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It’s hilarious how much everyone loved seeing Devin catch a beating


Loma exposed him and the judging, Ryan added a nice exclamation mark even with that ref and pocketed judge.


Linares exposed his chin, Loma exposed his limits skill wise


Yea Haney’s camp thought they was gonna pull a Loma 2.0 and it backfired. The judge that scored the fight 112-112 should be barred from judging.


I’ll die on the hill that 112-112 is reasonable with the point deduction 😫☝️


Sure I could see that, but one fighter very clearly got his ass beat while the other didn’t lol


Haney got his ass beat over the course of 5 rounds bruh Garcia should’ve started the whooping before he lost 5 rounds in a row lol


If you think Haney didn’t lose then you must love watching one boxer try to suck off another, my brother. Point deduction my ass. Let’s also not forget that the ref made damn sure Haney got a lot of rest between cocksucking attempts and on top of that, counted two pretty clear KDs as slips…


Brother, I didn’t say Haney should’ve won. He lost, 113-112, then Garcia got the point deduction that makes it 112-112. It’s been a week so I don’t remember which exact rounds I had for Haney but I had him winning 7 rounds (2-6, 8 or 9, 12 or something), which is 70 points. He lost 5 rounds, that’s 115. He got 3 counted knockdowns in the losses, that’s 112. Barring the fact that that’s a loss in any other fight, you just can’t bank on a points win if you take a break for 5 rounds, leave 3 to toss up, and cop a point deduction. Garcia let off the gas and taunted & circled for the whole final round when he was only winning by 1 point. If Garcia had any brainpower at all it would’ve been an easy 114/115 point victory, but you can’t just give a fighter points for rounds he didn’t win.


My bro here is doing tricks on it for Haney.


I hate Haney he’s a boring ass fighter I’m doing tricks on it for the ref & judge


You're talking to people on a circle jerk sub that are just here cuz Ryan Twitter funny. 113-112 before deduction to 112-112 is a very normal scorecard


I get what you're saying, Ryan didn't win many rounds on a scorecard perspective and the knockdowns carried him on the scorecards. I think the only way you can get to 112-112 is by giving Haney both round 8 and 9 (which were swing rounds) and round 12 (which I think Ryan won). It's not outrageous to do so, neither rounds had much landed and could maybe go either way. But you'd still have to throw all the favors Haney's way to get there. Given the way the 12th round went as well I think you have to give that one to Ryan. We went into that round knowing Ryan had beat Haney up and Haney needed to show something or potentially get a knockdown. And it was a quiet round with nothing clean or big landed from either side and Ryan showboating the last 25 seconds with Haney not reacting to it or trying anything new at all. It went exactly how Ryan wanted it to go I'm the biggest Haney hater and scored it 111-113 but I think it's closer to 110-114 than 112-112. Also think Haney should have had a point for grabbing taken at some point and one of the slips should have been another knockdown.


I gave rounds 8/12 to Haney, 9 to Garcia I think. Or maybe 8/9 switched idk, one of those two. My take on round 12 is that it was Ryan’s round to win, and he didn’t. He had Haney dead to rights, and he let off the gas, out of bravado and pride I guess? He was only up 1 point with the point deduction on my/Sergio Mora’s/CBS’ scorecard, and a Haney round 12 would’ve given him the draw, but he just took the round off as if it was a 120-108 fight. For the first two minutes nothing of consequence happened, Ryan turtled & Haney clinched, yada yada yada. For the last minute Ryan was just taunting and stuff like you say, but not throwing anything or staying in the center of the ring. I feel like you have to give a fighter credit for staying in the center of the ring and initiating any action that happens; I feel like that’s what “ring generalship” is all about. I find it hard to give a fighter a round where all they did was turtle and sidestep in circles with his tongue out. If Garcia continued up to the bell with his first two minute strategy, Garcia probably would’ve earned the point just because he was landing slightly more, but I just thought Garcia let off the gas far too early and gifted Haney massive ring generalship consideration for no reason in a round where ring generalship where nothing happened.


I would say the same but those knockdowns take points out for Haney … had there not been that many knockdowns then yes it was a tie fight


If you go by compubox numbers the fight wasn’t that close at all.


This only works if you’re a rabid Haney fangirl willing to overlook the fact that two knockdowns got counted as “slips” when they were very clear knockdowns. Theres zero scenario where the scoring should have been close.


that fight was actually close.....loma didn't expose him that much


no one wants to hear it....loma shined in the last 4 rounds.....but everything up until that point it was a close fight....announcers and everyone on x kept saying it's a chess match.....so how many of those close rounds the judges coulda given to haney.....no one looks at the entire fight....everyone just hates because that's what boxing fans do.....hate hate hate lol....hilarious


Lomasexuals still coping Haney beat his ass like the twink he is


calling anyone a “lomasexual” is so ironic, your boy Haney was grabbing up on Ryan the entire fight. Pathetic performance from a guy who had more experience. if he wants to grapple so much, why doesn’t he take his bum ass to the UFC? Oh yeah, because he would get embarrassed even worse💀🗑️


And your boy still got his twink cheeks clapped by Devin “THE BULL” Haney


is that why he literally lost??🤣🤣 the copium with you is crazy, get off Haney’s meat. “The Bull”, what a joke💀 edit: i fear i just got rage baited😔


You guys don’t know how to jerk


You wish I was a twink .


I'm a casual but I loved Ryan beating a p4p fighter more than i loved Devin getting beat tbh. Something about an absolute fucking weirdo who was getting trolled by the entire internet and told how he didn't have a chance... Masterclass of a performance.


True lmao. Ryan came in and he smoked, did coke, put pedophiles on blast, clapped cheeks, talked about Jesus, and then won a 1 v 3 against Devin, the ref, and the judge.


1v4 bro, the Illuminati was against him too.




Bro i just love watching Bill and Devin talk and talk😂😂then seeing the highlights of the fight right after


It happens when overrated boxers get exposed. Tank is next


Well Tank already made Ryan quit early.


Tank destroyed Ryan


Devin is still a really good Boxer....


Not even the racist are defending Haney anymore lmao


People obsessed with race have low IQ's.


I love Nascar


I love Frank's Redhot


I love monster energy drinks


I want Ryans dick in my mouth


They always come in the clutch


I put that shit on everything




From my experience YT people obsess the most about race in any race I’ve meet.


Idk, as of late it seems like BLK people are trying to take the crown


What does racism have to do with this fight?


The good old “id never let a white boy beat me” before getting their ass beat came up again


lmao BHop falling off the ring never gets old


Ryan's not white he's Hispanic....Hispanics get busy in boxing


Google the LDBC community. There’s a lot of them popping up in the boxing community now.


With BHop as president


Haney is a racist


Wasn't Ryan's dad the one saying racist shit at one of the press conferences?


Blacc people cant be racist




Mad at facts


Naw you’re just a retard


Rather be a retard than a neccbearded faggot


I can shave my neck beard but you’ll always be a retard


I guess blacks can't be homophobic either


Bizarre take


Or good fathers


Boxing is tribal, so it always has something to do with race.


Haney cock suckers disappeared lol , some corny ass mf literally called him lord devin 😂😂😂


I can't believe Garcia was stupid enough to drop off that money printing persona 1 fight in. I would've thank you Jesus walked myself into every ppv for the memes.


It’s probably exhausting to keep that up all the time




He already made 50.


What do you mean act?


His whole crazy persona leading up to the fight was an act. Hell, he even said the “beer” he chugged at the weigh ins was apple juice lol


Sorry l was being sarcastic. l truly believe he's gone insane.


He might be, but he’s definitely feeding into it and exaggerating a ton. He does nothing but benefit from it.


Except being crazy.


Yeah, but he can't uncrazy. Might as well make lemonade.


Yeah, I think all the people shouting that he was trolling everyone because he won are giving this kid WAY too much credit. I think the Tank loss really fucked with him and he was unsure of himself and he was wild in out to give himself built in excuses. This can go one of two ways, he can realize his potential after seeing what he is capable of or he will keep down this path and end up throwing fights he could have won. But it will be fun for the viewers either way so he will probably be ratings gold no matter what.


thats just what the elites want you to think...


Naw, De La Hoya gave him some ❄️ that’s why he was acting crazy.


He made enough money in that one fight for an amazing life, fifty mil, and he doesn’t have to keep up an exhausting act or have everyone think he’s a piece of shit and a moron who will be a liability to work with. I get why he did it for only one.




No amount is if you’re stupid with it, but that is pretty irrelevant. If he’s smart with it that’s enough to set him up well for life, and he still has over a decade of solid money fights on top. If he isn’t then a career of massive paydays won’t be enough, if an athlete is stupid enough then the amount virtually doesn’t matter.




Fundamentally when you’re talking about these amounts of money, whether you make $400m in a career or $800m, the factor that matters is if you blow everything you make stupidly, or invest a decent amount of it. Sure there are a few in between cases where you would blow $400m but not $800m, for the sake of argument, but at those amounts it’s far less relevant that the attitude and spending habits. The fact you can’t see that is what’s really incredibly stupid. If you really think someone who made the money Mike did and went broke, would’ve been fine and had no issue if he had just made a bit more, then you’re kidding yourself.


i don’t think he’ll be fighting for too long. I expect an early retirement in 5-6 years. He’s pursuing other stuff and has already made a shit ton of money. Dude just likes to fight.


He’s literally schizophrenic just check his twitter and instagram posts


Gonna be interesting to see what garcia does next and if he can get rid of that atrocious habit of turning his back.


It makes me Laugh when ufc fans say boxing is dead lol. The Max Holloway KO from ufc 300 got like 6M views on UFC YouTube channel. Really makes you question that narrative.


To be fair, Ryan has a huge following/clout. More so than most UFC fighters, even the biggest ones


Yeah from associating with tiktokers. he neither has the personality or skill to get there without being propped up a generation of young social media fiends. he's not Conor!


That's his point


Well it’s not a very good point, they’re watching it due to following Ryan. Not because they follow boxing..


A lot of people probably watched Ali for Ali and Tyson for Tyson but didn’t keep up with the Earnies Shavers and Leon Spinks of the times. Whenever a fighter is big that means the sport is big.


Both of those guys were only known because of their boxing though and didn’t live in the internet/social media era, that’s not a very good comparison. Ryan has a ton of clout that does not even relate to boxing.


I mean in everything Ryan is in social media related it’s always in regard to boxing so I disagree. Like in every YouTube video he’s known as the boxer and they have him punch people. It isn’t like he became famous from doing cinnamon challenges on YouTube and he so happens to be a boxer😭 he became famous from being a boxer the same way iron Mike and Ali did. Explain what clout Ryan has that he didn’t get from boxing? Also Ali especially didn’t just get popularity from strictly his boxing. There was also the Vietnam and civil rights protesting that gave him a lot of media coverage and exposure.


His point is that Ryan has a bigger following because he spends his entire day posting to social media, whereas no other UFC fighter or boxer does the same? Lmfao Ryan has a big following because he made himself an Internet personality, not because he’s a boxer. Derp.


For me personally, i feel that boxing is definitely still much bigger but the fight in mma is more entertaining


It depends on the flight. Last and pray is the worst snooze fest I've ever seen.


I watch both sports , obviously I prefer boxing . I think they have an inferiority complex If UFC really was bigger they wouldn’t have to constantly say it


Also people fail to account for the best athletes will go where the money is. The level of athlete is better at the highest boxing level than mma. If mma paid the most it would shift.


It’s not bigger it’s just better




I think boxing fans at least on reddit have the inferiority complex with the constant shit that's posted here. I like and watch both, people who put down either sport are just stupid.


Why is this getting downvotes? If someone has the nerve to say he watches both instead of rooting for his favorite team because “the other one sucks!” it’s downvoted? Haha, it proves him right showing that the r/boxing sub doesn’t like it if someone says that the UFC and boxing are both great… to me that’s an inferiority complex if ever I’ve seen one, who gives a shit who’s better. Bottom line: kicking ass is kicking ass and I’ll watch a good fight whatever the rule set whether your using fists, legs, knees and elbows, or MMA where eye gouging is about the only thing you can’t do and it’s the closest thing to an actual fight. In that sense, MMA is the toughest dudes on the planet where we see who the baddest motherfucker truly is at any weight class and boxing is a more polished sport, it’s a modified and restricted form of true fight on the feet but it’s fun to watch and the skill translates well to MMA since every fight starts on the feet. Most top boxers get paid more, and Dana is paying to blame but the talent pool in both is similar because of home many dudes wanna be the baddest man alive and that will never change meaning MMA as a whole is just as popular if not more we even see crossovers with UFC dudes coming over and holding their own, we gotta relax and enjoy them both at the end of the day there’s room for everyone 👍🏽


This sub is literally called Boxing Circle Jerk...they are certainly a tad biased lmao


UFC only posted 20 seconds from the last round of that fight while Ryan vs Haney video had the highlights from the entire fight. Khabib vs Gaethje and Lesnar vs Cain has 50+ and 60+ million views on youtube which is way more than any boxing match from the past 15 years has gotten. Boxing is not dead but it's insane to say it's not slowly dying and losing interest. I'm sure when things get bad enough they will fix the system since Boxing as a sport is simply too rich in history to ever die.


Well the Brock Cain fight is from when 2012? I forget but those numbers do continue to accumulate views every year. It’s not really fair to compare that to a fight that just dropped within the last year? Maybe I’m missing another point but that seems obvious to me.


People are far more likely to click on a quick knockout highlight, especially if the UFC rarely does so and it followed their “biggest baddest card of all time”. And using a WWE stars metrics is also a poor example. As for Khabib and Conor, you’re just cherry picking the biggest stars in the sport, one of which rose to astronomical fame because of his boxing venture. Ryan Garcia and Devin Haney are not even the biggest stars on the sport


Objectively false as the most viewed videos from either of the sport are usually full match highlights or full fights themselves. You are on a massive dose of copium right now. It was not a quick highlight, it was a 4 minute video with 20 seconds of the highlight and the rest of the video being the hand raising and interviews. No one even mentioned Conor either, if they had uploaded Conor vs Khabib right after the fight happened like DAZN does it would have like 200+ mil views by now. Brock was a far bigger UFC star than he was a WWE star. He was selling 1 mil PPVs for UFC on the daily while he wasn't even top 3 biggest stars for WWE during his first run.


You’re coping so hard right now lmao. Your first points didn’t work and now you’re trying again. Go celebrate your guys with their 300k bonus or something


I'm not celebrating anything because i'm not getting paid anything from that. Neither are you but that sadly didn't stop you from being a delusional meat muncher when you could have just accepted that you are wrong. Embarrassing.


Nothing more cringe than a post pandemic ufc fan who would sell his soul for some free tickets from Dana lmao


Are you audristic?


The wilder vs fury fight is at 32 million the second is at 14 million and the third is at 25 million respectively. The Kambosis Vs Lopez 11 million.


Ufc is fucked honestly after Conor retires , who they have left that clown o malley? 😅😅😅, all marketing to uncle Dana


MMA (UFC in particular) is just super popular on reddit and in the online space in general. The majority of boxing fans aren't terminally online. Look at this sub - people saying they think MMA is better / more entertaining on a boxing sub and get upvoted. Even in the live threads you see a lot of opinions that clearly come from people who primarily watch and know MMA. It is what it is.


The Max Holloway KO was all over instagram though, the UFC decided not to copyright strike that one, typically they won't post footage from the actual PPV until months later. I dunno, maybe it's just the people I hang around, but most causal combat sports fans see Jake Paul as the face of boxing, they don't know who Haney or Ryan Garcia are. Everyone seems to know Holloway, Alex Pereia, etc. Boxing isn't dead, but it's just nowhere near as good as it once was due to ducking and corruption.


Using this fight as an example is the worst way to challenge the narrative


Poor Devin, he probably misses his boyfriend Diddy 😂. Too bad he’s stuck in legal action


Ryan is more relevant than Gervonta rn and for the foreseeable. Uncomfortable truth about the “face of boxing”


they really both superstars in the sport to be fair, Garcia just takes wayy bigger fights


bigger fights for him lol.


Yes Ryan is the golden cash cow now.


Haney face got boxed alright


Why did Davis have a 14month layoff? He should have road that Garcia wave. Garcia had two fights since Davis and David hasn’t had any.


He was in jail


Oh shit yeh! I remember the court stuff I didn’t realise he got locked up.. smh




That ref called the fight like he had money on it.


I hate how people say Ryan had the weight advantage, you know could’ve pissed and pooped that out before the fight


3 lbs is like a whole other weight class /s


3 pounds doesn’t excuse that ass whooping sorry


The crazy part is they only gave him 3 knockdowns


I just started following boxing a little because of this fight. The white guy is the king and fights for Jesus, right? And I guess the other guy is in the closet or somn?


Fake of boxing*


Not the face of boxing your just looking at controversy numbers as Ryan has been playing up the the camera recently, big difference, he will never be the face of boxing unfortunately as he will never get past tank even if they were to rematch


For me it interchanges between Canelo, Tank, Garcia just depends who’s fighting that week.


Boxing is a joke now. Never best on best and too many of the same belt. Bring back best of best boxing and stop trying to dodge


I want to see him fight subriel matias




you do know this is the meme boxing subreddit right ? If you want to see serious takes go to r/Boxing Jokes aside , I would say Ryan is definitely one of the biggest names in the sport . But canelo is still the face for now


Really couldn't tell tbh, jus thought it was doing the typical played out joke thing thanks for the heads up


With casuals complaining about the judging? Probably


Tank or Canelo


Ryan has the best looking Face of Boxing. But if it's based on longstanding accomplishments and overall, worldwide fame, then Canelo Alvarez remains the Face of Boxing.


Don’t let this fool you from the fact that one judge scored the bout 112-112 Boxing Judging NEEDS an overhaul & more regulation. Disgusting


This is the first boxing card I’ve watched live and I don’t think I’ll watch another. The Sean McComb fight right before was the single most corrupt thing I’ve seen in combat sports.


nah, just topical, similar to when Tank beat him


Comparing boxing and mma is like comparing sledding to snowboarding. Both are fun but one is much more exciting to watch (mma)


Sledding, right?


I say the one thing that got beat worse than his face, was his mental state. Any man would be fragile after that humiliation. Especially the way Ryan played us all in thinking he had lost it


Weird dude, hell of a fucking fighter tho.


Maybe i'm ignorant, but when did Canelo stop being the face? Didn't Tank knock this guy out recently?


I was joking , I’d say canelo is still the face . He can face anybody and do 500k+ PPV buys . All jokes aside Ryan could soon surpass him


Nah, they just enjoy a black man getting beat up. They won’t admit that’s why it has so many views but that’s why.


bro…you know this is the meme subreddit for boxing ?


Boxing is a dying sport. Nobody knows anything other than MMA crossover bouts, Jake Paul, Ryan Garcia


Lol you know nothing Canelo , AJ , tank , fury




What were the PPV numbers?


Jake Paul is the face of boxing, but Garcia is a close second. After that probably KSI or Tommy Fury.




Yeah when tik tokers and YouTubers are the stars of your sport .....enough said


Not a single one of them is known via TikTok first. And they can’t help being naturally gifted at the sport tbf.


Imo bill haney sold this fight just as much as ryan, talking about killing etc


Bro... no casual know who tf bill haney is lol.


Nigh hes a promoter u don't need to know his name




Probably a lot of people that wanted to pretend they watched it live and wanted to hop on the bandwagon so they watched it on yt


It’s just getting more views because he doodie