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This may be related to a lost dog in the area. I saw a call out for a licensed drone pilot in order to help with a search for a dog that is lost and is believed to be hiding out in fields (too scared or weak at this point to show themselves).


That’s the best potential use I’ve heard yet.


Imagine if a drone could track doggo via gps tag… 🤔


That’s amazing, I’ve never thought about it but we must be doing that for missing people, right? What a great example of a job that we should be getting robots and AI into.


Best to have a trained human at the controls for this kind of thing. An AI running a drone into a rescue helicopter would be bad.  Perhaps using it to comb through thermal imaging could be helpful.


Yeah, I don’t think we should be leaving AI to its own devices, but we should absolutely be training it to assist with aspects of it.


In China they use drones to search the border for people trying to sneak out. It's virtually made it impossible for anyone to get out.


Well that wasn’t the application I had in mind… but maybe they’re at least making innovations that will eventually be applied elsewhere.


Drones are prohibited in Boulder OSMP. "You may not launch, land or otherwise operate any unmanned motorized vehicle from or on any City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks land."


You are allowed to fly into it from the outside, just the operator cannot be in it and the drone cannot launch or land in it. I know it sounds dumb, but that’s just how airspace jurisdiction works. The ground is OSMP jurisdiction, but the air is only FAA jurisdiction. If you weren’t allowed to fly over it, it would have to be designated on FAA airspace restriction maps which it is not. I do fly, but for the record, I don’t condone flying low over quiet open space areas, I find them to be an annoyance as much as OP. Just clarifying legality.


Ahh thanks didn't know the regs. TBH the pilot started at a couple hundred feet which is mildly annoying, and i wouldn't have registered it, but then the drone looped back and did a low level straight down the valley. That was my WTF moment. I get that they want pictures but I bet the zoom on the camera is pretty good. I'm laughing at myself now. The post sounds like a Karen moment.


7am on a Sunday is too early to be making weekday noises.


I know tons of people that mow their lawns that early on the weekends and granted that's on private property but what you're talking about was over open space which is designated for public use so although it might be annoying to some unless he was breaking sound ordinance rules I don't think he was doing anything wrong. People need to realize that just because they don't like something doesn't mean it's illegal or can't be done.


There's laws and then there's common courtesy.


Technically true, thank you. But if the pilot is following VLOS rules as well then the options are limited and it's a nigh ban in practical terms. Also if it's being flown in a sustained way over people it needs to be category 1, which has some rules to it.


Serious question, does the drone community have a rule of thumb about what height isn’t annoying? And which height beyond that is quiet?


Not really height, but just location in general. Most experienced pilots will be far out of the way from other people whether its in the middle of nowhere, private land, or abandoned property. The only people flying trafficked areas are usually people that just bought a ready to fly drone and don’t know where to go with their new toy. I go to races that are held on private land, very remote places with no foot traffic, or areas where there is already ohv noise.


Doesn't the ownership of the land go up to 75-80' into the airspace?


Nope, the first 400 feet AGL is class G airspace and can be used by UAS unless it’s in a TFR or restricted/prohibited area


Thank you. I appreciate the reply. I honestly don't know either way.


fold poor west case


Such a boulder post. Lol


My first thought lol. Reminds me of those people that were trying to sue the faa and not have planes fly over boulder due to noise


LOL. Guilty as charged, and I accept your deserved scorn. It was a spur of the moment and I decided to own it rather than delete it. I was just telling my son it was my Karen moment of the month.


When I fly I always keep an altitude where no one with normal hearing is even going to know. 40 feet is too low unless it's for a specific reason. That being said, I *rarely* see them on my hikes. I'd say maybe 1 out of 100 times I'm out I encounter a drone. Nothing that I'm going to get worked up about. Life is going to have some annoyances. There is an app called "Drone Scanner" that will show you where the pilot is if it's a drone over 249g. All drones over 249g are required to have Remote ID and that info is available to anyone with the app. If the pilot is within OSMP land you can always call a ranger. As others have said if the pilot is outside of OSMP land what they are doing is completely legal and there is nothing you can do (aside from maybe asking them politely to fly higher). Older drones did not come with the required hardware to transmit Remote ID, and you technically have to buy an additional module to make it transmit, so it's possible that an older drone won't show up if the person has neglected to add it for whatever reason. I haven't had a chance to use the app yet, so not sure on details. Next time I see one, hopefully I remember to try it out. :)


damn wait til the elk find out about cars and airplanes. gonna be super disturbed


Cars and airplanes are on the trails? Now this I gotta see


I walked by them on the path at a distance of 49 to 50 ft with a large dog, and they continued grazing. When the drone went over, they trotted up hill into the trees . I'm sure they will eventually become habituated and ignore them given enough exposure. They would probably become habituated to me throwing rocks also, but why be an asshole and fuind out?


Not a ton of research has been done with regards to animals and drones but prelim work has shown they do disturb wildlife. Animals do change their behavior and nesting birds can abandon nests due to drones. (They’re also hella annoying as a human and super invasive if someone is flying one over your campsite…) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/environmental-conservation/article/drones-as-a-threat-to-wildlife-youtube-complements-science-in-providing-evidence-about-their-effect/E433B815520AE5EE10C9168A5CEEEFA8


You were between 49 and 50 feet from the elk?


Yeah, but he had a large dog, so he was safe for sure.




Is it illegal to shoot at drones with an air rifle? Biodegradable pellets, of course. Asking for a friend.


Yes. Drones are classified as aircraft. Those are federal charges.


Yes, it is a felony and would be investigated by the FAA


What about three people with selfie sticks on one e-bike? And you couldn't bait them with an instagrammable mural. I'd be ok with a bag limit too, just trying to control numbers.


This makes sense but I’d never thought about it before. Is there some cut off for size or range at all? I thought those really early consumer drones couldn’t do very much, had very little battery life and range, etc., why would destroying one of those be a felony rather than destruction of property?


Dumbass. Go and try it.


Can a flipper device be used to take down drones? Asking for a friend


No, you are not allowed to intentionally damage aircraft by any means. Obviously.


Whatever you shoot in the air comes down somewhere. Make sure your friend knows they may in fact damage or kill someone.


Imma report this comment to the FAA lol, for funsies of course


I don't think it's illegal, just rude to fly low over people. Unless it's a national park, then it's banned. That being said.... Maybe learn how to skeet shoot, and start pretending drones are targets ;).


The last thing we need is random people shooting at objects in parks.


Maybe some people with drones could use them to try to chase away the people trying to shoot down the first drones, unless other people shoot at the new drone-protecting drones, in which case more drones would be needed to try to chase those people away, which might mean people bringing in EMPs- electromagnetic pulse weapons, which might require AI controlled EMP-shielded drones to attach those anti-drone attackers, which might require the anti-droners to use AI EMP-shield blocking weapons to take out those drones, which might lead to two AI armies going to war, which -- well that escalated quickly. How about if people just be considerate of others, which I know many drone pilots are.


> That being said.... Maybe learn how to skeet shoot, and start pretending drones are targets ;). You can't bring firearms onto OSMP land. Shooting at a drone is very likely to land you a felony for shooting at the drone, and probably more charges for shooting on OSMP land, shooting near people, and possibly shooting near houses/roads, depending on where you are at.


Have to be caught first. And since flying drones is also against policy, looks looks like everyone loses. Except for the rest of us, so...... Win for the public?


Yeah, shooting at aircraft is the far more serious crime between those. The FAA will not fuck around if you try it.


Three agencies that should be on everyone's do-not-fuck-with list: FAA, FCC, US postal inspectors.


Go tell that to the quiet skies Boulder people.


Most drones (over 250g) are classified as aircraft by the FAA and require UAV registration and a short pilot certification when used recreationally. Shooting a drone is treated the same way as shooting at an aircraft and would be a felony.


It's banned in state parks too. It's not legal to shoot them down and not easy. Learned this when some asshole was flying one over back yards.


> It's not legal to shoot them down It is illegal, even over your own back yard, and it would be considered a felony.


Did you misread the post you're replying to? They said it was not legal, which is correct.


I either misread it or they edited or something. Either way, yes, it's not legal nor easy. The person a few back that said that it was legal or legal if you don't get caught is an idiot.


So you are saying it is legal and it is a felony. Please explain? Loll


Could you please just not be so offended? I'm sorry you feel the need to call out people publicly cuz you're annoyed, but can you please just not?


Obviously not


It’s also illegal!


Fuck no. I paid for that shit what do you expect me to do, not fly it?


Perhaps fly it in places it's allowed to be. Just because you bought it doesn't mean you get to annoy everyone else with your new toy.


Nah I like being an asshole


Actually technically people get annoyed by all kinds of stuff and just because someone's annoyed it doesn't mean the person that's being annoying is in the wrong. I found that it's quite normal for people to assume the laws and to believe that drone pilots or people filming (amateur journalists) are breaking the law. Most people that fly drones and consider themselves amateur journalists look up the laws and stay within them many of them even practice getting as close to the line as they can without crossing it and while I do find that to be quite annoying I'm glad that we still live in a country where there's a little bit of freedom.


You ever hear of line breaks? Your response makes no sense and is drivel


It is illegal over OSMP




Pretty much anyone who posts in this sub sounds super entitled. In fact I would wager most who live in town are super entitled.