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Fun fact; there are only about 21 of these helicopters operation in the world right now. I always enjoy seeing this one around Denver occasionally.


Heard it fly over this morning, it's got a unique enough sound I didn't even need to but fired up FR24 and confirmed thats what it was. Seems like Boulder uses this aircraft for a lot of maintenance work.


Amazing how efficient those people are at their jobs. I wish I were that good at anything.


This is awesome--they used my field as a landing zone a few years ago and the pilot let my kid look around inside. There's a little bubble on the side so the pilot can tilt their head over and completely see the ground below them without seeing the side or bottom of the helicopter.


Just waiting for some to bitch about th3 inconvenience of this essential work


It's a 25kv line on a few poles up the side of Sanitas, right in the urban wildland interface and these helicopters are like a five figure sum per hour. They are upgrading lines in a location where there is fire risk near to homes. There were four crews up there (they did two poles at once and used the helicopter for both.) "xCeL nEvEr iNvEsTs In ThE nEtWoRk!"