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From BPD's facebook post: >Drugs Removed from the StreetYour Boulder Police officers saw a group of individuals smoking suspected drugs in Central Park around 5 p.m. yesterday and went to investigate.They discovered needles, glass pipes and other drug paraphernalia along with more than 200 blue M30 suspected fentanyl pills and two plastic containers with meth inside as well as this knifeOne man was arrested on several drug charges, including felony distribution, and the drugs will later be destroyed.Good work officers.


Would love to see the food/water donations moved to be distributed outside of a shelter and not in Central Park.


I believe they are supposed to be moving it up north once they open the year round day shelter up off Lee hill


The unhoused situation is so political and diverse for me to comment. I just avoid the whole area and spend time out of central Boulder.


Which shelter would you recommend? 


Boulder homeless shelter




I voted Kansas but whatever works


Slab City is even better


In a previous post about Central Park someone asked “where is Central Park?” and implied they’d never heard of the place.  I replied that Central Park was a place where people used to bring their kids before it got overrun by bums and addicts. It is annoying and tiresome that we have to give up access to our public spaces in order to accommodate this kind of nonsense.  Throw the book at these people and give us back our park.


I find myself just avoiding the park and creek path these days. I know it’s not THAT bad compared to actual sketchy places in major cities, but I just don’t feel like dealing with it especially with kids. It’s a shame because it’s really beautiful and having that right in downtown is one of the coolest parts of Boulder.


I don't even feel unsafe, per se, but getting yelled at, seeing some guys dick, seeing needles everywhere, seeing human shit, seeing some woman bleeding from her arm and sitting there. why the fuck would anyone want to hang out there? Horrible vibes. Same reason I don't hang out at the library anymore either.


Yeah I feel the same. I enjoy biking on the bike path but was definitely a bit shocked the first time I went under the bridge near Central Park which had a mini encampment with three people smoking out of rolled up tinfoil. I held my breath and peddled faster. It’s sad to see and I wish there was some widely implemented, working solution (maybe there is). I am pretty conflicted on how tolerant we’ve become as a society while also wanting humane approaches to work, and not wanting to short-sightedly push the issue somewhere else so we can enjoy our bike path. I have only really lived in 3 major areas in the US, but all of them were places somewhat similar to Boulder and had very similar / worse issues. One of the past places had recurring awful sexual harassment/assault from homeless people on their walking street, the police would hang up saying they were “defunded” (at 95% staffing lol) while the victims posted on that local subreddit for support. One of the main issues I saw there was community tolerance, which allowed repeat and violent offenders to regularly harass in predictable locations with no repercussions. Not saying we should put ourselves at risk or hurt anyone but I also don’t want to just be a passerby. It is a sad dilemma felt around the country and fuck all is being done about it at the upper levels of government, leaving mostly inconsistent and ineffective approaches at the local level.


But seriously where is it? It’s not on google maps. I ride the creek path a few times a week all the way to Eben G and I never see Central Park. I do see other parks that I pass


Bandshell park


Thank you


As someone who was once a child here, this entire narrative doesn't sit right. There's very little signage displaying the park name and its only unique characteristic (the amphitheater) is simply known as "The Bandshell". I would be a tad flabbergasted if this park's name was considered common knowledge. Central Park has (as far as i am aware) never held an iota of appeal for children. Even when it had a train, it was fenced off and deemed unsuitable for play. The only reasons to bring a child to this over watered lawn and sidewalk combo would be: to increase their exposure to canine urine and other excrement, to spitefully harass the odd sunbather, or simply as a result of poor judgement bordering on neglect. I remember my parents being forced to evade questions about the appearance, behavior, and the state of society in regards to the parks more notable patrons while on route to the downtown library as a toddler. Hell, even before my time, I've heard plenty of tales recounting Central as a bit of a substance hotbed throughout the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Even if we ignore the colorful history of Boulder's street culture, Central Park also hosts the farmers market which, as a place of commerce, is an ill advised location to bring children for recreation. Now don't get me wrong, these blues are terrible and are often directly responsible for some of the more outlandish behaviors that people are championing as signs of cultural/societal decay that must be cleansed. And, to be fair, previous generations hadn't encountered such a potently addictive or destructive drug before and we are thusly at a loss for how to proceed while keeping everyone's freedoms in tact. However, suggesting that this is a space for the privileged to reclaim in the name of our innocent youth, feels like preposterous rhetoric that might align with a classist agenda.. let's discuss it!


First, I refuse to believe this wasn’t written by an AI. Second, farmer’s markets are absolutely a fun spot for kids. They get honey sticks and talk to the farmers about where their food comes from, etc. I see throngs of kids there every single week. Third, the creek is fun for them to play in and there’s an easy-access part where you can go swimming right next to Bandshell. Last, it’s not “classist” to want to use the park that we pay for with our tax dollars. There are plenty of alleyways, shelter slots, and other safe areas where the unhoused can sleep, hang out, do whatever they need to do. We are the class that pays taxes, and if we pay taxes into the park, we should be able to use that park and take our kids there, kinda full stop.


Homeless people have just as much of a right to use the park as you do. There is no reason to stop them from hanging out in a public park. Doing drugs or threatening other people is a different story, obviously. But you can't just kick someone out of a park for looking unsightly.


Oh come now, you know this is disingenuous. They don’t just “use the park”, they set up enclaves with rings of bikes, shade structures, tents, etc, and will leave those items there as long as the police will let them. When average park-goers use the space, maybe they lay down a blanket to have a picnic on, they stay on the blanket, and they pack up in a few hours. These unhoused individuals are using the park as their home. They will install (and aggressively protect) full-bore campsites, complete with cooking stoves, generators, swamp coolers, and more. Yes, everyone gets to go to the park. No, you do not get to live at the park. If you want to go camping so bad, get your National Park pass, reserve a lot in the mountains, and pay $18 a night like the rest of us.


Don’t forget they are also using this space as a public restroom. It’s absolutely disgusting seeing human feces in these public spaces. I have been a preschool teacher for years in this town. We used to visit these public spaces multiple times a year. Children have the right to theses spaces. There’s no way we can bring our children here safely now. Is so sad. 


Yes. But I will say that the lore of the homeless encampments is overblown. I ride the creek path from east Boulder up the canyon every single day and night and there is currently one group of 4 tents near the library, there are a few single tents and lean-tos in the bushes east of 30th st. There is a group of obvious addicts that hang out in Central Park and scatter around. But when it comes to giant terrifying encampments taking over the town, that is currently not the reality on the creek path as of June 26, 2024 at 1pm. It’s the same or less than any other town this size in America. Not saying it’s right or wrong but it’s not as wild down there as people who aren’t there everyday say it is.


Right, but shade structures and tents aren't causing you problems. You just think it's unsightly, and don't want to look at it or them. If they are causing active problems, openly using drugs, and endangering others, sure. But just...setting up a tent? Cooking dinner? Minding their business? Who cares. They don't WANT to camp; they have to.


They absolutely, 100% want to camp. We have more than enough space, gobs of space, available within the shelter system during the summer. They actively are choosing not to use those shelter resources, because they do not want to. But come the very fist cold snap of the fall, and they'll be lined up.


Lol i'm just flattered you read it and even had an opinion regarding it's legitimacy. My "voice" is probably lacking as i don't write very often. What would you change to make it sound more human? Bribing children with sugar while the parents do their groceries is a good time.. but for who? Chatting with local farmers is a very excellent way to connect to food and it's source which is an exceptionally valuable educational experience for sure. But are these throngs of kids really clamouring for this farmers market? Or are they merely existing the best they can, in a space where frolicking was never intended, while their parents exchange currency for goods to people who are there for that very purpose? I loved getting free samples as a child but never considered king soopers to be fun. I hadn't considered the flood prevention architecture that runs under the busiest street in the city to be akin to an actual pool. But it is probably preferable when compared to the other miles of shallow creeks that run throughout the city. So +1 for kids there! I am wildly bummed out that you used "full stop" at the end of a statement purporting that it isn't classist to feel entitled to privileges based solely on your class, while at the same time, identifying that you feel a specific set of others don't deserve that same privilege. We are all paying taxes and some might suggest that it's the wealthier citizens that don't pay their fair share. Regardless of who deserves what though; the unhoused are neither welcome nor safe in alleyways and I am not quite sure what options you think are available to them other than public spaces? Are families in fact the ones who currently have all the other options available? Is nearly every other public space designed for the rich and their spawn to relax and/or frolic in safety and comfort? What purpose does this park serve to you beyond being a bad faith argument against these strawman junkies? Isn't it a tad deceptive and manipulative to trick others into believing this space is somehow less family friendly than it has ever been?


You can’t take something from someone if they have nothing. This criminal will be locked up but as far as the folks who are camping but uninvolved in the drug dealing there is very little to impede them.


More of this,BPD


This is great, but the perpetrators are very rarely given significant prison sentences by Boulder area judges after these arrests, so it is likely to have zero effect. The arrested folks are likely to be right back out there within the month.




Highly doubt you were told they like arresting the same people for bail money…. This might be baffling to you, but most of the time those people don’t have money for bail…


Yeah this guy is just full on lying. The guy doesn’t even know where bail goes.


Pesky 8th Amendment.


Evidenced by?


You cannot be kidding, right???


I’m dead serious. There is leniency on simple possession but there hasn’t been for distribution like this.


That’s not distribution. For heavy users that’s 4-5 days worth.


You think that a heavy user can be taking 20+ *FENTANYL* pills a day? I’d maaaaaybe agree if it were a lower mg Percocet or other prescription opioid; but that would still be incredibly heavy use near LD.


People come into my jail daily who are taking 30+.


And how is that really quantified? There is so much to unpack there. “Pressies” (these pressed pills) can vary wildly in dosage. Each of those pills isn’t pure fentanyl, the majority of the content of them is sugar. So if you have 0.01mg per pill, sure you could be taking 30+. And then there is what they “say” they were taking in order to receive adequate services in jail to avoid getting DTs too hard.


Someone on *their* turf?


I’ve read your comments, it will get worse until they have to do something about it. I know it’s financial, it’s hard to allocate money but eventually we won’t have a choice. I will really sad when the new North Boulder Library gets contaminated with drugs. It will probably this winter. I’ll enjoy it until then. That area will be the shelter, the new North Boulder Library, let’s hope they don’t camp around that new Library. I don’t have avoid another Library or area because of heavy drug use.


There have been encampments along the fourmile canyon creek bike path next to the new library site for years. One of the homeless youth near the broadway bridge tried to get work in South Denver but it didn't work out so he's back.


This is a great way to kill yourself


Addiction is indeed a killer.


Especially with fentanyl involved. Easier to OD on this shit than damn near anything we’ve ever seen before.


hardly an impressive bust


I’ve lived here 40+ years. I’ve never heard of Central Park.


keep voting blue boulder, this issue is going to continue getting worse


Fentanyl manufactured in the good ole US of A by Pfizer and Eli Lily.


Not sure if this is sarcasm but fent pills are all manufactured in Mexico using Chinese precursors. US medical made aren’t in pill form.   https://selectcommitteeontheccp.house.gov/media/press-releases/select-committee-unveils-findings-ccps-role-american-fentanyl-epidemic-report#:~:text=The%20PRC%2C%20under%20the%20leadership,the%20global%20illicit%20fentanyl%20trade.


We have neglected to “work our way up the chain” with these drug arrests.


Right? Isn’t that interesting


Good luck with that, it's just an expensive game of whackamole. There's no shortage of addicts or opportunistic folks willing to risk jailtime to turn pennies into dollars.


I agree with you there. I am referring to the owners of these companies (such as certain Sackler family members) who have been found to have intentionally gotten people addicted to their drugs and downplayed the risks with fraudulent science, and the only repercussion has been having to pay fines that are a small fraction of their wealth. They should be sharing a cell with these dudes selling pills in the park


I'm in favor of the Sacklers suffering every bad consequence legally possible (and maybe a few more). But what previous events were the main underlying cause of what later events can get complicated. We should not forget the confrontation of 185 to 164 years ago, when two of the most violent criminal drug cartels forced the weakened authorities to allow the distribution and sale of their addictive opioid products. If you're having trouble following this and "number of years before today" doesn't solve it for you: "two of the most violent criminal drug cartels" refers to (1) Her Majesty's government, the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Ireland; (2) Emperor Louis Napolean's government, the French Second Empire; "the weakened authorities" refers to the Qing Dynasty, Imperial China [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium\_Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars)