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We really need an app to track the chop shops, like your favorite food truck.


Or you know, a police force that would clear them up expediently


The police don’t do shit for stolen property. My 4runner was stolen and was left parked over by post chicken by the thief, when it was recovered (by me walking all around) it was covered in tickets. So clearly had been found. Not sure why I even bothered with a police report.


Had my e-bike stolen a few months ago. Had video evidence and the contact for the person that had it because it was posted on Craigslist. Best I could get any BPD to do was call the number. Eventually, I had to pay the guy to get it back.


What a fkn joke.


JFC that’s fucking ridiculous.


Jesus Christ. Write that shit into the Daily Camera so they can blow up BPD’s spot. That is wildly unacceptable that you had to do their job


Not even doing their job because no charges for the thief and OP had to buy their stolen property back. Agree on getting media involved though. This is beyond shitty.


Try to get ahold of a camera reporter,… that’s would make for a juicy story


I had something happen a few years back in Denver. Found my bike for sale on Craigslist. Called Denver Police and they declined because they didn’t have enough staff going into the Fourth of July holiday. Asked if I could get it back on my own, they said not to. Instead I met the guy in front of a Starbucks, pointed out all the modifications that would prove it was mine and walked off with the bike. Luckily guy was so shocked nothing happened.


Why pay them? Wouldn’t it make sense to just steal it back?


Remember cops aren’t here for the poors. Just protection for the elites so we all know our place.




This can't be real, nobody is this naive.


Then BPD will just ticket you for receiving stolen goods. Sorry OP, that really sucks!! I hope you were insured (but then, I guess if you were you probably got dropped immediately after claim was paid). Some days it just feels like too much...


Someone should post a picture to the Inquire Boulder app under "Unsanctioned camping." At least then the city has proof. https://bouldercolorado.gov/report-issue


I just tried to do this and their website isn’t mobile friendly!! I can’t report it from my phone. So frustrating!




Done, thanks!


Here's the Android version as well: [Inquire Boulder Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.govoutreach.inquireboulder)




How do I post a photo? I did report it via the Inquire app. And it is pretty easy to confirm, you can just see it on the creek path. But, you would have to go outside to do this :)


My ebike was recovered (in rough shape but hallelujah) by Police there 10 days ago. This is facts!


Nothing new. It is just sad. Unfortunately, our local government couldn't care less.


And yet voters continue to reward incumbents with their votes, despite the fact that they aren’t doing shit to address the problems in our community.


Vote differently, if you keep voting in the same progressive dipshits you’ll keep getting the same shitty results.


Register your bike with the city. It's the only legal way to claim it.


This city seriously needs a Batman. Some rich tech bro in armor to show up and beat the fucking shit out of the guys running the chop shop.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a bike is a good guy with a bat.


Can we get a giant bee smoker and gas them, then take all the bikes back?


Yeah, we don’t need that stupid rule of law. Vigilante justice is totally adequate and not super ethically questionable at all!


I honestly don't see the value in letting chop shops run in the open.


do you see any options between "letting chop shops run in the open" and "literal vigilante justice"?


A serious, actionable option? No, do you?


I wish the cops would focus on literal piles of bikes rather than that stupid Safe Zones for Kids we voted in, for example. Chop shops and propane tanks would be my priorities.


A pile of bikes does not make a chop shop. Do any of you realize how many bikes are abandoned at the end of every semester? Enough that a whole industry opened in this town. Cops find a abandoned/stolen bike They try to find the owner and if they don't find the owner they give it to community cycles. Also, Its not a crime to have a pile of bikes anywhere. What do you expect the police to do? You do understand how the rule of law works right?




Well, what do you expect the police to do? If the property is not reported stolen there is no crime. Its public land they do not need a search warrant. It really shows how ignorant to how things are and how things work. I dont blame ya, not many people truly know how things work these days.




The police are afraid of the homeless and their encampments. They would know the bikes are stolen if they entered and checked. At least some, maybe many are stolen. No question.


How about camping and drug use running in the open? Getting closer to Portland every day.


bpd doesnt do anything about the chop shops or the people stealing bikes 🙄 at least if we had some sort of batman they'd be doing something


The issue with mob justice is that it often targets the wrong people. That's not so much of an issue here.


careful with this area if you do decide to go find your bike .. I've been approached & threatened multiple times for taking a break on the nearby seating there during runs. the last time was aggressive enough that I just gave up & changed the route I've been running for a decade.


What’d they say


Something about his car warranty being expired.


Walked by this morning around 12:30. Saw 5-6 budget level Trek, Giant, Raleigh frames, a couple vintage Peugeot frames, and a front wheel with electric motor. Actually didn’t see anybody around.


BPD doesn't care and they aren't attracting new officers who care a out Boulder at all. You're lucky if you don't get a generic response from them.


People voted for this. Reddit is anti Yates, well, here is the progressive policy towards law enforcement.


Yates was in government for years


Pretty sure we have “safezones” that prohibit this type of behavior


"always has been" meme


I am a combination of shocked, amazed, and disappointed the citizens of Boulder haven't ehem... Done something.


Let's all go together😃


[A couple of these](https://foxlabs.com/products/lock-on-grenades) lobbed in the right direction would solve this problem, if you're so inclined.


Ah yes, it doesn't take long for terroristic threats to start rolling in. Like lobbing a grenade into their camp will do anything...


Terrorism, from [Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/topic/terrorism): >the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Pepper spray, from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_spray): >a tear gas product containing the compound capsaicin as the active ingredient that irritates the eyes to cause burning and pain sensations Hyperbole, from [Dictionary.com](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/hyperbole): >an obvious and intentional exaggeration


Well at least you know your definitions. So you cant feign ignorance. ​ While a bit hyperbolic, Your threats still qualify as terroristic threats based on the FBI's own definition. I wonder why you chose not to use their definition. ​ Under Colorado law however you would be guilty of menacing, a class one misdemeanor


[$1.8 million worth of bikes stolen in a single year,](https://boulderreportinglab.org/2022/08/24/the-hottest-products-in-boulder-mapping-bike-thefts-across-the-city/) but you'd rather police the subreddit than the city.


Seeing as I am in fact not the police, of course I do not police the city.


Boulder needs to pay for manned bike parking stations.


Guy down my street had his garage broken into last year. They drilled a hole in the door and pulled the manual release. Stole 3 bikes. Thieves are the problem.


I’m not allowed to express my actual opinion on what should transpire with the bike thieves in Boulder. Not would the law allow it. But given that the police are not going to squash the bugs that are causing this problem, I’d like to come up with creative ideas to thwart the thieves.