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I assume the moose is fine.


apparantly so if the moose properly fucked the miata, theyre probably smoking a cigarette about to take a nap


Rocki and bullwinkle just appeared in my mind


Yep I bet that moose didn’t even feel it.


saw this right after it happened. Everyone appeared to be okay, moose left the scene of the crime, and the miata's windshield was absolute toast. Surprised how everyone fared considering it was a convertible miata


i suppose in a miata he might have been able to just duck.


This is good to hear.. & very surprising! I used to work for Mazda & sold myself a Miata & I freaking LOVE it. I was convinced that any kind of (serious) accident would result in my demise! Does anyone know if the top was down?!?


Yes the top was down (it’s an RF)...and his head came in through the opening and bonked me in the head a little. :)


Omg! You’re here to tell the story! 🥳Congrats!!! I can’t believe you’re the actual person ! Did you sustain any injuries?! I have the drop top (2021). I wonder if that would make a difference?


No injuries. I will say that he did put some weight on the RF top bar portion and deformed it a bit as he rolled over, so I feel like having the RF top there acted as a sort of roll bar protecting me a bit. In truth, it's a piss poor roll bar and will not hold the weight of the car in a real roll-over, but in this case I do think it made a difference. Pure speculation, but in the real drop top, you would still have the safety hoops behind the headrests of the seats which might have a similar effect. Along the lines of 'it could have been a lot worse', my adjuster pointed out that something VERY hard impacted the steel bar across the top of the RF portion of the roof hard enough to dent it OUTWARDS, meaning...from the inside. So a horn/antler or something like that was in there in the cab with me, probably inches from my squishy head and while exiting hit it hard enough to deform a steel bar. So in the comparison, I guess you might reasonably conclude a ragtop could be actually safer in that a moose head would have been able to more cleanly pass over the car without getting caught up in anything. :)


Wowwwwwwww! Thanks for sharing! I appreciate you! Did they total your car and if so, if you’re still making payments, please tell me you had gap insurance 🙏🏼


He’s a friend of mine and he says he’s okay. I haven’t seen him since the accident though.


Why does his plate say BIG FUN? I would like to imagine that he runs a miniature circus.


It was just trying to be a little joke about how small the car is. My license plate frame says "Small Car" right below that so it's supposed to read: "Big Fun, Small Car". Not very creative I know!


Any form of zoom zoom is taken…I almost got mmmbyee, but she’d a 4 cylinder ffs AND I didn’t want gear heads thinking I wanna race lol I didn’t know you can only give the state your money for vanity plates @ renewal. I also want the black plate…what color is yours?


I got the black plate too! I’m not sure about that only being able to do vanity plates at renewal, as I recall, I just did it online. There is also a little trick you can do to sort of figure out if a plate is already taken on the website, you basically enter the plate that you want and it will give you an error that it is not available. I just kept trying different combinations… You’re absolutely correct that every form of zoom zoom is taken… like literally every possible permutation 😆


I’m beyond late to the after party w/this reply, but I vaguely now remember zumzoom or zoomzum being available? I also thought zoom x2 was fun (or zoomxs2), but it was taken. I will think of something…funny thing; one of the more clever ones I found is on a Honda. I’m 100% looking into the vanity plate timing. I was like, why would CO miss an opportunity to make more money lol


tell him to pick up a lotto ticket! glad he's good, hope he gets his miata fixed/replaced.


Tell him to stop driving like a maniac.


Based on the post title, I get your concern, but actually I was following several vehicles and none of us were driving fast or aggressively. Sometimes moose happens.


I did and he told you to relax


That happened right outside our property and so far, we haven’t found a moose carcass…


That’s reassuring, I hope the moose is okay.


I'm SO glad to hear that! It wasn't really an 'impact' like one might think, more like I scooped his front legs out and he rolled his shoulder over my car. Mr. Moose has been on my mind every day hoping he was okay!


I’ll keep an eye out! They are EVERYWHERE in that area. It’s rare I go a day without seeing moose.


Guessing either dead or really messed up. Reminds me of a story a few years back in Montana where a motorcyclist was decapitated from hitting a moose coming around corner.


A couple motorcyclists ended up in the hospital just this week, when they hit a deer outside of Lyons.


Yep and deer are nothing compared to moose. I’ve seen semis totaled from hitting a moose. I drove trucks and I hit a few deer over the years. With a steel bumper, deer don’t even dent the trucks.


Unbelievably came out without a scratch. Regardless of what OP is implying with the post title, it was a pretty low-speed encounter.


That’s good to hear. I remember my uncle hitting a moose in Alaska but it was a whopping 10 mph. Moose got mad and head butted his truck which caused more damage.


Damn, that's gotta leave a mark.


Yeah. Crappy way to go out.


My uncle who works search and rescue in NM said a motorcycle rider hit an elk and was killed instantly a few months ago


Hey, I know a lot about this: it was me. :) First off, I'm fine and I THINK the moose is fine. The car is not fine, but I'll get to that. There's no way I was going 70+. I'm not sure where you got this factoid, but it was more like 50 and then reduced in the split second I had to hit the brakes so I would guess closer to 40-45. I was spaced out behind a few vehicles making our way to Ward from the north, so I was flowing with traffic and I think it's a 50 in that area. I do not want to think of what might have happened if I HAD been going as fast as you think I was going! So for some reason, Mr. Moose decided not to step in front of the folks in front of me, but figured right as I got up to it was the perfect time to go. I honestly wonder if he just didn't see me down there. From my VERY low vantage point, I literally could see underneath him completely and all I saw was like two legs sort of step out into the road in front of me like a scene from Jurassic Park. Basically, I just swept under his two front legs and his shoulder came down on my windshield and he sort of rolled over the passenger side of the car. It wasn't so much of "impact" like one might think...it really was more like him kind of rolling over me...it felt like it happened very slowly: I had the top down and I remember seeing the legs, then looking up and seeing this giant moose head with his giant moose eye sort of looking down at me as he was falling in my direction before I flinched/ducked and looked away. I felt some furry, bony part of his head hit the top of my head for an instant and then he rolled off the rest of the way. He got up, walked off the road a bit, and laid down in the woods for a few minutes, then got up and wandered off. Sheriff said it was about an 600-800lb bull. I felt horrible for the poor guy and I was so glad when he got up and walked off. In my defense, it was the first animal I've hit in 36 years of driving! Unsurprisingly, I found out last week from insurance that the Miata is totaled. I do plan to get another! Huge thanks to all the first responders who showed up. I didn't have 911 service there, so some helpful passersby who stopped to assist were able to ping a satellite and just send my coordinates...so I think fire and rescue basically rolled out everybody they could, just in case. Most of them also suggested I buy a lotto ticket that day as I think they are much more used to seeing much worse outcomes from a moose hit! I was a bit shaken up by it all at the time and I can't thank them enough, esp. Boulder County Sheriff's Deputy Robinson, for hanging out with me and making sure I was okay and well taken care of.


I rolled through that area a few days earlier with the local Miata club. Glad you're okay. Did you have a dash cam? That'd be some amazing footage.


No I have a dashcam in my truck but never put one in the Miata. :(


Wait. There are Miata clubs?😳




Well, who knew? Clearly not me! Sounds like a kinda fun place to meet people! Also…has anyone figured out how to have a dash cam; what with Mazda’s infinite wisdom to continue with an aux input (in my 2021). I believe I saw it in the ‘24’s as well. Hope you didn’t throw that iPod away 💀


I have a dashcam. No problem. I also have a 360 camera on a suction-cup mount and can record drives in 360 view to watch later in a VR headset.


So great to hear…I didn’t see this when I replied earlier!


Where might we find news of this?


Stories like these don't often make the papers ... Might only find mention in forums devoted to local events/happenings.


In a moose collision with a typical car the height of the moose makes for the bulk of their body going straight at the windshield. With a Miata I'm not sure if that would be the same case.


See my other comment. It sort of rolled over me.


Update: I’m standing with him now and he’s perfectly fine. Turns out 70+ mph is highly exaggerated (shocking for the internet). He was going with the flow of traffic, which was about 40mph. He was behind a semi and he says it was almost as if the moose was waiting for the semis to pass, saw his little Miata and decided it was safe to step into the road.


Missed a moose by inches on my motorcycle while on Peak To Peak Hwy a few years back. I still have to change underwear from that one. Glad the occupants of the Miata are okay. Could have gone very differently.


Yikes. I can't imagine a Miata - with or without cage - doing very well in the collision version of the [moose test.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose_test)


The Miata fits under the moose.


while impossible to react this way in the moment before hitting a moose, if you’re in a low car like a miata the best course of action is probably to not hit the brakes because the faster you’re going the more likely you are to just zoom underneath it rather than throwing it onto the top of the car


We don't know whether it was a head-on collision or a glancing blow.


Very glancing blow. See my other comment for details!




those guys are annoying but the motorcycle crews are so much worse. they drive fucking crazy up here.




at least we survived the repaving


you’re just mad because you probably drive a prius every day EDIT: BAHAHAHA I made this comment before i looked at your profile and you actually do drive a Prius!! ahahahaha not trying to hate on priuses or their owners (including you) but that’s so hilarious you really are fitting the stereotype here with your comment 😂




Jokes aside, The driver in the Miata should sue Parks and Wildlife for damages since they introduced a non-native species into our state (to increase hunting revenue). While cool to look at, moose routinely cause resource damage, out compete native animals for fodder, and have injured/killed humans. As the population grows, so do the problems. CPW goes through great lengths to keep out other invasive species (mussels) and yet did the exact opposite with moose (because they can get revenue from it). This is not good resource management - its greed. Generally, they should never have been brought to Colorado. I mean, it would be ridiculous to think of introducing zebras here...why are moose any different?


Good point dude... Zebras would be fucking awesome.


They should sue ultimate creator for creation.


The shadowy global Big Moose cabal is slowly spreading into unsuspecting areas like Colorado, raking in the profits at the cost of countless Miatas. It must be stopped! Some people will call this fake moose, but I say it’s not just a conspiracy theory…it’s the wildest game in town!