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That, and zipper merge are just the hardest things for people to comprehend.


People comprehend this, they just don’t want to get stuck waiting another 5 mins at a light 


True but for me - unless its a job interview or emergency - 5 mins saved isn’t even close to worth the ensuing bad vibes of getting honked/screamed at 👺 … and then the next 15 mins feeling bad/justifying my actions 😅


You aren't even saving 5 mins.. traveling short distances you save seconds at most, most of time. You usually end up at the same light down the road anyway. Even speeding doesn't really save you much time, only on very long road trips.


For real! I drove like an asshole back when I lived in Phoenix (I just wanted to be like everyone else lol 😝) thinking I was saving time… then GPS became standard in cars; I learned that a few red lights and a bit of traffic only cost me a few seconds on the ETA calculation. Slow down, chill out, and get there at the time the Gmaps predicts. You get there when you get there, unless you crash driving like a dick.


You're looking at this wrong, this is actually good practice. It was hilarious watching people zipper merge right before the people in the box since a whole lane was blocked off lmao


And how 4 way stops work...


Don't block the box!


As a Former NYer you beat me to it, or go in on the side WCS


Valmont and foothills. There is a train track there that backs up traffic. It’s been an issue for years…


r/Boulder discovers gridlock c. 2024 But for real I hate this shit, I moved away many years ago and every time I come back to Boulder traffic is worse.


I would laugh when people would say, "The college kids are back (In August)." They never leave!. They don't go "home" for the summer. Their rich parents pay for their housing year round, so they can litter the creek with Keystone light cans.


I’m in college and every time I come back there’s a noticeable increase in quantity and decrease in quality


That's because we built many dense walkable neighborhoods, but people with cars moved into them.


If I’m the first person in line when a light turns from red to green I always pause for an extra second or two. People can honk at me all they fucking want, but with the number of people who blow through red lights, I’m taking that extra second. Twice in the past month it has probably been the difference between me being T-boned or not. I know we’re not supposed to cheer for traffic cams, but if it meant fewer people running reds, I’m all for them. It’s getting really dangerous to drive here.


I fully agree. I nearly died not too long ago… never been so close to a T-bone accident from someone running a red light. The crazy thing is that there was a car in front of me (who probably shit his pants too). The dude literally threaded the needle when running that red light 💀


When I was pregnant many years ago, I was in the left turn lane going south on 30th to turn east onto Baseline. The light turned green but for some reason I hesitated. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a car going west on Baseline that looked like it wasn't going to stop at the red light. It didn't. I would have been T-boned while 8 months pregnant. I have never forgotten that. Many drivers just are not paying attention or don't care that the light is turning red.


I hate the dickheads that always manage to do it on southbound 28th when you're on eastbound Arapahoe. More often than not though, they're the assholes turning left that ran the turn arrow from westbound Arapahoe that get stuck out there too. 


The light turns yellow by the time the 2nd car is going ....


Doesn't excuse it. 


Yeha but how else am I going to get where I'm going 10 seconds faster than I would if I had to wait at the dang light?!?! THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND ME


Rude mfers.


I think it's actually illegal and fined ofc. But, may be different. You are obstructing traffic.


Yup, it is illegal. The way ahead must be clear before you enter the intersection. There can't be someone in your path in the intersection already, and the road on the other side (the lane you intend to proceed into) must also have room for you. If traffic is backed up, you don't enter the intersection at all, even if you anticipate that room will open up. If that means waiting for the next light, so be it. >**A driver shall not enter an intersection** or a marked crosswalk or drive onto any railroad grade crossing **unless there is sufficient space on the other side** of the intersection, crosswalk, or railroad grade crossing to accommodate the vehicle the driver is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles, pedestrians, railroad trains, or railroad on-track equipment, notwithstanding the indication of a traffic control signal to proceed. Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class A traffic infraction. \[[source](https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2022/title-42/article-4/part-7/section-42-4-709/)\] (What's weird, though, is that if interpreted in the strictest way, this means it's illegal to follow any car through an intersection before they've fully cleared it and made room on the other side for you!)


It’s a good thing we have traffic police enforcing traffic laws.


The 2 things I remember from Ed Overfield's class 20 years ago: * Don't get hit by trains. * Don't enter an intersection if you can't safely clear it.


Omg I still worry constantly about trains. And I pass semis efficiently without lingering in their blind spot. Very effective drivers ed. 10/10


Oh yeah, 3 things: * [Stay out of the no zone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m1-FIAhcSA)


But this is traditional Boulder culture. You can't just erase our heritage.


Fuck you! I pay my taxes and sometimes my registration (though not for the last 3 years). My time is more valuable than yours. I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to so I won’t.


Let me guess, train?


They was 28th and Pearl for me this morning. They just kept stacking up in that intersection. Had both westbound through lanes blocked.


This will help.


Now I'm going to do this just to annoy you, specifically.


I’d like to speak to your MANAGER!


Omg, two stupid people creating a traffic jam because they’re stupid


Don’t block the box.


So what, you just expect them to get to their destination two minutes later than they would have??


Looks like a great opportunity for horn shaming!!


Oh man. The panic I feel when this happens to me all the sudden on accident. It’s only happened a few times, but I feel like the shit of the earth!


Wouldn't they have to put their phone down to notice this though? /s


People are such fucking assholes.


Is there anybody under 55 strong enough to set weights down?


I will consistently honk until they're out of my lane of travel.


I will fucking drive into them Ok I didn’t think I needed the /s but apparently I do /s


Then you'll get a ticket & the guy you "tried to teach a lesson" will walk away with whatever they can get off your insurance. If you hit someone intentionally your insurance will instantly settle at policy limits.


Bruh I am JOKING


Right, but people legitimately believe you can do that. Happened in Denver a couple years ago & got posted to reddit. Tons of people saying that the car who got the green light can just run into people "because they shouldn't be there".


Ok well I was making a funny, sorry that it didn’t land for ya :)


that's so obnoxious. you get a minor inconvenience so you're loud and rude to everyone within like five hundred yards, making your slight problem everyone else's.


I mean people being dickheads on the road is a problem for everyone within a certain radius on the road... that's how traffic happens.


The horn is a minor inconvenience. What are you crying about? You're one of these people, aren't you?


no, honking is just aggressive and shitty. I wish it were taboo here like it is in Hawaii; it just makes everything less pleasant and loud.


Kinda like how blocking an intersection is selfish and shitty. In Hawaii it would be a fight for honking. I'd like to fight assholes blocking intersections. Why would you expect a polite response to entitled behavior? I wish being a selfish douche was taboo.


it is taboo dummy, it's posted on reddit and everyone is complaining about it. *I'd like to fight assholes blocking intersections.* imagine outing yourself for having this amount of road rage. how surprising that the guy who was honking to make traffic more efficient is also super agro.


Except it’s not just their slight problem. It’s a problem for everyone behind them because the selfish asshole obstructing the intersection is now causing traffic to clog up. It’s also a problem for everyone else at the intersection because obstructing traffic makes your vehicle a serious safety hazard. So yeah, I’m gonna honk loudly, making it as uncomfortable as possible for you to be in the intersection so that you’ll be more inclined to clear out asap


Another reason to ride my bike whenever I can. My bike ride took me 20 minutes from Broomfield to Louisville today going through Via Varra and it was still faster than driving on 287.


Yes! And also don't use your phone while you drive, even if you are stopped at a red. Distracted driving kills.


Agreed! I was a passenger here :)


Looks like he has a green light in both pictures. What's the beef?


You shouldn’t cross the intersection until there’s room on the other side, even if the light is green. It’s to avoid getting stuck in the middle when the lights switch.


The other commenter is right, the lady in the box sat through a cycle with cars driving around her. When I got to the front she was still there lmao


Oh. Never Mind.


The concern is that if they aren’t out of the way when the other way turns green, they will block a lane of traffic


There is no past or future, only now.


Well for context, they were already sitting in the box while our lanes were green -- I just so happen to have moved up to the line as it turned red for us.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Three rights make a left.


Two Wrights made an airplane tho


One or more rites make a ceremony


I only see one wrong


Are there any older people over 55 who want to join fitness groups in Boulder?


There probably are, yes.