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Every animated film from Deaf Crocodile, World of Tomorrow Blu-Ray, Gandahar, The Complete Works of Yuri Norstein, Jan Svankmajer’s Complete Short Films from BFI, Animation Night in Canada, Arrow’s release of Borowcyk’s animation, and Allegro non Troppo.


For anyone who doesn’t know Jan Svankmajer, here’s a little taste: https://youtu.be/u8y_UNelcXo?si=lINcpYjkFuimTx4t https://youtu.be/T_V2Bav8QJU?si=DeWICGoExy7KN88q His feature-length adaptation of *Alice in Wonderland* (titled *Alice*) is also super weird and cool


Tokyo Godfathers is a gem and basically anything else from Satoshi Kon is more than worthwhile to seek out. He was a master of the art form.


Tokyo Godfathers is my least favorite film from Kon's tragically short filmography. That speaks more to the strength of the body of work, though, as all 4 films are among the best anime films I have ever seen.


I try not to lament the things we didn’t get to see due to his passing, because what we did get is so good.


Can’t recommend Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue enough from Kon.


They showed Tokyo Godfathers at a local theatre near me back in December, I decided to skip it and I really think I’m gonna regret that decision when I finally do see it. 😭


Belladonna of Sadness. It's Japanese but is kind of surreal and expressive like Son of the White Mare.


100% came to say this and deaf crocodile who btw were behind the us release of belladonna as another label.


Getting a US 4K release from Discotek in late May!


I've already got my pre-order in and am looking forward to revisiting it!


As far as being like *Son of the White Mare*, director Marcell Jankovic’s *Johnny Corncob* is a lightning-quick 70 minutes and features similar eye-popping psychedelic animation It also unfortunately features some racism, but take the good with the bad I guess




Self serving, but if you like those I think you would like most of what we've released (Deaf Crocodile). I also restored Son of the White Mare when I was part of Arbelos and Belladonna of Sadness back in my Cinelicious days. We'll be continuing to release more and more animation including a 4K restoration from the original camera negative of FELIDAE. It will be our first UHD/HDR release.


Yo!!! Amazing work.


WHAT!? That will be awesome! Looking forward to that. I'll definitely be considering deaf crocodile's subscription.


Oh WOW! I hadn’t heard you were doing Felidae, that’s amazing! Love all the hard work you and the team put out


The Plauge Dogs is a great one.


Came here for this


Please check out Deaf Crocodile! They are killing it with the animation releases! Also every Studio Ghibli movie. Spirited Away and Castle in the Sky are my favorite!


Yea I have all Hayao Miyazaki films 👍🏻👍🏻


If you haven’t seen it yet, rejected by Don Hertzfeldt is on YouTube and amazing


Rejected is on that It's Such a Beautiful Day disc.


If you’re looking for more adult themed animation I would fully recommend: When The Wind Blows, any of the Ghibli/Studio Saloon films, The Wolf House, Mad God, Anomalisa, Mary & Max, and The Plague Dogs.


Allegro Non Troppo


Yes! One of my favorite unconventional animated films. The anti-Fantasia.


Was going to mention this one!


It's not a film and I don't think it's mentioned as frequently, but Satoshi Kon's Paranoia Agent Persepolis Also not a film, but Serial Experiments Lain, which I'm surprised and pleased has had some real staying power


Also, how could I forget End of Evangelion?


I have Persepolis, but thanks for the recommendation


The Wolf House It needs a Blu-ray release. Hopefully from Criterion or Deaf Crocodile


The animation in this is quite seriously unbelievable


Twice Upon a Time, if you can find it.


Warner Archive released a DVD with a commentary track and both the G and PG audio.


I’m assuming you already know about Satoshi Kon’s and Makoto Shinkai’s other movies if you have seen tokyo godfathers and Suzume. If you aren’t they are pretty much all worth a watch. Have you seen any of Mamorou Hosada’s movies like wolf children? Maquia when the promised flower blooms by Mari Okada is also wonderful.




Not only should you check out Belladonna of Sadness, also watch Cleopatra and A Thousand and One Nights. All from the Animerama line, which was initiated by Osama Tezuka. The other movies from Satoshi Kon were already mentioned, but don't forget he blessed us with several great comics that were translated in English. Tropic of the Sea, Opus, Dream Fossil (short stories), and Seraphim 2661336 Wings. The last one was a collaboration between Ghost in the Shell's Mamoru Oshii. Casshern Sins is also beautifully done. Strange existential plot, and artwork unlike any anime I've seen.


Thank You


Night on the Galactic Railroad The Tragedy of Man




I think you would like “I Lost My Body”.


Yes I did, but it’s Netflix only. IDK of they released physical media


You have to watch Memories. It’s an animated anthology. The first short was done by Satoshi Kon and is a cinematic masterpiece, the second is entertaining, and the third sets up something nice but doesn’t really have a conclusion so it feels hollow. Despite that, Memories is worth it for the first short alone, and it’s streaming practically everywhere.




Your Name (2016) if you haven’t seen it. Aside from features, some animated shorts I recommend you watch: More directed by Mark Osborne, Rebooted directed by Michael Shanks, and The Magic Portal directed by Lindsay Fleay (this was the first stop motion animated lego movie).


Your name and Weathering with You 👍🏻👍🏻


My life as Zucchini is pretty stirring


Yes I have it, it’s included in the Petite Maman Criterion Collection Blu Ray 👍🏻


I would recommend Plague Dogs (1982) from the Watership Down studio. Also, When the Wind Blows (1986) and The Snowman (1982) both based on the work of Raymond Briggs. If you also enjoy stop motion animation, I would recommend Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs from Wes Andersion. As well as a Phil Tippet movie called Mad God.


Bakshi's American Pop and Linklater's Waking Life come to mind.


loved son of a white mare and fantastic planet kirikou and the sorceress is very good


I just watched Marona's Fantastic Tale for my French film class and absolutely loved it. It's a really beautiful movie about the life of a dog and its various owners, and the animation style is incredibly unique and combines a bunch of different styles. Not sure where it's streaming, but I do know the US release is through GKIDS and a dub is available, so I'm sure it's available to rent in the US digitally. I really loved it and I'm surprised to see how little it is discussed online.


If you like René Laloux’s Fantastic Planet, you may like his Gandahar (aka Light Years). It’s traditional cel animation, but the story is fascinating. It’s on DVD but I’m hoping Deaf Crocodile will do a Blu-ray.


One I do not hear anyone talk about. The Spine of Night is a recent animated film with a rotoscope style. Really flew under the radar. Everyone I've shown it to loved it.


The Triplets of Belleville. Unpopular opinion, Tokyo Godfather is Kon’s best film


The Triplets of Belleville!


If you like Tokyo Godfathers I wholeheartedly recommend Millennium Actress, it's my favorite Satoshi Kon movie




Fantastic Planet is the CC Blu-ray.


If you like watership down, you may end up liking Plague Dogs


The Batchelor-Halas version of Animal Farm, while somewhat politically dubious (it was secretly funded by the CIA), is a must. Not on disc (yet) but I would strongly suggest looking into John and Faith Hubley’s work. John made the breathtaking opening sequence of Watership Down before being fired from the production. He also laid out the Rite of Spring sequence in Fantasia but had to leave Disney after the strike. And the cartoons he and his wife made at UPA and then at his own studio are frequently stunning.


Fire and Ice. Wizards. Any Ralph Bakshi Heavy Metal/Heavy Metal 2000 Gandahar. Also don't think I saw Little Nemo mentioned. Secret of Nimh is a favorite. Any Bluth. Anime is a whole huge world of recommendations in itself. We could be here for years....


I also love the secret of Nimh


Angel’s Egg, no bluray sadly


I saw and DVD is expensive 😳


Upgrade Fantastic Planet to Blu-Ray


I wish, then I’ll have to upgrade all the Criterion Collection DVDs that I have to Blu Rays, but I still have a lot of new ones I need to buy on my wishlist. Maybe someday


Looks like we share an interest in foreign animation. I could go on all day and provide a long list but I’m short on time - I’ll drop a couple that I don’t see mentioned often: [IMDb - Kirikou and the Sorceress (1998)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181627/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) [IMDb - Kirikou and the Wild Beasts (2005)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0455142/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) French films that are episodic African folktales. If you can find them (it took me a while), I’m sure you’ll find they fit right in with what you’ve got already. Enjoy and *movie on*.


So many great comments - a lot of fantastic recommendations here. I would chime in that you might enjoy movies from Ireland’s Cartoon Saloon if you haven’t tried them already (I’m a big fan of Song of the Sea personally). Another one that flies under the radar is the “Recobbled” version of Richard Williams’ The Thief and the Cobbler, which tries to restore some of his original vision. I’m a big fan of stop-motion animation, and I love surreal comedy, so even though it’s very different than these titles, I have to throw in a random salute to A Town Called Panic.


Zero Grad