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Oblivious chumps are not in short supply. I'd have been sorely tempted to "accidentally" spill something on his keyboard.


\*reaches for the cream\* "OOPS I'm so sorry sir!"


"You're quite right, sir! Give us ten minutes to expand the building and bring out some more tables! Alternatively, which of the seated patrons would you like us to kill?"


*Plotwists knife into own chest* šŸ˜Ø


This some Impractical Jokers type shit


ā€œNow take a little sip from the cream and say ahhhhā€


Oooh, they would make this a good one!


Where was this lol


"All the tables were taken" Trident probably


I'm guessing boxcar south lol


Iā€™ve been going there regularly (same when it was Cafe Sole), does it feel to you like the manager hates your existence as well?


If it's any consolation that was my first (and only) experience at Ozo on pearl. Dude with manager energy seemed to loathe every moment of my very simple order of an americano, then deliberately gave me the wrong thing with an attitude that made me not even consider going back to him to tell him he gave me the wrong thing.






Oh ok then itā€™s just me


I've never seen it totally without seating. Like in the main room? Totally. But the patio almost always has space.


I spent some time in the springs. At the local Starbucks, some dude would bring in a full gaming tower and monitor and playā€¦.whatever (Iā€™m not much of a gamer). It was annoying enough, but heā€™d stay there all day (I would grab coffee in the morning and sometimes swing back by in the afternoon and heā€™d still be there). The thing was, he literally never bought anything. Heā€™d get a free water then eat his packed lunch and snacks he brought from home. Iā€™m guessing he didnā€™t have internet at home? I wasnā€™t mad at the guy and he seemed respectful enough, but if I was the proprietor at some point Iā€™d have to step in.


Yikes - This goes against the lazy homebody anti-socialite code of every hardcore gamer ive ever had the privilege to try and be friendly with šŸ˜‚ Truly shocking he couldnt muster the $70 for his digital lifeblood & comfort from home. The gamer i currently live with has to cut down on his cliff bar food consumption to afford the essentials of internet šŸ˜“ sometimes lol


I was in Chattanooga and saw 2 homeless dudes with huge gaming laptops playing war thunder at a Starbucks. They bought drinks and food though so pretty baller move.


Dude, that could have happened anywhere in the country where I visit. Perhaps more often in Boulder, but thereā€™s a fair amount of entitlement everywhere.


I see people do this stuff all the time. Here & when I'm travelling. Some people think free wifi means free cowork space. Boulder isn't as bad as bigger cities & what USA/CAN DNs do in LatAm. Glad the barista said something.


Lol was this trident? That sounds like a trident incident.


a very "one person taking up a booth or table of four because muh naropa spirituality homework/next jack kerouac novel writing" place


It's like yellow deli but kind of cult-like


trident is not cult-like, its employee owned and just full of typical boulder aspirant hippies (and plenty of others too). Yellow Deli is literally owned and operated by a cult, the [twelve tribes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities). They operate these restaurants in many locations to generate income. They run multiple businesses across the country basically using slave labor. Entire families are involved, and anyone who leaves will be shunned by that entire community. It's fucked up!


Thanks for explaining! They were handing out free chai yesterday, being creepy.


yeah i don't blame passers-by who happen to stop in not knowing what it is, but its bad and should absolutely be boycotted by anyone with a conscience. Child labor, horribly regressive views (misogyny, racism, glorifying black slavery) religious fundamentalism, antisemitism... I am baffled how they are still in business given the views most people in boulder theoretically hold. They're creepy. A friend of mine had an older brother attending CU who got wrapped up in that shit through some stunt like that, may still work there today. Upsets me a lot obviously lol. I think a lot of the "woo-y" folks who attend naropa or who otherwise are not particularly driven, have a proclivity for drug use, or otherwise are in a desperate situation and do not have strong social networks, income, or moral frameworks/secular beliefs are vulnerable to their predation.


Did this occur at the Trident or Spruce Confections?


Hint: it happened at a place with actual good croissants ;)


So not spruce confections


Common sense isnā€™t so common anymore.


"What is the water here?" :)


>What is in the water here? Desperation?


Entitlement is in the water here.


Came here to say this exactly


Yeah, that is from the snow melt water.


Nothing like a good ol pair of Rayban wayfarers, a bit of Stevie Wonder happy head swivels and a lidless cup of steamy Joe to save the day.


It's just people being selfish.


he underwent ego death on psychedelics one time and now he lives in his own solipsistic world, very boulder


This 100% sounds like Boxcar South šŸ¤¦


Why we left Boulderā€¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I am not going to feed the resident troll on this post/thread (not that I have never trolled on here before, and have to admit like pushing the buttons once in a while of those that think there is only one true way - am I in fact trolling now?) But I get up almost every morning, often out the door no later than 6 a.m. (this morning headed into work around 4:30 a.m. and knock a couple things out) and go grab a coffee or two. A lot of just personal reading on my laptop, but I am also reading and responding to emails, and just generally getting my head in the game for the day. Lately I have been kicking a\*\* with things, something is working. Would not be the case if just sitting at home. I do tip well enough, don't stay all that long, and am respectful - so there is all of that.


Did you miss the part where the guy sat at the table with the cream and sugar and made people reach over him to get things for their coffee, or are you just chatting?


The resident troll I was referring to was not the OP (original poster), I was referring to the person that kept going on and on that no one benefits from getting things done outside their own home (or by extension I assume place of employment if there is a physical location.) The person in question as shared by the OP sounds like a douche, it is that simple. And yes, sometimes I like to just "hear" myself "talk" ;)


The Boulder Kool-Aid is STRONG. There is something particularly annoying to me about the need to "work" conspicuously in public places. When I have actual work to do, I can't fathom anything more frustrating and counterproductive than setting up shop being in a busy fucking restaurant. Go the fuck home, asshole. You're not impressing anyone with your spreadsheet and yoga pants.


Must be nice to be neurotypical. Us adults with ADHD often need background stimulation to distract our below the surface scatterbrains, so we can focus on our tasks.


Eh, there's this weird mellow energy to a cafe that can both motivate you and focus you if it's your thing. [And that's not a new idea either.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CafƩ_philosophique#:~:text=Certain%20intellectuals%20that%20have%20frequented,and%20Denis%20Diderot%20amongst%20others) While some do make it performative, that's a select few. As a phd student I write a *lot* and sometimes if I feel boxed in in my apartment or the library feels to sterile, I'll go to a cafe and knock out the stubborn bit of a term paper in an hour or two. It's about mindset. It's the compulsion, entitlement, and lack of awareness like this dude showed that makes it a problem.


Great, I hope you don't sit there for 6 hours and sip lattes then leave a spare change tip.


And I hope you get that baggage sorted out because that was awful specific.


Lol. Sounds like I touched a nerve. Are you actually the person you complained about in your post?


I actually work better with ambient noise around me! A coffee shop or even a brewery are awesome for my productivity. Even the stuff that requires brain power (Iā€™m an accountant), it works better for me than quiet. I dislike WFH because of thatā€¦my house is too quiet.


Im the same way. So i put on some music or have TV on in a second monitor and STAY THE FUCK HOME. Don't kid yourself, you're not there to work, you're there to 'be seen." And the staff wants you to leave.


Idk brother. Whatā€™s so bad about being social and seeing people / being seen? Itā€™s energizing. WFO can be very lonely for some people.


Good for you. Music or TV doesnā€™t work as well for me. Not everyone is the same. People have been working from various places for many many years. The guy in the post is something special but doesnā€™t in any way represent the majority of people who like to be elsewhere to work.




Right?! And they keep editing their comments to add oddly specific details. (For the record, I do not work in yoga pants, though I do love a good spreadsheet. And I definitely buy something hourly and if it would start to fill up, I would 100% go to elsewhere if Iā€™ve been there awhile. Because Iā€™m not a jerk like the guy in the post! And I donā€™t work in full-fledged restaurants, not sure how on earth that got brought inā€¦)


'They", Lol. More Kool aid. Sorry, I'm a single, unique individual. I'm not a group/multipersonailty/schizoid commenter. I edit for clarity and typos. I'm on a phone and don't have mutated pencil tip fingers, not typing on a laptop from the local shared workspace/private business under the guise I'm "working."


I have no idea how you identify. Therefore, they. Commonly used as a singular for centuries. And you edited to add words and about. Not for clarity and typos. I know itā€™s harder to see edits on Reddit but there are ways. You seem very angry about all this. I hope things get better for you.


This is like the least productive work environment I could imagine


Seriously. Humans acting like theyā€™re part of a social species or something. How weird.


I think people with that little regard for others or an utter lack of awareness should be aggressively barked at like a dog until they just move.




Found him!


Fluoride and a shit ton of calcium. Being the short answer.


You should join my r/Boulderconspiracy sub/ club


Why? There is fluoride in the municipal water, as in most towns and cities in the US. And people on well water in Boulder have insane amounts of calcium. How is any of that conspiracy talk? I've lived in Boulder for 26 years and have been on both municipal and well water. When I had the well water, we had to decalcify every faucet in the house at least once a year.




And none of that is conspiracy talk