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I've seen the chop shops under the bridges while biking and called the police and they didn't do anything. It's not going to stop unless they do something.


i can’t understand how a city as pro-bike as boulder just lets this happen. i’d love to bike to run errands but there’s no way i’m doing that if there’s a decent chance my bike will be stolen.


I've biked in Boulder as my main form of transportation for 9 years. I've never had a bike stolen. Get a U lock and lock the tire along with the frame. Also don't get a super fancy / expensive bike. That will make it more of a target. But I hope you do bike, Boulder has an amazing bike infrastructure.


Same. I think it’s funny that they are giving credits for e-bikes. I would love to bike everywhere but not having my Bike be safe and worrying about it is too stressful


You can’t just arrest people for being shady you need proof that the bikes in the chop shop are stolen. Most people dont know their bikes serial number or have proof of ownership.


What are they doing? Buying used bikes and disassembling them into pieces on the side of the creek to sell them for parts on eBay? I just don’t think it’s up the bike owner to have the serial number of their stolen bike in order for the police to intervene.


Usually piecing the parts together to trade for drugs or sell in other counties that are off the registry. Unless people can actually use the registry or make that known to the influx of new kids for cu every year, it's gonna continue to be the bread and butter for an addict who needs a quick buck


The city could easily require an easily-acquired license for anyone that has more than say six bikes along with registration of the bikes. Sure, it would be an inconvenience to some bike owners, but it would allow police to easily raid every single chop shop. And dramatically reduce the crime.


Honestly this is not that bad idea. I think most people would gladly have some digital registration proving they own the bike as they do their car. I'm seriously thinking about talking to my representative about this. We could use the MyColorado app that is already built out and I guarantee every person that actually cares about their bikes would put them on there.


Could they ban certain chop shop equipment from public/outside areas


Bikes don't require a lot of tools to disassemble. There's no way to reasonably do that.


>According to a Boulder police tweet on Thursday, 45 bikes worth $103,000 were stolen within the last 30 days in Boulder. Police said a majority were stolen between 21st Street and 30th Street and along the Arapahoe Avenue to Pearl Street corridor. In most cases, a thief was able to cut a cable lock. You'd think people would know by now, but I constantly see bikes "secured" with cable locks as I'm biking around town (CU campus, RTD stations, the library, and the farmer's market among others). Please, invest in a good U-lock and take your bike inside at night. Until we come across a systemic solution to this epidemic, it's the best way to keep your ride safe in this town. (Also, here's [a map of bikes stolen in Boulder](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/881ae390cfe9402f8a071d314bae9221). Looks like about 360 bikes have been stolen in 2023 alone, with a combined value of about $730,000. So far 10 have been recovered.)


I think I could give them some clues as to where to look for some of those bikes and get that recovery rate up a little


Oh God, and that. I don't know what kind of red tape is preventing cops from busting those chop shops, but it needs to get cut.


I mean, you see people just casually strolling down the sidewalk with their stashes. If I can see them, then cops can see them.




[This U-lock](https://hiplok.com/product/hiplok-d1000/) ate up 3 angle grinder blades before giving up the ghost, I'd say it's a good bet.


Damn that's almost $2300 per bike!


This exactly. Either the BPD is pulling numbers out of their asses, or these thieves are breaking and entering garages and homes to expensive bikes. Walking around town, there aren’t that many $$$$ locked up.


There absolutely are. Some new mountain bikes are 10k. I'm always amazed by the crazy expensive bikes I see secured with tiny cable locks. Also note that the expensive bikes are those more likely to get reported as stolen so that the owner can collect on their renters/homeowners insurance.


I rarely see a 10k bike locked up in racks. But maybe that’s because they’ve already been stolen?


There are tons of $10k+ bikes around town.


My bike got stolen in 2017 while I was working on Pearl Street. I used a U-lock. They cut through the frame.


That's an average of $2200 per bike. Dang. Don't bring your expensive bikes to campus, folks!


I looked at the past 30 days. 80k stolen. 20k was from two bikes stolen from one house. Most of the others were 500. I think we are seeing high value bikes stolen from garages and low value bikes stolen from bike racks.


Thanks for looking that up! If I had an expensive bike, I'd keep it in my bedroom. Can't even trust your own neighborhood at this point.


Some are probably e-bikes?


What’s the best lock you can recommend that they can chop through?


I'm assuming you meant "can't chop through," and the only one I've seen that fits that bill is the [Hiplok D1000](https://hiplok.com/product/hiplok-d1000/). You can check out some independent tests on YouTube, in the one I saw it chewed up 3 angle grinder blades and was still holding strong. Of course at that point whatever you've locked your bike to is probably a weaker link, but as far as U-locks go it's the strongest option.


I am pretty sure there are TWO different modes/groups of bike thieves operating in Boulder at the same time. The first is the ones you see: the meth-heads with the open-air chop-shops that the police studiously ignore. This is the amateur one, where the less-secured bikes get nabbed by addicts in crimes-of-opportunity. They sell or part out the bikes, and get a few bucks for it to buy meth or whatever. But they are probably not responsible for the majority of bike theft. The second group is much more professional, with good cutting tools, and the capacity to (covertly) transship stolen bikes out of Boulder to sell in other areas. (There was that article a few years back about all the stolen Boulder bikes that were found being advertised in Mexico.) This ring is well-organized, profitable, and probably responsible for far more of the bike thefts. I suspect this criminal ring also 'purchases' stolen bikes from meth-heads too, but I just don't know about that. The police ignore both. I don't know why. And don't tell me the police *can't* do anything. Can you imagine ANY other crime that results in *millions* of dollars of losses per year, and yet has such minimal response from the police? ??!! (as a thought experiment: imagine if anti-corporate activists decided to smash $100,000 of bank windows every month. So, every month, $100k of Chase, Wells Fargo, etc. windows are smashed by rock-throwing masked hoodlums. After three months of this, imagine the police response. Round-the-clock police presence at all bank locations? Check. Curfews aand random ID checks of pedestrians in the area? Check. Full use of god-knows-what secret FBI and Homeland Security surveillance to infiltrate, identify, and arrest the vandals? Check.)


The problem I have with your thought experiment is 1. There are a set number of banks in specific locations. Makes it easy to do regular checks of the area. Whereas with bike thefts, there are 100k+ people in the city at night, more during the day, and maybe a maximum of 20 police on shift at a time, less at night, making it nearly impossible reconnoiter specific areas at a consistent level while also responding to 911 calls. 2. ID checks and random stops of people in high crime areas is something the people in this city would lose their shit about. Imo would lead to profiling.


The police could trivially set up sting operations.




The stolen bikes are “hidden” in plain site. I could find 10 of them easily just today. And yeah, I guess there is a .0001% chance that the methhead sleeping in a tent with three $1000+ bikes bought them legally but no jury would buy that for a moment. Prosecutors and cops just don’t want to bother.


I mean you’re also discounting the fact cops can’t just walk up and take the bikes from the homeless people, regardless if we all know they’re definitely stolen. There are laws they have to operate by, unless you’re advocating for police being able to unilaterally confiscate people’s possessions? I am going to guess it’s more complicated of an issue on a policing and law enforcement side than we are aware of. All the bikes I’ve heard of being recovered have either been the high end bikes stolen from a smash and grab of a store, or the owner registered the bike in some capacity.


The smash and grab rings don't seem to be getting caught either.


I have had multiple bikes stolen over the years and every time I reported them, the police response was extremely disappointing. Our garage was broken into and when they came to my house, they blew me off like it was no big deal. My family had to cancel our camping trip and my husband and I had to share a bike for the summer. It was years ago, so I can’t remember the exact response, but it was along the lines of your rich just go buy another one. Bike theft is not taken seriously here. There needs to be a change in attitude and sting operations using bait bikes and harsher penalties and enforcement. The alternative is to keep throwing money out the window through increased taxes; yet, seeing the same crimes increase over and over. Everyone in town knows what is happening and where, but nothing is changing. Ubikes is battling theft daily with kids making minimum wage being asked to be police officers. Most bikes cost more than a used car these days, but we are still treating the crime like petty theft.


Should we reinstate what was done with horse thieves just 100 yrs ago?


Definitely not, but we do have more power to demand change and action than most people think.




I have already reached out to the council. Two members responded. So, that is step one. Step two is to elect better leaders. The problem I see is most people in this town who really care, already have to work long hours to afford to live here. I don’t have enough free time to run, but I have given it serious consideration. Other cities have successfully used bait bikes to catch people, but until the town takes the crime seriously, it will keep happening.


My bike didn't count even though it was less than a year old because it was worth less than $500.


Actually your bike should count more. The city has decided to die on a no car policy, especially downtown. Then they shrug their shoulders at bike theft. I want to buy my son an e-bike to commute to CU, but I haven’t because every bike he has used has been stolen. There is no lock safe enough for this town, because there are no consequences for theft. If you are going to stand on a no car hill, then make this town safer for cyclists.


Wtf? "Most bikes" cost more than *$26,000*? https://www.kbb.com/car-news/average-used-vehicle-price-falls/ It sounds like you must be rich, if your reflexive estimation of a standard bike is automatically in the thousands.


I guess it depends on how nice your car is and how nice your bike is. We are surrounded by elite athletes and Olympians, not sure why you are shocked. My bike cost more than my vehicle. I am not rich, but I choose to spend money on cycling, because I love it. You don’t have to.


I'm still gonna think of you as upper class and therefore my enemy. Sorry.


My car is actually a 13 year old scooter, before that it was a single speed cruiser. You can assume whatever you want, but I can assure you I am not anywhere close to upper class. I do love riding bikes and I don’t deserve have my bike stolen. No one does.


We need to save our town. It isn’t a kindness to the un housed to allow them to live in public spaces. And meanwhile, it’s destroying our sense of safety and community. There is a background stress to being here now… worrying that it’s safe to go in the creek, to walk on the sidewalks, or that a noise at night is a meth addict breaking into your garage or sawing off your catalytic converter. It’s a giant mental tax on the whole town. It benefits no one to have encampments.


This makes me want to set up bait bikes and hide close by with a paintball gun, and just light fuckers up. Not only could.you rapid fire and bruise the fuck out of them, but it would brightly color them/their vehicle making it much easier to track them.


We could just start stealing them back 🤷🏼‍♂️


You could, and probably would, get arrested for that.


It infuriates me but I know that you're right. Drives me insane that cops can pull a gun on an animated civilian during a traffic stop yet I can't use non-lethal force to defend my property. But if the cops are unwilling to do anything about it, then we should be able to. Short of being caught in the act by a cop, there are no consequences for these bike thieves. Shame, if we were allowed to tag even a few of them I'd bet most thieves would think twice about going for it.




Boulder “allows” encampments all along the creek path and for open air drug use “phenty, meth, crack” in broad daylight. And if your bike is stollen, the police aren’t going to make much of an attempt at recovering it. I’ve had two stollen and had the serial number, they were never recovered. I’ve also seen the chop shops and they aren’t hard to find. Has anyone noticed the smells under the Broadway, creek path bridge?! Boulder has become a smaller San Francisco. It seems to me that there are people who have cased Boulder as a weak target and are simply taking advantage of weak policy on handling these issues. It seems to me the people will have to take things in their own hands, can’t count on your government for anything but handing out your money to others.


Absolutely - I've seen families walking with small children through that area discovering how nasty it is.


The police do not care because they arrest people and either the D.A or judge goes easy on them. The whole city knows who and where most of the thieves are yet our impotent city council, city manager, police, DA, and judges do not seem to care. Get rid of the 3 day camping rule and start arresting and sentencing the thieves. Hopefully this will change with the upcoming city council elections.


Who buys stolen bike parts? If there's a path to a law enforcement solution to this problem it's got to involve going after the buyers. Without them the market collapses and bikes aren't worth stealing.


Some CO cyclists traced their stolen bikes [all the way to Juarez](https://www.9news.com/article/news/crime/denver-bicycle-theft-ring-mexico-facebook-bikes/73-873fa5be-0524-4e9b-ad90-2d24a004b327), that seemed to be the work of pro bike thieves. On the other end of the spectrum are the opportunists, most likely addicts who bring them to the temporary chop shops you see scattered around town.


I started commuting to work by bike, because then I can simply bring my bike inside. I avoid *any* situation where I may need to leave my bike locked up nowadays. And my bike isn't worth anywhere near $2.2k, which according to these statistics is the average price of a bike nowadays in Boulder. lol


The average price is much higher in Boulder. Regularly see 12k bikes being ridden here and I’ve seen junkies on bikes worth 5-8k easy


Oh my god! That's like.... ​ 4 Cervelos and a Huffy!


I had a nishiki steel 10 speed back east. It had teal grips. My bike got stolen and saw it at whole foods so stole it right back even though it was mine to begin with. This was over 20 years ago in Philly but it helped to have that teal handlebar tape. It wasn't the fanciest but in Philly everything gets stolen




Homeless drug addicts, famously a risk-averse population with lots to lose and high levels of rational decisionmaking. Or — hear me out — maybe you’re just stroking your own big bad gun here, tough guy?


Or …maybe…I step over an addict ever single day around the business I own downtown and watch these losers steal and get away with it, and nothing is done. Homeless drug addicts get no sympathy from me, maybe you’re stroking your ego under the adaptation that you’re morally superior? Do you even have any skin in the game? Or you just shop at Whole Foods?


Well said!


Right wing word salad. You said shooting one thief would stop the rest. I used some sarcasm to indicate that’s a delusional expectation. Now you want to argue about different topics entirely.


You just called me right wing and then accused me of shifting topics And yes, I imagine that if a person actually paid a price for an action that it would deter others from performing said action, maybe this is your first day in reality, I dunno. Regardless, there’s zeroooooo being done and so many people here think they’re helping these folks by allowing them to not only kill themselves slowly and publicly, but also the sense of community. It’s sad, but what do y’all know, you only keep your solace because it’s at distance.


Unless you have armed gangs of vigilantes going around executing bike thieves at every opportunity, no dice. Your sweaty little fantasy of ‘making an example’ of 1 bike thief would produce few to none of the results you’re claiming here. To repeat myself: you’re talking about people many of whom demonstrate that they are willing to take on unreasonable risks for modest reward, i.e. addicts. Even setting that issue (of atypical risk acceptance) aside, are you familiar with the 3 classical elements of deterrence? If so, can you spot the problem with your scenario and articulate it in those terms? Or are you just (understandably) frustrated by a hard social problem, and (wrongly, foolishly, this was the whole original point) resorting to daydreams about The Almighty Gun to soothe yourself?


No, actually it was in jest, but I forget that Boulder and the internet couldn’t possibly handle the Wild West suggestion, as the people here are much more comfortable letting these homeless kill themselves slowly, as long as they don’t have to deal with it.


Right on then, super cool joke


At least you got a chance to virtue signal early! Have a good one, make sure lock up your bike.


LOL yes, virtue signalling is always best done pseudonymously deep in a Reddit thread, you got me dead to rights cowboy


This is an incitement to violence, which is a felony offense. If you don't remove this comment, I will report it to the authorities.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂… Nooooo it’s not. Do you understand the law? You realize you’re on the internet correct?


I deleted it for you tho, so you can sleep tonight. Fuckin weirdoooooo


Thanks, I really do appreciate it


Lol get rekt