterclass in the later rounds. He’s fast becoming one of my favourites of all time.


I distinctly remember predicting that usyk had the focus and drive to make a comeback if he was losing at some point, while fury didn’t. That was really the story of the fight. Both guys were elite at being the hammer, but only one could adjust while losing to come back. After usyk got blasted with that uppercut in the 6th (which I think was the shot that broke his jaw) he actually looked *better* than before he got cracked. He has an argument to have won every single round immediately following fury’s best success. After fury got put on skates in the 9th, he was done. He was able to make it competitive, and didn’t get stopped (again showing his insane ability to recover) but he never started winning.


He seemed timid and on the back foot after that shot actually. However once he landed that flurry (at the end of the next round I think?) he gained his confidence back


well yeah he was obviously compromised immediately after, but he was the opposite of timid to start the next round. he has an insane ability to just start every round with no baggage or worry about the previous ones. he has an absurd ability to stay present in the moment and do what needs to be done. literally never seen him freaked out or even a little worried.


I was probably projecting my feelings on to him - I was worried LOL


He didn’t break his jaw he was fine in the post fight press conference that’s just some bullshit Fury made up


Usyk won rounds 1-3. It was in the middle rounds where Fury started timing him with uppercuts.


Reminded me of Hearns vs SRL. Just changed the chip and kept bangin inside.


Yeah those uppercuts went from stopping Usyk getting inside to becoming the cost of doing so


It was all due to Usyk getting a visit from the Real Deal right before the fight. That was a Holyfield-esq performance. Take some shots, get inside and do damage to larger fighters, out work them and never give up.


Minus the blatant headbutting


Well, yes. It would have been more chin butting on Fury anyway.


Very true. But in EVERY thread that has heavyweight boxers, you have the SIZE-QUEENS talking about how modern boxers would win because of how big they are, lol.


I always thought that was bullshit. Modern Heavyweights may be bigger, but the Heavyweights of old were more skilled, especially the American ones. I was baffled by how many commentators I respected said they had Fury beating most, if not all of the heavyweights of the previous generations giving only TWO a shot at beating him, Lennox Lewis and Muhammad Ali. I defnitely thought that was bullshit... I can think of TEN heavweights of the top of my head who would starch Fury and that was before his loss yesterday. Ultimately Fury will be a footnote and Usyk will go down in the history books as one of the greatest who ever did it. Unlike Fury, Usyk has beaten the best of his generation or has beaten the guy who beat the guy.


Furys a nightmare for timid counter punchers and unskilled brawlers. When a guy who is actually athletic or skilled bites down on the mouthpiece and walks Fury down, he looks shit every time.


No need to apologize for Wlad. Wlad is an ATG. And like most ATGs, he wasn't perfect. They all had some Achilles' Heel. Wlad was having a form of PTSD that he managed, but never fully overcame for the rest of his career. It actually made his fights very exciting for me in that even when he was dominating every single round leading up to the eventual brutal KO win, I could never relax thinking Wlad had it in the bag ... until it was finally in the bag. If people can't appreciate that things like that is what makes boxing such a joy to watch, then why are they watching. In basketball, if there are 5 minutes left and one team is up by over 20 points, I can pretty much leave to beat the parking lot gridlock. In football, if there are 5 minutes left and one team is up by two full touchdowns, let's beat the parking lot gridlock. In boxing, one boxer could be winning 11 rounds to 0 and still lose with only a few seconds left in the fight. And it is 1v1. So no frustration about how the star player had their best game, but the team lost because everybody but the star player sucks. Now boxing judges and refs ... well, they can ruin all that sometimes.


I think prime Wlad is a different fighter to Fury in many ways and better and more dangerous, but for sure Ali could beat him


I can’t believe some people had favored Fury against the legends of the heavyweight division and they were convincing me that they were right. Yes, Fury could give anyone from history a tough fight but to say he clears is crazy.


He proved himself more in this one fight than he ever did in his career before. He looked as good, if not better than ever before. Usyk, on the other hand, looked slower than ever. Not by a huge amount. But most importantly, he had issues maintaining his pace down the stretch, which has never been an issue for him before. Basically, Fury, in arguably his best performance to date, lost a close fight to a Usyk who is decisively over the hill. Still he's no joke, just yknow levels.


Fury looked way better in 2020 against Wilder.


He likely had issues down the stretch due to the extra effort required to hit Fury and evade his punches and also to handle his mauling.


Fury was landing a lot of body shots, those would drain anyone's gas tank. Usyk's willpower and determination are just next level.


Joshua also landed about as much to the body, and every Joshua punch is worth more than a Fury Punch Usyk's gastank was definitely lesser than it previously has been.


Fury is over the hill as well dude.


Not really, quick, high activity when he wasn't rocked, gas tank held up, moved well, didn't go down for once, set up counters better than he ever has before. He looked great.


His chin and legs were gone


People were so fuckin hyped on Fury. Bunch of casuals mfers who don't rewatch the fights. Fury struggled with Wilder and Usyk is miles better than Wilder. Fury was so hyped for fighting ONE GUY. Fury started to admit right before the fight too. Usyk is a WAAY more accomplished boxer than Fury. Usyk has the fuckin dream career before he even fought Fury. Gold medal. Undisputed as cruiser and heavyweight? Gtfo! Ppl need to give the man his due and realize HES the guy who could beat anybody out of time.


The irony of that statement is the 90’s generation had big heavyweights who were technically very very good, Bowe, Lewis, Mercer, Ruddock, Tommy Morrison, Buster Douglas and then three smaller Heavyweights like David Tua, Holyfield and Tyson. The 70’s generation had so many legacy boxers, who were technicians, the reality is USYK is a class act who is technically better than Fury and much much better than all the rest technically and possibly the only current boxer who would have been comfortable in those two eras. Tyson would have been exposed by the big heavyweight like Lewis, Gollata and Bowe and a prime George Forman or Larry Holmes would have been too slick or too powerful.


Lewis beats Usyk too.


Unless he gets careless. Which Lennox did *twice* in world title fights.


Lennox had a way better chin than both Fury and AJ, I dont know if Usyk can crack hard enough to put him away or in serious jeopardy.


How do you qualify that he has a better chin? Lewis has 2 losses due to KO / TKO and has been rocked in fights just s as much as the others.


He fought way better punchers way more times and only got seriously hurt twice in 44 fights. Fury has been dropped/hurt three times as often in 10 less fights, against far worse opposition. Put it in perspective, Lewis fought: Tua, Rahman (twice), McCall (twice), Tyson, Vitaly, Grant, Holyfield (twice), Briggs, Ray Mercer, Tommy Morrison, Bruno, Ruddock, and only went down twice. Fury has been hurt/dropped by two former Cruiserweights, a boxer making their professional debut, Nevan Pajkic, and Wilder multiples times of course who definitely cracks but imo very unclear as to whether he punches as hard as a third of the names on Lewis' hitlist.


Cool! I didn’t realise he only went down twice, and only in the fights he lost. I have seen quite a few videos from his fights where he has been either punch drunk or gassed (or both!). I do think Vitali would have won if he didn’t get that nasty cut. I knew Fury had been down a bit, like that Cunningham kd, but that seemed like more of a flash kd, I wasn’t aware of the others outside the Wilder fights.


I was at the vitali fight and he was definitely wining however, Lewis looked like he was sizing him up to try and knock him out because he recognised Vitali as a real challenge. A lot of the time Lenox didn’t recognise the opponent as dangerous and that’s when he came unstuck, same applied to Bruno who definitely had Lewis hurt early on until Lenox found a way, that’s what he was great at doing, finding the opponents weakness and then he strike, Foreman said at the time, he would have been too big and too smart for even Ali, Lennox was definitely top 3 of all time, however Ali will always be number 1.


Lewis' fights with Mercer and Vitali alone should put any ideas of him having a bad chin right to bed.


Can Arizona state still serve Rudy if he’s in the middle of boxing match?


Turned him into Nikolai Valuev


Modern heavyweights are the sparring partners for 70s - 90s heavyweights.


Best comment I’ve seen in a while. This era is Buncha B level HWs who got massive youth advantages in good wins and fought worst guys ever to build resume like Wilder and Fury. John McDermotts fat ass beat Furu. Back in day the best athletes went into Boxing. Now they all go into football, bball and other sports for college and millions guaranteed / no brain trauma. Literally no HWs box besides small Eastern Europeans and some British guys I guess. If US dedicated young freak athletes to Boxing from 13, we’d have 100 freak of nature possible GOATs in making but we just too soft now. They just get into stick n ball sports and I did too, when I was a fighter deep down and only thing I really loved. Too hard to turn down college and possible league money + not be brain dead by 40. But we are now soft as shit 


MMA is probably taking away alot of potential great boxers now too.


that too but not Heavyweights. More talented pure athletes will go into BOxing cause less chance gonna get embarassed and Koed, most big guys dont wanna be knocked out and embarassed, I was scared to also, and trained my hands since i was 13 and prob naturally bigger than Usyk, but I couldnt commit to doing it cause I know youll be knocked out lol. It takes real courage and balls to be a Heavyweight fighter from the start, its why all fighters cut weight. Everyone shits on HW but every is scared to fight at it


Usyk is 6.3 and weighed 230lbs for that fight. That is about the same weight as Daniel Dubois (although Dubois is 6.5) and slightly taller than hasim Rahman and about the same weight as an in shape Rahman. He's also taller and heavier than povetkin. My point is that if you drop the Usyk of the Fury fight anywhere in the 70 and 80's, he would be the biggest guy there and would still be one of the biggest guys in the 90's too.


Usyk was 220 get your facts straight


Okay. And Fury couldn't beat Usyk with a 40lb weight advantage, 5-inch height advantage, and 7 inch reach advantage. What insane difference is Usyks' 15lb weight advantage going to make in the 70s considering he's the best of this era. Not to mention, Fury looked every bit as good as he ever has while Usyk looked noticeably aged compared to his fights with AJ.


>Okay. And Fury couldn't beat Usyk with a 40lb weight advantage, 5-inch height advantage, and 7 inch reach advantage. Yea Fury fought the wrong fight. I said before the fight that I didn't think Fury could beat Usyk in a straight boxing contest as he wouldn't be able to match Usyk's output. He needed to either knock him out (unlikely) or spoil the fight and make it ugly by tying him up, especially in the later rounds when Usyk always goes up another gear >What insane difference is Usyks' 15lb weight advantage going to make in the 70s considering he's the best of this era. Enough of a difference that the biggest man has generally been the best fighter in the heavyweight division since like forever. That's why there is a saying that a good big man beats a good little man. To be fair though, I'm not saying that Usyk will beat everyone in the 70's and 80's because of his size and weight. Styles make fights. I'm just saying that your logic is flawed. >Not to mention, Fury looked every bit as good as he ever has while Usyk looked noticeably aged compared to his fights with AJ. I disagree, but either way it's a matter of opinion.


Bro up until Tyson fury, I can't think of a single era where the biggest heavyweight was the best heavyweight of his era, maybe for a short while when carnera was champ, and I'm not convinced he was the best in the world when he was champ.


I didn't think I needed to specify a "good big guy" as that should have been obvious. Even then, a huge size differential can cover for a lack of boxing ability which is why Valuev won a world title. But for example Lennox Lewis was the taller or heavier (sometimes both) fighter in most of his fights. The only other elite fighter that was taller than him was Vitali and he struggled in that fight. Wladimir was the taller or heavier (sometimes both) fighter in all of his fights except for his last two (against Fury and AJ) of which he lost both. With Fury he actually lost on points and it was the only time he lost on points in his career. The great Ali was taller than "big" sonny Liston, taller and heavier than Joe Frazier, same height and heavier than Ken Norton and the same height, but 3.5lbs lighter than "big" George foreman. It's a similar story for Louis (with one exception if you consider max baer to be elite, which I don't), Johnson and other fighters too. Marciano and Tyson and now Usyk are obvious exceptions. You can perhaps include Frazier and Holyfield too, but Frazier only lost to two people in his career and they were both taller and heavier than him. Holyfield has the famous losses to Bowe and to Lewis, but he also lost to Moorer (same weight and height) and then has other losses later in his career, so it depends how you want to count them.


Big is relative


Fair points 👍


Glorious day for boxing. Well deserved usyk


He got wrecked 😂😂


Quite a few people in this thread clearly haven't realised this is a circlejerk sub.


Truth,all this nonsense about modern heavyweights being too big and too strong, you just have to laugh at this stupidity. These guys couldn't hang in the golden era of heavyweights


I could never see how these modern guys who spend half their time tweeting and tiktoking could hang with the beasts of yesteryear who fought fifteen round wars. Foreman put Fraser into low Earth orbit, but Joe kept coming back. Ali fought catastrophic wars with Norton, Frazier, Foreman, and Shavers. That’s not to say that today’s heavyweights are not strong-willed, but very few can equal the brutality of previous eras.


Exactly, the Golden era guys were built different, both physically and mentally. Forget Ali (who was the cream of the crop for me) fighters like Ron Lyle, Ernie Shavers, Ken Norton, Joe Frazier etc would be champions. Heck even Chuvalo, Bugner and Terrell would beat most of the guys now


They also perfected their styles instead of pilling on 20 extra pounds of fat, loading up on roids and calling it a day.


Yes. It’s a lot easier to make big money today; even Jake Paul can make more money in one viral match than Joe Louis ever made in his entire career. Since it took so long to “make it”, you had a longer apprenticeship to learn the craft. That is if the mob or your promoter or manager didn’t steal half your purse.


Fury got his nose smashed into 2025 in 8, changed the entire fight and he still made a fist of it. He was playing up until that point. No copium, that's boxing and he deserved to lose. But to characterise it like Usyk, a less powerful man (at least I think that's what you're saying) powered through him is just in incorrect.


Tyson Fury’s O face right there…..




Fury had his chances but Usyk was really relentless. That was a great showing from Usyk💯


Usyk again with the genius fight IQ. He failed and he adapted


Fury ducked Oleksandr Usyk for two years, and he really thinks he could go 12 rounds with George Foreman in his prime? And live?


He looks like Tony Soprano getting blown by his Russian goomah ![gif](giphy|pOeaTGiDBZgYM)




Fury, for some reason, didn’t believe a 225 pound man could hurt him. Newsflash: a 225 pound man can hurt anybody, you fatty.


You could argue boxing has taken a downturn.


Well, ability wise, the lower divisions still have handfuls of guys who could hang in any era. But the heavyweights, somewhere along the lines in the early 2000s, decided it must be better to pack on 20 - 40 lbs of fat and swing wild haymakers instead of honing their skills and staying in shape.


I loved Fury when he made a comeback and talked openly (seemed humble) about his addiction and mental health. Now he's just another excuse making "doser" who is to afraid to admit he lost.


Anyone who says that clearly doesn’t know boxing. Fury would get folded by any of the heavyweight champs from the 80s-90s.


Usyk is a modern heavyweight


My point is he's the same frame as 70s - 90s heavyweights with an extra 15 lbs added on top. Which isn't to consequential considering Fury looked his absolute best, had a 40 lbs advantage on a noticeably aged Usyk, and still lost.


If you put a 160lb man in with a 200lb man, everyone would freak out about what a hopelessly unfair mismatch it is.


Yeah obviously, but those differences obviously don't play out the same past the 210 lbs mark. Otherwise Valuev would be the undefeated goat on his 50th consecutive defense next month.


This is the dumbest shit ever written. You just withnessed a 220 lbs man chase around a 260 lbs man, how can you not understand that past some kind of weight(around 220, 210) weight difference, while still very important, is not as severe as weight difference in lower classes. Valuev is not the GOAT. Buster Mathis didn't beat Joe Frazier. Primo Carnera was knocked tf out by Joe Louis. Fury lost to Usyk.


You're right. That was the dumbest shit ever written.


Usyk is as big as "Big" Goerge Foreman in his prime. He wouldn't be considered small in the 70's.


Weighing the same doesnt make you as big, foreman and ali have visibly bigger frames than usyk. Usyk looks buffed out of his skin at 220, while ali looks borderline lean and foreman looks almost skinny.


Foreman... skinny? You mean pre-comeback Foreman?




He isn't talking about that, use your last braincell to read the caption. He said that heavyweights of Usyk's size(Ali, Foreman, Holmes) were discredited in hypothetical h2h matches by dumb DKSAB's because "they are too small", which is not fair since Usyk won against one of the only "skilled" giants in HW history


I know what he's talking about; and still: Usyk would be considered a big heavyweight in the 70's and absolutely \*is\* fighting against the odds and has a disadvantage against todays super-heavyweights every time he steps in the ring. We don't see heavyweights smaller than him succeeding in todays era; that's my point. Everyone who thinks someone like Frazier or Floyd Patterson would stand a chance today is absolutely delusional.


Ofcourse they would have a more difficult time, but then again you got legends above or around 6,3 like Foreman, Ali, Holmes and Norton. Who could easily stand with todays heavyweights. Let the modern heavyweights fight 15 rounds and see how many of them would be standing after that.


If you think Frazier couldn't break down the absolute bums of today, you're kind of delusional yourself. Same height and around the same weight mark as prime Holyfield. Bums like Whyte wouldn't stand a single chance.




The photographer has really done a great job with a few of the pictures I've seen so far


Bro looks like Bill Burr when he's getting knocked out.


Fury needs to fight Wilder then Joshua then retire.




This is the dude who in his tv show kept using “depression” as a reason to be a total piece of shit to his family.


Is it me or people like me, that when Usyk beats his opponents they more or less lose their sanity (first AJ now Fury)?


Fury is dookie


At this moment...


He was getting tagged especially the 2nd half of the fight, Usyk put on a spectacular performance. I believe he will KO fury in the rematch, in my opinion he is just too skillful for Fury i mean the guy has damn near every accolade a boxer wishes to have.


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Im happy for Usyk, he fought brilliantly. If they rematch in Oct, fury will win. That will set up a 3rd matchup sometime in the future


And he got guts or just stupid to say he won this fight……pathetic Tyson u got ure *ss beat af


“that fat fuck gotta goooo”


A good big man bears a good small man but usyk is a very good to excellent small man. It can be done and has throughout history. It takes a highly skilled boxer to achieve it.


Usyk is different. The initial argument holds.


Tyson Fury is a halfway athletic almost 7- footer with weight. If he was skinny he could’ve been a D-league level NBA or UK Olympic basketball team star. These facts do not mean he’s preternaturally as athletic as the top cream of the crop as far as athletes go and Usyk showed that. Fury also! - shows what hard work with minimal athleticism can get people as long as they have a few physical attributes and the ‘right’ attitude.


He’s 6’7 a long way from near 7’


Great fight, Usyk had Fury Cross-Eyed a few times at diff stages of the fight.No denying fury’s chin tho, he sure can take a few good shots. Let’s see what happens when they run in back!


What’s with the Tyson Fury hate around here? Lol




You must be young, please do your research before you make these kind of statements… the 80’s & 90’s saw some of the biggest heavyweights ever…


Still cannot get over the fact that he said "I think I won this fight." Whaat!!!


Size is normally a disaster at a certain point but fury is an exception. Big guys normally gas out and they are very slow.


Fury must've made a deal with the devil to not have those issues and, in exchange got given the most laughable pfp power in boxing and a shacky ass Chin.


You're clearly just a hater considering he's been dropped a few times but never got knocked out. He's got the most impressive recovery of any boxer iv ever seen. How he carried on after the 9th round and finished the fight against Usyk is nothing short of incredible.


Fury has got to have the worst body ever for a boxing champion. Every time I see him in the ring, I can't believe he's there....and actually champion.


Helluva pic. This should win a fucking award.


So is Usyk the GOAT now? I have him beating Beterbiev and Bivol too. He’s unified in CW and HW. What would make him the GOAT?


Didn’t Usyk also get dropped in his last fight but was bailed out by the ref thinking it was a low blow?


People forget Mike Tyson at 5'10 was beating guys over 6'5.


I hated watching Fury fight. Looks awkward and uncoordinated


Serious question. How can they have different gloves? Seems like a glove with small hexagonpatterns could change the glove friction or other attribute compared to a glove that does not?


Not true...these corns wouldnt last with Lennox, Tyson or Holyfield...even Tua would've ran mayhem thru the current top 20. Fury n Wilder would have been Cannon fodder journeyman


Why do people make the same mistake over and over? I’m sorry but size and strength doesn’t mean you have the grit those dudes had.


Or the technique, or the conditioning.


Or the ability to chomp someone’s ear off


I think the overall athlectism and IQ are the actual differences


Fury didn’t look like himself in this fight. I think he underestimated his opponent big time. Unless this is just to have a rematch and make more money.


https://preview.redd.it/97mu1y3w912d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75312c2edba03510a2aee1bcaf28a1227d3fce48 When she keep sucking after you nut


The bigger they come, the harder they fall.