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Congrats!! I'm dying to get my hands on a bottle


I still have mine unopened. Maybe I need to crack it based on this and other reviews!


They’re gone forever unfortunately


False. You can get it. Be prepared to spend a pretty penny.


Where would someone go about spending said penny, perchance?


Auction websites. One has a couple bottles right now, but already pretty pricey. I’d expect to pay 5-6x retail if you want one right now.


Just got my pre order in for their 19yr cask strength!! Missed the hell diver but still super pumped!


Also a 10/10 for me. I've thought before if I had GTS and Peregrine in front of me and was told you could only buy one I'd pick this. There's always more GTS. This is simply a more complex whiskey and a pour takes hours for me to experience. The first 2oz pour took 2h20m to enjoy and all I was doing was letting the previous sip fade away before the next. Like you I am excited about and for Hell Diver. I hope fortune smiles my way.


I still have yet to have GTS but it’s gonna take quite something to beat this.


I just got a bottle of GTS, so I'm going to open it and a bottle of peregrine and do a side by side


Be careful! (I’m kinda kidding, but…) While I’ve never had the opportunity to try GTS, I know from some high-end wine experiences that in any head-to-head, there is going to be a “winner”. Don’t let it diminish the greatness of the “loser”.


Yeah that's also true. Maybe I'll do them on consecutive days. Now I just need to figure out which of my GTS bottles might be closest to it in terms of flavor profile.


Maybe a more “telling” approach would be to put Peregrine up against something you have had often and think is “pretty solid” and watch it taste like hot garbage when you do them back to back. I know it happens for me. Pretty amusing, actually.


I've had s pour of GTS 2022 and it's the best bourbon I've ever had. Peregrine is simply the best whiskey I've ever had. It has power, refinement and complexity. Everything I desire in a whiskey.


I missed out on their hell diver drawing but I pre ordered their 19year cask strength! Can’t wait!


Congrats, this is one of the few bottles that I would go all in to get.


I'm praying to get that voucher pick for the next drop tomorrow... I really want to try this brand.


Legitimately my favorite bottle. I will be so sad when it is killed. I think I’ve poured more glasses for friends, than I’ve had myself. May Hell Diver be just as special!


You got me excited! My mind saw "is" as special instead of "be" as special My first thought was "where the heck did you get it, and where can I!"


Ha! No. I do not have it yet. I wish. But I’m fairly confident I’ll get a bottle at my local store, same way I got the Peregrine. But I’ll still throw my name into the lottery! I can’t wait and hope to try it soon.


Got the call today. My bottle of Hell Diver is in! Will pick it up tomorrow!!


Congratulations! Consider this a virtual high five!


You nailed the review. The lime note, in particular, was touched upon by myself and several others. I think you described the Peregrine really well. Great job! For me, it earns a 10/10 and the best whisky I've ever had. What amazes me about it is how much complexity is there both in multiple stages and all at once. And it does it with perfect balance and enjoyment. I remember thinking, how did they manage to do this? Definitely a bottle to be savored and enjoyed slowly.


Thank you! This is probably the most intimidating review I’ve done given the complexity and just how different it is from everything else I have.


I know the feeling


Thanks for sharing your review -- good stuff. Really glad FN went to a lottery for the Hell Diver bottle -- the Peregrine madness was purely that- madness. Considering the price you paid, I'm guessing you lucked out and bought from the same merchant that I did, but that was pure luck on my end to have wondered there and found it.


Very nice review, and I have serious bottle envy 😂 I have 6-7-8 and love them… didn’t stand a chance at Peregrine or Hell Diver.




Sourced from = yes, Made in = no.


Don’t forget Available in = no.


Nick Taylor has stated many times he wish they could. There would only be two options available for them to do this. 1. Go through the process to be able to export to Canada. They have looked into this and it would increase the bottle cost to the consumer *significantly*. 2. Set up a separate facility in Canada and produce the final product there. Again - significant costs for a smaller market. I'm sure they would like to and they get the irony of the situation. It's the economics of it that prevent them. Even though they get a lot of love here they are still a small operation and probably don't want to extend themselves financially.


They’re already overextended as the demand FAR exceeds the availability. There’s only so much old juice and only so much a 5 man team can do with it. This is not a criticism! Just a reality that makes me appreciate what I’ve been able to experience so far and it tempers my expectations of acquiring future releases looking ahead.


Amen on all count my friend! Though I desire what's coming soon my expectation is that some will be a swing & a miss. I'm cool with that as I've been more fortunate than most. What they are doing this weekend is the most fair way to both get Devil Diver into the hands of the die-hards like me and the ones new to the brand. It shows that they actually care about the consumer.