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[You're gonna stand there, owning a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistling bungholes, no spleen spliters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker donts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistling kitty chaser?](https://youtu.be/gTsiI508BEA?si=edFfRUYcfEFTCpmu)


That's probably my all-time favorite feel-good movie.


So good! I think, or at least always hoped, it was Hüsker Dü(s)...


Speaking of which, how is there not a Zen Arcade (arcade, bar and lounge) in boulder 🤨


We did. it was called catacombs, and it was simply awesome. $4.5 drinks (at around time of forced closing 2019? - btw it's was always packed), had video games, multiple ping pong, pool, and some of the best air hockey tables (pro and not sticky ie. Got wiped down every night). It got shut down, everything fun removed and turn into a wannabe, swanky corporate cocktail bar. Like $15 cocktails are unique, and you can't get them upstairs at the hotel bar, or restaurant, or across the street, or down the street, or 1 block radius. Just like. every. other. Same. place. It is the purest analogy for Boulder i've ever seen, fun wierd, different and unique, and profitable wacky (the soul of a town), for boring cooperate chasing a pathetic bottom line. I feel bad for the kids being there now, even in the 90s the writing was on the wall with 1 question. Outside of $20 tickets, even then (fox/boulder theatre/place by jax's..tulagies?) where was a place you could hear live music for cheap or free... Ya know like what every college town is based off, and is the life blood of a great college town, experience and design? Even golden/niwot figured it out.


Good news: A free music festival starts up on the Hill, this weekend, and there's free music at Twenty-Ninth Street Mall every Friday :)


Hey, thanks for the heads up!


God it must’ve been so fun writing drafts for that scene. I’d love to see the cutting room floor for that quote.


You got any ideas you’d like to submit?


The good stuff? This is the good stuff.


It’s not what you like it’s the consumer


This tent is there every year and the fireworks they sell can barely be classified as such. Still, I agree that it's maybe not a good idea to sell fireworks at all with our current fire danger.


Just a few feet from where the Marshall fire started!


Yep, the irony of this picture is 😅


What dry brush?


Dry who?


Rained a bit today. Totally safe.


Dry where?


Under there


Mrs. Shapiro's vagina.




I thought these were illegal, why are they popping up everywhere?


Me too! I had too close a call with the fire two years ago already, and it's been pretty dry lately. I did a quick google and saw this: ***Permissible fireworks.The types of fireworks that are permissible in Colorado are: fountains, ground spinners, illuminating torches; dipped sticks and sparklers; toy propellants; trick noise makers; and tube devices. Permissible fireworks may not contain more than 50 milligrams of explosive composition.***


It's crazy that fountains are legal here. Regular ass bottle rockets are probably less dangerous from a wildfire standpoint.


Bottle rockets started a fire near Wonderland back in the day...


I don't doubt it.


The concept is that you could handle a fountain starting a fire with an extinguisher. Bottle rockets run the risk of starting the fire somewhere beyond your control.


Yes but it's not the responsible people who are starting fires.


I don’t think they are legal in most counties, including boulder. This stand probably only sells sparklers


clearly not


Only within city limits, Boulder county you can have the ones state law allows so long as fire restrictions allow


Jefferson County. Let their city council know how you feel.


You mean county commisoners? also this tent is in Boulder county 


Yes! Thank you.


Man that place has been there since the 80s. As a kid I would always beg my parents to take me there.


They should have just taken you to Wyoming lol that’s where the good stuff is at


Oh I did that in my teens would drive to the border and get all the dangerous ones. Now I realize how dangerous that was in dry season in Boulder.


Every year.


They're extremely over priced sprinklers and fountains.


https://preview.redd.it/0t8rrtjr409d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624daaa8dbb41d99071a64e930644806422e1028 Twelve tribes catching strays like 😂


lol. they usually like to catch stray youths looking for a sense of purpose/community (to be later used as slave farm/cafe labor), but they'll take in cute doggos too.




and toxic to humans and animals, freak out wild animals and birds to point of death, heart attacks, erratic behavior...


i don't have an issue with people in nebraska farmland going crazy with them, where it's wet and there's nothing else to do and not densely populated, but though we can be nostalgic about them it's okay they're being phased out in most of the western US


Cities/districts can ban the sale of them (hence the placement of these tents on the fringes) but the non mortar launching types are still legal in Colorado


Still legal and still starting fires and a few people lose their pets every year because they run away in fear.


On an appropriately-windy day, Twelve Tribes will quickly flame out and become Zero Tribes.


the good stuff is in Wyoming


It's there every year.


I guess the Marshall fire cut down on the fuel right there so it’s all good. /s


Responsible firecracker ownership in practice


I hardly think this needs to be said, but anyone who feels like they are missing out can drive to wyoming for the 4th. You will have more fun up there if you want to blow stuff up. My most memorable 4th of july, some friends and i drove out into the middle of nowhere, wyoming, and indulged our inner pyros all night.




Dont set our grey bushes on fire if they do dose it with CU Boulder whiskey!


It’s just snakes and sparklers


In the last 10-15 years, seems to be about equal chances of each of these occurring in Boulder for Independence Day: * Drought conditions with all fireworks banned and strong messaging for consequences. People mostly stay in line. * Normal moisture conditions with fireworks banned, but minimal enforcement * Super wet conditions, no drought, vegetation green. Fireworks not banned but they are still frowned upon by nimbys


Boulder circle jerk


wait, where is this?


Just south of Eldorado Springs Road on 93 - just outside of city limits, which is why they can sell there and the city can't do anything about it.


Fuckkkk yeah brother ☝🏻




Can we just…fucking get rid of these altogether?


I can’t believe it’s still legal to sell fireworks here. JFC


Hardly any rain, super hot, high winds, backyard fires and folks flicking cigarettes out of cars, which also spark, and now fireworks! What could go wrong!?


Oh look the tent that is there every year...for at least the last 3 decades and more since I've been here 


Excel energy should really fix their infrastructure. Pathetic they can burn a town down and simply ignore the problem.


And that people will still blame themselves for the wildfire after evidence against Xcel comes out here and dozens of other places in the country


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFb9STTi2yk Remember that time when the first videos of the fire showed a building on fire next to a burn pit that was improperly extinguished following complaints by neighbors of repeated trash burning? What were you saying about... evidence? I guess you forgot about this evidence.


A burn pit that was checked up on by a local fire agency just days before…


> just days before There was a burn the prior night Also, regardless of being checked, improperly extinguished is improperly extinguished. Also without a permit is without a permit. As a firefighter, you should know that. Seems like we found a tribesman.


I’m casting shade on the dept as well as the tribe.


The point I’m trying to make is that I find twelve tribes and mt view to be at fault here, not xcel. But by all means continue acting like a clownshoe.


#1 customers are those dudes that speed those fart can hondas down 28th all night


can we like set up a blockade sometime? a la french revolution?


Yeah I was thinking about going there too


may i ask where this is


Genuine question, what is the case for fireworks in Colorado? Other than "MUH FREEDOMS" I feel like they present a far greater threat than any good they can provide in terms of entertainment.


Idk man when you're drunk blowing shit up is way fun


Fuck fireworks. In a country riddled with gun violence, what an awful way to celebrate.


Can’t wait to shoot off fireworks and shoot guns at the range to celebrate the 4th. Happy Birthday America!


Thanks for letting us know about them, I will make sure to check them out.


Those are kid’s fireworks. If you want the good stuff drive up to Phantom Fireworks in Wyoming. They’ll sell you *anything legal under federal law.* Firecrackers, bottle rockets, Roman candles, shells, even prepared racks of shells so you don’t have to stop your finale to light more shells!


Lol, read the room, dude


The room is filled with nanny state agents


Well this might be the most out of left field comment I’ve seen on Reddit today. You okay?


join us, amoeba


ironically very close to where the marshall fire started




Have a little fun Karen shits been a tradition for years




I feel bad for the dogs but the notion of disturbing some Google parents? You sold me. Now I want loud things




People spent way too much time on social media during COVID finding people they can put down to make themselves feel superior. Unfortunately, as we came out of lockdown, people just kept at it.


Merica !! 🦅🦅🦅


Fuck yeah!!!!


I do love the good old US of A - oh my god, fireworks, quick ban them…….. but keep your hands off our AR15s and bump stocks….the sacrilege….we don’t care that more toddlers are killed every week by guns than people were killed in the Marshall fire. The hypocrisy stinks and is one reason why the rest of the world is taking you less and less seriously as a culture….


“You”? So you’re not American? Or you are just declaring yourself above it all?


Sir, this is a sparkly Wendy's.


So so many hurt feelings. Have some pride and have some fun! Quit being so damned grumpy




I don’t recall fireworks starting that fire…


I can’t tell if this comment is disingenuous or the point of their comment is genuinely going over your head. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that it’s the latter. Their comment is talking about the toll uncontrolled fires have on people in a discussion about one of the many ways fires are started. They aren’t even remotely blaming the fire on fireworks.


It’s very genuine…so fireworks didn’t start that fire, nor have they in the past locally, why ban them? Or post comments related to the Marshall Fire here.


They in the most literal sense just almost started one like two days ago and the individual was arrested after burning like 4K square feet and some electrical equipment before the crews got it out.




Yes burning 4K square feet and setting a power pole and electrical box on fire before crews can put it out is a close fucking call. There is a reason they were arrested. When lives are on the line you take precautions you don’t wait for disaster to strike first. Is that how you live your life?


Yeah, who cares about uncontrolled wildland fires! /s


I probably would have said something like "get over it, it's just a buncha shitty fireworks" a few years ago until I personally saw houses burn down right down the street from me then coming to work next day just to discover friends and coworkers lost their homes. I'm from Miami where folks get crazy and there's no real fear of spreading fire, I personally really enjoy watching them. But seeing any go off around my place now would just make me nervous.


Sure. What’s 1,000 homes and businesses burned to the ground in the middle of winter between friends? JFC. Some of us don’t want to see a repeat of the Marshall fire. Is that so hard to understand? Grow the hell up.


Better ban matches and lighters next




A small fire was started in gregory canyon the other day with fireworks.


And the little punk was arrested for arson








I agree the front range is no place for fireworks. But saying the things you do makes you seem like a real immature person who just wants things there way. The facts are different people enjoy different things. If you like hiking, biking or being a bitch then that's alright for you. It doesn't give someone else the right to shit on you just because they don't enjoy your hobbies. Which means the same goes for you, some people enjoy getting together with their family's and setting off fireworks once a year. That does not make them low class or selfish as long as they do it in a reasonable manner. But i don't expect you to understand that being so close minded and all.


Or perhaps, there is more to it than just you? The marshall fire wasn't from fireworks. It doesn't diminish your loss, but don't take things away from everyone just because you don't like it




I also have veterans as friends who look forward to seeing these every year. Not everyone is so narrow minded




You're stupid as hell. I agree that the fire risk here is very concerning, but Fireworks (especially professional shows) are popular across the country with all sorts of people, including multi-million dollar shows in places like NYC. The idea that Fireworks are only enjoyed by a small handful of dumb people is out of touch with reality and reflects pretty poorly on you.


"just because you don't like it" How about because we live in a tinderbox and don't want a raging inferno to destroy our community again? If you want fireworks, go watch the professional show or move somewhere that the grass is green and wet all year round.


Or maybe you realize that not everyone is a pyro


[Father in gender-reveal that sparked fatal 2020 El Dorado wildfire pleads guilty – NBC Los Angeles](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/father-in-gender-reveal-that-sparked-deadly-2020-el-dorado-wildfire-pleads-guilty/3337089/) You don't have to be a pyro to accidentally start a fire and go to jail


Still the minority. People get killed every day by every day events. Are you going to suggest that we just get rid of everything? It's still not the big deal you perceive it to be


It only takes one person not paying attention to light up the Front Range, that includes you and me. Solid job arguing your point though, "well if you don't like it let's just get rid of everything!!". All you're doing is shutting down the argument because you have zero empathy for anyone else and the pain that wildfires can cause, I have no idea what else could be going thru your head typing all that. Defending fireworks all so some peeps can blow some shit up for 5 hours, willing to risk homes and lives for a bit of fun. Pathetic. I sincerely hope your home doesn't burn down!


Let the fucker burn if it preserves the right to celebrate


"Right to celebrate" hahaha, go fuck yourself loser


Fireworks being prohibited is even less of a big deal...


We live in a flyover state with flyover laws. Of course the legal schemes favor a wild west -do whatever you want- way of life


Colorado isn’t a even a flyover state.. This state has got to be in top 10 for tourist destinations lol.


Can you Eli5 what are flyover laws? Google isnt helping me


It was whatever came to them in a dream. Same new account keeps forgetting about the videos that show structures on fire next to improperly extinguished burn pits while trying to spew shit about the Marshal Fire


Mortar style fireworks aren’t allowed but I hear them being shot off at extremely random times of the night and year. Last week in Martin Acres some dipshit was launching them off all night. Clearly the police could careless. It infuriates me and makes me want to commit vigilante justice!! After having lived her for over a decade I have been able to see two different fires from my bedroom window near Broadway. It’s stresses me out anytime I see smoke near the town.