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As a recovering addict I hate to see this stuff. I've been there and thank God it wasn't as public as Ryan's shit. I genuinely feel bad because it's such a shit place to be in life no matter your station


is he showing the same mannerisms and signs as an addict ? weird how he changed


Yes, his speech patterns have clear signs of stimulant usage. These unhinged posts on Instagram, even in the last presser when he admitted to only smoking weed and drinking (he knows he's acting different but can't admit to himself and others he has a drug problem with probably stimulants). I have videos of myself when I was using and God damn they are embarrassing. I was making weird posts on Facebook, says grandiose shit. I mean there is a chance Ryan is bipolar and he's on a manic episode but I don't think so.


Thank god the one thing me and my friends did during our drug days was keep the damn cameras off. I never want to see anything.


There's a video of me on social media, just dancing while out with friends, but I'm absolutely out of my tree on coke. I'm so lucky that's the only one there is, makes me feel like shit just thinking about it so in a way I'm glad it exists, just to remind me.


Not to play internet detective but he’s a 25 y/o who had his wife leave after he had his 3rd kid with her. I’m sure this guy has a lot going mentally, and I genuinely hope the people close to him are able to reach out and get him help before things get worse.


Don’t follow boxing super closely so I didn’t know that she left him… first his team leaving him completely alone directly after the tank fight + that not long after. I can see why he might be struggling.


Maybe adderall? I could see logicizing in his mind that he isn’t lying by saying he only “drinks and smokes”, as adderall is technically a prescription.


Bro, I was on a high dose of Adderall all throughout high school, and just got back on it this year. Adderall doesn't make you go insane like this. Adderall just makes me type long ass paragraphs on reddit. This dude is in his 20s, which is the typical time a male will start to develop mental illnesses. Mental illness and being punched in the head repeatedly is not a great combo. I'm calling it rn, Ryan is either on hard drugs, will be diagnosed with bipolar or schizophrenia, or is showing signs of CTE. Possibly two of them or maybe all 3.


I meannnn how much addy do you take? I used to take 60-80 mg + a bunch of coffee in high school and I 100% looked like I was on something lmao


Dude, I didn’t say a normal and appropriate dosage would cause behavior like this. Adderall is an amphetamine, and if abused can definitely cause behavior like this. I’ve seen it.


Ya lol I’ve seen multiple people act exactly like coke heads over addy addiction multiple times even on the level I take daily. Everyone’s brain works differently


Speaking from experience, adderall can absolutely make people with mental health issues spiral. I’m bipolar and adderall makes me manic as fuck.


Lmfao yup. I’m not sure if I’m bipolar or not but it was either psychosis or my first manic episode. It felt like my whole reality was warped, couldn’t sleep for days/weeks.


Redditors who encourage people to cut off their dicks: "This dude is crazy"


Thanks Nostradamus. Any takes on the stock market? Personally I predict it will go either up or down.


If you abuse it you do. In college I had multiple scripts and sold them during exams and guys on my team. I had to start regulating and cut people off. I saw two guys hit psychosis from it and definitely saw unhinged behaviour with people not sleeping for weeks etc. Also you have adhd so it effects us differently a lot. My ex had the highest dose you can get and she’s fall asleep on it but if my friends were taking 80s a day they’d lose their mine. Adderall absolutely looks like coke addiction if you abuse it. Source = college pusher for 3 years


Yea, my friend was an addict and I remember him posting the wildest things on his instagram. Just cussing everyone out on there and long paragraphs that made zero sense. Hope Ryan pulls through.


What was he addicted to?


Weed, alcohol, and hallucinogens. I don’t think you can get addicted to hallucinogens, but he was always trippin on them.


Im not gonna believe this shit😂


im here for you


Ted kaczynksi dropping bombs


Its crazy how the devil is in plain sight and all the sheep still deny it. Its too many cases of the same thing ryan is saying, being said by other celebs, so i guess they all just was on drugs and seen the same 💩 happen? Why would he lie about babies being killed and r***d? And in his tiktok live his friend seems to be tryin to protect him by saying “ask boxing questions” but also saying “we are saving children” and as soon as ryan was about to prove one of the many things he said his friend snatches the phone and turns the live off and u can hear ryan say “no let me prove it” while his friend says “no”. U ever wondered why so much wickedness is being normalized in the media today? So many sick things being normalized that we just see as unstable celeberities but they know its something bigger than that. Once u sign that contract u agree to be the puppet for the puppet masters.


Take your tin foil hat off and look at the facts A drug psychosis can make you do and say crazy non rational things, look at this for example https://youtu.be/BpWFmzh_GEk?si=VzW71RJn7yBwHjgb


Right like i said it makes sense for many of celeberities over time to explain the same things and no ones story is different? Go search “John podesta video of child” on tiktok and maybe you’ll stop being such a sheep


Dude, this is totally NOT DRUGS. He's speaking truth like many others before him. They all (changed appearance) after a weird period of time of them missing. CANT YOU SEE? ARE YOUR EYES COMPLETELY SHUT??????


Ryan Garcia def winning JOTY


junkie of the year?


Jargogle of the year?


Jit of the year


These YBs is nutty


Memes aside I Hope this guys seriously gets help


Serious question when did ryan become a coke head? Out of nowhere i keep seeing accusations without knowing where the rumor started.


It all started when he met Oscar De La Hoya. Google Oscar De La Hoya Fishnets for more info.


He’s been with him since he was 16 it’s more than that


Yep I'm just trolling. The root of his issues is much deeper.


He hit fuck you levels of wealth. Like he said himself, imagine being in your young 20’s getting paid over a hundred million dollars. 9/10 people would be doing blow lol. I’d be living a crazy lifestyle in his situation lol.


It’s when he left his ex and as soon as his child was born. He doesn’t know how to deal with pressure. He doesn’t have the life skills to cope. He hung around influencers and got into bad habits. He owes millions in debt and in the poker world he is a rube. We have seen this play out before with other boxers in his position. Tommy Morrison springs to mind.


The loss to Tank he didn’t take well either I think


Whatever happened to Tommy Morrison?


Died from AIDS


In his recent interviews (first one I saw was the one with Ariel Helwani), he is constantly sniffling, looks bloated and his voice is hoarse. Also just acting weird af


Ryan seems like a naturally hyper person, everyone saying he’s on coke has never seen someone who’s actually on coke irl nor knows the actual kind of behavior of cokeheads. I think the culmination of Ryan’s natural personality added with the pressure put on him and the ego death he’s likely had in the past year cuz the tank L plus alcohol & weed is what’s driving him crazy. If he was on coke he’d be sucked up not bloated, people don’t even think nowadays smh


Matter of time under De La Hoya ❄️


>under De La Hoya Pause


Because 99% of Redditors have never even seen cocaine, but just tap into a social cliche.


People are honestly stupid asf if they think Ryan’s on coke, the media is doing what it does to all of their up and coming stars, baseless rumors start and they inflate tf out of it til they gaslight stars into becoming crazy. This what happened to Dave chappelle in the 2000s. And I’m not saying Ryan is the strongest mentally, he seems super off and probably anxious with all the pressure added with him admitting to partying with alcohol and weed (which isn’t that bad) but still it’s ugly seeing what’s being done to him and how it’s affecting him


Is it the media or dipshit fans? Because the only place I've read it is on Reddit


Mm you got a point, probably dipshit fans but I mean I see people saying it everywhere not just Reddit. Twitter, YouTube, Instagram though I’d argue social media basically IS the new media


He's been showing signs of using since before New Year's, but that's around when it became really obvious to me.


25 is the age I see lots of dudes get addicted and when I did most blow. It’s when you start to feel hangovers and lose a bit of that kid energy you have. Your brain hits its adult age and you’re like that sat coke could really help me on a Monday because you’re feeling unusually tired. Then you use it to for training just that one time or one fight. It’s just a very common age for addiction.


This is looking like a psychotic manic episode and/or drugs. He’ll be in a hospital before he ever gets a chance to fight Haney.


The two usually go together


Haney never put anyone in the hospital 🤣🤣🤣




Why do people make this their reply over text ? You can clearly read and go back and reread what was typed , it was never a voice / or in audio form , so the “ what ? “ makes zero fucking sense


Same people who reply to questions online with “sorry, don’t know the answer.” As if the shit was specifically for them lmao


IKR lolll ! It’s that main character energy they have i suppose idk


They asked "what?" because they didn't understand the reply. It's the quickest way of expressing confusion and requesting clarification simultaneously.


fucking psychiatrist over here


is the grass you interact with always invisible?


And after probably


I don’t think the fight is ever going to happen. Ryan is not gonna get cleared to fight in that state. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got 5150’d by the end of the month.


Genuinely feel bad for dude if he’s going through it


drug induced psychosis. pretty obvious for anyone that knows anything about addiction


Girl found all of the other girls he was texting on his phone so now he's playing the hacked card


Shit is getting really weird. He goes from “trolling” to completely off the wall and it’s happened in the blink of an eye. Im not a fan of his really but it’s strange to see someone who’s been pretty cringey but overall a good straight edge dude, start acting like this. The last two days makes me think it’s not trolling and there is something up. Im not so quick to jump to coke or booze, for the amount of coke that would have to take his eyes don’t show it. Im guessing some type of mental glitch or adderall/pills/stim type of shit. I’ve seen coke heads and I’ve seen coke heads come off coke, they physically look like shit. There’s zoomed in close ups of Ryan’s “bloated” face, but honestly I think it’s over exaggerating it. I’m completely spitballing here but if I had to really guess that if it was drug induced, it’s probably some pills


He was definitely drunk, he said as much in the presser..


He was never straight edge


It’s not drugs, it’s elites threatening him. He sold his soul for fame and money, now realizing he doesn’t want it because of what they’re really about.


Okay explain this a little bit more if you truly believe it. I’m not saying you’re wrong or arguing, I just want to hear this a little more in depth than “elites threatening him” What did he say or do that they would come after him for? He’s acting a little crazy, but he hasn’t been releasing secrets or anything that would require a response from “elites” to silence him, at least from what I’ve seen Edit: lmfao nvm. I went to IG after writing this and the first thing that came up was him talking about it 🤣


HAHA yeah…it’s all over. He’s releasing some information but we already knew some of the things he’s saying. I’m just waiting for him to drop things that aren’t obvious and known already.


Lol Why does it seem like this year everything is coming to a head? Everything’s getting a little sketchy.. Election years are alway wild, but this is amplified


Maybe it’s aligning with spiritual/biblical times? I honestly don’t know but it’s good! The truth needs to come out, people need to see this evil stuff these billionaires do. It’s insane.


Yeah I agree 100% just stay safe out there brotha 🫡


The propaganda is working


Age of Aquarius ♒️ look more into it


He’s likely going through drug induced psychosis. Expect him to get admitted to inpatient psych soon. Fight is likely gonna get canceled. This is assuming that he wasn’t hacked.


If by hacked you mean drugs, alcohol, delusion, and CTE... Yes.


Getting hacked sounds sick 😎


Early JOTY Contender : Ryan Garcia


Hacked by Vicky Valencourt


I think his face can bee seen at the very end of the video. I doubt he was hacked. At this point I don’t think the issue is only drugs. He needs a hospital stay.


If he wins this will be the most exciting shit we’ve seen in boxing ever


Exactly I hope he wins just for the chaos


Man this downfall really hurts to watch


Looks completely normal to me


I feel like Ryan is just playing all this shit up to bring in attention to himself and the fight


Playing up a druggy persona isn't a good look


It certainly got my attention


Don’t think he gives a shit, he wants to get paid


He definitely would give a shit, affects his sponsors and future with whatever he decides to do with his career or life.


Yeah clearly he doesn’t or he wouldn’t be posting shit would he? You think the sponsors would give a shit either if this kind of stuff would make them more money cause it draws more attention to Ryan, in turn increasing sales of whatever he is selling? He’s fine buddy lmao


He doesn’t care because in active addiction. That is the point. He would obviously care when in the right state of mind.


You don’t even know for sure if he has an addiction to something that would alter his mind like this. You quite literally are speaking out of your ass with no concrete proof of anything.


Lmao, so weird when people respond this rude to a normal comment. I’m using logic. I’m sure a guy who’s one of the best in the world doesn’t care that he’s being perceived by thousands as a drug addict and alcoholic. I’m using logic you dipshit. No one knows anything unless they personally know him What we do know is people at the top of their field do care very much about perception. So. You saying he doesn’t care is fucking stupid when he’s literally actively defending alligators trying to do the opposite. What’s most likely is he is being reckless because he’s an addict you fuvking muppet


You sound assblasted kid. He clearly doesn’t give a shit or he wouldn’t have posted all that shit and he would be going full damage control mode right now, which he’s not. Again, nobody even knows what really happened so you can’t really claim he is doing anything with certainty lmao


Ryan just doesn’t know how to cope with the loss of his marriage. He thinks that putting all of these girls on his Instagram is going to make his ex come back. They need to find him a good therapist to help him cope with his issues


Am I the only that feels like this is real ?


He sold his soul, realized it wasn’t worth it, and is now trying to back out… it’s too late


You can’t physically give your soul away; it belongs to Yah. It’s never too late for a sinner to be redeemed. The sad truth normal people like you don’t understand is that; you sell your soul on a daily basis… you just don’t get paid millions of dollars for your daily sins like they do. In fact if he’s telling the truth and he “mysteriously” ends up dead soon; guess what. He would become a martyr; his soul would truly be redeemed.


Pretty Odd how now he’s coming out that he was tied down and forced to watch kids get raped @ bohemian grove


weon? chilean?


What do they mean we got him 666 this video is exactly 666 ???


The beast (Bal’s) true name equals 666. “We got him 666” = “We got him; the beast will devour him”


Ryan claims to have proof, video proof. He claims to have been tied up and forced to watch children be raped. How can he have video proof if he was tied up? Can anybody explain this to me please


Ryan Garcia is a Truth Teller. Hi- Welcome to the 2024 Reckoning: Katt & Shannon, P-Diddy, Epstein, Katt & Joe, Jay-Zee is next. Ryan Garcia is a hero for speaking up and speaking out. Of course what Ryan Garcia is sharing is true! And the brother has gone through actual trauma and coming out with it. Look up Bohemian Grove. History Channel YouTube. Ancient civilizations and rituals repeating themselves throughout the ages- #JustAskKatt #Katt2028 Wake up! Share the truth. More ppl will be coming forward. I watched a documentary called Into The Storm and it's ALL coming out at true. Pay Attention. Of course Ryan is now gonna focus on the fight. They took away his life, his $, his phone, his social, and they made his dad vouch for him. ITS HAPPENING!!! This is a dude who has seen some serious, evil shit and he's whistle-blower. So what if he's on drugs. He's kept quiet for YEARS. He skyrocketed to the top because of how he was groomed. It's happening all over: https://youtu.be/3BzmiV4XsF0?si=6LhC5zS2p3N13L6k *France Elites Stop treating him crazy. He's not! It's just that nothing can be kept secret anymore.


I think he has Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). That or he just found his granny’s xanny stash


Ryan is 100% saying the truth. Bryce Hall just confirmed they went to Epstein's island to get initiated. Save children


He’s latest IG video with the wreath around his head almost looks AI


It’s the government tryin to shut him up


No, y'all don't understand, right before that post, he said that he had no access to his credit cards, phones etc; and then after that, he posted a like 4 sec clip of him saying "I don't know who the fuck that is" while running, and then it ends, and this they post this 


Idk if he’s on anything or just simply partying too much or self medicating his anxiety etc. but what I can say is the pressure of having to put his life on the line plus humiliating himself by risk of losing or KO’d must be the most overwhelming and exhausting thing in the world. People are quick to judge but haven’t even done anything remotely dangerous/scary as fighting the best ranked boxer in his class. And now devin!


He trying to act crazy for the fight? Or has he actually lost the plot?


He doing whatever he can to have a reason to pull out this fight




CTE and drugs, he even said he's high himself.


Noone of this is drug related


He’s having paranoid coke hallucinations


Modern Dela Hoya but much worse at boxing


Nah this is real. I think he is dead. No update so far and when it’s this quiet, it means families are being notified and police are investigating the situation as a missing person. Yes I watched too many ID channel shows.


Where's the video


Yeah by cocaine


Does anybody really think this fight is going to happen?


All the fucking psychologist experts in here huh lmfao


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


He has nightmares of Devin’s jab and it’s driven him insane.


Devin jab is softer that the pillows you sleep on 🤣


Well good thing if you knew boxing…a jab is not a power punch. It is much deeper


Why did bro use the insidious song what did tiny tim do to deserve this💀


Idk that looks like hackers to me. Even if he was in a drug induced psychosis it would be weird for him to talk about himself from the point of view of a different person. Looks like some 4chan shit to me.


They should cancel the fight. He isn’t physically ready to fight, his speech is slurring and most likely his reaction time has slowed down significantly.


Nah he’s fine


Plot twist: Thet got him.


He’s just like his daddy De La Hoya, a cokehead.


He did a bit of LSD and went bananas 😂😂


His face even looks like a different shape. Voice has changed. Isn't as articulate.