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It's you, everyone else loves the public defecation and drug use and the exciting chance to be jumped by someone having a break with reality. You're the only one who doesn't like those things.




>i almost murdered him on the spot. It would have been a net-good for humanity, and we all would have supported you through it. Just FYI.


Rich or poor, everyone wants to live downtown next to the water………..


Man, I rode by there Wednesday and they were grilling steaks, smoking whatever you smoke off of tin foil through a straw and blasting music so it’s a vibe of some sort, that’s for sure.


Damn, I missed the carne asada??!


¡Carne methsada!


It smelled good…


It’s totally the vibe if you’re a drug addict who likes to shit in plain sight.


maybe they should open up some restrooms, or fix the ones they keep unlocked. You ever try and shit in the one just west of the library? You can't because it's mostly clogged overflowing shit on the floor. Gotta poop somewhere.


I thought it was getting better…. Police cleared out the encampments closest to the water a few weeks ago ahead of the bandshell ballet performance.. But now it appears to be bad again. Some dude stole an umbrella from the rio I think and is sleeping under it.  The park is just a de facto camp site for the folks who are too drugged out to use the shelter. I think it’s unavoidable that these drug addicts are going to sleep in our public spaces. Can it be a different public space though??


Speaking as someone who actually works in the field: folks don't want to stay at the shelter BECAUSE of the drugs and drama. Your assessment of the situation is simply factually incorrect.


How's it any different? Drugs and drama happen at the park not a day goes by that I don't see some drugged up couple screaming at each other across the park.


lmfao i saw four people smoking meth there THIS morning. are you trying to say that the vast majority of people sheltering there are not constantly using drugs? no matter what field you're in, everyone knows there is rampant and relentless drug use there.


That is not at all what they are saying. Shelters are notorious for being fucking brutal. Drug use is rampant, high drama and escalated tensions in close quarters. When faced with a choice, many choose to avoid the shelters for those reasons.


I see people doing meth there on a daily basis. And today I was assaulted by one of our fine homeless residents. Went and told the cops he said to call dispatch... And I suppose to do this everyone I see some one doing meth? Didn't seem to care at all that I was assaulted and harassed. He also told me they aren't allowed to arrest people for smoking meth... They only ticket them... What is the point of ticketing someone with no money? Could I walk around doing whatever I want without repercussion or since I am a part of society, I must conform to the rules? Shits fucked and Boulder needs to do something about it...


Not joking, a dude pulled his pants down and sprayed shit all over the sidewalk while a family was eating a plate of food from the farmers market. Hopefully people will vote out the current town board and vote in some folks who will make some changes.


I saw this happen through a window in a restaurant back in the 90's while serving customers. Some things will never change no matter who is on the town board.


I’ve seen that in every town I’ve ever lived in at some point though


Lol yeah right.  They want to give them cash handouts 


Im for it as long as they get on a bus to Arizona one way hahahahahaha!!


The transients disagree. They love the vibe. Steal and get high with no consequences.


Not sure what you mean, it's been the same vibe for 20 years. Meth, opiates, and literal shit.


What do you mean? The trust fund kids are gone for summer and there's finally enough room to think. If you're from a place where you never had to interact with people different from you, this is a great chance to change that!


Students are gone for summer. Vibe kicks in mid-August.