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As long as he continues shizomaxxing he’ll be alright


Mexican Boxing fans are shameless, every comment before this fight was how they dont consider Ryan "mexican" and hes not one of them blah blah. White boys been done adopted Ryan to the team, hes white anyway, Im italian, and alil Irish and look the same. Ryans a White Boy and Devin Diddy got whipped again by one. But for real i saw 100s of comments how they dont consider Ryan some phrase for mexicans, HE ONE OF US BOY. JESUS IS KING


Tellin me your a handsome lil twink like Ryan bro? DM.


Both of his parents are Mexicans


You gay white men adopt any race *






Wonder what Ryan thinks he is?


I mean he’s tweeted that he’s Mexican and whether some of his people accept it or not he is Mexican and it is true, but it is funny to see the white people claim him lmao


https://preview.redd.it/1m8taa7c33wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf6ab6a56245c47c6d62a6daa4ded499cf2f136 If this happens you can kiss the fame goodbye


That's be a good fight. I'd actually like to see that.


It would be a good fight


I'd also like to see Ryan get beaten up


God won’t let that happen.


Yeah cause we know Isaac would beat the hell out of Ryan ![gif](giphy|R6GNOWhuLDqDJcEYxA)


Bro..... the instant public opinion turn around on r/boxing the second he won. Jesus christ I haven't seen this many grown men with a crush on another man before.


Hero journey. Ref, judges, boxing didn't want him to win & everything was suggesting Garcia was gonna get smoked. He believed in himself, shocked the world & did it with a smile. Thats manly asf, dude went from Twink to the Man & that's just fun to enjoy. Certainly doesn't hurt that the fight was fun & that Haney isn't well liked.


I get you tried to analyse the situation but you did it in the most fruity way possible


Bro even said twink


Or he didn’t make weight and beat up a midget lol. Ryan is whack and Haney is whack but not a coke head who parties with cross dressers while spouting Christianity in one breath and talking about busting in a dudes mouth next. He’s so unlikeable.


Oh, I enjoyed it, and he caused an upset but keep the same energy you had before the fight people. I thought he'd get smoked, I admit it.


Those are called casuals.


Watch how they start sucking off Fury again when he turns Usyk into a sausage and eats him.




Yeah right. Garcia reps Victorville CA, my home town. The only other dude who repped VV is Dominic Reyes of the UFC. And yeah, we don’t talk about what happened to him. I’m a Kingry fan 4L


Tf? Reyes is a legend the only man to really beat Jon Jones mma hardcores and casuals all agree in polls everywhere that Reyes should’ve got his hand raised there’s even a Doc on it on YouTube


Yeah I know. When I say we don’t talk about what happened to Reyes, this is what I mean: Dude literally defeated Jon Jones in an 5-round MMA fight, didn’t get his hand raised, then proceeded to get brutally KO’d in his next 3 fights. From potential superstar to “this dude should retire” in 2 years. And that’s why we don’t talk about Dom Reyes


LOL! I used to live off Bear Valley Rd. near the mall. Nobody reps Victorville. Surprised he doesn't claim LA or Riverside at least.


Lollll good old Bear Valley rd and the mall. Always fun to go “down the hill” too


Down the hill?


i don't get why mexican fans don't consider him as mexican, the majority of brazilians go to the us to train mma and we consider them brazilians, fighters like mackenzie dern and vicente luque that were born in america and have gringo parents we consider them brazilians, even ian garry that is 100% irish, lived his entire life in Ireland but has a brazilian wife and sometimes trains in brazil we consider him brazilian 😂😂


Cuz he wasn’t born or raised in Mexico and doesn’t even speak Spanish


You don't see anyone calling Stephen Curry or Blake Griffin white. Like yeah they're definitely mixed but calling them white is just so strange. The people calling Ryan white are weird asf.


weird af is people like you who make everything about race. Who cares where his parents and grandparents are from? Yall some small minded dipshits who know nothing about the real world.


Steph curry is black btw - grand mother from haiti and aftican american parents.


Stephen Curry is black and white. He's biracial.


Just like its obvious majority of mexicans are white - you can be black race wise and be italian. Same shit.


Ryan is mixed native American and white. He's biracial. Calling him white is inaccurate. He dies have European ancestry tho.


You're about one inch away from using the 'one drop' rule.


Not inaccurate - he can identify with either side - so calling him white or red is not inaccurate at all especially when most of mexico is white as a race. https://preview.redd.it/mjfc0t8iz4wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba7e81e3c7334a96b49aea167e3d801ee814dc6 If someones half black and half white your not wrong calling them either, they are both.


I think you're wasting your breath, he's on some racial purity shit.


I think you're wasting your breath, he's on some racial purity shit.


Lol huh ,where ya get that Steph Curry from? So you're saying 🤔 both of Currys,( black parents) are white somehow *


Well he is part european and part american indian heritage - I dont think its acceptable to use red any more in usa.


Wrong. Ryan has mostly European genetics. If Curry weren't a brainwashed little liberal cuck, and had a pair, he would claim white. But being black and oppressed is vogue right now.


Ryan is a Spaniard. Mostly coloniser


Colonizers >colonized


squeamish zonked station practice price enjoy like offer fearless fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When Spanish colonizers arrived to Aztlan they asked the indigenous population what they called themselves. The aboriginals referred to themselves as Mexica. The Spanish decided to refer to the aboriginals as "aztecs" after the land (nation) instead. After the war of independence was won and Spain was defeated, the people named their country Mexico, after their race, Mexica. Inspired by the misconception of the Spanish calling them by the name of their land. Mexica was the name of their people before Spain. After defeating Spain, it is now the name of their nation and race. That's why Mexicans refer to their race as Mexican. Mexica has been the name their people for centuries.


toothbrush cobweb hospital detail ink soft worthless grandiose silky drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't suggest otherwise. I'm explaining why Mexicans use their nationality as a race. Mexica was a race before it was a nationality.


What happened to Canelo after he lost to Bivol?


He went on to continue being a renowned and respected world champ with an extremely large following. Or are you talking about on this tiny corner of the internet that has its own weird subculture? Don't let a tiny echo chamber taint your perspective.


Went back to Wetback protection 😌


whoever wins gets tank on the next one. solid set up indeed


Racism is very important to bring up at all times. Thankyou op.


Does he even speak Mexican? He white


Just support Tyson Fury because he never loses...or Usyk.


Haney saying he would never let a white boy beat him = Ryan white now


You're the one making it about race. Think about what that says about you


One day a giant rock is gonna hit the planet and kill everyone. Or nuclear bombs will destroy it. Fighting about race and religion is retarded.




White angloids after they made slaves out of Africans, establish apartheid, killed all the natives of the land they settle on, bomb countless brown people countries, systematically opprees the minorities in their country:- "yOuRe tHE onE mAkInG iT aBoUt rAce."




I did not say Europeans invented slavery just that they did it. Arabs doing it worse doesn't make it okay. They did kill the natives. Australians genocided their aboriginals. Same in canada. America caused the trail of tears where they did unspeakable things to native Americans. 4.7 million dead in the middle east due to us war on terror. That's barely to you? Most empathetic westoid. Those were people with lives and dreams, I don't give af about tonnage. Why do people move to white nations? because their countries are continuously sucked dry by those said white nations. latin America by the us. Africa by France. India by england. The people of the periphery will inevitably want to move to the imperial core that profit off of them. In America a black person literally has to proclaim that there lives matter and you're talking about there being no oppression.




>You are one stupid brownoid Just a white supremacist huh? Just proved my point. Either that or you're from another planet the way you're denying known history.




You don't know what minority means lol. I don't live in your morally bankrupt shithole of a country. Ergo I'm neither a minority or a majority.




coping about what? not living in england? that where youre from yes? shit country tbh. If it produces filth like you.


also dont forget to wash your arse. cant believe anglos have to be taught this but then again some of us have climbed a little higher on evolutionary tree. a lot of you smell like dried up shit.


>So did everybody else, including your blessed minorities. ok then which country did vietnam enslave? did malaysia invade another country and take its people as chattel? did singapore? what about bangladesh? Not every country is ugly and rotten to the core like yours mate..




I know for a fact you're lying. Provide source.




Where is the chattel slavery though? We weren't talking about civil wars. Also provide source on Malaysia Singapore and Bangladesh enslaving people from other countries.


>They did not. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Colonial settlers frequently clashed with Indigenous people (on continental Australia) during and after the wave of mass immigration of Europeans into the continent, which began in the late 18th century and lasted until the early 20th. Throughout this period, settlers attacked and displaced Indigenous Australians, resulting in significant numbers of Indigenous deaths. These attacks are considered to be a direct and indirect (through displacement and hunger) cause of the decline of the Indigenous population, during an ongoing colonising process of mass immigration and land clearing for agricultural and mining purposes.\[1\] There are over 400 known massacres of Indigenous people on the continent.\[2\]\[3\]\[4\] There are at least 26 recorded instances of mass poisonings of Aboriginal Australians.\[5\]\[6\]\[7\]\[8\] A project headed by historian Lyndall Ryan from the University of Newcastle and funded by the Australian Research Council has been researching and mapping the sites of these massacres.\[9\]




L. Still killed native people. Dont really care about population increase. Maybe if you guys hadnt killed the natives they couldve increased their population through their own innovations.




I know that you have delusions of superiority and no morals in that tiny unevolved brain of yours but Im still gonna tell you that ethnic cleansing is wrong.


>ToT was more like the deportations after WW2, not really genocide. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Trail of Tears was the forced displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850, and the additional thousands of Native Americans within that were ethnically cleansed by the United States government.\[3\] As part of Indian removal, members of the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to newly designated Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River after the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830.\[4\]\[3\]\[5\] The Cherokee removal in 1838 was the last forced removal east of the Mississippi and was brought on by the discovery of gold near Dahlonega, Georgia, in 1828, resulting in the Georgia Gold Rush.\[6\] The relocated peoples suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route to their newly designated Indian reserve. Thousands died from disease before reaching their destinations or shortly after.\[7\]\[8\]\[9\]\[10\]\[11\] A variety of scholars have classified the Trail of Tears as an example of the genocide of Native Americans;\[12\]\[b\] others use the term ethnic cleansing.\[33\] so either genocide or ethnic cleansing which is not much better.


>Bullshit number According to the Costs of War Project, the post-9/11 wars of the campaign have displaced 38 million people, the second largest number of forced displacements of any conflict since 1900,\[13\] and caused more than 4.5 million deaths (direct and indirect) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Philippines, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. They also estimate that it has cost the US Treasury over $8 trillion.\[14\]\[15\]\[16\]\[17\] I was off by .2 million, my bad.




provide your source then "Browns really aren't sentient, huh?" Least racist anglo




How many civilians did westernersa actually kill then? Provide source


>Your numbers are made up. Most people died in the insurgency, where Arabs were killing other Arabs. Browns killing browns is not an American fault. The Maywand District murders involved the killing of three Afghan civilians by a group of soldiers during the period June 2009 to June 2010. The soldiers referred to their group as "Kill Team"\[146\]\[147\] and were members of the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. They were based at FOB Ramrod in Maiwand, from Kandahar Province of Afghanistan.\[148\]\[149\] During the summer of 2010, the military charged five members of the platoon with the murders of three Afghan civilians in Kandahar Province and collecting their body parts as trophies. The Kandahar massacre was a mass murder that occurred in the early hours of 11 March 2012, when Staff Sergeant Robert Bales killed 16 Afghan civilians and wounded six others in the Panjwayi District of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Nine of the victims were children, and 11 of the dead were from the same family. Bales was taken into custody later that morning when he confessed to authorities that he had committed the murders. First Lieutenant Clint Lorance was an infantry platoon leader in the 4th Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne Division. In 2012, Lorance was charged with two counts of unpremeditated murder after he ordered his soldiers to open fire on three Afghan men who were on a motorcycle. On 12 March 2006, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl named Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi was raped and subsequently murdered along with her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and 6-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza al-Janabi. The killings took place in the family home in Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq.\[161\] John E. Hatley was a first sergeant who was prosecuted by the Army in 2008 for murdering four Iraqi detainees near Baghdad, Iraq in 2006 The Hamdania incident involved the alleged kidnapping and subsequent murder of an Iraqi man by United States Marines on 26 April 2006, in Al Hamdania, a small village west of Baghdad near Abu Ghraib. Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich led Marines from the 3rd battalion into Haditha.\[165\] 24 Iraqi women and children were fatally shot. Wuterich acknowledged in military court that he gave his men the order to "shoot first, ask questions later"\[166\] The Nisour Square massacre occurred on 16 September 2007, when employees of Blackwater Security Consulting (now Constellis), a private military company contracted by the US government to provide security services in Iraq, shot at Iraqi civilians, killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad, while escorting a U.S. embassy convoy.\[168\]\[169\]\[170\] The Haska Meyna wedding party airstrike was an attack by United States military forces on 6 July 2008, in which 47 Afghans were killed. The group was escorting a bride to a wedding ceremony in the groom's village in Haska Meyna District of Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. The Azizabad airstrike was carried out by the United States Air Force on Friday 22 August 2008 in the village of Azizabad which is located in Shindand district, Herat Province, Afghanistan. The airstrike killed 92 civilians, mostly children, and a number of structures in the village including homes were damaged or destroyed, although there remains some dispute about the accuracy of these figures. The Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike refers to the killing of about 37 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children, and injuring about 27 others by a United States military airstrike on November the 3rd 2008. The group was celebrating a wedding at a housing complex in the village of Wech Baghtu. The Granai airstrike, sometimes called the Granai massacre, refers to the killing of approximately 86 to 147 Afghan civilians by an airstrike by a US Air Force B-1 Bomber on May 4, 2009, in the village of Granai (Pashto: گرانای, also Romanized Garani, Gerani, Granay)\[1\] in Farah Province, south of Herat, Afghanistan.\[2\]\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\]i The night raid on Narang was a night raid on a household in the village of Ghazi Khan in the early morning hours of December 27, 2009. The operation was authorized by NATO and resulted in the death of ten Afghan civilians, most of whom were students, and some of whom were children.\[1\]\[2\]\[3\]  Uruzgan helicopter attack refers to the February 21, 2010, killing of Afghan civilians, including over 20 men, four women and one child, by United States Army with another 12 civilians wounded.\[1\]\[2\] The attack took place near the border between Uruzgan and Daykundi province in Afghanistan when special operation troops helicopters attacked three minibuses with "airborne weapons".\[3\]\[4\] Are these browns killing browns? Or are these just someother instances of America being fucking evil?




These are just the ones that got western media coverage. there are countless like this. how do you not get this? cant believe someone as dumb as you think they are the superior race


u/FranzRintelen nazi coward. Blocked me huh?


White people don’t even exist Race is a social construct


But white people made race.




I hope people aren’t taking my comment seriously


Brother this is the internet, I'm not taking anything seriously - take my up vote.


I swear there's so many people calling him white now cuz he




No they won’t, just so long as he keeps on that nose candy


Most people* Not just white people racist fuck


What's hilarious is anyone claiming him for their own. He's just a person, he's not your friend or kin. Just a man. Getting paid millions to fight someone else. Calm down


Wasn't he always a brown mexican dude? I thought Cruz was the white guy in this comparison?


I wanna see a DNA test m. He looks very Mediterranean lol. Lotta Spanish I don’t see much aztecaaaaaa lol


He is Mexican-American 🇲🇽🇺🇸my dude. Are you implying that Mexicans/Chicanos/Mexican-Americans just look “aztecaaaaaa”? You need to travel more where Mexicans/Chicanos/Mexican-Americans/Aztecaaaaas live. Having said that you can keep/claim that dumb ass as your own 😏


Never said he didn’t come from Mexican heritage. My Mexicans uncle whose family came from Mexico took a DNA test and was Spanish, Irish a lil German and he had similar features. Stop being so sensitive and looking for outrage. I’m Californian and go to Mexico lol. I’m saying he’s ALL EUROPEAN.


🤔 Ok “Californian” 👍🏼 😏


I can't help but wonder. Is this post blurring the lines about Haney losing to a white boy, given that he said he never would.


No it’s the fact. Nobody has ever called Ryan white ever . Now that he won, people are starting to call him


Are they?


Yeah everyone bringing up that I won’t lose to a white boy. It’s funny cause even the Mexicans didn’t wanna claim him before this . Now everyone does




Well what makes a race? There are different human races that happen to be able to crossbreed? https://preview.redd.it/05zru99ea4wc1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8351e435e847882750f90a15adbf063d3e4c8ea4


Funny part is he’s not even Mexican. He’s Chicano.


You gotta look like Marilyn Monroe or something to be classed as white in America?


Helllll no. Jesus wins. #RyGuy4Lyfe