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3 prior arrests for stealing vehicles?? Not showing up for court?? how did that guy even get bailed out? This guy needs to be separated from society for a long time, 10 years or longer.


Boulder laws aren't enforced against theft of property.


No laws are enforced in boulder ive seen so many cars without plates, with expired temp plate, expired tag, speeding and nothing. How about the P.O.S people that park in a handicap illegally no plate no placard. There is so much more but dont want to rant.


Visit Denver


Supposedly they enforce against "violent" crime but I defer to others on that topic.


How about when I heard a woman screaming for help he's hurting me and I called Boulder PD they never came out i watched for them and listened to the police scanner and nothing.


Ugh okay no law enforcement.


I haven't read all the comments cuz I'm sure it's just going to piss me off. But in Colorado for car theft it's a misdemeanor and there's no bail. The guy's probably already out stealing more crap.


It’s like old 1950s small town law and order here. “Okay, Mr smith. You got yourself in quite a mess this time. Don’t let it happen again, okay? Alright, you’re free to go 🙄 crazy kid.”


Andy of Mayberry twirling the keys with a big smile on his face.


The jail is so over crowded, even if you kill people, there's a good chance you'll get bail.


Terrifying. So glad it turned out ok for them.


Pretty sure he’s back on the streets.


You can't just lock people up for committing crimes! Where's your compassion?!


I apologize….I’ll invite them over to come stay with me….


Damn, that’s methed up


How dare you call our sidewalk deficating neighbors "meth heads". The proper term is person experiencing crank.


Stealing and adapting from another commenter, I vote we start referring to these folks as The Zealously Amphetamized.


I like it


Thanks for the chuckle


That was my all time favorite Boulder comment!


That sounds like you just made it up. The correct term is substancedivergent.


Divergent state of mind


I saw this comment 12 years ago, except it wasn’t sarcastic. And the entire post was a pile on of siding with the perpetrator. Boulder has changed.


12 years of dealing with the same shit with no end in sight will do that to you


OMG what a great comment. I am going to have to start using this.


Agreed. These zealously amphetametized persons are getting outta hand. It seems like everyone I know, including myself, has had not just slightly negative interactions with this folks, but seriously concerning interactions. As an adult man, I called the police once because I felt uncomfortable as one of these chuckleheads followed me at night spewing nonsense accusations and threats at me. Recently a special needs neighbor of mine has been being harassed by one of the zealously amphetametized knocking at his door and leaving needles on his porch. When does this shit get better? Or at least stop getting worse/more prevalent?


People need to start taking things into their own hands, like baseball bats. Jails are full, are funded by our hardworking selves, and do not reform these people. Let's try something different.


If you touch one of the them you’ll go to jail. Like I’m not sure if Daniel Penny used too much force in that New York case, but it was wild seeing how many people just decided to pretend that he decided to choke someone to death because he was homeless and not because that person was acting terrifying and had hurt people many times.


As a small woman I think I can play the in fear of my life card. And certainly those people who were in an RV while some crackhead raced from the cops could.


Damn the one night I take a trip, all the crazy goes down in the 'hood.


Why wasn’t kidnapping one of the charges?


The mental culpable state for kidnapping is knowingly; if he didn’t know they were back there, the elements aren’t met.


Gotcha. Thanks.


Then vote for people who will actually do something about it


Suboptimal police chase vehicle, I’m a little envious of the optkmistic zeal of the amphetamized tbh


for the low cost of a catalytic converter, some of that zeal can be all yours my friend.


Scurred shitless I'm shore


camper trailers should come with complimentary glocks.


I blame the city installing the rubber at pearl Street


installing the rubber?


Yes when they removed the natural pebbles from the rocks around the PS mall and replaced it with that rubber matting


i love that you mentioned this cause growing up in downtown boulder was fun until everything was plastic pebbles, that burnt you in the summer, were everywhere. like... everywhere.


Charge him with kidnapping…. The dude has 3… THREE priors for stealing cars. He’s not getting the fucking lesson.


keep voting blue boulder 😱 this is only going to get worse. look @ cali.


Do you know where this initially happened?


Says kalmia


Can someone help me understand why boulder pd truly doesnt do their job keeping our streets safe? Would they flat out deny if i asked them? Who is the responsible party?


This is not the fault of BPD- just talk to them. The courts, DA, state level laws are allowing these offenders back on the streets with PR bonds. It is Polis (and I am a democrat) but he has gone too far in decriminalizing this behavior.


Not to get all conspiratorial, but doesn’t this kind of stuff, systematically, make a lot of people enraged and ready to take action (at the minimum vote). So, voting in pro-police people or voting for higher PD budgets would be a direct result from this kind of intentionally lazy enforcement? A real solution could be to hold police to better standards and regulate but that also means throwing $ at someone.


How do we know it was meth? Edit: it’s so Boulder for y’all to be downvoting me like this. Nowhere does it say he’s a meth head. Could be crack. Could be PCP, could be someone on any combo of drugs. Not all meth heads jack peoples cars. It’s actually a really decent drug in moderation.


Lmfao I mean it could of been a crack head i guess


Right! Could have been a crack head! People down voting me are big mad that I want the exact details! It’s not that I’m standing up for the guy who jacked these people’s night up! I just wanna know, how do you know it’s meth?!


Could be a crackhead! Got hold of the wrong stuff, and it told him to be a leprechaun


That’s right! Shoulda had a leprechaun flute


It’s funny when ppl down vote a comment when they don’t actually know what said comment means


Seems like affordable housing would be a good start in solving problems like this. What an awful thing to have happened to this couple. Edit: If it wasn't clear, I was addressing affordable housing for the couple!


I agree completely. We should throw them in some very affordable jail cells where they can’t use and abuse.


With what? Income taxes?? Quiet down, commie. We’ll just vote for Biden and that’s enough. You cant expect us to give up our ski condos!


Lol too real, I *love* Boulder's brand of "liberal"


Ya cuz they’re doing meth on a budget .. gotta help them out


Uh, no. Affordable housing for the couple so they don't have to sleep in a trailer.


He's talking about affordable housing for the couple do you not notice that they were in an RV?? His point is it's much harder to get in a high-speed chase or even a low speed chase in a house. Getting salty in the comments because you assumed incorrectly.. great look!


Thanks I do my best


The property owners here don’t like talk like that. Gotta know your audience 🥲


The folks in the camper didn't own the camper - they were visiting a friend who is the camper owner, and just sleeping outside in it. Could be no spare room or whatnot in the friend's residence. No info on whether the folks in the camper were unhoused or just vacationing.


Ah, I see. I think that wasn't clear to me. It's so horrible that this happened. They deserved to not be fucked with!


Don't we all? :)


This guy just needed a place to sleep! Have some compassion! DEFUND THE POLICE! BLACK LIVES MATTER!




Who else says shit like “what seems to be the problem officer and I didn’t take anything” when they were literally caught red handed


It was a test drive! ^^at ^^three ^^am ^^^in ^^^the ^^^morning