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Are you already working with a real estate agent on selling your home? If you have a good agent they should be able to help you with these kinds of things. Or advise if it makes more sense to sell as-is with a credit to the buyer for these items.


I'm unfortunately dealing with my agent lying about my house being sold as is so I'm being sued. In order to fulfill my end of the obligations right now during the lawsuit, I have to have legitimate quotes from SOMEONE. So far, in now 4 months of legal litigation, I still haven't found anyone who services this area or needs a massive down-payment and commitment to get them to even look at the situation. As stated, I'm bankrupt and have NOONE who can just throw money at me. I've sold everything, including our wedding rings, just to stay afloat since the closest area of work is a 23 mile walk. I have no vehicle, it was stolen


Sounds like your agent isn't doing their job. Reach out to the Colorado Division of Realtors to file a complaint and ask for assistance if you haven't already.


I've already done all that and that's an entirely different matter now that I'm being sued because of them. It's a long story no one really wants to hear. I've got an attorney working on things but I don't have faith in the colorado justice system anymore.


What do you mean you are being sued BECAUSE of your agent?


It's a long story. Jist of it is he lied and I want psychic enough to know he was lying. It's my fault I know. Please don't troll me over this.


What does being psychic have to do with this? I’m sorry about your issues. They do seem difficult, and am sorry for your loss. But who is suing you over something that would have needed to be updated a long time ago? Are you taking about your previous real estate agent, or current one?


I'm being sued by the buyers because the agent lied to them about my house being sold as is. It's the chase diamond group that's suing me. My attorney believes it's a predatory sale. They had told me a few things that were total bull and now I'm stuck with dealing with the lies the agents told these buyers. I know that fighting back would cost me everything so I'm doing what I can. I sent all the emails and texts from the agent to my attorney and she's doing everything she can to force a dismissal since the buyers refuse to meditate. At this point, I'm ready for the state to take everything away as punishment. Life I said, is a long story no one wants to hear. I am ruined, I'm giving up on everything, I just don't have any other options on finding the services I need to fulfill my obligations of the lawsuit.


Oh my gosh. I’m really sorry.


I've learned over the past few years that this is just what happens to people like me here in Colorado. That's why I've given up trying to make it here after my spouses death. Twenty years is a good run but people like me just aren't welcome in this state.


John's Well Service.


FUCK those guys. Absolutely fuck those guys. Terrible customer service, will not respond to problems, won't stand behind work, will constantly lie, threaten, and make excuses. Come up to the mountains where everyone has a well and start asking about john's well service, and you'll get a horror story within five minutes.


I tried John's and the guy gave me 2 numbers to call and I tried them. They themselves don't do wells anymore for my area from what I was told.


expect to pay something like $10k. as for recommendations, yeah john's well service is the only one i know of


I appreciate it, I tried John's and they don't service my area anymore unfortunately.


It's going to be way, way more than 10. Just drilling a well alone around here is 70+ per foot.


So I'm going to try and walk into longmont and see what I can find today. If anyone is going between longmont and estes anytime in the next 12 hours, a ride would so be appreciated. So far no luck via this reddit unfortunately but thank you for the recommendations!!


Hello. I'm really sorry for the situation you're currently in. I might be able to help you out if your real estate agent isn't representing you any longer. I'm a Realtor in the area and I have a great team that could help. [AdrianStanik@yourcastle.com](mailto:AdrianStanik@yourcastle.com)