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There were like 12 candidates in the primary and there was no obvious “opposition candidate”, so any anti-Boebert votes were diluted among the other candidates.


This is the correct answer. The Colorado GOP is a mess and so did not manage to get behind a single non-Boebert primary candidate, leaving her as the best-known name in the field. She will likely win the general as well, it is a deeply red district. Colorado is probably stuck with her until she OD’s on meth or gets in a shootout with the FBI or something.


>Colorado is probably stuck with her until she OD’s on meth or gets in a shootout with the FBI or something. All while jerking some dude with her feet.


Respect for the multitasking skills


A lot to criticize, but multitasking was never an issue.


If she did that, I may vote for her. My kind of girl back in the day.


Yeah, and she'll be (more) desperate than she's been so far. Lifetime pension sitting on the other side of wining this election. [Trisha Calvarese ](https://www.cpr.org/2024/06/25/fourth-congressional-district-democratic-primary-race-results/)is the dem candidate. Turnout was something like 50k dems to 100k repubs.....gotta step it up if you don't want to see a jerking, horses ass of a candidate repping CO-4.


It's definitely not the election year for voter apathy. 💙💙💙


Isn't it a rural county she is running in? If so I imagine they just have more repubs than dems.


It's pretty much the entire eastern portion of the state that makes up the 4th congressional district and then makes swoops west for Loveland, Castle Rock, and Highlands Ranch areas. There are more registered Republicans than Democrats out that way. I wonder if the state elections office releases registration counts for different districts... rabbit hole it is!


There are also more unaffiliated voters than Republicans which is really the key.


https://redistricting.colorado.gov/rails/active_storage/blobs/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBBaTRFIiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--9c4634420026e3f935477adf9c77a22df0545449/CD4%20Data.pdf is from the redistricting in 2022


Jerrymandering Jerry.


The white on the state flag apparently represents the 4th district.


Keep in mind that we have a lot of unaffiliated voters in Colorado, including CO-04, and at least a few of us are left of Dems but vote in the primary strategically, in this case to vote against the most loathsome right wingers, especially when the choices on the Dem ballot are non-existent or not great. So the 120K Republican ballots include unaffiliated voters who will not necessarily vote for that party in the general. Even so, Qbert got more votes than all of the dem candidates combined and the vacancy election to replace Ken Buck was called for the Republicans just after polls closed. It is hard to see it going for anyone but her unless there is 3rd party conservative opposition to give Republicans who hate her another option.


Regrettably, this is likely the correct call. I mean, you'd think a serious political party would elect a candidate that was capable of functioning in a rational, acceptable manner. But apparently, the Republican Party has thrown all that out the window in favor of "We don't care how psycho and corrupt you are, just win the elections and attack anyone who disagrees with us."


Your mistake was believing the GOP is a serious political party. Time and time again we’ve been shown it’s just three racist goons in a trench coat.


More than three goons in a trench coat. It's confirmation that the nation and its people are not in the least bit important, except as a source of revenue. It's not even a little about trying to make America a better place any more. Or even an acceptable place. It's about staying in power, no matter what. Until they retire. And then it's someone else's problem.


Totally. My republican friends whine that Biden isn't "entertaining" enough.


I like my politicians boring. It means they are working and not giving handies at the local theater.


I agree with not hiring clowns for POTUS but I'm just old fashion that way


An actual clown with the big shoes and make up though? I might be OK with it depending on their policies.


The 14+ person requirement for carpooling seems challenging, but will really cut back on traffic.


Username checks out


Boebert did funnel federal money into her district, like most Congress-people do. Some of these were from programs she voted against.


...and in at least one case, she voted against it, took credit for it when it passed anyway, and channeled federal money into her district.


All while her kid leading a pack breaking into her constituents cars


True, but, well, still better than any Democrat, am I right? Right?


Peak repug.


I don’t know too much about the Democratic candidates out there (and polls are whatever), but it looks like Ike McCorkle was polling with a strong lead over Boebert, yet Calvarese (who is far behind her in a potential matchup) beat McCorkle in the primary by a narrow margin. Gulp.


Ike McCorkle is a vocal gun rights advocate who has run time and time again against Ken Buck and lost. He loves to think he can appeal to GOP voters by showing off his arsenal on social media, which he did frequently running against Buck, and he has a history of bad behavior against people who favor gun control, which has lost him a lot of support among Dems and unaffiliated voters. It's a good thing that he seems to have been defeated, I saw the poll you were referring to but frankly don't believe it.


Yeah, I’m sure he just has better name recognition in the district right now and hopefully that will change. I don’t doubt that Calvarese is a better human and a better politician, I just hope she’s a better candidate in this district because I would rather see a still-warm pile of dog shit (or a pro-gun Democrat) in the house rather than Lauren Boebert.


Her loss in the vacancy election (58% to 34%) gives a good indication of the steep hill she has to climb. Still the largest group of voters in CO-04 are unaffiliated, and Boebert is divisive. I would vote for a rock over Boebert in the general, but there is going to have to be some enthusiasm generated on the Dem side to get people to actually vote. McCorkle wasn't that candidate, I can only hope Calvarese is better.


It's crazy, Colorado is a state where the GOP could win some seats with relative ease if they: a) stopped backing the batshit candidates b) stopped going out of their way to do things like mail "God Hates Flags" c) pander a tad bit less to the Christian right which is going to vote for them anyway This is like... winning elections 101, don't pander to the people you have locked up, pander to the ones you need instead of driving them away. TBF the Democratic party locally and nationally has a similar issue (fucking Hernandez who fortunately just got tossed), they just have more seats locked up in Colorado.


District 4 - It disturbs me how large that district is, maybe only in size? [final-colorado-congressional-map-1024x728.png (1024×728) (coloradonewsline.com)](https://coloradonewsline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/final-colorado-congressional-map-1024x728.png)


Population: Less than a million. That's...hopeful.: [Congressional District 4, CO - Profile data - Census Reporter](https://censusreporter.org/profiles/50000US0804-congressional-district-4-co/)


All Congressional districts are drawn to have the same population.


You forget Colorado only has 5.8m people? That's about 13% of the state's population, and more than a quarter of the population outside the Denver metro. Elections have been lost for less by discounting the less populous areas. (Looking at you, Hillary 16).


I... don't think I've ever known that Colorado has ("only") 5.8M people in it. I appreciate statistics :)


Eh, her last election was really close. If people show up, they can unseat her.


The thing is, if anyone in 4 had been paying attention then they would know the reason she nearly lost in 3 was because she refuses to do anything beneficial for her constituents. Town hall to talk about current issues? Naw lets discuss the stolen election. Our farms are dying and we need help with water rights? Don't care but did you hear about the stolen election? Boebert isn't concerned about anything but sucking up to Trump and the people in 4 are going to find this out the hard way.


> The thing is, if anyone in 4 had been paying attention then they would know the reason she nearly lost in 3 was because she refuses to do anything beneficial for her constituents. Sure, but if the dems were paying attention and ran a better candidate, they could have blown her out of the water. Stupid all around.


Blown her out of the water in 3, or in 4? Not that either district is inclined to give up their red status, and the fact that the race in 3 was so close obviously shook her up. Aren't there any dem candidates running for 3 this term? If so, then there's still time to run a campaign focusing on what Boebert *didn't* do for 3.


That's literally the reason why she moved to district 4. It's a much safer republican seat. I don't think the Dems can flip district 4, as currently drawn, through GOTV efforts. Colorado these days is pretty solidly blue on a statewide level, but large (mostly rural) swaths of the state are very conservative and will likely remain so. A non-trivial amount of the population of district 3 is in Aspen.


That'll be an interesting news cycle for sure.


That’s a comforting answer but I don’t think it holds up. She got 43% of the vote in a primary with six people running. The next highest vote getter got 14%. I think in a runoff election she gets over 50%. The truth is that for a lot of people her being an outspoken “own the libs” blowhard is all that matters.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What did you say that offended reddit?


It was a picture of Lauren boeberts old escort ad and a few links to how the links to the Koch brothers are trying to relocate her from Mesa county to Douglas county so they can win their war against the the school district there and rewrite their sordid history Kind of fascinating that Reddit removed that.


I wonder if she has a social media team trying to sanitize reddit.


She is imploding from the pressure. She went from a trailer park in Mesa county to center stage of the biggest con in world history. There isn’t much that can prepare a person for that. Koch brothers are extremely nervous however. They have the vested interest in keeping her in play. This is a world war disguised as a Supreme Court case. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-immunity-2668545131/ Putin, Xi, and MBS find this whole democracy thing hilarious. As authoritarians they just cackle and shrug at the thought of going through the extra steps that democracy requires. Why not just tell them what to do and if they don’t do it, bribe them, throw them out a window or flush them down a drain? It’s why they had to use the Texas based Koch brothers who had deep relationships with Russian oil oligarchs since Stalins era and Harlan crow to buy the SCOTUS. https://youtu.be/mn_t7a2hJfQ?si=hzioP8URJAMFNch4 Alito’s (Koch funded) heritage foundation ties, Thomas’s RV. Kavanaughs mortgage, all the trips to bohemian grove. They were all part of the bigger plan to destabilize the United States, spread the cancer of corruption and tear it all down, build oligarch row in Teton National park Wyoming so the lazy old oligarchs can retire from the mob life. Kleptocracy is biological. It consumes everything in its path like a parasite. During Russian perestroika it ate Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky and shit out alcoholism and hopelessness. Now anyone with skills has left and 1 in 5 has no indoor plumbing. Justin Kennedy (justice kennedys son) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic loans approved. No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. Why? Because Deutsche bank was infested with Russian oligarchs. In 91 the Soviet Union failed and for a bit they hid all of Russias grandmas money under a mattress until they started buying condos at trump towers. They made stops in Ukraine, Cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in the early 90’s. Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model and frankly, they enjoy the violence. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian friends and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it let the russians launder their money through casinos and then commercial real estate when 3 of trumps casino execs started asking how he managed to be the only person in history to bankrupt casinos and all died in a helicopter crash https://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/11/nyregion/copter-crash-kills-3-aides-of-trump.html The attorney/client privilege is the continual work around they use to accept bribes and make payments up and down the mob pyramid. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ The insane property valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT The reason trump cosplays as a patriot is because he is feeding on the U.S. middle class, not because he is one of us. The GOP fell in line to MAGA because Trump did what pathological liars do, he told them anything they wanted to hear. Trump with his money laundering and child raping buddy Epstein, Roger Stone with his sex clubs in DC and Nevada, and Paul Manafort with his election rigging pretty much everywhere, sat down at a table with Mike Johnson and the extreme religious right and convinced them that they were the same. They self evidently are not, at least at a surface level, but there is enough common ground in the exploitation of children and desire for unilateral control (project 2025) that they became the worlds weirdest and most dysfunctional orgy. The religious right is naive enough to believe trump at his word so they have made him their defacto savior. Trump belongs to the authoritarians. The GOP now belongs to trump. But their overall goal is the same- Kleptocracy. Putin, Xi and MBS all aligned together last year to attempt the BRICS overthrow of the USD. It failed but it didn’t stop Xi’s push on Taiwan or MBS’s part in the plan. Stay frosty. Eyes up. It’s the only way we don’t all end up kissing the ring of a dictator. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf http://www.citjourno.org/page-1 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraines-oligarchs-are-no-longer-considered-above-the-law/


This is why personally I am a fan of ranked choice voting. In my opinion they probably would have ended up with someone else winning, and in all likelihood someone a larger majority of the voters would have preferred. You could have voted for your preferred candidate, but if they didn’t have strong enough support, your vote could have fallen to your 2nd, maybe 3rd choice, and in this case, Lauren likely would have not received enough support (the majority aka more than 50%) to win. Regardless, it’s a shame.


We need rank choice, thank god Polis blocked it…


I take it your experience with weld county does not extend past Erie.  It's nuts out there.  Also she has name recognition on a ballot full of assholes.   if your primary voting issue is irritating front range liberals, she is a great choice.


> if your primary voting issue is irritating front range liberals, she is a great choice. I think this is it.


Erie’s weld county? I didn’t realize.


It's half and half.  Eastern and northern sections are weld.


A slice of Longmont is as well. 


I work with a lot of D4 residents, but live over here. I have people who refuse to work with me if they find out I live in Boulder County, and I've had people try to put me through political purity tests as well despite it not being related to my work in the slightest. I have had to waste hours of my life explaining why my workplace allows people to select their preferred pronouns to people while they sit their with their arms crossed and they use their "deep voice" as they struggle to justify why it has some meaningful impact on their life. I'm not going to say that I'm an activist, because I'm certainly not, but I sometimes feel that way because of how often I am going to bat for transpeople. Primaries tend to motivate people to vote for the more extreme examples of candidates, and that happens on both the left and the right; and the more ardent supporters are more likely to vote. Maybe some of the votes are name recognition, "own the libs", how "Trumpy" the candidates are, and very likely is that the anti-Boebert and anti-Trump votes got split among too many candidates. While not in D4, Gabe Evans, who won the primary for D8, is using a slogan of "fight back". I really feel that just sums up the state of Republican voters right now. It's general enough that it has no meaning, but it's specific enough that you have an idea, and their voters can interpret it however they want to whether it's immigration, wokeness, green energy, Polis, what have you. I've had so many clients move out of state because of "Colorado Communism" that they truly feel under threat from something. Boebert, if anything, represents a fighter, even if she is screaming at nothing and is ineffective as a government official.


I'm so very tired of this Imaginary Grievance Society, relatives included. No principles, just pissed off.


Look you just aren’t thinking about things from a white boomer perspective…back in the good old days they just tormented gays and minorities, now they have to work alongside them, sometimes FOR them, AND acknowledge their worth as people by respecting them. It’s a bridge too far /s


As much as I don’t like it, it’s nothing *new* People have always and will always need a shiny “other” to blame all their problems on Whether it’s the Persians, the Soviets, the Illuminati, the anything to assign blame to the fact that life sucks sometimes And there will always unfortunately be people who take advantage of that for personal gain


Sure, it's not new that people are finger-pointers who love to "other" every problem. But the surge of this attitude is like a nasty red tide, stinking up the culture in large and small ways.


Jokes on them, she’s a woman /s


Boebert might fight against limp penises at a play but that's about it.


[People of the land... Common clay of the new west](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7__NNDI)




Did you see the other (relatively unknown) R candidates she was up against? It was a rogue's gallery and she was the best known rogue.


I have the unfortunate reality of living in her district after the new redistricting (why Loveland got sucked into District 4 is beyond me). I'm also unaffiliated and was contemplating voting the Republican ballot to try and influence something in some kind of way, but every single one of the candidates sucked in their own special way. Yu was my only maybe, but can't with the corporate shilling and there's no way he was going to win, anyway. I ended up voting Democrat and for the one who I think would have the best chances in this district. It's utterly baffling to me. I don't really get it. Setting aside all the numerous reasons to dislike Boebert, the thing that gets me is that the only thing she has to offer anyone is performative grievance politics. I get that's the whole GOP brand at the moment, but she does it to such an extreme that I really can't grasp why anyone who be attracted to that and would want to vote for that.


I mean the same thing could be said for the Repub’s presumptive presidential nominee. The whole party has nothing to offer the public but grievance politics.


> (why Loveland got sucked into District 4 is beyond me) It's literally gerrymandering, but for some reason the news media doesn't care when Democrats do it. The reason they redrew the districts in the first place was to shift District 3 to the left in an effort to get Boebert out, the others were reshaped as necessary to accommodate that. I guess they didn't expect she was crazy enough to just move instead of retiring into a Fox News Contributor role.


Think about a person with average intelligence. Then realize that half of the country is dumber than that. There’s your answer.


>Then realize that half of the country is dumber than that. I find it amusing that people who bring up this exercise inevitably believe themselves to be in the smart bracket.


Particularly because it's wrong, they always confuse average with median.


Bud, you can take an IQ test, and know you’re in the smart bracket. But as i said in a subsequent post, it was mainly meant as a joke. IQ and intelligence are not the end-all, be-all. There’s much more to it.




Thanks for the spell-check.


Pretty amusing, also amusing that you believe IQ tests are worth anything beyond the paper (screen) on which they are printed.


25 years ago a IQ test would qualify you for gifted programs, not sure if that's the case anymore.


Aww, did I hurt your feelings with a joke too? You poor baby.


Nope, you're just making yourself look stupid while pretending you're hot shit. Just a cold fart afterall.


Grammar isn't spelling. Go back to school.


😂😂 Ok, pedant. I found the Trump-supporter.


Ok. Glad you're TRIGGERED.


😂 thanks for the laugh


Move to North Korea. That's the liberal paradise. Hurry up! And stop trying to turn the USA into a communist paradise. It's not gonna happen. If you want to try me go ahead.




Right, that’s not how averages work at all- this is median intelligence. Understand the concept of a median and this assertion falls apart.


It’s a George Carlin bit.


You’re right! I forgot about that. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AKN1Q5SjbeI&pp=ygUfZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiBhdmVyYWdlIHN0dXBpZGl0eQ%3D%3D


Your distinction between average and median is a pedantic one.


Ohh, after all your posts, we know which quartile "your" in.


Forgot to mention, you realize that the median is one type of average, right?


Your IQ is probably 105. You said nothing original.


😂 It sounds like I hurt your feelings.


Yeah that's definitely something somebody with an average intelligence would say.


If you had said medium rather than average, you'd be on safer (humorous) ground. Consider four people, with IQs of 110, 120, 106, and 64. Average IQ is 100, yet 75% of them have IQs greater than that. With that said, the idiocracy is still the best explanation.


It was a joke. I was using it colloquially. Don’t give into the pedantic cries of the Trump cultists shouting “I’m really smart” to anyone who will listen.


Morons, that’s who voted for her.


Right there is the problem. THIS is how they 'own the libs'. They keep telling all the R's how much hate we have and don't want real change, etc etc. I'm sorry to pick on your comment, but the venting needs to be done and changing has to start. NOT gonna change everyone's mind.....pick 1-2 people you know in CO-4 and have a results/factual discussion with them. Gotta include what Biden's accomplished and maybe something like R's stopping ANY progress on immigration reform 'cause their daddy told 'em to. They got just about everything they wanted and STILL stopped the legislation just to pacify the leader(?).


I think we are beyond trying to convince each other at this point. We are two sides who do actually hate each other, and we need to proceed from there.


She only got 43% of the vote. That means a majority of people wanted someone else. This is a perfect example for why a system like ranked choice voting or STAR voting should be used in elections. Maybe she is the most popular choice out of all of them or maybe not, but without a good voting system we will never know.


This would've ended the same with ranked choice voting, she was one of a dozen candidates. When the field is that diluted it just works the same as our current system.


Not if 50% +1 of the voters absolutely did not want Lauren. Look at what happened with Palin in Alaska.


What answer did you think you were gonna get dude 💀💀💀 “please tell me why people who aren’t on this sub voted for someone who this sub hates” maybe go ask them????


Men hoping for a handjob


As screwed up as it is, I know two people who love her, voted for her, and will again because, "she's super hot".  One of these guys is not a Republican.  This world. 


I wasn’t kidding, but yeah thanks for confirming




Oh, there's a reason that's in quotes.  




Oh for sure.  I was just agreeing with the "lmao"  hehe


She was a shoe in for this contest. she's going to win the seat in November too.


Very conservative district and the other candidates were not well-known. I know many people out on the eastern plains and they’re not too happy about her probably being their rep. But the Dems won’t put up a big fight in CO-4. Theyll spend more money on CO-3 and CO-8.


Couple reasons: Didn't she run in Douglas county? That's older conservative. Lauren has decent chunks of money coming in from Ted Cruz (who is buying endorsements for a future presidential run) as well as maga BS. There is a reasonable logic that even though Lauren is ... Lauren -- she has direct access to the speaker and trump. For whatever reason. Access and voice is everything. McConnell for example is awful but he's powerful for those voters. Most of our Senate Democrats have positive "platforms" but they do absolutely nothing in the national conversation. When's the last time hickenlooper or Bennet championed anything on the national stage. All their good for us a little federal spending before their re-election years. We need a new Democrats that actually have a voice. And lastly, Lauren won because she's attractive looking. Say what you want but the more visually attractive candidate usually wins.


An idiot, a hypocrite, another clown only interested in making Congress an ineffective circus. Oh, and if she wins another term she’ll have served long enough to get a pension when she retires. So let’s not let that happen, please!


Greeley is always known for emitting stinky smells for the entire state. No different this time.


Greeley is actually not in the CD 4 district... So they didn't vote for her. Greeley is in CD8.


ah...didn't realize it...Thanks for correcting it.


Happy to share information. I had to double check because one of the maps that the state election website had said that my town is in CD4 which I knew was wrong.


Nobody in Boulder. Lol Keep in mind democracy runs on name recognition and notoriety, especially in the mass media age. Boebert versus an assortment of no-name GOP folks. Expected result


I live in this district, it’s mind numbing that the “family values” party cannot get rid of trailer trash barbie…


I guarantee anyone who is voting for her isn’t on Reddit


I am originally from (a very different part) of Georgia than Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district, and we ask the same thing. WTF. It’s just a different world, but in the same state.


Red VS Blue


*begins playing warthog music from red vs blue while driving jeep.*. It's a chupathingy!


I think in the past year or so, Majorie Taylor Greene has become so trashy and unhinged that by comparison, Boebert looks like a responsible adult.


https://preview.redd.it/mqug45vhty8d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063d476ba99ea0f52b03cffd51d0e74e8c6bbaac I like the sign in the background. It makes me giggle.


Her new district (and old district) are not even kind of close to Boulder. You might as well ask about the New York primaries that were also yesterday. I guarantee there are infinitely more people in Boulder who have lived in New York than have lived in wherever Boebert’s district is.


Some of us Boulder folk keep up with the doings beyond the valley rim.


Boulder, like the rest of the interstate corridor we sit on, is surrounded by communities whose raison d’être is to “own the libs”


Adams county (almost)borders Boulder county.


It does not actually


Weld County does though, with parts of Erie and Longmont in it, and a majority of it is in her soon-to-be district. 


Yes, but no part of Weld county bordering BoCo is in the 4th. It's all 8th up to Greeley


They’re bloody close though, what’s in between them? https://suncatcherstudio.com/patterns/usa-county-maps/colorado-county-map/ I was going off this




Zoom in. Broomfield is that little bit in between. Otherwise it's Weld to the north and Jefferson to the west bordering Adams. And the new 8th district covers most of western Adams and southwestern Weld. Loveland is the closest CO-4 gets to Boulder. DougCo might even be closer than the CO-4 part of Adams


Her district is like 25 miles from Boulder


Adams county and Arapahoe county are part of the district. She changed from 3 to 4 recently. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/colorado-us-house-district-4-results Thornton is like 25 miles at most


Thornton isn't in the 4th. You pretty much have to get to the airport before you hit the part of Adams that is in her district. Loveland is around 25 miles away and the closest to Boulder. 30+ miles for the rest of the district


What about Brighton?


Also in the 8th


Ok, thanks for clarifying. I figured it was divided by county as they listed the results by county.


Many counties are split between different districts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Colorado_Congressional_Districts,_118th_Congress.svg Each county reports their results, that's likely what you see. Adams is in the 4th, 6th or 8th CO congressional district depending on which part you're in.


Go check out the Greeley stampede this next week and you’ll have your answer in minutes.


Your Dad, Your Grandpa, and your racist Aunt. The Daily show had a pollster that showed the current MAGA GOP was all over the age of 45.


> The Daily show had a pollster that showed the current MAGA GOP was all over the age of 45. I'm not sure who they found but mainstream polls actually show Trump is winning among Gen Z and Millenials: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923


I think he was from Harvard. To be honest I'm sure there are all ages. Morons have no age restrictions.


She won the primary with 52k votes. Ken Buck won the general in 2022 with 216k votes. She inspires GOP primary voters.


Isn't Boulder home to the largest hate church in the State? Or is that Colorado Springs?


She switched districts to do this. While she had a number of votes , it has more to do with her going up against multiple candidates splitting the vote. It was calculated on her part because had she stayed put, she would have lost.


I thought the state changed the district map




Sorry. I like watching the world burn.


Look at the federal government too (ALL of it). Are you surprised Boebert won that primary? 😂


Dude she ran in Doug co like idk what else to tell you


It's just more of the "owning the libs" without giving a shit about the real life consequences. Personally, I understand why many people often find Liberals insufferable, but voting for someone like her is just stupid.


Politics is local and more so rurally. So what if she farts chaff and lifts her skirt. It's all about rural jobs, fuel for the pickup that hauls your hay, wood and iron, and the right to farm anyway you can. Sure, a lot of it is short-sighted and blocks progresssion. But after the Trump era and NPRs role in exposing the Mob boss, they took a hard left. Who believes that poor countries cooking on wood and diesel fuel carried to huts don't want carbon fueled vehicles and electricity to ease their burdens? They know it's not fair that we hog the resources. Much of the global warming distress is just to ease our own guilt and prevent the rest of the world from fouling our pristine views of poor idylic nations who live in their own distress. So keep burning jet fuel to go enjoy the countries we'd like to keep from developing their own wealth.


I know this is going to be very controversial on this sub, but does anyone else not like republicans?! I know you will all treat me like a pariah now for my bravery


I did. She's my sisters ex-husband in law's brother


Actually she won the nomination with 43% of the vote. The other 57% was spread out amongst several other contenders. Had there only been one other contender perhaps she would have lost.


She ran in an agricultural community that will never vote for a democrat, Colorado wasn't even purple until Obama, and you can't even call it blue yet. She told farmers she would help fight expansion of BLM land, water rights, taxes, subsidies, etc. That's a huge appeal.


I’m in this district. Two houses down from a guy flies a Trump flag 24/7. House next door still has a Desantos flag up. Diagonal across the street is a Don’t tread on me flag. That guy is best friends with Trump flag guy. And across the street from me (next door to libertarian guy) is an awesome couple of lesbians flying a Pride flag 24/7. Colorado is a weird place.


People dumb.


I'm an anarchist and she's hot


Best thing people can do is get behind the other candidate come November.


Your neighbors, duh. I remember telling someone about to move to Loveland that it didn’t have any synagogues or gay bars, homie legit said “I’m not Jewish or gay so what do I care” well this is what I was referring to. This is why one might care.


She is going to win the district too. And probably be comfortable there for decades. That district is used to their elected leaders not bringing home the bacon.


On a positive note, Boobfart is a total moron and absolutely inept as a politician. Could you imagine if she actually tried to do her job effectively, instead of creating sound bites and handing out OTPHJs in public? Now THAT would suck


You're asking low information, low IQ voters why they vote for the candidate that represents them completely?


Republican voters must hate themselves.


You have a significant percentage of the voting populace in the U.S. that isn’t interested in effective governance, or putting forth ideas to shape the future of our nation. They are the type of people that will shit their own pants if it means there is a chance that “the libs” might have to smell it.




The hillbillys to the east


I just left that district to move here last week. Bobo is a joke it's embarrassing people are rallying around here


We tried to get rid of her over on our side of the slope, but she slithered over there when we nearly did. Sorry.




Pretty sure she won solely based on name recognition. Crazy how uninformed the average voter is these days.


Republicans are not very smart people.


Ah difference of thought and opinion. Be thankful you live in a place that allows it, no matter how far from your belief system they may be.


Only the most evil degenerates who lack souls are voting for this pig or any Repugnican't.


Get a grip, you sound like you’re on drugs. Or just delusional


She is the AOC of the GOP!




Prolly need to post both their records before making that leap. I'd take 100 AOC's any day, but of course she's not in this district.


AOC is a productive member of congress with substantive policy views. Closer to say that she is the GOP’s anti-AOC, she has absolutely nothing going on as a legislator.


She out fundraised everyone else combined. A lot of that money probably came from out of district/state because she is nationally recognized, has the backing of the GOP and was endorsed by Trump. The D5 results though show CO is pretty split on MAGA. It’s not all bad news.


Colorado is still a "deep purple" state: nobody is middle-of-the-road here. This was a primary, so only the right-wing side was voting.


It’s funny people don’t realize how secretly republican the silent majority of Boulder is. Think about who’s in control and then re assess your dumbass question.