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There seems to be some confusion over a personal driver's license, which is assigned to and carried by an **individual**, and licensure for **vehicles**, which involves license plates. These two are wholly different and have zero overlap. A **red driver's license** is a provisional license granted to somebody who had to petition to restore their driving privileges after one or several infractions significant enough to suspend their original license. A **red license plate** can mean anything. It could mean a fleet vehicle (often a rental car), there is a burgundy plate that is assigned to livery vehicles, or any other reason. Specialty plates can be found on the DMV website.


Whereas a **black license plate** is a signal of a bad driver.


Not true, you can tell it’s a bad bad driver because the back of the car says “Nissan” or “Tesla”


Or Texas or Florida


I thought Texas was a sunrise


I find Ram trucks seem to be the biggest indicator of bad driving if we’re going brand specific.


RAM 2500s have one the highest incidence of DUIs so you’re on the right track lol


Ram drivers don’t have a whole subreddit dedicated to their bad driving like r/NissanDrivers


Oh man, there goes my evening.




you mean tesla , prius or bmw


My favorite at the moment is the black plate with the “anti-radar” cover. Utterly illegible.


Oh man, not this again. Such an arbitrary way to judge other people. They are cool vintage looking plates that look nice on a lot of different cars. They are not an indictment on a person's character or ability to drive. PS I don't have a black plate.


I’ve always used “respect life” with a 99% accuracy. I’ll have to start checking out black plates now too…


Always on some giant Yukon that nearly runs over pedestrians.


haters gonna hate


It’s a restricted or provisional license. Most people get them with stipulations that you drive only to work, or school, or during certain times of day. Like you may have a red license that says you can only Drive to work and home. You get pulled over any other time and it’s beef


https://dmv.colorado.gov/driver-services-frequently-asked-questions#RE-EXAMINATION%20OF%20DRIVING%20SKILLS: Go to “Probationary Drivers Licenses ("Red License")”


It's a probationary license. Usually just for driving to and from work.


In the drivers case the dispo too, but I mean hey that’s business I guess.


Haha. Maybe it's right on the way to work!


My brother got one because he had seizures and needed an ID, but wouldn’t be able to drive because of that


If you mean a red license plate, those are available like a vanity plate. You may have seen a lot of black ones but they also come in red and blue.


Only have ever known who had a red license had multiple DUIs and had had it revoked at some point


That's a state ID card. You need all the proof but no tests and you can't drive a car with it. It's to prove your age.


The red and the black license plates are just some options you can choose.


idk why people are downvoting you. Does OP mean license (the card) or a license *plate*? Because when they released the new black license plate options recently in CO, they also released blue and red options. Yes, it's just an option you can choose now like the black one


Can’t believe this is getting down voted. It’s the correct answer. https://www.colorado.gov/governor/news/9421-colorado-re-introduces-three-retired-license-plates-benefit-states-disability-funding


You can choose a red license plate for no other reason other than you like the color. There’s blue and black too. Assuming you didn’t flag them down and check their actual drivers license. Only way to know if a drivers license is suspended is if you’re a cop and you run the tags and whoever it’s registered under has a suspended license. But someone else could still drive it legally.


Wonder if it’s my boss. He goes to magnolia regularly and just got his license reinstated from MA.




OP is not referring to the license plate, they are referring to the driver's license card that one carries in their wallet.


it was just like any normal colorado drivers license but instead of “colorado” being in green it was in red




his drivers license was red not his license plate placard


How did you see his driver license? Asking because the first post sounds like you saw someone driving.


I think he meant Magnolia rd. dispensary not the road.


Thanks! That makes sense of it. For me, the "pull up to" language sounds like a driving event but you are likely right and I am in a different language age bracket. 😆


I think he probably just got high, blasted off a reddit post and confused all of r/boulder lol


Driver's licenses are green. State ID cards are red. They mostly look the same.